The Blending of The Blackbour...

By wraithprincess

177K 7.7K 342

*** Disclaimer I don't own the Cl Stone Academy * * *Pure Fan fiction **Spin Off of Healing in the Arms of Th... More



2.9K 123 2
By wraithprincess

"Don't you even think about it " 
A growl comes from behind me
" I will tell you this Dustin , My sister isn't a whore so I suggest you take that comment back , She actually was trying to be nice about this whole situation but you want to bring your Pride into so I will put a fucking Stop to it You raise your hand to  try and hit my sister ever again I will break it off and feed it you because maybe you have forgotten my Father is a Certain Professional Russian who has taught me a lot " Grey Tells Him with that look Papa Raven gets when he is pissed

Dustin stepped closer to me I could feel the anger coming off him and his eyes held hurt ,
to him at this point I was threat  . He recoiled back with his arm I closed my eyes waiting for the punch
But someone grabbed his arm

" Dustin I think it's time for you to leave and let me say this You might want to take a look at yourself and think about what type of man you want to be and if you think Grey will hurt you , You have no idea What a Mama is capable of when one of her children is being threatened " Mama said with as much steel in her voice as Uncle Owen she had a hold of his arm so tight that her knuckles were white she let go of his arm

" Come Dustin I will show you out" Mama Sang said as she literally pulled Dustin out of the room .

" Why can't I just have a normal fucking day " I yell as I leave the room .

I make my way through the house and out the doors and just run . I make it to the tree line before I hear some one yelling
I stop and turn around to see Mason

He reached me a few seconds later

"Harper "
" Yes Mason "
" I know you are upset but come back and let's eat , Watch a Movie then maybe later talk about everything but if you don't want to talk we can do something else until tomorrow "

" Fine "

We head back to the house walking slowly holding hands the smell of the grill hit my nose and my belly growls

" Come on let's get you fed so we can watch movies " Mason said

Once back at the house Mason , Morgan and Sammy all surrounded me in a group hug

" I'm sorry guys this has been so messed up "

" It's okay Bambino, we know Just eat and then we can watch movies " Morgan said

Once inside the house Mama and Papas and Daddies all wanted to talk so off to the conference room again I went but this time it didn't end in a argument just more hugs and kisses and a Papa Raven telling me that I have been hanging out with Owen too much to which I laughed

Dinner went well and it was delicious then we all settled down in the backyard to watch a movie , Gabriel and Luke came up with the idea a while back in using a white painters cloth and the movie projector outside and you know what it , it turned out to be a lot of fun .
Though half way through the movie I fell asleep only to be woken up when I was picked up and carried inside and upstairs to Mason and Morgan's room

" Don't leave" I said in a sleepy voice
" I don't plan on it we are going to move the beds together again so the three of us can sleep with you " Morgan said

A few minutes later the beds were moved and I was able to go back to sleep snuggled up in Masons arms with Morgan snuggled up to me

Over the next few days we settled into a routine of hanging out in the evening , I worked at the Cafe during the day With Papa Marc who kept me busy I had a run in with Abby about Sammy . I tried to be nice to her about it but it ended up me telling her to either back off or she would deal with me , She thought it was a good idea to slap me well it didn't end well for her since I kinda knocked her ass out with one punch . Papa Marc wasn't happy with me but Papa Raven was though he tried to say he was upset that I did what I did but let's be honest Papa Raven is the one that taught me how to fight , On Friday all us girls went out for our girls day to get ready for the Gala .

The day went by pretty fast we got out nails done , a massage let me tell you that was heavenly done .
I even did a little shopping and when I came out of Victoria Secret with two bags of bras and underwear and pjs all had already been picked out by Gabriel who had them hold for me to go through an pick out what I wanted I started out with so many bras in different styles but I narrowed them down and pjs there were some sexy ones in there and as I went to try them on I texted Gabriel and asked why he picked them out and his response wasn't what I was expecting
He said because his sons would love to see me in them but this is Gabriel we are talking about

I finished up and was walking out with Said bags when I got the feeling I was being watched I glanced around and my eyes landed on Todd he was standing there with some blonde staring me down my heart rate picked up I knew he wouldn't do anything in public but you never know with him .
Grabbing my phone out of my pocket I texted someone I Didn't Check to see

Hey is anyone close to the mall right now because asshole is here Todd , yes he has seen me, I know to stay in public view but would feel much safer with someone here

I sent the text

Don't you go anywhere that people can't see you I'll be there in a second

I looked at who I texted. Grey

A few minutes later Grey walls up behind me draped his arm across my shoulder

"Do you need to go anywhere elsewhere in here " Grey Asked
" No I just want to go home "
" Okay come on Jacks in the car I'll drive us home Your Jeep just in case asshole follows " he said

We got to the Jeep
" Are you going to tell Our Parents "
" No but if happens again then yes I will , Harper we need to deal with him , is there anything you can tell me about his habits " Grey asked me after we were driving for awhile
" No not really"

At home I showered then started working on my hair I know the boys love it down so I left it down but I blow dried it then flat ironed it even though Mason loves my curls but with the humidity they were more like frizz than curls

Melody came over she wanted to get her dressed with me and also talk about the past events

I spilled the beans about seeing Todd at the mall to her but she promised not say anything about it
It was now 5:45 time to slip on the dresses so that we could get to the Gala by 7 it was being held out at Boone Hall Plantation which is a gorgeous place .
I slipped on the bottom of the dress well the Lacey shorts and then the sheer skirt then I put the halter top on Melody couldn't get it zipped up it was hung up so off to find Mama as I approached the bedroom I heard her and Daddy Axel talking about me

" How has Harper been today"
" Good she stayed after at the mall to pick up the items Gabe picked out for her "

" Did you know she saw Todd "
" What"
"Easy Cassie she texted Grey he and Jacks came and got her before he could do anything and the only reason I know what happen is because an informant told me and I don't mean Jacks or Grey I'm not revealing who"

" Well I don't want to know but we have to trust her she reached out to Grey so that's a step in the right direction that she is trusting us "

" Cassie she always trusts us she was just mad about being sent to live with Mama Lilly for awhile , Maybe if you tell her about what happen to you it might help "

" Axel I can't you know what happen to me I lived through what she almost went through I feel like I'm lying to her but I'm just trying to protect her "

What the hell are they talking about what happened to Mama as much as I wanted to bust in there and find out I knew I would have to wait and figure it out later for now I had a Gala to go to and my top needed to be zipped

I backed up and then made a loud noise to make it Known someone was coming

" Mama"
" Yes Harper "
" Need a little help here" I say as I push the door open to see My Daddy Axel looking quite handsome and Mama looking beautiful as always

" You look Beautiful Mama"
" So do you Harper "
" Hey what about me " Daddy asked faking hurt
" Oh Daddy you look handsome too " I say as I give him a hug and kiss

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