With You

By Call_Me_Aloe

2K 49 42

The Skylox fanfic The Final Book More

Time Travel
Home Alone
Magic Night
London and Matt Smith
Explore Paradise
SkyLine Discussion
Evil Upon the Team
New Members
I'm Not A Fish
Meet Tyler and Janet?
Practice Run
Skyler and Butter
Hell's Return Prolouge
Mini Chapter: Bear Victim
Mini Chapter: Revenge
Hell's Return: Part 2
Hell's Return: Part 3
Hell's Return: The Test Prolouge
Mini Chapter: All Hail Betty
Hell's Return: The Test Part 1
Hell's Return: The Test Part 2
Hell's Return: The Test Part 3
Final Kill
Favors and Returns
Home, Sweet Home
Prep Recording... and Butter, as Usual
Trusted Gamers and Trusted Stories
Stories Must Go By

Hell's Return: The Battle

37 1 0
By Call_Me_Aloe

(Thanks SO MUCH for 300 reads! Oh, no POV's for this one.)

As the teams entered the next door, they saw the one thing they wanted.

"FREEDOM!" Sky screamed, running freely with butter in his hands. Skyler ran to Sky and started kicking butter to the lava. Jerome started kissing the floor.

"Ew... Bacca feet. You never know where those come from..." One of the Ian's muttered.

"Well, now that were free, we gotta find Hell and Herobrine." Aaliyah explained, backing away from the ground-kissing Jerome. Just then, a voice cackled in the death-filled room.

"YOU THINK YOU HAVE ESCAPED FOR FREEDOM!? HA! FELL MY WRATH OF DESPAIR!" the voice cackled as darkness swarmed the team. Jerome stopped kissing the floor, Sky stopped throwing butter, Skyler stopped kicking, and everyone stopped talking.

"EVERYONE LOOK OUT! GRAB YOUR WEAPONS!" James screamed, grabbing his sword from his belt. Everyone didn't hesitate and grabbed there weapons. Mitch groaned, covering his head.

"What's wrong biggums?" Jerome asked.

"T-t-the d-d-dream..." Mitch replied, breaking into a whisper.

"Heads up!" Amber exclaimed shooting a dark figure that was behind Mitch and Jerome.

"Careful, boys." Chelsea said.

"I-I-I c-can't... m-my d-dream... it's t-turning r-real..." Mitch screamed, stuttering on every word.

"Well, you're not alone." Jason whispered for everyone to hear. He took off his helmet.

"Same here." Ty said, fists clenched. Everyone nodded in approval.

"Looks like everyone had nightmares of us... losing our loved ones..." Jerome said.

"Is somebody falling in despair?" Junko asked in the distance. Skyler looked up to find Junko smiling at her.

"AUGH!" Skyler screamed, stabbing Junko in the head. But when she tried, she disappeared.

"Holograms..." Tyler muttered.

"The battle begins... HERE!" Hell's voice boomed as the team was teleported to this room that wasn't familiar to most people, but to some, there eyes widened.

"Biggums... d-does this look f-familiar to you...?" Jerome asked Mitch.

"The Hunger Deans..." Mitch responded.

"Why the Hunger Games Arena?" Quentin asked.

"Wait, we're kinda in the dark here!" Aaliyah said, grabbing her sword. As Quentin, Mitch, Jerome, Sky, Ty, Ian with the sunglasses, Kermit, and Jason explained what that was, there was a distant laugh.

"Wow... wait, it's like you guys are connected to each other... like... I dunno how to explain it." James said.

"Nevermind that, look!" Chelsea said, pointing to Hell and Herobrine.

"The battle DOES start here." Amber responded.

"First move, anybody?" Sky asked. As soon as he said that, Skyler grabbed a nearby bow and quiver and shot it at Hell.

"There we go." Skyler grinned, as mobs started charging at the team, and the team charged at them.

"FOR OUR WORLD!" The team cheered.

~POV's will switch every so often.~

While fighting, strange things happened.

Jason: Hey Mitch, heads up!

Mitch: Huh?

Jason did a three-sixty spin down to a Dalek that was about to shoot Mitch in the back.

Mitch: Whoa! Thanks dood!

Jason: No Prob!

~Different Place, different time~

Skyler: AUGH!

Ty and Sky: Skyler, you okay!?

Skyler: NO! HELP!

Ty runs to Skyler to see her bleeding.


*Runs to Skeletons*


Sky runs to heal his child.

Sky: I got ya! *Starts wrapping bandage around Skyler's arms*

Skyler: LOOK OUT! *Throws dagger at Dalek* Ow...

Sky: Thanks, now, hold still.

Aaliyah: Heads up, you two! *Throws sword at 5 zombies*

Ty: *Runs back to Sky and Skyler* Thanks, Aaliyah!

Aaliyah: *Waves back*

Ty: You okay, Skyler?

Skyler: *Nods* I should be able to fight again. *Kisses Ty and Sky* **Runs to fight**


Oh god... I'm so sleepy. And it's like... 5:00 PM.


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