Fantastic Morals That You and...

By pancakesese

465 51 22

Do you ever look for a book of morals, but it's always the same old hogwash, such as "The Golden Rule"? Look... More

What Your Teenage Child Really Does at Night
Donald and the Onion
Fighting Fire with Fire
Girlfriend Trouble
There Are Other Fish In the Cold, Unforgiving Sea
Tip Tap

The Call of the Void

19 2 0
By pancakesese


oh hecking boy i don't like this one that much, but i have to publish something in my drafts for the sake of a semi-active story.

(This is mostly just stress writing at this point. I'm sorry for the lack of actual morals.
(;▽;) /
•*: * •゚・ * : • ゚・ ゚・: *
It wasn't that Little Johnny wanted to die. His life was good. He had his two girlfriends and a devoted father.

It was more that the heights called to him, like the siren's song. It didn't help that he lived on the 413th floor of the apartment complex, and definitely not that his balcony's railing was so thin Johnny was surprised the government hadn't already busted down the landlord's door.

Sometimes Johnny spent his time staring at the distant skyscrapers and buildings through the clouds. The vertical apartments were an honest mistake of the construction workers. It was like that Wayside School book, if the school were apartments.

The building was meant to be 500 separate apartments in a big lot. Nobody knows what kind of translation or communication errors resulted in an unstable skyscraper that reached past the clouds. Every gust of wind made the infrastructure wobble, and those on the top floor had trouble breathing.
Johnny loved it. Sometimes he'd take his camera out and send pictures to his girlfriends.

But today, he wanted to experience it alone.

The day was foggy, and the clouds were a swirling mass of black and grey. In the distance, the clouds were wispier, like light and fluffy sky kittens.

The sun showed through the cirrus clouds, with rays that disappeared into the abyss of fog.
Below that was the skyline, a vast area of skyscrapers and lights. Johnny peered past the skinny railings, and imagined he could see people down there.

And past that, the ocean glittered invitingly.


There it was. A voice in the back of Johnny's head told him every day.

"Go away. Be free. Hide from her."

Originally, he didn't know where the voice came from. It was just there, background noise, like a chime in the wind. Never audible until something stirred it.

"I'm waiting for you in paradise."

Johnny then, later, recognized the voice of his brother. His brother, who was flayed by his girlfriend. His brother, whose heart now lay next to Susan's.

He knew Billy would try to talk to him. Try to draw Johnny into the ocean to get away from his wrathful girlfriend. But then, why, if he loved her so much?

"Just jump.

"Be free.

"Leave the cowards behind. They don't want to be saved. You know she won't stop until there's nobody left she can reach.

"Do it."

Johnny stared at the swirling sea. The void below called to him.

His brother was saving him. A world in the sea, among the blanket of dark. A world with the waves lapping on the shore, littered with colorful shells. Where no fire could scorch anyone's skin. A world of no mistakes. No wrathful girlfriend.

Johnny clambered over the railing onto the solid ground beneath it. He let his toes peer over the edge. Was he really worthy to be saved? Johnny knew Susan would come for him next, being Billy's brother.

He was shuffling his feet now, and his toes slipped, and it was too late for him to back away as he was leaning dangerously forward...

The world he knew blurred as
he was falling

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