Love Your Lies

By aoslangeles

38 0 0

Reyna Juarez was tired of her bad girl rep and weed smoking habits. As an entering high school senior, she re... More

2- Welcome to Hell, Juarez

1- Admit It, You're a Good Girl Juarez

29 0 0
By aoslangeles

Reyna POV:

"You can't be serious right now." 

I shook my head is disgust and rested my back against the brick wall of my high school, buring my face in my hands. Senior orentation just happened and she was already starting up on the backlot of the school grounds.

"Come on girl, it's not like you haven't seen me smoking dope before. What's the change of heart?" 

I sighed deeply before looking up at my best friend Tarryn who was occupied with the joint falling out of her mouth. I never really wanted the fact that she was a major weed head to bother me, but the last year and  a half, it just got worse, she couldn't go a day without it, and she had somehow managed to drag me into the whole chaos, and I found myself scoping places out to make sure nobody would see me lighting up here and there. 

I was about to be a senior in high school. I didn't have time to smoke dope and not give a damn about my future. As fun as it was, it wasnt practical and I didn't want to see myself a failure in the last year of high school. I wanted to make a turn around and breaking away from Tarryn and the whole crowd would be the only way. 

"I have to be honest with you." I shoved my hands in my pockets and let my foot fiddle around with the loose pebbles on the ground. 

"What's up babe?" Tarryn breathed a wave of heat and a familiar guilty pleasure in my face. 

I fanned her away and she gave me a surprised stare before I spoke up. 

"Tarryn, lets be real here, when are you going to grow up?"

Her eyes went wide before she spit out the toxic in her mouth, letting out a nasty cough before turing her attention back to me. 

"What the hell are you talking about Juarez?" She spat, her face flushed with a red color. 

The mood escalated from calm to tense, a cloud of thoughts trying to rain down in an organized manner as I tried to break this down to Tarryn in the lightest way possible. 

"I'm talking about you. I think this whole rebel thing you've been going at for the past two years, I think... well actually, it needs to stop. I mean, we're seniors right? We have college and futures we really should have been thinking about years ago. I just can't stand you anymore. This isn't the Tarryn from grade school, the girl with the big dreams and the heart of gold, you're not-"

"Reyna what has gotten into you? I thought we were in this together!" Tarryn's brown eyes narrowed into thin slits of rage. 

"That's what I thought too, until you decided you wanted to screw your life over and dragged me down with you! So in what, screwing over our lives? I don't think so."

 Tarryn's slits for eyes morphed into wide balls of anger. "You didn't have to join me, Juarez. Since when did you even give a shit about school? My grades were higher than yours last year, if I can recall right, i mean, i didn't fail english-"

"Then is not what matters!" I cut her off, feeling the rage rush through my veins. "A D versus a C, isn't that much a change. You're obviously hard headed, i have changed my way of thinking and I want to be a better person and you're not going to be much help with that." 

"Wow, Reyna. Wow. I mean we both know this world isn't anything worth living for right? Can you think about the last time we had legal fun? Because I can't!" Tarryn spat before continuing. "I don't believe you. We had a reputation here and you're gonna ruin it now."

"A reputation for all the wrong reasons!"

"A rep is a rep and there's no wits and bets around it, Reyna. Admit it, you're a good girl Juarez. You just needed to feel like you fit in so you stuck around, and I put up with you cause, well-" She trailed off before throwing the joint to the ground and continuing. 

"Had I known you'd turn tables like this I never would have let you in!" 

If looks could kill, I wasn't sure who'd be done first. Tarryn had glossy eyes, and I wasn't sure if it was tears of sadness or anger, since her face suddenly seemed to have reflections of both. 

"All I said, Tarryn, is that maybe you should forget this lifestyle, that's all, I never-"

"This is the only life I know, Juarez. And we're best friends! Or, were, for that matter. This isn't something I expected you to do." 

"I'm looking out for you that's all, Tarryn-"

"Yeah, nice timing, you forget school starts tomorrow. TOMORROW. So you couldn't put it off? Cause now you can find some new friends because obviously you aren't a good one yourself." 

And with that she turned on her heels and made her way through the parking lot to her beat up chevy and revved the engine up, speeding out of the place faster than I could even process what happened. 

I must have stood there for god knows how long. It hurt, and at the same time it was relief. But there was a feeling inside that I couldn't shake off that somehow I needed to find a way where I could take people like her and do something, anything, to help them. 

I reached in my back pocket and pulled out the lighter that Tarryn had given me for my 17th birthday, feeling it around in my hands before letting it slip through my fingers and slip to the ground as I made my way down the parking lot. 

Who knew starting over could feel so right. 


A/N: I'm back with a new story! More to come!

-Az AosLangeles

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