Mean Girls Don't Cry [short s...

By GoldenShandrie28029

9.8K 790 179

make up on short skirts tight hungry to bed thinner in size flawless skin beautiful smile slut of the school... More

mean girls dont cry
00. mean girls dont cry
01. mean girls dont cry
02. mean girls dont cry
03. mean girls dont cry
04. mean girls dont cry
05. mean girls dont cry
06. mean girls dont cry
07. mean girls dont cry
08. mean girls dont cry
09. mean girls dont cry
10. mean girls dont cry
11. mean girls dont cry
12. mean girls dont cry
13. mean girls dont cry
14. mean girls dont cry
15. mean girls dont cry
16. mean girls dont cry
17. mean girls dont cry
18. mean girls dont cry
19. mean girls dont cry
20. mean girls dont cry
22. mean girls dont cry
23. mean girls dont cry
24. mean girls dont cry
25. mean girls dont cry
26. mean girls dont cry
27. mean girls dont cry
28. mean girls dont cry
29. mean girls dont cry
30. mean girls dont cry
31. mean girls dont cry
32. mean girls dont cry
33. mean girls dont cry
34. mean girls dont cry
35. mean girls dont cry
36. mean girls dont cry
37. mean girls dont cry
38. mean girls dont cry
39. mean girls dont cry
40. mean girls dont cry
41. mean girls dont cry
42. mean girls dont cry
43. mean girls dont cry
44. mean girls dont cry
45. mean girls dont cry
46. mean girls dont cry
47. mean girls dont cry
48. mean girls don't cry
Authors Note

21. mean girls dont cry

136 15 1
By GoldenShandrie28029

The world is made up of too many girls wondering if they are pretty,
and too many boys
Too shy to tell them.

-a t t i c u s


18 years ago

The little girl ran around the house laughing. Her cute little laughter filled the house as she ran back and forth. She giggled and went crashing onto the couch. Her dad was working in his office, but she knew that once she started playing with him, he would leave his work just to play with his beautiful little girl.

"Come and find me daddy!" She giggled and ran. Her blonde curls bouncing.

Her father smiled and put aside his paper work. "Ready or not here I come!"

Her father came out of his office and looked around the hallway. He knew where she was; she always hid there.

"Hm," her father said stopping in the middle of the dinning room and rested his index finger and thumb around his chin pretending to think deeply, "I wonder where my little muffin went."

She giggled.

"Oh no," the father gasped, "what's that I hear?"

The little git clasped a hand over her mouth to keep
her from giggling.

"Maybe," he said slowly,"that noise was coming from," he said pausing again and kneeling down to look under the dinning table, "here!"

He grabbed her and she screamed laughing. He picked her up and put her on the couch. "This calls for a tickle down!"

"No." The little girl cried and giggled. Her blonde curls bouncing when she wiggled trying to get out of her fathers grip. Her rosy cheeks with a smile so wide.

"That's enough," they both stopped turning around.

"Mommy," The little girl cried running to her mother.

"You shouldn't be messing up your hair," the mother scolded the girl.

"Sorry mommy. I was playing-"

"Playing? You should know better than to play. You're messing up your dress and your hair."

"My God the girls only - " the father tried to protest but the woman cut him off.

"But she won't be a little kid forever. It's time she starts acting like a grown up. She's not a kid anymore."

"She's 10 for crying out loud. 10. Don't you get that on any level?" The father asked, his tone getting hush.

"You don't tell me how to raise our daughter. She will learn how to act like a lady at a young age and that's for the good of her!" She turned around and pulled the little girl along with her back into her room.

"Mommy?" The little girl asked hearing the sound of the ice cream truck come up the street. "Can I get an ice cream please?"

The mother sighed coming down to her daughters level, "I'm sorry darling, but you can't have an ice cream. Not now or ever."

The little girl never asked why, but part of her knew that all her life growing up; she wasn't going to eat ice cream or anything that had sugar if it counts.

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