My Stupid Senior (Troyler AU)

By SoobinsEuphoria

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Would you know that you and another person are meant to be if he lived in the same room as you? In most cases... More

Chapter 1//Troye
Chapter 2//Troye
Chapter 3//Troye
Chapter 4//Troye
Chapter 6//Tyler
Chapter 7//Troye
Chapter 8//Tyler
Chapter 9//Troye
Chapter 10//Troye
Chapter 11//Troye
Chapter 12//Troye
Chapter 13//Troye
Chapter 14//Troye
Chapter 15//Troye
Chapter 16//Troye
Chapter 17//Troye
Chapter 18//Troye
Chapter 19//Troye
Chapter 20//Troye
Chapter 21//Austin
Chapter 22//Tyler
Chapter 23//Troye
Chapter 24//Troye
Chapter 25//Troye
Chapter 26//Troye
Chapter 27//Austin
Chapter 28//Connor
Chapter 29//Troye
Chapter 30//Tyler
Chapter 31//Troye
Chapter 32//Tyler
Chapter 33//Troye
Chapter 34//Troye
Chapter 35//Troye
Chapter 36//Troye
Chapter 37//Tyler
Chapter 38//Troye
Chapter 39//Troye
Chapter 40//Troye
Chapter 41//Tyler
Chapter 42//Connor
Chapter 43//Troye
Chapter 44//Troye
Chapter 45//Tyler
Chapter 46//Troye
Chapter 47//Troye
Chapter 48//Troye
Chapter 49//Tyler
Chapter 50//Troye
Chapter 51//Troye
Chapter 52//Troye
Chapter 53//Troye
Chapter 54//Troye
Chapter 55//Troye
Chapter 56//Tyler
Chapter 57//Troye
Chapter 58//Troye
Chapter 59//Tyler
Chapter 60//Troye

Chapter 5//Troye

14.2K 422 237
By SoobinsEuphoria




I wake up groaning as I hear an alarm blaring from across the room. I roll over pulling a pillow over my head and groan louder. After a few moments someone, turned off the alarm and let my shoulders relax. I snuggle my head into the soft sheets hoping for more sleep, can I just stay here wrapped in this warmth forever?

I hear Connor's joints pop as he stretches then I see him shimmy down the ladder. He looks happy a smile already on his face even though it's like the crack of dawn. Connor pulls the pillow off my head and throws it at my feet, that bitch,

"Connor!!!" I whine and I hear Tyler chuckle across the room. My eyes flick over to him as I roll back over, his eyes are still sleepy and he has a lazy grin on his face. His, usually styled, hair is a mess but he looks adorable as much as I don't want to say that he does, he does.

I groan throwing my blanket off of me as I stretch. I get up heading to my dresser so that maybe I can assemble a cute outfit. It's the first day back and with Tyler as my roommate there is no way I'm going to keep flying under the radar, might as well try to look cute.

I pick out a pair of black skinny jeans with a collared shirt, putting a plain black jumper on over that completing the look with a pair of black converse. I head to the mirror pulling my hair products out of my bag on my way. I start styling my hair as I hear Tyler jumping into his jeans, I smile glancing over at Tyler who is still struggling with his jeans.

"Need some bigger jeans, Ty?" Connor asks laughing at Tyler as he finally gets his jeans on. Tyler gives him a dirty look and twirls around showing how great his butt looks in his jeans.

"No my butt looks great in these jeans," Tyler says touching his butt.

 I continue to do my hair as they get ready, Tyler has a mirror on his side of the room and he goes to work on his hair.  I check my phone waiting for Connor so we can go to breakfast, we always eat breakfast together.

"Ready, Troye Boy?" Connor asks grabbing his room key and his backpack. I nod at him shoving my phone in my pocket. I grab my backpack looking over at Tyler who has his phone in his hand.

"Tyler we have to go to breakfast together. That's what everyone's expecting since we won," Tyler stands up and follows us out the door. Since when does Con Da Bon know so much about popularity? I feel like Tyler and Connor is going to become good friends, I don't want to lose Connor to Tyler.

Con turns around to lock the door and we see someone had drawn on our whiteboard. They wrote 'Tronnler' in bubble letters and the letters were rainbow. Tyler cackles at the sight of this and Connor frowns and I see a small word written underneath our OT3 name 'Winners'.

"But I'm not gay," Connor whines but I can tell he doesn't mind all that much. Connor is the kind of person that doesn't give a shit what people think. We continue walking to the dining hall and when we get there Tyler stops ahead of us in the doorway. The boys start cheering when they see us and we hear most of the boys chanting, "Tronnler! Tronnler!"

I can see Marcus Butler and his crew with pissed off looks on their faces. Not cheering they have their arms crossed over their chests like thugs.

Tyler smiles strutting into the dining hall Connor and I follow him. He makes it to his table and Connor and I walk away to the other end of the table. We know that we need to keep our separate social classes or all hell will break lose, this is high school after all

"So what's the big deal with the tree house?" I ask Connor as we start filling our plates with the delicious smelling food. Connor takes a bite of his bagel before he answers me.

"Yesterday I was in charge of stocking the tree house because I'm the last one from the winning team. There's strawberry wine and a bunch of junk food and other crap we aren't supposed to have on campus. It's just a hide away from the rest of the school, we are the only people allowed in it for the rest of the year. It's a rule between all the boys, I can take you up there tonight if you want?" he sips his juice when he finishes talking then he jolts like he has idea or maybe he remembers something. It's hard to tell with Connor sometimes. "The key is always hung underneath your bunk in case you need It," he whispers this to me; Guess we don't want anyone to hear us.

"Oh okay," I say at least I have somewhere to get away to. We talk a little about our summers as we finish our breakfast. I look down at my phone when we finish and see that we still have an hour until classes start, "Take me out there now,"

"Okay we have to go get the key," Connor and I walk back to our room. I unlock the door walking inside. I kneel next to my bed and I immediately see the key when I stick my under the bed. I grab the key in my hand and shove it in my pocket, I do a quick quiff check and Connor laughs at me.

"Fuck off," I say pulling on the door. I open it and start to walk out and down the hall only to run into someone. The person grabs my arms so I won't fall and I swear I feel electricity when he touches me. I look up and am horrified when I find his green blue eyes staring into mine.

The smile drops off of his face when he sees my horrified expression. We stand there for a few moments before Connor clears his throat and Tyler jumps away from me shaking his head, Tyler and I look over at Connor,

"Was I ruining a Troyler moment?" Connor asks and I muster up my dirtiest look shooting it his way, Fucking prick, Connor stop please

"No," I snap and start to walk away from Tyler who kind of looks confused in my opinion. Wow that's something you don't see every day, a confused Tyler Oakley, He's always so sure of himself.

I wait in the common room for Connor. Its several minutes before he appears with a certain lilac haired boy following close behind. Connor walks over to me and I glare at him, Tyler is hanging back a little, Note to self: Ask Connor what he said to Tyler Oakley.

"Come on let's go," Connor says and I stand up hearing my knee pop. We make it to the edge of the woods and once the foliage covered us Tyler pulls his bag off and pulls something out. We keep walking but Connor and I are looking at Tyler, He doesn't show us what he has but it looks like some kind of flag. It's about ten minutes before we stop at the base of on massive tree, Tyler leads us to the backside of the tree and I look up.

I see little ladder steps nailed into the tree and I can see a small corner of the tree house, it is hid well by the branches and leaves. I look back over to Tyler and he doesn't meet my gaze, He looks at Connor and opens the cloth in his hands. I see Tronnler stitched onto the flag with our names around it.

"My friends Zoe and Hannah made these last night. When I told them what I was thinking about doing for the lake run," Tyler smiles down at the flag. "They made four, one for the tree house and one for each of us,"

"These are so cool," Connor says touching the fabric and studying the design. It's a lilac colour like Tyler's hair with a white logo on it. I pull the key out of my pocket bored with Tyler's flags. I start climbing and soon I'm in reach of a hole that is definitely not the actual tree house. I pull myself up and see that I'm standing on a porch sort of thing. The tree house is pretty big or looks like it. I put the key into the door unlocking it, I turn the knob and the door swings in.

I step inside the tree house as I hear one of the other boys clambering onto the porch. I take a look around, there is a long couch on one side of the room, and how the hell did they get that up here? The couch looks modern. I see about eight to ten bean bags and a little love seat. I see a handle in the floor next to a wall covered in pictures of boys, I ignore the handle looking at all the pictures on the wall. I'm guessing that there is a picture of every winner. I see a camera sitting on a desk and I can see that it's one of those ones that print the picture out right after you take it. I find the picture from last year and I see Connor, Anthony and someone else I don't know smiling like mad men. They have their arms wrapped around each other and they look so happy.

"That was right before Freedom Fest," Connor says making me jump. I didn't hear him come in the tree house. I turn around to look at him and I see Tyler already lounging on the couch. Connor pulls the handle I had been looking at a minute ago and I see a fucking cooler, what the fuck? There's soda and wine and water and beer and juice anything you want. Connor pulls out a Capri-Sun and opens his straw flopping down on the love seat after he closes the cooler.

 "That was such a great night..." Connor trials off when he sees the look I'm giving him. That night was the most humiliating moment of my life. Marcus Butler told the whole school that I'm gay. He showed that he has no fucking morals what so ever, He showed that he is the biggest douche in the world. The whole school was laughing when I ran out of there, I could hear them and the sound haunts me. I'm going to get beat up! I've already lost some friends at home. One thing keeps tugging at my mind about that night. It's the boy lying across the couch with a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. I still don't understand why Tyler would have run after me like he did? Why did he tell me to tell him if anyone bullied me? Does he care?

"I need to get to class early," Connor says throwing me the key I had left in the door. I catch it with one hand and put it in my pocket, "You still have about twenty minutes before you need to start heading to class. Don't forget to lock up!" Connor disappears shutting the door behind him. I look at Tyler who has moved on from his Doritos to hanging our flag. He pulls four pins out of the desk drawer and he stands on top of the desk as he hangs up our flag.

The room looks more complete with it there. I pull a few of the bean bags near the couch as Tyler sits back down. He lets his head fall back sighing. He looks deep in thought so I relax back on to the bean bags, I'm wondering what he's thinking about when he say.

"You know what? Since we have the tree house, screw our room where people might hear us. Nothing said here leaves here," Tyler says playing with the edge of his shirt.

"Okay," I say watching as his eyes drift around the room never meeting mine, Tyler doesn't respond so my mind starts to wander.

Why did he look so confused when he let go of me? Why was he shaking his head? It's so unlike Tyler to not be sure of him. All that I've seen of Tyler Oakley is confidence, He let his guard down a little yesterday, I guess.

"What's your favourite colour?" he says after about five minutes of sitting there. I'm shocked at the normality of his question. It's so simple like he might care to get to know me.

"Why are you acting like you care?" I ask looking at my shoe as I keep a calm face, I glance at him and he looks confused yet again, what the fuck is going on?

"I only act in the Theatre," Tyler says back. I thought he was going to be snappy or sassy with me, not. I don't want to be in a room alone with him anymore, I throw the key at him and rush out the door. I go down the ladder and I don't hear him chasing me and I sigh in relief only to realize that he's my math partner.

I walk to the math hall not in the best of moods. Tyler Oakley just doesn't make me a happy person. He makes me feel weird and fluttery like he has no right to; Life would be so much simpler if he wasn't my roommate.

I plop down in the seat I want and start flipping through the text book in front of me. I get bored and check my phone, I end up scrolling through Tumblr until the bell rings, and I look up and don't find Tyler next to me. I look around and he was nowhere in sight. I hear the crackle of the intercom we go through the morning routine of saying the pledge of allegiance. Listening to the announcements before Mr Stewart begins calling roll.

"Tyler Oakley?" he looks over to my table just as Tyler rushes in with a flushed face, "Ah there you are, late on the first day Mr, Oakley? That's not a good way to start the year."

"Sorry, sir," he mutters as he makes his way to his seat beside me. His cheeks are flushed from running, since when did he care about getting to class? Tyler skips classes all the time, Maybe he wants to try this year.

"Now..." Mr Stewart goes on telling us what we should expect to happen in this classroom for the rest of the year. I tune out not in the mood to listen to his stupid opening speech. I doodle on my notebook trying to ignore the fact that Tyler is looking me about every five minutes. I stay relaxed not giving him the satisfaction of knowing the effect he has on me.

"Where you are sitting now are your permanent seats for the year. Please turn and say hi to your partner please," he motions for us to go and I lift my head look at Tyler.

"Hello," I say in a cool tone, Tyler raises an eyebrow at me then looks down at his hands folded on the table, This boy.

"Hey," he says not seeming effected by my cool tone at all. I roll my eyes and go back to my doodle even though Mr. Stewart said we can do whatever we want until the bell rings. That should be in about 8 minutes, "Why'd you run off?" Tyler asks after about two minutes have passed, I wait a few moments before replying.

"I told you I don't like hanging around popular people, Can't you just take a hint?" I say stiffening and then I see that he knows that I'm lying at least little bit. I'm interesting in hanging out with Tyler, I am. I'm just not interested in getting my heart stomped when I fall for him and he doesn't want me back. I'm not interested in becoming his friend only to get hurt because I'll never be good enough.

"Your mouth says one thing, your body says another," he replies as the bell rings. I grab my backpack and rush to the Science hall as fast as I can. My whole next hour is a blur of rapid speech that doesn't matter in the long run. My mind is going wild with thoughts of that stupid lilac haired boy, the stupid boy who is two years older than me. The stupid boy who won't leave me alone because he knows that part of me doesn't want him too.

I sigh at the familiar smell of the art hall only to remember a certain purple poison is in my next two hours, maybe I should just give up now...

I walk into the choir room i am comforted by the sound of Ms. Kale's high soprano voice singing and the sight of our chairs in a semi-circle. I count 16 chairs. Our choir is small and we wouldn't have it any other way. I sit down in the general vicinity of where I need to be. A few of the chairs are already filled with some of my old choir mates. I see a few new faces but not too many, People like how our choir sounds but they are too afraid to join for some reason.

Tyler is the third last person to walk in. He takes a seat on my left his face blank. I debate whether I should start a conversation for a while before I decide he doesn't look to comfortable. He's squirming in his seat. I put a hand on his shoulder, I feel the electric shock thing again and I almost roll my eyes at myself.

"Hey, roomy, calm down this is a loving environment, I'm sorry I flipped on you yesterday. We want you here," Tyler's head swings towards me when I touch him but he relaxes at the sound of my words. I remove my hand from his shoulder as the final people drift in and we get started with warm ups. She teaches us a few warm ups then she teaches us a short little round. We learn the round and begin trying to balance our voices, after a few moments Ms Kale cuts in telling us about how bad we sound. I tune out already have heard this long speech last year. I watch Tyler's reactions and he looks like he's taking every word to heart, it's quite cute.

It seems like it's only been minutes when the bell rings signalling that we need to go to next hour. I throw my backpack over my shoulder and head down the hall to the auditorium where drama class will be held today. Mr, Yovanna always shows us around our auditorium on the first day, I walk into the auditorium with a genuine smile on my face.





Hey hey how are all you doing? Here's an update thing, I'm sure that the next Chapter will be from Tyler's point of view so make sure you're PREPARED. Lots of thoughts coming your way.




Recommendation: What if,,,? (Troyler) byTheyCallMeH


I found her other stories The Boy He Can't Forget and The Boy He Forgot (which I have yet to read) and I had read the beginning of TBHCF but I stopped for some reason and started this one and let me tell you the writing is freaking amazing, It's pretty sad for awhile but trust me it gets better and it's worth it, It's made me laugh and smile and cry and it isn't even finished yet, It's amazing and you should defiantly check it out along with the other two because I'm sure they are just as great!!!


Love you buttheads, xx


Talk to me I'm social: (If your a wattpad reader and you follow me send me a message telling me that you read my story, It will result in love from me and possible sneak peaks sent to you :o )


Tumblr/Twitter: SmilingTilly


Edited at 4:25PM

by cydneyjanexx

Twitter: @hipster_sivan

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