๐‹๐€๐ƒ๐ƒ๐„๐‘๐’, colby brock i...

By -angelicglow

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just some random colby brock imagines that i wanted to write :-) hope you enjoy๐Ÿ’› More

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author's note
author's note pt 2
you're the one
worth it
no more


597 10 0
By -angelicglow

y/n's pov

colby's birthday is coming up and i had been planning surprises for him. i was currently in colby's room while he was out with sam to film a video. i don't live at the house but i do spend a lot of time here so i didn't mind being here by myself, as weird as that sounds. i was planning the surprise party for colby at the end of the day and i have the roommates helping me out in setting up for the party so that i could take him out of the house all day. i was scribbling notes in my notebook planning every detail when i got a text. it was toddy. i rolled my eyes, not even bothering to look at the text. thing is, i've been dating colby for 2 years, and for a majority of our relationship, toddy has been trying to get at me. don't get me wrong, toddy's cool and all, but he didn't understand that i didn't like him in that way, but maybe he'll understand one day. i sighed, running my fingers through my hair trying to finish the last few bits of the day since i had several gifts for colby and that i wanted to give them to him at different times throughout the day. i was planning on taking colby on a slight adventure of all the memories that we had made the last 2 years and that meant stopping at a park, an amusement park, and a beach. all of these places are memorable for us because they represent our favorite memories with each other. at the park i was planning on giving him a deck of cards in which each of the cards had something i love about him written on them to signify the first time we said "i love you". at the amusement park, i was planning on giving him a giant stuffed koala (https://i.imgur.com/jJQ1Hg7) to signify our first date. he had won me a stuffed animal and so i thought i would return the favor. and lastly, the beach. the beach where he and i met. the place that changed my life. at the beach, i'm giving him a picnic basket full of some of his favorite things and other small things that reminded me of him such as a new phone case, black nail polish (because he's been using mine), clothes, etc. also in the basket, i'm including a photo album that had all the photos that colby and i had taken throughout our relationship and friendship. i closed the notebook, hid it in my stuff and slid into bed, seeing that it was getting late. i pulled the blanket over me and i fell asleep.

-one week later-

today was the day! i woke up bright and early to get things ready for colby's birthday. i needed everything to go perfectly because he absolutely deserved it. i had gotten up at 6 am and finished off the last few things on the list of things that i needed to buy for the surprise party. devyn and kat are in charge of decorating the house and the rest of the roommates were there to help along with hiding all of the guest's cars so that colby wouldn't see them when we got home. the party was set for 7 pm and i had sent out a mass group message last night to all those that were invited to let them know of the plans. i finished shopping and went home to get ready for the day. i texted colby to tell him to get ready by 9 am to get our day started and i couldn't wait. i put on my outfit (https://i.imgur.com/iUaOzFb) and did my hair/makeup. around 8:45 i was ready. i packed my outfit for the party later and i was out the door. i checked my car and my bag to make sure i had everything and i was off to the house! after about 20 mins i parked in front of the house and grabbed all the party stuff from my car. i walked in, as i had a key, and set all the stuff in the garage. i ran upstairs and knocked on colby's door. i heard shuffling inside and then he opened the door. "baby" he said, smiling, pulling me in for a hug. "hi baby, happy birthday" i replied, smiling into his chest. "are you ready?" i asked looking up at him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. he nodded, "yeah, let me grab my wallet and keys and lets go". i shook my head, "leave them both. today's your day, don't worry about any of it" i said grabbing onto his hand, dragging him out of his room. he laughed as we headed out the door. "wait" he said, pulling me back. from behind, i felt his arms snake around my waist. i turned my face to look at his and he kissed me. "you look beautiful" he whispered into my ear. i blushed. even after 2 years, those words never failed to make me my stomach flip. i kissed his cheek in return, "c'mon pretty boy, let's go". he chuckled and we were off. "are you gonna tell me where we're going or what we're doing today" he asked, playing with my right hand, as i was driving. (pls be safe when you're driving lol) i shook my head, smiling. "here, put this blindfold on, we're getting close" i said, pulling out a blindfold from the side of the car door. i heard colby groan, "do i have to?" i nodded and he pouted, but put it on. after about 10 minutes, i pulled into the parking lot of the park. thankfully the park was empty. i helped colby out of the car and walked him to a bench that faced the park. the bench. our bench. "okay, sit down. you can take off the blindfold now" i said, pulling out the deck of cards, placing it behind me on the bench, as colby took off his blindfold. "y/n" he softly said, looking at where we were. "here", i said while handing him the deck of cards. "what is this?" he said, opening the box. "look at each card" i said, scooting closer, wrapping my arms around his arm. he pulled out the deck of cards, and read out the first card. "#1 you never fail to make me smile with just your presence". he flipped to the next card. "#2 your adventurous spirit and seeing how much you enjoy living life outside the box". a tear rolled down his cheek as he kissed my forehead. "#3 you never fail to make me feel beautiful". he kept reading through each one, tears continuously falling. "#37 your willingness to live life to the fullest, not giving a damn about anyone". i squeeze his arm as he continues reading. "#52 last but not least, i love you for who you are. you are the best thing to ever happen to me and i love you for sticking around with my weird ass. happy 22nd baby". he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in for a hug. "how many times are you gonna make me cry today babe" he said, laughing softly. "we'll see" i replied. "i love you so much y/n" "i love you too colby". he kissed my forehead as we both sat there and took in the memories. "c'mon, we have 2 more places to go" i said, getting up, reaching my hand out for his. he smiles and intertwines our fingers as we head for the amusement park.

we reached the amusement park and of course i put the blindfold back on colby, so i helped him out of the car and walked him toward the entrance. "you can take off the blindfold now" i said, helping him take it off. colby gasped, "y/n!" the amusement park was one of colby's favorite places and just by the smile on his face i knew he was happy. he picked me up and swung me around, "thank you baby" he said, putting me down. "c'mon then, what are we waiting for" i said, pulling him inside. we went on several rides, played games, ate food and just had the time of our lives. spending time with colby made me so happy, especially seeing him enjoy himself. it was around 3 pm and we were getting tired and so we decided to head out. when we got to the car, i stopped him. "wait, i have something for you" i said, unlocking the trunk of my car. i slowly opened it, revealing the giant koala that i somehow managed to stuff into my small car. "babe, you didn't" he said, hugging me. "how did i get so lucky. thank you baby, i love it" he said, kissing my cheek. "you got me my bear so i had to return the favor because i suck at arcade games" i replied, making him chuckle. "let's go, we got one more stop" i replied, unlocking my car. i pulled out of the parking lot, as colby intertwined our fingers, smiling at me. damn, the way this boy makes me feel.

i laugh as colby whines for the third time on the drive to the beach. "y/n, can i please take off this blindfold, i wanna be able to look at you. plus i've been blindfolded for an hour, i wanna see where we are". "we're almost there colbs, we're like 5 mins away" i replied. "fine, but only because you're cute". i shook my head as i see him smile and lean his head against the window. after a couple minutes, i pulled into the parking lot of the beach and once again, help him out of the car. "wait here just a second" i said, running back to the car to grab the picnic basket and photo album. "okay, you can take it off now" i said, putting the photo album in the basket. colby didn't say anything. he turned around and looked at me. "you are truly amazing, do you know that?" he said as i walked up to him. "mm i know" we both laughed as he intertwined our fingers and we walked to our spot. as we sat down, he noticed the basket. "what's that?" he asked. "it's for you" i replied, handing the basket to him. when he opened it, the first thing he pulled out was the photo album. "wait, i want you to look at that last" i said. he chuckled, "okay then, last it is". he put it down next to him as he looked through all the other small things that i got him. after looking through everything in the basket, it was time for the photo album. by this point, i was cuddled up next to him, my head leaning against his arm. he flipped open the album to the first set of photos. we looked through the photos together laughing, pointing out funny pictures, until we reached the last photo. it was a photo of me and colby that sam had taken when we were messing around (https://i.imgur.com/Rhj7WFT) it was one of my favorite photos of us. underneath the picture, i wrote a little letter for colby.

cole robert brock,

you are the absolute light of my life. i'm so glad that you "accidentally" threw the volleyball at me on the beach 4 years ago. you are such blessing to me. you never fail to make me smile, laugh, and just make me happy. i hope that one day, you'll understand how much you mean to me. you are truly amazing and one of the best things to happen in my life. you deserve nothing but the best and i can't wait to see what else is in store for us. i am so proud and lucky to call you my boyfriend to see you so excited to take on life! the way you live life to the fullest and how you aren't afraid to do so many things has really opened my eyes to see the beauty in life. you inspire me and i don't know where i would be without you. i am so so so in love with you and who you are. you have made me a better me. you make me feel beautiful and i'm forever thankful for having you in my life. you have taught me so much and i can't wait to make more memories with you. together forever. happy 22nd birthday baby. i love you.

-y/f/n y/m/n y/l/n

i could see the tears running down his face as he wrapped his arm around me. "i love you so much y/n, thank you" i wiped away the tears on his face as he leaned down and kissed me. "i love you too colby". we sat there for a while, talking, staring out at the view. at around 5:45, i got a text from katrina saying that the house was prepped and ready and that everyone was arriving in 30 minutes. "already colbs, you ready to head back?" i asked. he nodded as he stood up and helped me up after. he grabbed the picnic basket and we head back to my car. after about an hour, we were 15 minutes away from the house. at a red light (because safety first), i quickly texted katrina that we were almost there. i smiled to myself as i looked over to see colby staring out the window. after about 15 minutes, we were home. i quickly texted katrina to let her know that we were here and i got out of the car, walking to the front door, colby by my side. when i opened the door, it was dark inside. colby walked in first and as soon as he stepped foot inside the house, the lights turned on and everyone yelled, "surprise!" he was shocked, but he then smiled and turned around to look at me. "did you do this?" he asked. i sheepishly nodded as he ran up to me and hugged me. "alrighty birthday boy, let's get this party started" sam yelled from behind us. everyone was here. brennen, david, scotty, bignik, liza, kristin, etc. even toddy was here, but i wasn't complaining because i had colby. as everyone started to say happy birthday to colby, i quickly ran up to his room and changed into my outfit that i had planned (https://i.imgur.com/bjPe4tH). i looked at myself one last time in the mirror before heading downstairs. when colby saw me, his jaw dropped. he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me before leaning down to my ear and whispering, "you look stunning". i blushed, "only for you baby". he smiled before pulling me into a kiss, tightening his grip around my waist. after about an hour, almost everyone was drunk, but they were all having a blast. there was a dj, food, drinks. katrina and devyn did a great job setting up. i was in the living room, walking around when i felt a pair of arms pull me into the bathroom. "hey baby". "toddy, what do you want" i tried to push him off of me, but his grip around my waist was tight. "you". "you're clearly drunk, get off of me". i managed to push him off, but he cornered me, his arms snaking around my waist again. "c'mon y/n, i know you want me". i could smell the alcohol on his breath. "i love you y/n, c'mon, i'm better for you". he gripped my wrists and held my arms above my head. he used one hand to hold up my arms while his other hand slipped under my skirt. "toddy please, stop" i said, tears forming. he then placed his lips on my neck, as i tried to fight back, but he was too strong for me. and then, he placed his lips on mine, but he pulled away when the door opened. it was sam. "what the fuck is happening" he glared at me and toddy, but his face softened when he saw that i was crying. "toddy what the fuck" sam yelled as i could see the blood boiling in his face. "i love her" toddy yelled back. "colby doesn't deserve her, i do" sam pushed scotty against the wall, "you don't mess with her" sam yelled back. i guess all their yelling drew some attention because colby, david, brennen, and scotty ran over to us. "what's going on" colby asked sam, but before sam could answer, he saw me. "y/n?" he saw that i was crying and he ran over to me. i wrapped my arms around him, sobbing. "toddy forced himself onto y/n" sam said. "i love her, she deserves me" toddy yelled as colby pulled away from me. "are you fucking serious" colby yelled as he swung at toddy, but brennen pulled him back. "oh you wanna go brock" toddy yelled, trying to swing at colby, but david and scott pulled him back. "toddy what the fuck" david said, pushing him out of the bathroom. at this point, everyone at the party was watching. "don't you ever touch or look at her" colby yelled at toddy. "i love her" toddy kept yelling, but david and scotty pulled him away and out of the house. after about 15 minutes, the whole house was empty as everyone left. colby had carried me upstairs into his room and laid with me in bed as tears kept falling. "i'm sorry" i whispered. "don't be sorry, y/n" he replied, sitting both of us up. "that was not your fault" he said, placing his hands on my face, his thumb wiping my tears. "don't you ever for even a second think that that was your fault". i nod as he pulls me into him, rocking us back and forth. "i'm sorry that i wasn't there to protect you" he whispered, sighing. "hey" i quietly said. "hm" he replied, looking at me. "i love you". "i love you too y/n". "i always want you to know that i am yours. you are the only one i see" i said, placing my hand on his cheek. "you are mine, and i am yours" he said, placing his hand on top of mine. "you and me together colby". i kissed his cheek as he smiled. we laid back down in bed. he looked at me, running his fingers through my hair. "happy birthday baby" i whispered, looking at him. "thank you for the best day ever" he replied before we both fell asleep.

sorry to all you toddy lovers, i know toddy would never do that, but it was just for the story.

i hope y'all enjoyed and please please please comment/message any ideas that y'all have for more imagines!

i'm running out of ideas, but i want to keep updating so it would be helpful if you guys send me requests!

love y'all, and i'll write more soon!

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