The Muggle Experiment ~ Draco...

By MeganLuvsU

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*COMPLETE* Megan Payne is the average potterhead. She is completely obsessed. She has Harry Potter clothing... More

The Muggle Experiment
I Know the Future
Stupid Moving Staircases
Buttons and Ties
Wattpad Buddy for a Roomie and Beginning the Havoc
The Easter Bunny is Jesus' Animagus Form
Shitting on a Watermelon
Manatees of the Northern United States
American Football with the Giant Squid
Umbridge is Gunna Rape Me
Perfect... Until Now
Mooshaki: Toe Removing Puppies
Tori Blood
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Favorite Teachers
Mooshaki Baby Making
Chapter Whatever This Is
Sirius Orion Black the Third is a Weenie Faced Loser
Jelly Bean Shit
I Thought that that was just in Movies?
Im A Father!
Gay Goat Factories
Cough Drop Over Dosage
Not So Smart
My Life Sucks
Snape Smokes Weed?!
Megan's Dead
Mr. Prankster
Better Cheddars Are GOOOD
Drunk Narwhales Eat Mustaches
Mr. Potato Head
People These Days...
Naps are Nice
My NEW Friends...
I Really Fucked This Up
Chapter whatever.
Mysterious Letters
I Have a Duck... I Think
A Vomit of a Detention
Hi, My Name Is Severus Snape
Speaking of BBQ Sauce, I Like Mountain Lions
If We Survive
Ass Kicking and Collapsing Floors
chapter whatever comes after the last chapter of the book.

Stupid Freaking Rumors

15.1K 512 247
By MeganLuvsU

Chapter 14 - Stupid Freaking Rumors


Megan POV

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, getting ready to spill down my tanned face. I quickly spun around on my heels, nearly falling over in the process, and ran out of the room.

The tears in my eyes clouded my vision as they ran down my face. I ran for who knows how long. I didn’t even know where I was running to. How could he! Why is it that when everything seems perfect it just has to get ripped away from me?!

While running I ripped my boots off of my feet as they kept making me almost fall over.

Slowly, I came to a stop as I felt I could run no longer, and my eyes were so full of tears that I couldn’t see where I was going. I slid down a wall, so that I was sitting on my but, and just sat there sobbing. Letting all the tears run down my face like a waterfall.

It hadn’t even been five minutes, and I heard the click of shoes of someone walking down the hall. The footsteps got closer and closer. I really didn’t give a shit if it were a teacher. I didn’t care about detentions or any shit like that. All that was going through my mind was the image of George kissing another girl.




Click…… The steps slowed and soon came to a stop. I didn’t bother looking up to see who it was, as I was still breaking down in sobs.

“Megan?” slowly spoke a familiar voice.


I slowly turned my head upwards to look at him, not bothering to wipe the tears away from my face as I knew that they would just come back and it would be pointless.

He sat on his knees in front of me and did something very… un-Dracoish? He embraced me in a tight hug, letting me cry into his chest, not even bothering to ask what was wrong.

I don’t know how long we sat there like that, but I soon felt as if the tears were slowly coming to a stop. I pulled away from Draco. There was a huge spot on his white shirt that was stained with a mix of tears and mascara.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” I apologized.

Draco looked down to his shirt. “It’s fine. I’m a wizard for a reason,” he said with a smirk. He reached his hand out and wiped the tears off of my face with the sleeve of his shirt.

I forced a smile, and sat back against the wall. Draco did the same. I rested my head on his shoulder; Friends do that, right? Well, if not, too bad.

We sat there in silence for a while, until, you know, Draco broke the silence. “Why were you crying?” he asked.

I paused a second, debating on whether I should tell him about what I saw. My debate resolved in me telling him, as you will read in the next few sentences. “George, my boyfriend, cheated on me. At the party, I saw him making out with another girl!” I exclaimed.

“Making out?” he asked in confusion.

I forgot that he didn’t understand the American terms. “Snogging,” I corrected, yet I said it with a British accent. He made an ‘o’ shape with his lips. “I mean, I had just talked to him not even ten minutes before! So it’s not like he was drunk or anything. A-and just this morning we were making out in the Great Hall, acting like a normal couple that wasn’t ready to break up or anything. A-a-and- Ugh!” I started crying again. Draco pulled me back into a hug so I could, yet again, cry into him. A few seconds later I muttered, “I’m upset.”


Draco POV

I just sat there, watching Megan explain what happened while she was obviously holding back tears. It killed me to watch her like this. Yet I don’t love her… do I?

“A-a-and- Ugh!” tears started to pour down her face, yet again.

I did something, yet again, that was very unlike me. I pulled her in for a hug so she could cry into me, for a second time.

I just know that it wasn’t because of the friendship that I was forced to make between Megan and myself by my father. It was something… different. Something that I know wouldn’t turn out good for either of us.

The next thing I knew, Megan had cried herself to sleep. So I swooped her up, bridal style- I had forgotten how little she weighed-, and headed for the Slytherin common room.

Once I reached the common room, I carried her up the stairs to my dorm- which I shared with Blaise Zambini-, and lightly placed her onto my bed.

Seconds later I realized that she shouldn’t sleep in her costume, so I woke Megan up, told her to change, and threw one of my shirts at her. She slowly changed out of her costume and into my shirt, half asleep while doing so.

When she had changed she collapsed onto my bed and immediately fell back into a deep slumber.

I crawled into my bed next to her because I will not sleep on the floor.

Lets hope that she remembers what happened tonight so she doesn’t think that anything sexual happened.


Megan POV

I woke up in, you know, a bed. Yet the odd thing was that I don’t remember going to my dorm last night.

I looked to my right and saw… Draco? What the- I then remembered what had happened the previous night.

George cheating on me, Draco letting me cry into him, me explaining to him what happened, me crying some more, me falling asleep on him. And I think I remember him waking me up so I could change.

I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding.

The image of George kissing another girl flashed in my mind, yet again, causing me to get teary eyed, yet not letting them fall.

I slowly, and carefully got out of Draco’s bed- or at least I tried to. I ended up falling on my face. That woke Draco up.

“What the hell are you doing?” he asked sleepily.

“Sniffing the floor,” I replied oddly.

“Well stop sniffing the floor and get up,” spoke Draco, helping me up.

Draco being close to me, made me feel not as upset anymore. Like I wasn’t going to cry.

“I’m gunna go to my dorm now,” I said. Draco nodded and I walked out of his dorm. After I got a few feet away from it, I turned around, poked my head into the dorm and said, “Thanks.” I then left, again.

“Where they hell were you last night?!” Kara yelled as I walked into my dorm.

“Uh, with Draco?” I spoke. I heard footsteps running off.

“You didn’t?” Kara said in disbelief.

“No, I didn’t. It’s just that he didn’t want me to have to sleep on the couch so he brought me to his dorm. We didn’t do anything, I swear,” I said, holding my hands above my head.

“Okay, good, because if you had and George had found out not only you, but Draco, would be dead,” I got upset when I heard George’s name. But pushed it away as I didn’t want to cry over him anymore.

No, I wouldn’t cry over George Weasley anymore.

“I-I caught George kissing another girl last night. Yet he doesn’t know I saw,” I said sadly.

Kara pulled me into an awkward hug. Cause I hug awkwardly!

“Can I help you get revenge on him?” she asked hopefully.

“That sounds like your planning something evil,” I spoke. “And yes, but not today. I feel too lazy today, so tomorrow.”

My stomach growled loudly. “I’m hungry,” I said.

Kara chuckled. “I’ll wait for you out in the common room.”

I looked in the mirror. I was a mess. And I was wearing one of Draco’s shirts. It smelled good. Like colon that was made just for him. I don’t know, but I think I may like Draco, in a way more than friendship yet not really like, like liking him. I’m such a slut.

I pulled off Draco’s shirt and changed into a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a navy blue t-shirt with sequins at the top.

I decided to just brush my hair and not do anything special with it since I didn’t feel like it.

I walked out into the common room and I saw Kara and Draco waiting for me.

Together we walked down to breakfast. When we reached the Great Hall, I made sure to not even look over to the Gryffindor table, yeah I failed at that.

What I saw was George’s arm around the bitch and then, you know, most people in the hall be staring at me. That part was normal. I just casually walked to the Slytherin table.

I sat between Kara and Draco, and across from Blaise Zambini.

“Uh, Blaise, do you know why everyone is staring at me?” I asked Blaise, about a minute after we sat down.

“They all know about how you cheated on Weasley last night,” he spoke.

“What?! I didn’t cheat on him! He cheated on me! And even if I did cheat on him, what did I do?” I asked.

“Well I heard that you and Draco slept together last night,” he said. I hit my head on the table. Unfortunately there just happened to be a plate there.

“Oww,” I moaned. I felt blood trickle down my head and onto the table. I slowly lifted my head up. “Draco, come with me,” I said. We both got up.

“You need to go to the hospital wing,” he spoke.

“Where do you think we’re going, dumbass?”

A/n Another chapter! Okay so you were supposed to find out who the bitch was in this chapter but I'm putting it off until next chapter. And I hope that you Dragan fans out there are starting to get a bit more happy. Oh and last chapter I was supposed to say, whoever guesses who the ??? POV is gets a dedication. (It's been the same person in both of the ??? pov's) Yep, so yeah. I've got a headache. So, BYE!



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