My Psycho Ex-Boyfriend [ COMP...

By AnshixBTS

305K 7.7K 1.2K

" Taehyung leave me alone, I broke up with you long ago" "Oh Y/N, I'm afraid I can't do that" He smirked It... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Taehyung SMUT pt2
Chapter 20
Thank youuu
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 pt.2
Im bacc🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟

Chapter 5

11.7K 322 65
By AnshixBTS

You were walking home thinking about your unusual day
You got a text from your phone and it was from Tzuyu
Hey girl, I was asking if you are free for the rest of the evening
Hey, and ya I'm free but what for?
Oh yeah, we should totally go out for some coffee and just hang out together since I don't really see you often
Sure I would love to! I'll just go home and get ready then we'll meet up
Ok! I'll see you there at 7:00
You quickly went home since you only had an hour to get ready
Y/N: Hmm, what should I wear?
You rampaged through your closet until you found a cozy outfit to wear
Your outfit:

You grabbed your phone, wallet, and keys and you left
You were happily walking since you would finally see Tzuyu.
you walked in and sat down in an empty table
A waiter arrived ready to take your order
Y/N: can I please have..... Two Iced Coffees
Waiter: sure
Right after the waiter left you saw Tzuyu walking to you excited
Tzuyu: Omg Y/N, I missed you!
Y/N: Ha, me too Tzuyu
The waiter came back with your iced coffees then left
Waiter: Enjoy!
After a while
You both laughed and talked uncontrollably enjoying every little bit until.......
Jimin: Hi Y/N...
Y/N: Jimin? What are you doing here?
Jimin: I came to say sorry for what I did to you all the time can you forgive me?
You sighed
Y/N: It's fine....
You looked at Tzuyu
She looked at Jimin in disgust then looked at you with an " are  you serious?" Look
You just nodded
Jimin: uhm.... Can I sit with you guys
Y/N: su-
Tzuyu: Definitely not!
You both looked at Tzuyu
Y/N: Tzuyu, he apologized just let him sit with us
Tzuyu: Hell no! Do you have any idea how he hurt you over the years!
Y/N: he probably didn't me-
Jimin: It's alright, I'll leave.
You looked confused but you noticed that he was smirking like he accomplished something
He looked back and said
Jimin: see you next time Y/N.
You walked home, and it was dark outside already
You didn't notice someone following you until he slammed you onto a wall
Holding your hands above your head
???: I wouldn't want to let go of something so precious to me
Y/N: Leave me alone!
???: I know you know me baby....
You stopped by the sentence" I know you know me"
???: You know, I hate it when your with your boyfriend, it makes me so jealous baby....
He attacked your neck aggressively trapping you not leaving any gap between you
You tried not to moan but failed
Y/N: ahh! S-stop it!
???: I know you like it baby...mmm
You noticed this familiar smell, this exact same smell that someone you know has this smell
You widen your eyes and finally say his name
Y/N: T-Taehyung.....
He looked at you and smirked
Taehyung: aww you finally got my name baby, I really like it when you say my name...but I'll like it more if you scream my name.... Hehe
Y/N: Taehyung, please leave me alone I don't like you anymore!
Taehyung: oh babe......why not hmmm?
He gripped your waist so tight that is made you whimper
Taehyung stroked your thighs up and down
You were trying to struggle to breathe since he was holding you so tight
Taehyung: I love to see you under my control....its makes me feel so-
He didn't finish his sentence as you pushed him with all your force and you ran like a bullet
You ran and ran not looking back
But you weren't fast enough
He caught you by the wrist and put a cloth over your mouth
You fainted by the drug you inhaled
And fell in Taehyung's arms
Taehyung: I told you I would have you to myself Y/ you're all mine *smirk*

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