male reader oneshots

By Meowrose-chan

91.7K 1.2K 420

Idk what my life is anymore More

male reader oneshots
---Shizuo Part 1---
••Shizuo-Part two••
///Ciel Phantomhive ///
Shizuo Hewajima~part3
Kageyama Tobio- Milk and Coffee
L/ singing dweeb
Jumin han
Help, im bored
Haruhi Fujioka
Night watch- L Lawliet
Two tired babes- Ukai Keishin
Happy birthday L!!
Why is there a child- L lawliet

/Tsukishima kei/

9.8K 179 49
By Meowrose-chan

Soulmate au- when you draw on yourself it'll appear in the same spot on your soulmate
- Tsuki is such a baby, I love him -

3rd POV

     (Y/n) stared out from the plane as they entered Tokyo, Japan. Him and his mother were moving their as she got a job promotion. He was bummed as he was gonna miss his friends, but he was really irritated that tomorrow he'll have to go to a new school with only three hours of sleep. ' Stupid plane for being late' he thought. As he was bored on the plane ride all the way from America he drew anime styled cats as he loves anime and cats. His mother told him to never draw anything embarrassing on himself so his soulmate wouldn't have to suffer, but (y/n) didn't really care.

     They got home and as some of their stuff was already up and placed he crashed onto his bed and went to sleep fully dressed with a full suitcase and many boxes scattered upon his floor.

~ Morning time skip ~

(y/n) sluggishly got up and changed into his uniform. He fixed his hair then headed of to school. 

  As he entered the school he looked around in confusion, but as he wasn't the talkative or go find help kind, he just went on his own finding out for himself. He obviously had to go to the office to retrieve his schedule. As he walked the busy halls, ran into what seemed as a lampposts. As (y/n) was in a grumpy mood today he looked up at the lamppost with a scowl only to see a glare looking right back at him.

  (y/n) POV

     As I scowled up at this lamppost I was about to say something when he spoke first. " watch where you're going midget," I quickly shot him a glare. " I'm not that short you lamppost," I shot back.

   As I looked to the side of this stick I saw a shorter and cuter individual. I smiled nicely, " hi I'm ( y/n) uh would you mind if you help me figure out where to go?" The freckled boy smiled in delight, he put out his hand as to want to see the schedule. " hey you go the same first period with us," the freckled faced boy exclaimed , " of by the way I'm Yamaguchi  (Gucci) and this guy is Tsukishima. " I nodded then followed them on the side as we walked to class.

~ time skip ~

     It's been a few weeks and I've become great friends with the pair... Or more of Yamaguchi, Tsukishima always ignores me which I don't mind, he's a mean ice cold guy anyways. Yamaguchi brings me to his volleyball practices and games. I've become great friends with the team so it wasn't so bad moving after all.

   Tonight though we were all having a sleep over if sorts in the empty rooms of a building on the campus. Everyone showed up one by one or two by two. I appeared with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, we layed our futons( I think) close to each other and waited for everyone to appear.

    Yamaguchi had to go to the bathroom real quick and as others were chatting as we weren't doing much right now, I was stuck with Tsukishima alone .... Great. I thanked my past self for bring a sharpie. I haven't drawn in my self for some time so I decided to draw a while rose field upon my Arm since, for a Flower, roses aren't to bad. I heard someone gasp,I thought they were looking at me when the we're actually looked at Tsukis arm. My eyes widen as the same drawing I did appeared on his arm.

     They seemed to have noticed me staring as the opens over. I looked right into Tsukishimas eyes then slowly held up my arm with a nervous laugh. Tsukishima looked dumbfounded and unmovable for a minute when he suddenly got up and took me with him outside of the room.

     He pinned me on the wall as I blushed hard and looked up at him. " So you're the one that always draws stupid little cats in your arm. " he seemed angry for a minute and I gulped. He then smirked and let out a throaty chuckle. " absolutely adorable" he whispered into my ear.

     I must of looked as bright as a tomato as his smirk grew wider in amusement. That made me slightly angry so why not get him back. " and you're the one with a dinosaur obsession, how cute " I leaned in and gave him a small but fierce kiss.

    As I pulled back he was flustered in the means I've never seen. Suddenly who ever could give a better kiss became out challenge. That is till yamaguchi came out of nowhere and screamed of shock at seeing his two best friends kissing.

    The three of us went back in the room and we explained to yamaguchi and he smiled in excitement. What a nice freckled face boi. Yamaguchi put mine and Tsukis futons together.

    We all played stupid games and told scary stories which admittedly freaked ne the hell out so you can guarantee when we went to sleep I was squished up to Tsuki and he was surely laughing at my kid like behavior.

    Thanks you for reading I know I suck and I'm boring, but still thanks for reading my sucky fanfics, I hope you atleast enjoyed some of it. ❤️

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