
By Asgardian_Kitty

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Heather had just moved into a new neighborhood, and by neighborhood, I mean she moved into a small area where... More



7 0 0
By Asgardian_Kitty

Once I was shown around the house, Dark and I went to the gaming room and just sat in there playing video games with Ben and Jeff. He really didn't have a plan as to how to use me as a proxy, so it would literally me just train with him and some of the others and just do errands for him when he needs me too. Simple enough. Though I feel bad for Heather. When we passed by EJ's room, she was reading one of his textbooks on the human body. I guess he's going to make her a nurse or something. I dunno. All I know is that today, I just get to play video games.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

It's been a week here, and I already would gladly take death over fighting Dark. Though, today Heather's going to try and fight Toby and everyone thinks Heather isn't going to do all that well. Considering, Toby can't feel pain, he's nearly a foot taller than her, and he's way more experienced at fighting than Heather. Well, that's what they think, at least. Heather's had her fair share of fights with her brothers, and trust me when I say that she knows how to use her small frame against a guy three times as big as her, one of her brothers is a body builder.

Dark, Jeff, Ben, and I all walked together outside to the 'arena' they had set up. It was just a clearing by the house that was big enough for the uh... more ragey pasta's. Jeff. Heather and Toby were standing about ten feet away from each other and I could see Heather was more nervous than Toby. Like... a lot more nervous. Toby was in his normal outfit, and Heather was wearing some clothes that EJ had gotten for her, basically a black, long sleeve shirt, dark skinny jeans, black converse, and she had her hair up in a pony tail.

I heard a few of the pasta's mutter and comment about how Toby was going to mop the floor with Heather. He might, but I'm rooting for Heather until I see how badly she's going to get her ass kicked by Toby. To be honest, I'm not sure why she picked him to fight against first, I mean, he can't feel pain. So that's gonna be a bit of a problem... The only rule was to not kill each other, though that rule was a loose one. If was an accident, whatever, but like, if they're down for the count if they just bluntly kill them, then they will get punished. So far, Jeff has been the only one who has broken that rule. Which is what I expected.

Once they were told to not kill each other, Slendy let the fight start. Toby immediately rushed Heather, though she was able to sidestep him and kick him to the ground. She attempted to kick him in the face but he grabbed her leg and dragged her to the ground. She was pinned to the ground and Toby was going to punch her in the face, however, she kicked him in the groin. Which did literally nothing to him.

"Shit! I forgot you can't feel pain!" she yelled, making a lot of us laugh. Heather was able to get out from under Toby as she grabbed his wrists and shoved him away as he tried to punch her. And that was pretty much how the fight went, both of them able to dodge each other or just barely get a hit off on each other. Until Toby took out his hatchets. He unbuckled them before twirling them in his hands and throwing one of them at her. She dropped to the ground as the hatchet buried itself into a tree behind her, right where her head was. "THE FUCK TOBY!"

      "S- sorry, not sorry!" Toby called back, chuckling a bit. Heather sighed before prying the hatchet out of the tree and twirling it in her hand getting a feel for it. And nearly dropping it in the process. Dumbass. She saw Toby rushing at her and threw the hatchet, making it twirl and then the dull, flat edge of the hatchet hit him in the face. He stopped and just blinked at her for a second. All you saw was EJ shake his head in disappointment and Jeff dying of laughing and falling to the ground, holding his stomach.

      "Heather, what the fuck was that?!" I called out, motioning at Toby, "you know what? I'm done. I've seen enough. You failure." With that, I turned around and walked back to the house. Though I was followed as Slendy ended the fight. She didn't do horrible, but like, what the fuck was that??

      "You did good, for your first fight," Masky clapped her on the back, making her trip and be pushed forward. I laughed as she nearly fell and saw that he was smiling behind his mask and trying not to laugh.

"Why do you people like torturing me so?" Heather asked, looking between me and Masky. We looked at each other and shrugged as we turned back to her. She just sighed and shook her head, following EJ back to his room. I skipped after her as I wanted to know how well it was going with him. "What Slylor?" Heather questioned, turning her head slightly.

"So, how's your studies comin'?" I wondered, making EJ look at me.

"She's doing fine," EJ commented, annoyed.

"I learned like half of this in college, so I mean like," she started, "I surprised EJ. He was not expecting me to already know all the muscles and bones in the body and where a lot of the nerve endings are."

"Really? EJ, c'mon man, bio-engineering deals with putting machines on people to replace arms and legs n' shit," I crossed my arms as he turned to face me. "Didn't you like, sneak into her house too and look at her stuff?"

"I should probably be worried about that, but I'm really not," Heather shrugged, "I expected as much from like half of you to do that."

"Fair enough," I replied, "tell me when you're done studying so we can actually play video games together. We need to wreck Jeff and Ben in Halo. They think they're sooooo good, but, we're better." Heather smiled and shook her head as she headed into the room after EJ.

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