From Friends to Lovers

By 4everandalwayscastle

48.5K 2K 76

Rick was Kate's best friend! They'd been tight buddies since Kate's first week here at Brooke High. But as th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 13

1.2K 57 0
By 4everandalwayscastle

Chapter 13

Rick couldn't concentrate; he kept trying to think of who Kate was talking about. Had she met someone after breaking up with Josh? That would explain why she said they'd gotten to get to know each other well. But if Kate had a new friend/boyfriend she would have told him about it.

Who was this guy?

And Kate seems so enchanted with him, that she doesn't want to go with anyone else but him. It made his teeth clench.

Why was his heart so head over heels in love with a woman who drives him so crazy! And what does that kiss she gave him mean now? And those flirty glances and brushes of her leg against his?

Was it just his love sick brain conjuring up all of this? Was he just over-thinking these little things?

He needed to find out if Kate had met anyone after her break up with Josh. He needed to know who!

Kate told Lanie everything after their last period was done. Everything except for the part about wanting him to ask her to the Sweet hearts' dance.

They were walking to the stands at the football grounds. Rick, Javi and Kev had practice, and they had asked them to wait for them so that they could all leave together. The girls didn't mind, since there wasn't much to do at home this evening. Jenny couldn't wait however; she had to leave to go for a family get together.

"Wow, so he almost kissed you that night, you're having racy dreams about him, and you pecked him on the cheek today in the gym...

And all this happened and you didn't think to tell me sooner? Girl you owe me big time for keeping this from me." Lanie spoke as they both sat down on the bleachers.

"I owe you? Are you kidding me, if it wasn't for your call that night, my racy dream would have probably come true, so if anything, you owe me!"

she paused "what were you calling me for that late anyway?"

Lanie smirked, and then pointed out to the grounds.
"You see that shirtless guy over there..."

"Lanie they're all running around shirtless..."

"Don't make me smack you, you know which one I'm talking about." she glared at Kate.

Kate chuckled; she knew very well she was talking about Javier.

"well, he and I shared a really nice romantic evening at his place, and I was calling you to
Tel you all about it."

"I see, well I'm glad for you two" Kate said sincerely.

"Thanks" Lanie chuckled.

Then added, "now you see that hot thing running near my boy? well that, girlfriend, is yours to claim.. I can already see him taking you out on the most romantic dates ever..."

Kate was blushing now.
Yup, she could see it too. And she couldn't wait.

They were just walking out of the shower rooms, all freshened up, and Rick asked Javier

"hey Espo, when I was away, was there anyone hanging around with Kate, I mean, after she broke it off with Josh?"

"Nah, not that I knows of, but they did have a lot of girl nights. Lanie and Kate would meet up and apparently they'd talk all evening."

"So who do you think she's talking about? She said there's someone who'd been hinting they'd ask her to the Sweet hearts' dance."

"Beats me, maybe Lanie would know, I could try and get it out of her if you want"

"yea, please, that would be helpful"

"but why does it concern you so much?"

Rick sighed heavily, he really didn't want to tell Javier how messed up his head was.

"It's complicated." he said. They had almost approached where Lanie and Kate were waiting for them.

"I feel your pain bro. All girls are." Javier smirked.

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