Good morning Nerdfighters, it...

By Imagineer333

286 18 12

New and old Nerdfighters, this is the read for you! Each Friday I will post a "chapter" about the recent acti... More

July 11, 2014 (Surviving Target)
August 1, 2014 Friendship Part 1 (Meet the Mendelschtapps)
August 8 2014 Friendship Part 2 (The Strange Love)
September 5, 2014 Vive le Theatre Kids
September 26, 2014

August 15 2014 The Ultimate Nerd-off: Movie Edition

24 2 6
By Imagineer333

Good morning Nerdfighters, it's Friday. As many of you already know, John is now home and on the long road to recovery from some nasty viral meningitis. So, our thoughts go to him! Being a nerd myself, you all would originally guess that a lot of my own friends would also be nerds...and you would be so right. I'm big into Theatre so there are my Theatre Geek friends and in general my friends are just nerds (which, let me tell you, is amazing). However, there's one group that, combined, make a nerd force so huge that you would never guess why your house blew up. The Mendelschtapps.

Malke, herself, is also a Nerdfighter. Hora is a computer gaming nerd. I'm a nerd in general. Naum, he's a surprise nerd. What, exactly, is a surprise nerd? I'm glad you asked. A surprise nerd is a nerd that nobody thinks, originally, is actually a nerd. And Naum is the biggest surprise nerd I know.

One of the biggest conversations I ever had with Naum would have to be about favorite movies. See, he doesn't have a favorite movie but he really really really enjoys old sci-fi movies like Star Wars and Star Trek, etc. Okay, that's normal. He happens to be a boy. Only it's totally not what you would expect him to say, at all. Star Wars, fine. Star Trek? That stuff is beginning to go unappreciated by my generation and it's a shame (Star Trek is perfection). We ended up talking about it for quite some time (mainly a writing related Star Trek game his sister used to play because he knows I like to write) about it and it became a general consensus between the two of us that Star Trek rules.

Then we started talking a couple days ago about Marvel. Now, I don't know much about Marvel. I've only ever seen The Avengers. My problem comes up to us when Naum argues that Marvel movies are even better than Star Trek. *GASP* I know.

With Naum's help, I'm going to be lent a Marvel movie once every week (I get to watch one every weekend) come school. Then, and only then, will I decide if I prefer Marvel or Star Trek. Here's where you guys come in. I have some questions for you to answer in comments.

1. Which is better: Marvel or Star Trek?

2. Do you know many surprise nerds?

3. Who is your favorite Marvel superhero?

4. What's your favorite Marvel movie?

Okay, thanks for answering those. Now for a quick Thoughts from Places! The same day I had the conversation about Marvel with Naum, I went for a day trip to a plot of land at a lake that my uncle owns. At this lake, you can do all sorts of stuff. Go tubing, go cliff-jumping, even drive a waverunner which is exactly why I'm writing this. If you don't know what a waverunner is, type it into google and hit images. You'll see soon enough. I drove the waverunner twice and rode it the same number of times with someone else driving. When my cousin drove me, I had one of those moments. You know, the moment when time stops and you're smiling too hard to care about anything else but the happiness you're feeling. That moment where everything makes sense and the world is beautiful. When every breath your take is calm and every heart beat reassured. One of those moments.

It struck me as I rode on that it was a very nice moment, one I wish I could have all of the time. Of course, if I had that moment all the time it wouldn't be as special, wouldn't make me so happy. It would just be another moment in my day.

Whatsmore, most people in this world are given moments like those ecstatic ones when they finally get food or clean water, when they move out of a tent or get medical care. But those things, most of them, don;t even produce a feeling of everday joy for me which just goes to show the difference between the lives we lead and the lives of others. I wish we could do something....oh wait. Nerdfighters, let's try to instill one of those ecstatic, rare moments of joy in someone this week. I'm starting school in a few days and I know it would be nice for someone who's struggling to make friends to have someone to sit with at lunch. That homeless man on the corner could ue a sandwich. That teacher deserves respect from someone. That John Green needs good thoughts going towards his recovery. Those people at war could use prayers or just kindness. Come on guys. we can do this!

DFTBA and, Nerdfighters, I'll see you on Friday.

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