Book 1: Indra's Return ✔️

By Luna_Uchiha1

444K 8.8K 2.8K

What if Indra was reborn in the Bleach universe. What if his father, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, decided to give him... More

Indra Kurosaki
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Christmas Special
Pairing Selection Results~!
Author's Note!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
important Author's note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Second Book~!
Book 2: Sneak Peek
Book 2: Teaser
Second Book Is Out!!

Chapter 8

16.4K 392 85
By Luna_Uchiha1

"This person moves around quite a bit, but their house is always built the same way. Once I see it, I'll recognise it." said Yoruichi.

"Once you see it, huh?" said Ichigo.

"Yes, yes.Just once. Oh, I see it! There it is."

Everyone looked at where Yoruichi looked at.

"Wha--!" said Ichigo

" What's this?!" said Uryu.

"Wow! How neat!" Orihime exclaimed.

"Hm." said Chad.

"You can recognise once you see it, right?" said Yoruichi.

"That's not the issue!" Ichigo shouted.

"Wants to keep his identity a secret? That's a lie! He's probably not allowed to live in town because he builds houses like that!" said Uryu.

"That's gotta be it!" said Ichigo.

"Hmm This time, they went with human arms holding the banner. That's a nice touch." said Yoruichi.

"Each time-" said Uryu.

" - He changes the motif?" finished Ichigo.

"Let's go." said Yoruichi.

"Okay!" Orihime exclaimed.

While everyone left, only Ichigo and Uryu were still rooted to the spot.

Argh...we're going to that embarrassing house right now?! thought Uryu.

I don't want to be seen walking into a house like that! thought Ichigo.

"What's the matter? Hurry up!" said Yoruichi as she looked at Ichigo and Uryu.

"Alright." said Ichigo and Uryu together as they sweat dropped.

"Oh and Uryu! you better not tell anyone I went in this place or you'll pay for it!" said Ichigo as he glared at Uryu.

"Don't worry about that." said Uryu.

What's with that chimney? It's awfully big compared to the house. It looks like the opening is closed up.What the--? thought Uryu.

"Hold it!" said two mysterious voices.

"Huh?" Ichigo looked up and placed his hand on his Zanpakuto's hilt.

"Who goes there?!" said the figure on the right hand of the statue.

"Strangers! And one is a Soul Reaper!" said the figure on the left hand of the statue.

Both figures jumped down from their places and stood in front of the group.

"You're suspicious characters! I, Koganehiko -"

"- And Shiroganehiko -"

"-Will not allow you to pass!" they said together.

"Be gone!"

"Or you'll die right here!"

Damn! Not gatekeepers again?! The Soul Society is such a pain! thought Ichigo as he glared at the two men in front of him.

"Huh?" said Koganehiko and Shiroganehiko together as they looked at Yoruichi who was looking at them in her cat form. "Master Yoruichi?!"

"A descending stairway as soon as you enter? This house really is weird." said Uryu.

"I wonder how you get upstairs?" said Orihime.

"Please pardon us! We did not know it was you, Master Yoruichi and your servants. Please forgive our rudeness." said Koganehiko. (A/N don't actually know which one went with them so I'm using this guy. Sorry!)

We're not his servants. thought Ichigo as he scowled.

"That's all right. It's my fault for not notifying you beforehand, that my companions and I were on our way here." said Yoruichi.

"Thank you! Such generous words from such a great personage! Please wait here a moment. Master we have visitors. Now please enter." said Koganehiko.

"Hey, it's been a while, Yoruichi." said Kokaku as she was glaring at Indra, while the latter was only smirking as he showed his royal flush to her indicating that he has won their game of cards.

"K-Kukaku is-" said Ichigo.

"- A Woman?!" they all said together.

"I never said Kukaku was a man." said Yoruichi.

"You're late!" said Indra stoically.

"GAH! How did you get here?!" They all said together.

"How indeed~" said Indra creepily.

Everyone shivered at his creepy tone.

Yoruichi narrowed his eyes at him. Indra smirked and raised an eyebrow at her as if to say 'what are you going to do about it'.

That brat! thought Yoruichi as her eyebrow twitched.

"Huh? Who are those kids?" said Kukaku.

"Actually, Kukaku I have a favour to ask of you." said Yoruichi.

"That's usually the case when you come visit. Is it a difficult problem?"

"Most likely."

"It's been a long time since we've talked like this All right. Tell me, I love difficult things."

The Repentance Cell

"Can you see it, Rukia? From that window over there? The two tools which will be used for your execution. That is the Sokyoku." said Renji.

"A prisoner who is held in this tower can look out the window that has been placed in the tower, and gaze out at the Sokyoku to repent. That is why this is called the Repentance Cell. Now your hands, I Release!" said one of the guards.

"Thank you for transferring the prisoner here." said Renji.

"We should take our leave." said the guard.


"Lieutenant Abarai.

"Huh?" Renji groaned and started walking towards Rukia.


"Let me give you a bit of unconfirmed information: You've heard that there were Ryoka within the Soul Society yesterday? Six of them And one of them wielded a sword as long as his body. A Soul Reaper with orange-colored hair. And it seems that his brother is here as well." Renji whispered in Rukia's ear.

Kukaku's House

"Huh?! I see I get the picture. All right, I'll take on the job." said Kukaku.

"Really?" said Yoruichi.

"Yeah. If Urahara's involved, I can't refuse even if I wanted to. However, while I trust you, I don't trust those kids including that bastard with the smirk on his face even less." Indra raised an eyebrow in amusement. "I'll include an underling to keep an eye on them."

"An underling?" said Ichigo.

"Yeah. But he's actually my kid brother. He's still a brat and not that useful. Hey, are you ready?" said Kukaku.

"Oh just a minute." said Ganju.

"I'm opening the door, so behave!" said Kukaku.

"Y-Yeah!" said Ganju and bowed. "How do you do?! My name is Ganju Shiba! Please be good to me!" He looked up and stared at the group in front of them.

Everyone stared at him in return with eyebrow twitching.


"You guys know each other?" said Indra and Kukaku together. Both looked at each other and scowled.

Seireitei Hallway and Aizen's Office

I can't remember how long its been since I've seen her look so alive. Ichimaru confronted them, so that kid probably isn't alive. It was probably good that I didn't tell her. And the kid's brother is here as well. This is so messed up! thought Renji as he looked up at Rukia's cell.

"Hey!" said a voice behind him.

"Huh?" said Renji.

"Hey, it's been awhile, Renji." said Aizen.

"Captain Aizen!"

"Can you talk?"

"Well It's been quite some time since we talked like this."


"Ever since you were sent to Kenpachi's place. How many years has it been? You're with the Squad 6 now?"

"Err...what did you want to talk to me about?"

Aizen walked past Renji and closed the curtain of the room. "Renji, you and her... you were close to Rukia Kuchiki, right?"


"Don't deny it. I heard you were friends from your days in the Rukon District."


"I won't waste any time then. In your eyes, should she die?"

"Well I don't understand your question."

"Don't you think it's strange? Her crime was the unauthorised transfer, and loss, of her spiritual energy, and staying longer than allowed outside.Certainly, heavy crimes, but the problem is how to deal with them." Aizen narrowed his eyes. "The order for the immediate return and disposal of her Gigai. The lessening of the grace period before execution from 35 days to 25 days, the authorisation and use of the Sokyoku on someone who ranks below a captain. They're all outside the norm.I have a feeling that this is the will of one person."

"Hold it, Captain Aizen. What do you mean?!" said Renji.

While they were talking in the room, a certain silver haired shinigami with permanent grin on his face eavesdropped on their conversation.

"I have a bad feeling. Renji, I may-" said Aizen however before he could finish he was interrupted by a loud noise.

"Attention all captains! Attention all captains! An urgent meeting will now be held! I repeat!" said the voice.

Kukaku's House

Ichigo and Ganju punched each other in the face and started fighting. Indra and Kukaku who were standing next to each other stared at their stupid brothers.

"Why you--!"


"Serves you right!"



"Why you-!"

"How's that?!"

"Now I'm mad!"

"You bastard!"

While they were fighting Indra glanced at Kukaku while he took a sip from his sake. "Are you going to stop them?"

"Meh I don't care." said Kukaku as she smoked.

"Hn." said Indra and took another sip from his sake. "This sake is very good."

Suddenly Kukaku's kiseru and Indra's sake was thrown to the ground broken. Both shook in rage as the temperature of the room dropped.

"Why you!" both Indra and Kukaku shouted as they punched their idiotic brothers to oblivion.

"Did they have to go that far just to stop their fight?" said Uryu as he tilted his head to the side.

"I think I know why she always moves around." said Chad.

"Extreme makeover!" said Orihime.

"What's with you?! Fighting from the minute you set eyes on each other Don't you know it's dangerous?! You destroyed my house! Hey!"

"Hn I'll help as well!"

Everyone minus Kukaku shivered at Indra's smile and tone.

"But Sis/Brother!" said Ichigo and Ganju.

"No excuses!" said Kukaku.

"You got a problem?!" said Indra

"No!" said Ichigo and Ganju.

Indra and Kukaku glared at the other three. "How about you guys?!"


Indra and Kukaku smirked at their handy-work.

What's up with these two it's like a match made in heaven...or hell in this case! they all thought as they shivered.

Kukaku took Ichigo by the head and glared at him."Hey brat! This is my house! If you have a problem about the way I do things, get outta here!" said Kukaku.

Ichigo sweated at Kukaku's face."I-I'm sorry!"

"Okay. As long as you understand."

"Your older sister is scary." said Ichigo as he looked at Ganju.

"I know, same with your older brother." said Ganju.

"Tell me about it." said Ichigo.

"All right. Everyone, stand!" said Kukaku.

"Yes sir!" they all said minus Indra who just grunted.

"Koganehiko, go outside with Shiroganehiko and start the preparations." said Kukaku.

"Right!" said Koganehiko

"The rest, be quiet and follow me!" said Kukaku.

"Wow, why is there light when we're underground? I didn't see any generators." said Uryu.

"I keep hotarukazura in the ceiling cracks and on both sides of the wooden frames." said Kukaku.

"Hotarukazura? Is that a plant or something that is only found in the Soul Society?" said Uryu.

Kukaku stopped. "We're here. This is it. Open it, Ganju."

"Right!" said Ganju.

"I said-" said Uryu however he was silenced by Ichigo's hand on his mouth. " What's the big idea?!"

"Don't defy her!" said Ichigo as he glared at his friend. "Okay?"

Ganju opened the door with difficulty. The group went inside the dark room following Kukaku.

"W-What is this?!" said Ichigo.

"It's huge!" Uryu exclaimed.

"I'll shoot you guys into the Seireitei with this. From the sky." said Kukaku.

"The sky?!" everyone shouted minus Indra who just narrowed his eyes at the object in front of him.

"My name is Kukaku Shiba. I'm the #1 fireworks expert of the Rukon District!" said Kukaku.

Without anyone noticing Indra made a solid clone and it quickly disappeared in Kamui going after his targets.

Seireitei Meeting

"Head captain is this meeting about the intruders?" said Byakuya.

"Yes." said Yamamoto.

"We already are aware about the orange haired kid." said Kenpachi.

"Not him." said Yamamoto.

"Then who if I may ask?" said Aizen.

"Hmmm...It appears that he has a brother. And from what Lieutenant Yachiro and Captain Kuchiki have told me, he's more dangerous than his brother." said Yamamoto.

"But he's just a human how is h-" said Soifon.

A dark chuckle interrupted her. "How about I tell you myself, Captain Soifon?" said Indra.

Everyone looked towards the voice and saw a young man with long brown hair cut short on top and two locks wrapped in bandages framed either side of his face. And amused onyx eyes that for some reason held power. What they didn't know was that his eye held power because of his Dōjutsu.

"What! How did you get in here?" said Toshiro.

Everyone tensed and placed their hands on their swords' hilts ready to attack.

"How indeed." Indra smirked and cast a glance at Aizen without anyone noticing except the man himself. He quickly averted his eyes towards the others and raised his eyebrow. "So what do you want to know Gotei 13?"

The head captain looked at him. "What's your name, boy?"

"Hn, I'll humour you old man. My name is Indra Kurosaki. I believe you know my brother, Ichigo. And by the looks of it, I'm quite sure that you are having trouble finding him and his so called friends. What incompetent Shinigamis you people are. If it were me, I would've found him in seconds. Although, if I was the head captain of this place, no one would dare invade. It seems that your old age has gotten to you." Indra smirked darkly.

"How dare you!" the head captain raised his reiatsu. Everyone except Jushiro, Shunsui, Aizen and himself were still standing. Indra by the surprise of everyone in the room, swatted the reiatsu away like it was nothing, while raising his own to only 10% of his power and the funny thing was that even though the head captain didn't show it, he was sweating as well. Indra smirked. "How about we talk like civil people, hmmm?" Indra smiled 'sweetly'.

The occupants of the room flinched.

Not another Unohana!

Oh God he's another sadist!

He's even scarier than Captain Unohana!

These were the thoughts of everyone in the room as they saw that terrifying familiar smile.

"You and me let's fight!" When Kenpachi ran to Indra with his sword drawn, Indra only glanced at him briefly and he fell to the ground unconscious, while twitching and sweating every now and then.

"What did you do to him?!" said Sajin.

Indra raised and eyebrow and smirked. "Merely showing him a nightmare nothing more nothing less."

"Hold on, Lieutenant Yachiro told me your name was Madara."

"Ever heard of fake name kid?" Indra smirked.

A tick mark formed on Toshiro's head when he said 'kid'. "Why you!"

I'm looking forward to your defection Aizen. Be careful of the silver fox. You should never trust a fox. Cause they're tricksters....they'll fool you....they'll fool everyone. said Indra in Aizen's head and then left.

Aizen's eye widened a fraction. I see...interesting.

"I shall see you soon." said Indra as he disappeared.

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