The Element Alpha's (Yoonmin)...

By chachisworks

10.9K 178 16

Don't touch what's mine or else you might get hurt real real bad because that's my property now if you'll exc... More

Alpha (Part 2)
Alpha (Part 3)
(Alpha Part 4)
Alpha (Part 5)

Alpha (Part 1)

5.3K 64 6
By chachisworks

Yoongi's POV ( Point Of View )

First let me introduce my self I am Min Yoongi I'm an Alpha and my friends are BTS one of my friends brother is one too but I never knew who he was but he said he was his step-brother but There is a Legend on our packs we are known to be the most dangerous pack in the world but also our generation was that those Alpha's that used to rule this pack became the 7th Element Wolf trust me we were good but our faces looked frightening so they never thought of challenging us anyway my 6 friends are one of them too but they say the 7th possess the most power and I never believed it because I thought it was just a story but the 6 member is the one I do not know but he is one too well an Element Wolf but for me nothing has happened all of my members turned out gay not in a bad way j-hope got and omega that was in his pack but all the members got each other and they actually liked each other I was ok with it but I got annoyed the only one who did not get a mate was the 6th member I felt bad for him but not that much because me Suga-Genius theres only two words for me theres all to it anyways. I was running with my pup around the woods well not really he wasn't my pup but he was my little step-brother he was 15 well I call him pup because he basically me anyways I was running around with him until I heard a yelp of another wolf and I smelled a beautiful arouse that led to that yelp and that's when my mind said ''Mate'' my brother wanted to go but I told him to go back to the pack.

( Here I Go with a different part hope its not really cringe to you readers cause first why are you here if you do not like it anyway lesssss goooo )

I go check it out and I see a beautiful white wolf that matched me (My Mate) with my soft pitch black fur and I saw that another wolf charged at my mate which pissed me off but then what caught my attention was my mates stomach it had blood and I could not help it anymore my anger grew more and more that my grey eyes turned red with aqua blue everything went blurry and I felt something heavy on my back and I opened my eyes immediately I turned to face my back and when I saw my eyes went wide my skin turned into red fur with a bunch of tattoos around my body but what was most shocking to me was that I had huge wings but that soon got off my mind when I heard my mate yelp again and then I remembered that another wolf was there so I went running straight into the wolf and made a protective stand and spread my wings so nothing can happen the wolf got frightened at the sight of my wings and the wolf said something but I did not quite catch it so I growled loud and said:

Yoongi:Say it louder before I rip your throat off. I show No mercy to people who hurt what's mine. (I was having none of it I don't know what got into my mind all I thought about was to kill him and see what was wrong to my mate but I needed to hear that word that he said I saw he was gonna say something so I listened.)

Wolf: "Y-your an E-E-Element Wolf.....w-ho A-are you." He showed fear but I can also read what he's thinking all I heard in his head was that I was gonna kill him....but I really was for doing that to my mate but then again I know I'm a cold-hearted beast but wtf who would do that maybe me but only when necessary like now.

Me: First, Yeah I'm The 7th Element Wolf And this Wolf is My Mate which you hurt and he is my Master so run as fast as you can and tell your alpha that The Blood Moon Pack is asking for war and tell him that I'm the alpha so whatever happens IT'S HAPPENING WHEN I DECIDE TO DO WAR IF THEY TOUCH MY MATE ever run~ along.... Pup.

With that the wolf ran off with his tail behind his ass and as he was gone I heard a low yelp from my mate and I turn around quickly and as I walk slowly to my mate he doesn't move I began to get worried- worried that if I lost him I would lose my mind so I did the first thing that was best I howled to my pack and said.

Me: (Howl) Meet me in the forest doc I've brought someone special. (with that I stop howling and hear a respond from the doc that he was on his way)

I transform into my human body and I had those tattoos on my skin still but what caught my attention was that there was a name tattooed to my hand on my wrist and it said Park Jimin with a heart around the name with True Love on it and at the bottom with Mate so I wondered a little bit.....was that my mate's name and then there was another one with a logo with a bullet proof vest and it said The Bangtan Pack and that's when something popped out it was like a dimension and when I looked close I saw the boys with a emotionless expression and that's when Taehyung fell down to his knees weak and I went down with my mate in my hands that's when I spoke up.

Me: Taehyung.....what's wrong- (I got cut off immediately)

Taehyung: WHY....Why was he with you what was MY BROTHER DOING WITH YOU WH- (He stopped and looked like he choked on his saliva when he looked at my wrist almost as if why was my wrist tattooed with Park Jimin) J-Jimin why is his name written on you and I see did you turn into your Element Wolf I can sense all the powers we have on you I guess your the 7th one and here I thought My Brother was the one.

Me: I was just here on the woods running with my brother and I heard a yelp and I found my mate and here he is on my hand.....why did you call is he your step-brother.....Oh I understand now so he's the 6th member then and yeah I guess I found out but does anyone wanna tell me why I have this tattoo on me that says The Bangtan Pack do you guys have it too since you guys were first to become Element Wolves first.

Namjoon: Well yeah I guess your in our new pack now we are all in The Bangtan Pack we all have that tattoo as you too.

BTS: Congrats on finding your mate....GRANDPA. ( Everyone starts laughing except me which I just smiled but I was shocked to believe my mate is the brother of my friend even though he was sad a while ago but I guess he is happy that his brother and his friend are together but then I told them the story and when I finished the doc came and he helped me take care of the wounds on my mate but then the doc said he won't wake up only for tomorrow he could open his eyes although I was worried I got to take him home well the boys lead me to our bangtan pack house where me and Jimin will Sleep in which J-hopes mate also got to stay with J-hope in their room well basically we had other rooms but we all had a secret passage in our rooms which lead to a room that had chains and other toys you could play with when you wanted to do something dirty like have sex or just like a punishment but that is not happening right now that's later when I can finally get my mate to make me have pups going crazy like ants running around)


(Yoongi's Pov) Morning

As I was sleeping I felt a little soft thing licking and kissing my neck until I groaned and wanting to move the other side but I couldn't because I was comfortable and I tried to open my eyes but they were too lazy also because I'm lazy ass fuck so don't judge me but then I felt that same thing again I thought it might have been the boys but then I smelled a beautiful arouse and I opened my eyes only to see my mate moving to get up I almost grabbed him thinking he was leaving but I was wrong he came on top of me but as lazy as I am I went back to sleep receiving a whine from my mate because he didn't see me open my eyes when he was getting on top of me I wanted to laugh but I didn't because I went back to sleep but I got to see the beautiful chubby face of my Mate he looked cute that's when it hit me he was my mate Park Jimin I heard a cute giggle as I moaned on what my mate did he was in his human form as he did the thing to make me moan I felt my cock get a boner because my mate grinded his cock on mine he then started grinding on me about 10x I moaned until I felt soft pumped up lips on my mouth I felt my heat get more hot and then things went a little far I could not hold back I kissed him back roughly and I bit his lip to get entrance from his mouth but he decided to tease me but there was no way I was letting my mate tease me after he got me worried so I got up still kissing him and making him fall down on the bed and me on the top I then grinded on him causing him to moan and I got the chance to kiss him and put my tongue in we stopped for a while to catch some breathe but then when I was gonna kiss him Taehyung came in and ruined it all he had a surprised and shocked face but I had no reaction what so ever just a death glare straight at him he realized we were in the middle of having sex but I just got up and saw my mate smiling at his brother but when I got up to leave he stopped smiling and I just went to the bathroom to take a shower so I turned on the water and took off my clothes and got in and as soon as I went in I felt relaxed when the warm water hit my sensitive skin after 5 or 6 seconds later I heard the door open but I heard it shut so I was guessing they probably grabbed something and went out
but boy was I wrong I heard the door from the shower open but I couldn't see because there was soap running through my face if I opened my eyes I would get soap on my eyes and I got startled when I felt a small but soft body hugging me I knew it was my mate because I smelled that sweet beautiful arouse strike my nose so I finished wiping my face from the soap but there was a feeling that I got my wolf wanted to transform but I hold a little grudge from transforming my mate was still hugging me but I got his hands and took them away from me and got out I heard him whine but ignored him and took off downstairs to the boys but once I went downstairs I noticed that everybody was done and they probably went the store so I made my own food and put it on the table but once I sat down I smelled my mate coming down but ignored the feeling of transforming and ignoring he was there I could feel he was smiling but I ate quickly so I could leave but then I felt the grudge to throw up and I couldn't take my mind off throwing up so I gagged and my mate went running to me and said.

Jimin:" You ok Yoongi" (He sounded worry but once he touched me I pushed his hands away and ran to the bathroom near the living room and once I got in the bathroom I threw up and I got pale and I felt dizzy but I felt some pair of hands catch me when I almost fell and those hands helped me stand still while throwing up I could feel one hand patting my head and then the smell came to my mates and I knew it was him but I did not have the strength to push him away so I let him I don't know why but I just didn't want him touching me but once I was done throwing up I cleaned my face and washed my teeth and once I did that I felt him caring me up to my room and as we reached my room I was lade down on my head and I felt his hand on my forehead but I felt safe this time with his touch and once he touched me pulled his hand away almost as if he got burned my eyes watered and Jimin started to undress me and he started undressing himself also and as he lade down he started calling Taehyung and I got to hear the call).

Jimin: "T-Taehyung Yoongi is burning he isn't feeling well he just threw up and he's pale come quick I'm scared what if he's sick with a disease o-or what if he dies"-

Taehyung: "Calm down Jimin we are on our way please stay calm and do whatever you think is gonna help Yoongi ok give him medicine or put a cold rag on his forehead to keep the hotness away ok-look I gotta go we are almost there okay-Bye Jimin"

Jimin: "Yoongi I'll be right back I'm just gonna grab some medicine real quick ok just stay with me" (Jimin goes and gets the medicine and brings it back to the room) Yoongi please drink it that way you'll be better" (Jimin tries to put the medicine in my mouth but I don't take the medicine I move my head to not drink the medicine)" Yoongi you have to drink it- Ah I know a way you'll definitely drink from" (I couldn't see what Jimin was doing but I felt his hands grab my face and he kissed me but I felt liquid in my mouth and it tasted like medicine I was trying to pull away but I ended up drinking it) "Yoongi next time please listen or else I have to do it the harder way"

I felt Jimin hug me and lay down with me but I didn't want to be in this position I tried moving even though I knew it was painful but I got to hug Jimin but then I transformed into my wolf but this time it was the Element Wolf I still felt sick and Jimin also transformed but it wasn't the white one it was a light brown orange with wings too and with a bunch of tattoos so I guess he transformed into his Element Wolf I got up and ran out Jimin followed too but I ran outside and that's when I saw the boys I saw the worried faces because I looked pale even in my wolf form they tried to grab me but I tried to run until I felt something hold me I growled at the person who grabbed me but I turned around to see who it was but then I stopped growling because it was my mate he looked angry and more scarier than me and I got scared and I stared whining I backed away only to see Jimin coming closer but what shocked me was that the boys didn't have worried faces they had smirks on their lips and that's when I realized what they knew I was in heat but this heat was different I was backing away but then stopped when a voice called and it was Jin.

Jin: "Yoongi come here" ( I immediately ran to him and he said)" Go to the garden there is more privacy ok"

Without another word I ran to the garden and Jimin followed knowing what to do next once I reached the garden I saw the bushes which led to the woods but once I stepped a foot out to walk I stayed when I heard the growl my mate I put my ears out scared of what he would do to me when I turned around my nose touched my mates and I got startled by the fact that he was this close to me I got embarrassed and moved away I took the chance to go in the big maze we have but once I went a little farther in the maze I fell and I saw my mate get on top of me that's when he transformed back to his self and I did too once I transformed he smashed his lips on mine and I kissed him back-

Hope you guys liked it since this is my first story but tell me if I did a mistake ok

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