HATE TO LOVE HIM (Undergoing...

By zeehijabi1234

214K 2.3K 55

An English Hausa novel. Aisha, a girl with dreams and ambition. She wants to further her education and bec... More

Chap 3
A/N note
Author's note.
A/n note
Bonus chapter.
Chapter 2


16.6K 803 11
By zeehijabi1234

Aisha's p o v
  "mama" I  shouted my mama's name." Aisha what happened that made you shout my name". "nothing mama I just wanted to ask you something". "when will you stop behaving like a child". "Mama child kumma". "Don't you know you are getting married soon". "mama marriage again, l am just 17 and you can not force me". "we are not forcing you". "Mama all I need now is just education. Mama please try and understand" "I got married to  your father when i was just 13". "Mama that was then, the world is changing like wise everything in it is changing also, tell me mama won't you be happy if your daughter becomes a lawyer" "lawyer, Allah Ya kiyaye" (God forbid). Don't you know that they lie" "Mama don't worry, because if I keep on talking from now to next year you and baba will not change your mind, because it is already made up". I said and went to my cozy room. OMA, what will I do now. They both want me to get married, especially my Baba. I sighed and lay on my bed. "Aisha". My
mother called me. "Na'am" 
  "your  Baba wants to talk to you". OMA, please help me out. I went out of my room to meet baba. "Baba ganinan"(am here). "Toh,  you know that after your junior secondary school you must get married". Ya Allah, why me. "But Baba, try and understand me. Please baba I don't want to get married now, I want to further my education" "ke Ki yimun shuru(keep quite ), what do you know. That is final you are getting married. Get prepared they are coming on Friday afternoon". He said and left.  I ran to my room and started crying. Ya Allah why is everything happening so fast, I can't do this.  I can't get married to an illiterate fat man. Ya Allah what type of a stupid tradition is this.  I hate this tradition.  I have to do something, to stop this marriage thing, I can't just let my life take a wrong twist, which will ruin it. I won't, I have to face baba. I stormed out of my room to the sitting room. "Baba you can't decide for me. I will not get married now till I achieve what I want" "so you now have the mouth to talk back at me" "Baba you can't just keep on deciding for me". He slapped me, my baba slapped me. "you are getting married and that is final ". He said and left the sitting room. Mai zanyi Yanzu(what will I do now). I don't want to get married. But baba will never listen, his mind is already made up. And there is nothing I can do about it.  I went to my room and sleep without eating that night

In the morning
I woke up for Fajr prayer. "Assalamualaikum waramatullah, assalamualaikum waramatullah". I said turning my head from left to right. I raised my hands up for dua . Ya Allah,  guide me to  the right path and the path of those who you have bestowed upon. Oh Allah help me in all affairs and daily activities". I rubbed my palm on my face,  before going back to bed. "Aisha wake up" "Mama please one minute" "when will your one minute end" "mama please". I said and snuggled into my blanket. She left my room. Thank Allah. Spalashssssss.  "Ya Allah mama what is this?" "What you deserved, I asked you to get up but you did not obey me.  So this is your punishment sleepy head" "But mama how do I clean this mess?" "exactly, stand up now, clean your room and I want to send you to the market". She said and left my room, leaving no room for argument. I stood up from my bed and started cleaning up the room. When I was done cleaning the room,  I went to the toilet to do my business.  When I was through, I went back to my room to get dress. I finished dressing and went to the kitchen. "mama ganinan"(mama am Here) "This is what you will buy  in  the market". She gave me the list and money. I went to the market and bought all what she sent me and went back home. I dropped everything in the kitchen before going to the sitting room. "Assalamualaikum". I said as I entered the sitting room. What I saw surprised me. "Ya Abbas, Ya umar,  when did you came back"  I went to hug them "I missed you guys" " We missed you too indo"
Ya Abbas and Ya umar are in higher institution. Baba allowed them to further,  sometimes I just wish that I am just smile child. "How is the marriage preparation going". Ya Abbas said without any surprise on their face. "you guys know about it. I said with surprise. They both nod my head. "But we tried convincing baba but he did not listen to us". Ya umar said. "The guy just finished his masters in Oxford university" "He is a graduate" "Yes and him and his father are one of the richest business man in the world" "so do you know his name" "No, and we even tried convincing him to at least let you finish your senior secondary school, but he said no" "you know that yesterday he slapped me when i tried arguing with him about it" "indo, just do it, Baba's choice is the best for you" "Did you just said best?, put yourselves in my shoe, then  you both will Feel what I am going through. "Aisha we just want you to be happy" "is what you call happiness Ya Umar,  why does everyone loves to decide for me without considering my own opinion. This thing you called happiness is just disaster, sorrow, sadness. Tell me what will happen to my dreams?, they Will all go shattered" "Aisha he may ssend you to schoool" "May, ya Umar you will not understand, because you are privilege to go school, but here I am no education, no future dreams,  nothing" "Aisha stop making us feel as if we have not tried our best". I was already sobbing. "Best, you have not,  because if you have,  baba will let me continue my education" "Aisha why are you talking like this, you of all people know that baba is stubborn". Ya Abbas said.
"Not only that, he is also a man of his world and also strict". Ya umar said. "I can see both of you are happy that I am getting married to a total stranger" "why on earth will we be happy" "If you are not happy then I will not be getting married" "Believe us Aisha we are not in support of this whole thing. We tried persuading baba but he turned deaf ears, so we decided to stop discussing it with him again". They both hug me.  "Don't worry everything will be alright, Now go and rinse your face. I nod my head and went to rinse my face.

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Zee salam

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