The Sky's the Limit

By dawndwrites

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Nicole Dunbar and Skyler Pennington. The swoon-worthy, Skyler Pennington, becomes the CEO of his father's int... More

Natalie |Beyond Heights|~ Publishing Date
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By dawndwrites

Skyler (Three months later. . .)


I was wired Friday morning and also a man on a mission. I had to put my surprise for Nicole on hold once the reading of her grandfather's will was contested. I ended up being her attorney, and I concentrated on that.

Now, I'm back to being CEO of Pennington Inc. The move to Savannah went smoothly. Our shipping company is up and fully operational. Even though Nicole is an heiress, she is working as a sales account executive. And she is doing a phenomenal job.

Nicole and I started dating three months ago. I knew that I was in love with her when I arrived back in Savannah. I wanted a special romantic way to tell her. But, with June and her father in the picture that wasn't happening—I just seized the moment.

I drew her close to me and peered into her beautiful brown eyes. "I love you," I wasn't planning to say that, but it felt right in that moment. I was at her home to make sure she was safe.

She had met with her father that night. He told her what happened with him and her mama. June burst in and it was a lot of commotion. Mimi was about to get her cast iron skillet out for June and Lucas, but she simmered down.

Mimi let him stay overnight and Nicole asked him to leave in the morning. She had nothing else to say to him. There really was no excuse for the way he treated her of no account, her entire life. She wasn't ready to think of speaking to him again. It was too painful, after finding out the circumstances of her birth. He should have raised her, especially after she lost her mama.

This Friday morning should be exciting. I'm headed to the airport with my mama, father, Mimi, and Nicole. I planned a long weekend to fly back to Dallas. I'm finally going to put my surprise in effect while we're there. Nicole will get to visit her aunt and uncle. She'll also get to be reunited with her puppy.

My parents invited everyone to stay at our estate in Dallas. They still own it and my brother, Lance, lives there. We just boarded the plane and we're sitting in first class. "Skyler, let's take a selfie." Nicole kissed my cheek, as she snapped our photo.

She immediately, posted it on Instagram and Facebook. She commented under the picture, Skyler and Nicole = Love!

My notifications went insane, with congratulations. People I haven't spoken to in years liked the picture. Nicole snuggled next to me, and read through the comments on my phone.

"You just got a text from Shayne." She handed me the phone.

Shayne ~ I knew it bro, congratulations!

Skyler ~ Thank you. We're on our way to Dallas. We're going to be at my parents house for a long weekend. Maybe we can get together with you and Sabine.

Shayne ~ That sounds great. We'll definitely make it happen. Call me when you're in Dallas. I miss you Sky, haha.

Skyler ~ I knew you liked that nickname lol. Nicole never calls me that. I'll see you soon.

I turned my phone off, and leaned in to plant a kiss on my girlfriend's lips. She smiled and sighed contentedly. I'm glad we're getting away from Savannah for a few days.


We were met at the Dallas airport by Aunt Maxine and Uncle James. "Nicole, my baby!" Her aunt was overwhelmed seeing Nicole, for the first time in a few months.

Uncle James extended his hand. "Good to see you Skyler. Thank you for taking such good care of our girl. We heard about the will contestation, and all of the events surrounding it. I'm so happy that Nicole has you. You're a good man." He embraced me and patted my back.

Nicole held her aunt's hand and placed it on Mimi's. "Auntie Maxine, this is Miranda Dunbar, my grandmother." All three women had tears falling nonstop.

"It's so nice to finally meet you after all of these years. I'm so sorry for your loss." Maxine gave her a sad smile with moist eyes.

I motioned to my mama to meet everyone. "Mama, this is Nicole's aunt and uncle."

"I'm Amelia, and this is my husband, Beau. It's so nice to meet you both. You raised an amazing young woman. I'm so happy that my son has her in his life." My mama squealed and hugged Maxine. They rocked from side to side in delight.

All of the ladies got to know each other. My father, Uncle James, and I waited for the luggage. Our driver helped put our baggage in the SUV.

We were all heading to our home for lunch. Mama had called ahead, so our staff would be ready for our arrival. My brother, Lance, was actually home too. He couldn't wait to meet the woman that I fell in love with.



I'm so excited to be going back home to Dallas. Skyler planned a four day weekend for my family, and his family to spend together. I can't believe he told me that he loves me. It was so swoon-worthy, the way he held me close in his arms and looked at me, with his stunning blue eyes.

The moment was unbelievable, after all that had happened with my father and June.

I told him that I love him too. His whole face face lit up, and I was engulfed in his arms. My heart was overwhelmed with flutters. This has been an incredible journey, meeting the Dunbar side of my family. I never imagined Skyler Pennington would be part of my journey, as well.

We just boarded the plane and we're sitting in first class. "Skyler, let's take a selfie." I held his cellphone up at the perfect angle. I kissed him on his cheek, as I snapped our photo on portrait mode.

I immediately, posted it on Skyler's Instagram and Facebook. I captioned the picture, Skyler and Nicole = Love!

"Look at your phone notifications." I held his phone for him to see.

"My phone is going berserk. There are more likes, and loves than the first selfie you took of us." He shook his head in astonishment.

"Who is Alexa?" I asked in a girlfriend tone.

"She was my ex-girlfriend, before I met you." He quickly answered, looking puzzled as to why I asked that.

"She left a comment saying she is happy for you, congrats. She's happy for you? Didn't she see two people in the picture? She looks like a Barbie Doll in her picture." I felt a jealousy creeping up my spine that was hard to shake.

He touched my face and turned it to face his. "There is only one woman for me, and she happens to be sitting right next to me." He gave me an adorable blue eyed wink.

Just then, his text alert chimed and it was Shayne Carrington. I handed him his phone, and they had a text dialogue. He put his phone away, and leaned in to give me a kiss. I grinned from ear to ear and sighed. He left no doubt that he loves me.

We landed in Dallas and were greeted by my aunt and uncle. Boy, was it good to see them! I can't believe I've been in Savannah for four months. I missed them so much. They were the only parents I ever knew. They raised me and treated me as their own daughter.

"Auntie Maxine and Uncle James!" I fell into their embrace, with emotions flooding from every pore of my skin. . .I was home.

"Good to see you Skyler. . .You're a good man." Uncle James embraced him and patted his back.

"Auntie Maxine, this is Miranda Dunbar, my grandmother. She explained the bond that you and she formed over the years." The three of us had tears falling nonstop. My aunt held onto Mimi for quite a while, and voiced her condolences for my grandpa.

Skyler motioned to his mama to meet everyone, "Mama, this is Nicole's aunt and uncle."

"I'm Amelia, and this is my husband, Beau. It's so nice to meet you both. You raised an amazing young woman. I'm so happy that my son has her in his life." Amelia squealed, and hugged Auntie Maxine. They were thrilled that Skyler and I are a couple, now.

What a difference being surrounded by people who love me, and accept me for who I am.

We were all heading to the Pennington's home for lunch. Amelia insisted we all stay at their home for the four days we'd be in Dallas. It was a big estate, with plenty of room. Skyler's brother, Lance, was home too.

I was looking forward to meeting him. His brother, Miles, was out of town. My aunt and uncle stopped home to get my puppy, Princess. I would finally see her. . .I was on cloud nine.

We arrived at the Pennington's home, and Skyler helped Mimi and I out of the SUV. He threaded his hand through mine, as we approached the walkway. Lance came out of the main door to meet everyone. He was very tall and handsome, with black wavy hair and midnight eyes. He resembled Skyler and their father, with striking features in his chiseled face.

"Hey big brother, long time no see." Lance gave Skyler a bro hug.

"Lance this is my girlfriend, Nicole, and her grandmother Miranda Dunbar." Skyler introduced us.

"Oh you don't have to be so formal, you can call me Mimi." She put her hands on Lances's back, and drew him into a hug. He was thrilled at her greeting.

"It's nice to meet you Lance." I gave him a brief friendly hug and warm smile.

"It's nice to meet you too Nicole. So, you're the one that got to my brothers heart. I'm impressed, you actually got my brother to smile in your pictures." He gave me a wink, a kiss on my cheek, and patted Skyler playfully on the back.

Skyler smirked at him. "That's because I'm proud to be with this beautiful woman." He picked up my hand, and kissed it. Lance chuckled on his way to greet his mama.

Amelia came and gave her younger son a peck on his cheek. "Now, Lance are you behaving? I missed you." She looped her arm through his. She is a very doting mama. I like that.

We all headed inside their beautiful, spacious home. There were staff members waiting to take our bags to our rooms. We stood just inside the foyer. It had an exquisite  chandelier hanging above us, with gorgeous marble floors under our feet. All of the walls were painted a neutral cream color.

"Come inside and make yourselves at home." Amelia directed everyone.

"Are you going to be okay with my dog staying here? Everything is so elegant and doesn't look doggy proof." I nervously spoke up after viewing the layout of the grand home.

"Nonsense, I heard you have a Teacup Yorkie puppy. If Skyler had her at his office for three weeks, she can stay here for four days. My son is very particular. He loves your dog." Amelia looked me in my eyes and waved away my apprehension.

"She'll be fine with both of us here," Skyler whispered in my ear.

"As soon as Maxine and James arrive we can have lunch." Amelia clasped her hands together, and walked toward the kitchen to check that everything was ready.

"It's so nice to be back in Dallas for a few days. This was a great idea Skyler." Beau spoke up. He seems to be on the quiet side, like Skyler.

"Why don't I give you and Mimi a tour of our home, while we wait for your aunt and uncle?" Skyler placed my hand in his.

"That sounds like a good idea, lead the way." I was anxious to see this magnificent estate.

While on our tour, a picture hanging on the wall in the living room caught my attention. There was a group of photographs in frames, nicely arranged. One of the young faces looked so familiar, but I didn't know why.

"Skyler is that your family?" I pointed to the pictures.

"Yes, that's when my brothers were younger. Come on, we're not done with our tour." He swiftly grabbed my hand and moved on to another room.

The doorbell rang and I heard voices, and the sweetest little yelp from my puppy. We entered the foyer and Princess ran over to me. She was so excited and running around in circles. I picked her up and cradled her close to my chest. What a joy to see her at last!

"How's my girl? I missed you." Skyler started petting her, as I held her in my arms. She started squirming, and whining for him. I handed her over and she was thrilled. I didn't mind one bit. I love him, and she does too. She has good taste.

Skyler's mama was staring at him in disbelief. "What? I love this dog. We bonded when I had her for three weeks." He spoke like it was perfectly normal for him to show affection to a puppy.

"You have never liked dogs Skyler. Not even when you were a little boy. So I am adjusting to this new side of you." His mother spoke so seriously to him. She turned and put her arm around me, "What have you done with my son?" She winked and smiled.

"Your home is gorgeous Amelia." My aunt complimented.

"Thank you Maxine. I hope you enjoy your stay with us. Lunch is ready. We can make our way to the dining room." Amelia announced to everyone.

"I'm going to put Princess in my room, and then I'll join you." Skyler started for the stairs.

"I thought she would stay in my room, not in your room." I was surprised he wanted her with him. I guess he really is enamored with her.

Princess pulled away from Skyler's chest and looked at me with her puppy dog eyes. I knew she loved me too. I went over and rustled her fur. "Alright you can stay in Skyler's room."

"Her dog bed is still in my bedroom from when I watched her for you. She'll be right at home. Besides, you need your rest when she wakes up to go outside in the middle of the night." He reminded me thoughtfully.

We all got settled at the table and waited for Skyler to join us. His seat was empty and next to mine. I looked around, and realized all of the people that I love are at this table. This was going to be one of the best lunches I've ever had.

The doorbell chimed, as Skyler was making his way down the steps. "I'll answer the door," He yelled out.

I heard Skyler conversing with a female. He entered the dining room with his ex-girlfriend, Alexa. I was flabbergasted. What is she doing here? She stood there with her blonde hair, blue eyes, a face that was unnaturally perfect, and I was furious. She definitely looks like a Barbie Doll. I can't believe Skyler dated her. I tried to keep my composure in her presence.

"Hey Alexa, you made it. We're just getting ready to have lunch." Lance spoke excitedly, as he got up from the table to hug her.

Skyler came and sat next to me. I looked at him, and he would not return my gaze. I was fidgety and I know that he could sense that I was not happy. He held my hand reassuringly.

Lance addressed everyone assembled. "I invited Alexa to have lunch with us. I told her that you all were coming back home for a visit. We've been seeing each other, and I figured it would be nice for her to make everyone's acquaintance." He pulled out the chair for her next to his.

They sat directly across from me and Skyler. No one said a word at first. Skyler interlaced his fingers with mine under the table, with a light squeeze to my hand. He knows me. I was biting my tongue to be civil.

Amelia was groping for words. "Ah—it's, what a surprise! I didn't know you were dating Alexa, son. Welcome to our home, and to lunch." You could hear a pin drop.

Votes and Comments Appreciated ~ ❤️

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