Another Girl, Another Zombie:...

By CallMeLy

4K 109 18

The Bronzo AU. On their first day at Seabrook High School, Bree and Bonzo are separated from their friends... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

294 11 6
By CallMeLy

(And thus, Another Girl, Another Zombie: Another Way comes to and end...! I've loved this AU \^^/ Thanks to everyone who's followed and reviewed~ I'd really like to return to the original AGAZ if I can come up with more one-shot ideas on the canon timeline *^* Let's see how I do with my other fics first...

Tattooed Mistakes (the Zephzo angst AU) will be starting this weekend so make sure you're caught up on all the Zephzo and BFZ Limelights if you're gonna be reading that! It's an AU, but Limelight is still a basis~ I'll be getting back to BtB and hopefully the series fic ASAP. And go check out krut09's YouTube channel, Kreatable23, for some fic trailers she's put together for me! (And for her awesome ZOMBIES AMVs in general *^*)

Anyway, here's the Another Way finale!)

"Elizaka... zagrabage."

"Eliza's gonna sabotage something?"



"Deh greer jadganook!"

"The cheer championship?"


"Well, come on, we gotta stop her, dude!"

They raced out of the building together. Bonzo had been right to be suspicious when he saw Eliza with Topaz and her friends. It wasn't so much that Topaz was a bad person, she was just a little too reckless, and stubborn, for her own good sometimes.

He didn't know exactly what the device on the blueprints he had found in Eliza's locker would do but it obviously was meant to somehow interfere with the tech while Seabrook was cheering. At worst, it could cause some serious damage and at best, it could just make the zombies look even worse in the eyes of the humans.

The boys made it across town and arrived at the cheer championship. Eliza and the others would have gone round the back and their best chance at finding them was to follow their path. Bonzo stopped at the door.



"Ru garzedd-zig, grag durg agru garzedd?" You think we can change her mind?

"I don't know, Bonz, you know how she can get. We could hold her off but she's gonna put up a fight."

That wasn't good enough for Bonzo, though. They had to convince her.


Bree had hoped going to watch the cheer championship might get her mind of Bonzo a little but if anything, it only made it worse. It wasn't fair – Bucky and the Aceys were the ones to blame for destabilizing the Z-bands but did they receive any kind of punishment? No. Were they still allowed to compete? Of course. They were the stars of Seabrook. And Bonzo, Zed and Eliza were just zombies. And no-one else but Addison seemed to care.

Speaking of Addison, who was seated to Bree's left, her parents had been furious with her for removing her wig in front of everyone. And while it may not have been every single person in Seabrook, it was still a substantial amount, and news travelled fast, especially when it came to news about people who were different. The Mayor was convinced her daughter could hurt her chances of re-election and so she and her husband refused to even be seen in public with Addison. She wasn't about to say it to either of their faces, but Bree was disgusted. This was their daughter, and her white hair was nothing but a harmless genetic condition, but all they could see was an imperfection. At least now, they weren't saying anything about her friendship with Bree, who quite literally wore her imperfection right there on her face. The girls sat far behind Missy and Dale at the competition, ignoring their judgmental looks and displaying their so-called imperfections with pride. But despite how happy that made her, Bree couldn't help the odd mix of jealousy and nostalgia she felt watching the other schools' cheerleaders. She let out a long sigh, grabbing Addison's attention.

"I've always dreamed of cheering here, just soaring in the air as the crowd roared... Flying higher than anyone's ever flown..." her voice was quiet, like she was talking to herself, and Addison could only just make out the words. But then Bree's shoulders sagged and she cast her eyes down, "That was a stupid dream."

"No! You will fly. Someday. As soon as this town gets over itself."

"Thanks, Addy," Bree smiled, "I think I can wait for someday, though. I gave that up for Bonzo and the other zombies. Until they get their shot, I won't take mine. I'm happy where I am, right here, with you, not on that stage. I'm not leaving this seat!"

Addison laughed, placing a hand on Bree's arm and pointing towards her parents, "My dad's whole patrol couldn't get me out of this seat!"

A few seconds passed and Bree heard a familiar voice coming from several feet below them, speaking in an unmistakable language though she couldn't quite catch the words. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise and she looked at Addison.

He's here?

Then a second voice answered, "I dunno, Bonzo, she has to be here somewhere!"

And Zed?

Now Addison returned her look. They both looked over the railing just in time to see the boys run underneath the stands.

"Um..." started, her expression slightly nervous, "... I'm gonna leave my seat..."

Bree's face broke into a grin, "Good, because so am I!"


"No, no, no, put that away! Stop! Everybody, stop!"

Zora and Lazlo backed off almost as soon as Zed and Bonzo appeared, Topaz following when Zed shouted and Eliza only ceasing her work when Bonzo lifted her off the ground.

"Get off of me, you big lug!"

"Eliza, you can't do this."

"What?" she asked innocently, "Enjoy the cheer championship with some fellow zombies?"

Bonzo practically growled in her ear, "Zagrabage!"

"Sabotage?" she actually sounded shocked and Bonzo dropped her, "Wow, I'm... deeply offended, I would never!"

... Wouldn't you?

Eliza looked back at him with a bright, smug grin, almost like she'd read his thoughts.

"OK, maybe just a little sabotage!"

Bonzo and Zed both rolled their eyes.

"Ruining the cheer championship is only gonna prove their worst fears," Zed was saying but Bonzo was distracted; Bree and Addison were making their way over, "That zombies are monsters."

"They think that anyway!" Addison called out as she stopped beside Zed, "At least you have the guts to stand up for yourself."

"Yeah," Bree nodded, "But-"

"I say do it!"

Bree did a double-take, then quickly turned to the zombies, "OK, that is not what I was gonna say."

Meanwhile, Eliza was frowning at Addison, "You agree with me?"

Bree raised a hand, "I don't."

"Well then, Bubbles, you have yet to win back my trust!"

Bree couldn't tell if she was joking or not. She noticed Bonzo shoot Eliza a glare.

Zed continued his ranting, "Sabotage isn't the zombie way! It's not who we are, it's not who you are!" he paused and softened, "I'm not a monster. I'm a zombie."

Bree looked up at Bonzo and they shared a smile. Neither of them fully registered the rest of the conversation, other than that it was agreed that sabotage was not the best plan. The group was soon moving back out to watch the action, seeing as it was almost time for Seabrook to cheer, but Bonzo grabbed Bree by the hand to keep her there and they were left alone.

"Breeska. Abraza, zu drozig..." I'm sorry, for everything...

"Hey, hey, it's OK!"

"Bak-" But-

"I don't blame you, Bonzo. I can't, it wasn't you. It was Bucky's fault. And you tried to stop yourself!"

Bonzo felt a small smile creeping onto his face, which fell for a moment, "Gra'zon, greh," I couldn't, though.

"You wanted to," Bree said softly, "That's what really matters. And look, I'm fine. I'm safe, you didn't hurt me and neither did Eliza. We're fine and... and we're together now. OK?"

Bonzo couldn't do much more than nod with a light, shaky laugh, then pull her into a grateful hug. They held onto each other for a few seconds, appreciating the moment they'd been given. She had seen him at his very worst, when he was nothing more than a mindless monster, when he could have killed her... and she still wasn't afraid of him. She trusted him.

"And... I'm glad I know about your autism now. I wanted to know you better and now I do. And I'm always gonna be happy to learn more about you."

She couldn't see his grin hugging him, but he pulled her closer to his chest and rested his head on top of hers.

Bree then led Bonzo out after the others, where they were shocked to see Bucky trying desperately to maintain his unreal level of pep while the rest of the squad was literally falling apart behind him. The crowd was booing and taunting them, and Bree suspected Bucky had never experienced that before but she wasn't sure if this was a moment for feeling satisfied or feeling sorry for him. Though it was clear what Eliza thought of it all.

"The sweetest type of sabotage: self-sabotage."

Bonzo and Bree gave each other a worried look before the music cut off and someone – a child – ran onto the stage from the audience.

"Let's go, Seabrook cheer!"


She was cheering her little un-beating heart out, paying no heed to the humans telling her to get out.

"What is she doing?" Bree asked to no-one in particular. A smile started to appear on Addison's face.

"She's changing things. By cheering."

Eliza scoffed, "But that's not how change works. You can't just change things with one person and a pair of pom-poms."

Bree glanced from her to Addison, "She's right..." she started to return Addison's smile, "It's gonna take more than just one person."


Bonzo stood hand-in-hand with Bree as they watched Zed, Addison and Eliza try to convince Bucky to join them. They held their breath as he looked around at the mixed group of zombies and cheerleaders, then their faces fell when he handed over his whistle.

"I can't..."

He almost sounded... regretful? Apologetic? Guilty? Bonzo couldn't quite pin it. He'd certainly lost his overly cocky attitude, but it somehow felt like there was more going on under the surface. He didn't have time to dwell on it, though, because things were already moving along. Without Bucky, they were gonna need a new captain.

Everyone's eyes went to Zoey.


"Alright, Bonzo, can you handle the music?"

"Za," Bonzo nodded to Zed. Eliza gave him her computer and some cords she would have used had the sabotage plan carried through. Bree had the track they would be using and he would have to rush to cut it down into something that would fit their time limit while the cheer squad ran the zombies through the routine. With Bree advising him, though, he had it down in record time.

"You make it look so easy!" Bree giggled, "It's amazing."

"Gazaru," thank you, Bonzo smiled at her and she smiled back before they noticed the others were moving again, "Grog. Grodge zugrak." It's time. Good luck.

She hurried away and as he watched her go, Bonzo felt a flutter in his chest. He was falling for her more and more with every conversation.


Bucky had made a fast comeback, it seemed, and had a change of heart. Enough of a change of heart that he gave up his spotlight to Bree. Near the end of the routine, he and Addison pulled her to the back of the stage and Bonzo, watching from the wings, lit up with pride at the joy on her face. When she was tossed into the air, he couldn't resist. He had to run out there to catch her.

Bree gasped at the feeling of one more pair of arms than before, especially when they didn't actually let go of her after she was back on the ground. She spun round to find Bonzo gazing down at her with a warm smile, his hands resting on her back. Her own hands subconsciously pressed against his chest.

"... Graceful, Breeska."

She swooned, feeling like she could have collapsed with how weak her knees were if he hadn't been holding onto her. On the stage. In front of everyone. Which she pretty much forgot about.

"Aw...! That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me!"

Bonzo let go of her, one hand lingering on her waist for a moment, then took her hand, twirling her around before kissing it gently. And that's when they both remembered where they were and they separated with one last longing look. Bonzo hurried back to Eliza's computer but he kept glancing up at Bree on the other side of the stage and every now and then, he caught her eye and she beamed back at him. When the routine was over, no sooner had Bonzo cut the music than Bree came running over to him and practically tackled him in a hug, leaving them both laughing.

Bree looked up at Bonzo, breathless, "... Gar-garziga...!"

Bonzo's smile grew even wider and he leaned closer, "Za?"


"Gar-garziga, zet, Breeska."

He hugged her again and kissed the top of her head, burying his face in her hair. Bree pulled away a few seconds later and tugged on his hand.

"Come on, you had a part in this. You deserve to share the applause, too."

She led him out to join their friends.


Not too long after the competition, Bree was back in Zombie Town, along with Addison, Bucky and a surprising number of other humans, for a block party. Bonzo and his friends had put it together, for the most part, and now he was showing her around the neighbourhood and introducing her to some of the other zombies. Paizley, who shared his love of art, Zephyr, Alonzo, Zach and Roz, who shared his love of music and were in a band together, Zeke, who had taken a huge interest in cheerleading ever since the championship and finally, Bonzo's cousin, Izabelle. She looked Bree up and down, her arms folded, and glanced at Bonzo.

"You better be ready for a whole lot of teasing, Bonz," she said, cracking a smile when he pouted and mirroring his expression, "Ru zoroz, janook?" You embarrassed, cuz'? Bonzo rolled his eyes but didn't say anything and Izabelle turned to Bree, "Consider yourself lucky. Dating my cousin automatically gives you a pass. So you're alright."

She left without another word and Bree gave Bonzo a look a concern, "... What does she mean by 'a pass'?"

"Zon zorog." Don't worry about it.

He had pointed out his own house to her but said nothing of his family other than Izabelle, turning her away and changing the subject before she could ask. Bree wasn't bothered by it, though. She knew enough about him to know she loved him. Anything else could wait until he was ready to tell her.

Bonzo grinned watching Bree interact with his friends, telling Zeke about cheer, swapping jackets with Roz and laughing with Paizley, but after a little while, Eliza approached them with an uncharacteristically shy smile. She looked at Bree first before turning to Bonzo and gesturing towards the other end of the street.

"Hey, everything's set up. You wanna go get ready?"

"Za, gazar," he nodded, "Breeska? Grodge?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

Once he was gone, Eliza hesitated.

"Um... Can we talk?"

Bree nodded and Eliza gestured for her to follow her a little more out of the way. They ended up on someone's porch and Eliza composed herself.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For trying to push you away from Bonzo. And for generally not trusting you."

"You had every reason not to trust me, Eliza. I'm a human. We've done enough to hurt the zombies, I can't expect you to forget about all that. I'm sorry I kept sticking my nose where it didn't belong. I just wanted to get to know Bonzo a little better..."

"You were trying, and that's always worth something," Eliza assured her, "I'm glad it turned out this way."

"Me too."

The tension between them was finally gone and both girls could relax. Eliza paused, giving Bree a once over and cocked her head, "Is that Roz's jacket?"

"Oh!" Bree looked down at herself and shrugged, "Yeah, Bonzo was introducing me to everyone."

"Did you meet Izabelle?" Eliza asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, and she said I got a 'pass' for dating Bonzo. And he wouldn't tell me what she meant."

Eliza raised her eyebrows and gave a low whistle, "You got a pass from Izabelle? Damn, I don't even get a full pass for being his friend..."

"What are you even talking about?"

"You'll find out. You're gonna be seeing a lot more of the zombies from now on."

Before Bree could say anything in reply, she heard music, a song she recognised straight away.

"Well, this sounds familiar."

Eliza winked, "It's not a zombie party without BAMM."

Bree grinned as Eliza hopped off the porch to start the song and she quickly followed after her, joining up with Bucky and the other cheerleaders on the other side of the street. She kept her eyes fixated on Bonzo the whole time. From the dance-off, to 'roping' him in to dancing side-by-side with him, so close they were actually touching. Neither Bree nor Bonzo wanted this to end.

They'd been through so much to get to where they were now. It definitely wasn't going to end here.

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