Don't Fear The Reaper

By Womb2DaTomb

62.8K 1.1K 500

Ridin' through this world all alone. Intended for mature audiences. Contains language, violence and sexual c... More

Pinky Promise
Drinking and (Not) Thinking
Making Waves
4 AM
The Disciples
Clotho - The Spinstress
The Reapers
It's a Wonderful Life
Lachesis - The Measurer
Son Of A Bitch, Give Me A Drink!
Same Old Song and Dance

Ass Kicker

3.8K 72 44
By Womb2DaTomb

"What?" I question, still a little confused. A small crowd of people are headed in our direction now. They walk past us and I see them walk out a door at the end of the hallway. I can only assume it leads outside.

"Here, take this." He pries the black ring off his middle finger and hands it to me. "No rings allowed."

I take the ring from him and look at him sort of bewildered. "Are you gonna explain what's happening?"

"Come on." He nods his head toward the door and starts walking so I follow him.

Upon exiting through the back door I am greeted by fresh air and the sight of a few picnic tables surrounding a boxing ring. It dawns on me, Jake is about to fight whoever the fuck Tommy is. I try Jake's ring on a couple of my fingers, it's loose on every single one except my thumb. I leave it there and try to process the situation. Is this for fun or is there some sort of incentive? I figure fighting is probably how Jake got that "ass kicker" patch he has. When I said I wouldn't be opposed to seeing him kick some ass, I didn't think I'd actually be seeing it first hand.

People continue to file through the door and soon enough the picnic tables are almost all filled up as well as any stray chairs there were scattered around. Some people are left standing and a few gather close to the ring. The crowd isn't huge but it's sizable.

"Take a seat babe." He kisses me and walks off toward the ring, taking his jacket off in the process.

"Sit with me." Lacey tugs on my shirt and points to a couple of empty spots at a table right in front of the ring. "And don't worry, Jake knows how to fight. He'll be fine."

We sit down and Joe joins us a few moments later. "Jake and Tommy, this should be good."

I see Andrew and Jake on the opposite side of the ring. Andrew is helping Jake wrap his hands up. Once his hands are all wrapped he starts jumping up and down slightly and practicing punches. On the other side of the ring I see a man who must be Tommy doing the same thing. He's larger than Jake, not by a lot but he does have some height on him. I'm weirdly excited but I'm definitely also nervous. I don't want to see Jake get hurt but I'm sure he won't escape this fight unscathed. Andrew jumps into the ring and stands in the middle, addressing the small crowd that's gathered.

"Who's ready for a fight?" He yells, his voice guttural. People cheer and clap, including Lacey and Joe. I still feel sort of out of place so I stay silent. "On my left, the one and only bone breaker, Tommy!" A shirtless Tommy slips into the ring, hands in the air as people yell for him. Bone breaker, I think to myself, how lovely. Andrew continues. "On my right, the notorious ass kicker, Jakey boy!" More cheering ensues, I join in this time.

Jake quickly takes his shirt off before diving into the ring and tying his hair up. I've never seen him with his hair up before but he looks damn good. Andrew says a few more words before exiting the ring. Tommy and Jake shake hands, they both look excited. Jake throws a wink in my direction and Andrew yells "fight", Tommy throws the first punch. Jake dodges out of the way just in time and hits Tommy with a gnarly right hook straight to the face. They continue back and forth like this, each of them hitting and missing multiple times. Every time Tommy actually manages to punch Jake I find myself wincing a little.

"So, what are the rules?" I ask.

"There aren't many rules." Lacey answers me. "Basically, just no fighting dirty."

"How do we know who wins?"

"They fight until someone gives up." Joe says. "Jake and Tommy are some tough son's of bitches but Jake's a better fighter. I got my money on him."

As the fight continues the crowd gets more rowdy, yelling out words of encouragement to whoever they want to win. I find myself shouting for Jake. What can I say? It's fun. I notice the both of them starting to get tired and Jake even spits out a little blood. Andrew intervenes and tells them to take a break, handing each of them a bottle of water. Jake motions for me to come to the side of the ring where he's sitting.

"What do you think?" He asks before guzzling down some water.

"No boxing gloves?" I smirk.

"You think I'm a pussy?"

"I think you're crazy."

He chuckles. "Kiss." He taps his cheek.

I lean in and place a small kiss on his cheek, whispering. "Good luck, baby."

I head back to my seat and in no time the fight is back on. I can't deny that the whole thing turns me on. I mean Jake is sweaty, shirtless and his muscles ripple with every move. How could I not be turned on? Being a little drunk probably doesn't help either. I get the idea that Jake was majorly holding back during the first round because he's currently kicking Tommy's ass. So I guess he lives up to the name.

I see the door to the bar open and out slips Abigail, I don't think anyone was paying attention but me. She doesn't take a seat, she just stands by the door discreetly, drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette. She doesn't notice me gawking at her as she watches the fight intensely. I see her flinch when Tommy hits Jake, her face scrunching up uncomfortably the same way mine does.

It doesn't take too much longer for Tommy to quit, making Jake the winner. Tommy looks like shit, his face is all bloody and parts of it are starting to swell. Jake doesn't look great either. There's blood around his mouth and his right eye is beginning to bruise. They pull one another into a classic bro hug and pat each other on the back. Jake wipes his mouth with the back of his hand as Andrew makes his way back into the ring. He grabs Jakes hand and raises it in the air, I scream loudly, smiling widely. This wasn't what I expected to happen going into tonight but I can't say that I'm disappointed. Everyone exits the ring and Jake comes over to me immediately. I notice Abigail go back inside.

"Questions, comments, concerns?" Jake says cockily.

"I noticed your ass kicker patch earlier. Is that how you got it?" I ask.

"Kind of but it's more so for beating ass on the job. It's one of my specialties." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"So what now?"

"Now?" He grins. "Now, I get so drunk I can't feel the throbbing in my face." He starts walking over to where he left his shirt, I follow. "And you get so drunk you dance on a table and take your shirt off."

"Ha! In your dreams." I shove him playfully.

"It could happen." He says, pulling his shirt over his head, messing up his hair further.

"Your hair looks good like that." I tuck a stray piece behind his ear.

"Thanks." He leans in to kiss me but I back away.

"How about we get you cleaned up a little and then I'll kiss you." I say, my hand pushing on his chest.

"Oh yeah." He laughs. "My mouth is a little bloody, huh?"

"A lot." I answer and we head inside with everyone else.

Andrew finds me a first aid kit and me and Jake go into the women's bathroom for better lighting. Upon entering I see Abigail crying in the mirror. She quickly wipes at her tears, trying to hide the fact that she was crying but it's too late. Her face turns red with embarrassment.

"Abi, what's wrong?" Jake asks, concerned. She ignores him and shoves past us rudely, leaving the bathroom. "Abi!" He calls after her, about to follow her out.

"Jake!" I grab him. "Don't. She probably just wants to be left alone."

He sighs. "You're right." He goes to the mirror, inspecting his face closely. "Damn, Tommy got me good."

"Sit." I point to the floor and he does as I say, crossing his legs like a kid.

I grab a piece of paper towel and sit in front of him, opening the first aid kit. I take out the bottle of peroxide and soak the paper towel with it. I begin lightly pressing the paper towel around his eyebrow which I've noticed has a small cut on it. He winces a little but let's me do what I need to. I flip the paper towel over and wipe the blood off his chin and neck. I notice his eyes watching me closely. I look at him and he smiles.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I toss the paper towel in the trash. "Now swish." I hand him the water bottle Andrew gave me and he stands up.

He swishes a couple of times, checking his teeth in the mirror each time until they're not bloody anymore. He grins widely at me, showing me his teeth. "Better?"

"Much." I nod.

"Good." He grabs my face and kisses me hard. "I love kissing you. I could do it all day."

After a small heated makeout session in the bathroom we head back to the bar. I give Andrew the first aid kit and he puts it back where it belongs, somewhere underneath the counter. Jake gets us both a beer and we sit on the stools, drinking and talking. Someone I met earlier, Ben maybe (don't quote me on that), comes and taps Jake on the shoulder and whispers in his ear. Jake listens tentatively and nods. I try to listen to what he says but he speaks too quietly to be heard over the music and roar of voices. The man walks away, motioning to a few people who get up and follow him down the hall. Jake takes a few long gulps from his beer and gets up out of his seat. He places his hands on my shoulders and leans in close to my ear.

"You want a bump?" He asks.

"Right now?" A nervous feeling creeps up in my stomach mixed with a little excitement. I've never done cocaine but that's not to say I haven't wanted to try it.

"If you want." He wraps his arms around me. "You don't have to."

I think about it for a moment. "Fuck it."

It's not like I haven't done drugs, it's just been a couple of years since I did anything besides smoke weed. I was more into doing drugs as a teenager. I tell myself to live a little and stand up. Jake takes my hand and leads me to a room in the back of the bar. There's a bed, a table, a couch and a few chairs as well as a dresser. It looks well loved, like someone lives here. I'm greeted warmly by four others already sitting around the table. There are several lines prepared on the glass tabletop and one of them is making another. Jake doesn't bother introducing me, I told him I've basically already forgotten everyone's names. Jake sits on the couch and I sit next to him, staring at the white lines in front of me. The guy who I think is named Ben does his first line, snorting through a dollar bill. I didn't know people actually did that. The person next to him snorts a line after him and we go around the table. It's Jake's turn, he takes the dollar bill in his hand and leans forward over the table. Without a second thought he snorts the line in front of him, throwing his head back, breathing in heavily through his nose for a few seconds and then out through his mouth. He hands the dollar to me and I take a deep breath.

"Just make sure you keep inhaling." He tells me. "You don't want any of it to fall out."

"Okay." I move my hair over to one side.

"You sure you want to?" He places a hand gently on my thigh.

"Yes." I lean over the table and put the end of the dollar in my right nostril. The other end hovers above the line and before I have time to think I plug the other nostril and breathe in deeply. I can barely feel the powder as it enters my nose. I sit back up, continuing to breathe in like Jake told me to and he squeezes my thigh. A few moments later I can taste the chemicals in my throat and my body starts to feel something.

We go another round, the second line I do is larger than the first and hits me immediately. I kinda feel like I did some adderall but it kicked in much faster and the effects are heightened. I feel fucking great, like I could run the world or a marathon, or both. My heart beats faster, my knee bounces off the floor. I need to stand up, sitting down is making me feel anxious.

"You alright?" Jake asks, placing his hand over mine.

"Let's go dance." I grab his hand and pull him off the couch.

"Thanks guys." Jake waves to his friends as I drag him out of the room.

"Oh my god, I feel so good. I wonder what I look like?" I say as we walk through the doorway. "I've never felt like this before, on anything. That's saying something, I've done acid and shrooms. I used to take adderall a lot in high school. This is different. This is good. Do you feel as good as I do? Are you feeling it? I'm really horny." I stop and look at him, he's stifling his laughter. "Are you horny? Does coke make you horny?"

"Yeah." He laughs. "It also makes you ramble."

"Sorry. I just feel like I can't stop talking or like..." I run my hands down his chest, sighing deeply. "Like I want to fucking destroy you right now." I push him into the wall, kissing him and pressing our bodies together. He doesn't protest and kisses me back, his hands on my hips, pulling me as close as possible. He grinds into me and begins kissing down my neck, squeezing my ass hard. "Jake." I pull on his hair. "We need to fuck. Right now. We can fuck right here, I don't care. I need you."

"I think the rest of the bar might care if we fucked right here." He laughs, running his hands up and down my sides. His pupils are dilated as fuck, I'm sure mine are too. "But there's somewhere we can go real quick."

He doesn't wait for me to respond, he just takes my hand and leads me. We go back down the hall but we continue past the room we were just in. He opens another door, inside there's a large table with chairs surrounding it. It looks like a meeting room you'd see in an office, except there are posters of half naked women on motorcycles on the walls. He shuts the door quickly and shoves me into it, immediately kissing my neck and pulling my hair.

"The door doesn't lock." He pulls his shirt over his head quickly. "We need to be fast."

"I don't think I'm capable of slow right now." I take my shirt off and he reaches for my belt, unbuckling it faster than he ever has before. I shimmy out of my pants.

"And you need to be quiet." He smirks, putting his hand in my panties.

I throw my head back, hitting it on the door. "I don't think I'm capable of that either."

"Try." He removes his hand to take his pants off, I groan at the loss of contact. I look down to see his dick pressing against his tight underwear. I look back at him, biting my lip.

He drops to his knees, kissing and sucking on my hips and thighs, his hands squeezing my butt. He pulls my underwear off harshly and slaps my ass. I grab fistfuls of his hair as he flicks his tongue over my clit. Not a second later he puts his fingers inside me, the feeling makes me jump and moan loudly. I can't help it, it feels even better than it normally does. He stands up, licking his fingers off and looking me straight in the eye. I rub my hand over the bulge in his boxers, he lets out a little sigh.

"On the table." He says in a very commanding tone while pulling his underwear down. I do as he says and sit on the edge of the table, unclasping my bra and throwing it on the floor. The wood is cold against my skin, it gives me shivers. I sit back, resting on my elbows. He strokes himself, staring at me, his eyes wandering all over my naked body. "Spread your legs." I open my legs for him, letting him look at me as much as he wants. "Touch yourself." I've never seen him be this dominant before but it's sexy and I'm the most turned on I think I've ever been. I reach between my legs and start rubbing my index finger over my clit slowly. My back arches at the sensation. "Fuck." He breathes out and continues to watch me.

He rubs the head of his cock and traces a finger over my slit before pushing it into me slowly and pulling it back out. My body shudders and I start to remove my hand. He grabs my wrist before I can get very far.

"Don't stop."

I put my hand back where it was and continue to touch myself for him. He steps closer to me, massaging my breasts and leaving trails of kisses down my chest and stomach. His hand travels up to my neck and he holds it firmly, bringing our faces close.

"I'm gonna fuck you so good, baby." He whispers in my ear, lining himself up with my entrance.

He shoves himself into me and I gasp. The feeling of him inside me giving me euphoria like never before. He drops both his hands to my hips as he thrusts in and out of me. I collapse onto the table, moaning every time he moves. His fingers dig into my skin, pressing so hard I'm sure he'll leave bruises but it doesn't hurt, not right now at least. I grab onto his wrists and close my eyes, fully immersing myself in the experience of coke induced sex. It's rough as hell and we're both making a lot of noise. I open my eyes to watch him. He's watching himself move in and out of me, sweat dripping off his body, mouth wide open. I reach back between my legs and rub myself as he pounds into me.

"Look at me." I say and his eyes dart to mine immediately. "I'm gonna cum. I want you to watch me."

"Jesus." His voice breaks up as he falls over me. His thrusts become slower, harder.

I feel the pleasure begin to build and seconds later it takes over me completely. I tremble beneath him, shouting as I climax with him still looking intensely into my eyes. He quickly puts his hand over my mouth, trying to muffle the sounds. But I'm pretty sure if anyone was going to hear us, they would've heard us already. I really don't give a shit if anyone can hear us anyways. A couple moments later Jake releases inside me, moaning loudly and squeezing his eyes shut. His hand falls back to my neck and he chokes me as he finishes out his orgasm. He pulls out of me slowly as his mouth travels over my shoulder, my collarbone and my neck, sucking and biting at my skin.

"Val." He says breathily. "That was so hot."

I kiss his lips sweetly and hold his face, gently running my fingers over his skin. "I wanna do it again." I run my hand down his back and squeeze his ass.

He chuckles. "We might have time for another round."

He begins kissing my neck and round two ensues shortly after. When we finish we get dressed as quickly as we can, preparing for our walk of shame. Only thing is I'm really not ashamed. I'm almost positive someone had to hear us but it doesn't phase me, and it doesn't seem to matter to Jake either. We walk out, hand in hand and I smile widely at him.

"How's my hair look?" He asks, running his fingers through it.

"Honestly," I giggle. "Looks like you just had some crazy sex."

"Well, yours isn't much better." He nudges me playfully.

We make our way back to the party, I try to fix my hair a little as we walk. No one seems to pay much attention to us save for Abigail and the people who were in the room next to us. Abigail still looks sad, miserable almost. One of Jake's friends whistles in our direction, earning a middle finger from Jake.

Jake grabs us each a beer and I pull him to an empty space in the room. We move our bodies to the rock n roll music, getting closer with each song. I don't care who's watching, I just want our bodies to touch. My heart still beats quickly, my arm thrown over his shoulder, beer in hand. We dance for maybe half an hour, maybe longer, it's hard to tell. I see Abigail approaching us and I place a drunken kiss on Jake's lips. It's purely to spite her, a bitch move I know but she gives me bad vibes. She taps Jake on the shoulder.

"Can I talk to you?"

Jake releases me from his grip, nodding. "Sure."

"Privately." She glares at me.

He laughs slightly. "Okay."

I act like I'm going to sit at the bar as they walk towards the hall. Once they disappear behind the wall I sneak over. I'm nosy, I can't help it. Besides, Jake would tell me about their conversation afterwards anyways. I hold my hair back and peak around the corner, pulling back quickly so they don't see me. I lean against the wall and listen to them.

"What was going on earlier? In the bathroom, is that what you wanna talk about?" Jake asks, you can tell he cares about her. I think it's sweet.

"Kind of." She answers. "Jake, I'm-" She hesitates.

"What?" He pries. "Are you using again?"

"No!" She responds quickly. "No, it's not that. I don't know how to say this."

"You can tell me. Abi, I've got your back. Always."

There's a long pause. "Jake, I still love you. I never stopped."

"I know."

The information doesn't shock me but I peer around the corner anyways, my curious eyes catching the end of a kiss. Jake shoves Abigail away, she looks shocked and upset. Without thinking I round the corner angrily.

"What the fuck?!" I shout, headed straight for Abigail, enraged.

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