
By Asgardian_Kitty

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Heather had just moved into a new neighborhood, and by neighborhood, I mean she moved into a small area where... More



12 0 0
By Asgardian_Kitty

After the 'party' ended, Skylor and I were able to pack a few belongings, mainly just clothes and I got to pack some books, before we left. It wasn't the longest of walks as we had previously assumed, though it was only four of us. Dark, EJ, Skylor and myself. The others left ahead of us as they didn't care to wait around, or in some cases, they had other things to do. Aka murder and stalk and whatever they do to keep themselves occupied.

As we made our way to the house, Dark and Skylor partes from us as EJ and I kept going straight down a hallway. He started pointing out the doors to some of the others rooms before stopping in front of a mahogany door. He explained that until Slendy had finished making me and Skylor a room, he would let me share a room a room with him. On one condition. I don't touch anything unless told too. Simple enough.

Once he opened his door, I looked around and noticed that he had a fairly simple room that looked close to mine, however, the flooring was a dark brown color and the walls were a dark grey. The bookshelf in his room was much larger than mine and had mostly text books on it, with an occasional book strewn in here and there. I set my bag down on the bed before walking over to the bookshelf and looking at it. Most of the textbooks were on medicine and medical techniques, of course, however, there were a few on things I wouldn't expect him to actually read up on.

"You know how to fix computers?" I questioned, turning my head slightly and giving him a sideways glance.

"Learning too," he sighed, "I was more or less forced too, as no one else wanted to learn how to."

"If you're having computer problems, I can take a look," I shrugged, turning back to the books, "I took a tech class in my junior class of high school. Certified to do anything computer related."

"Really?" he sounded slightly surprised, "well I guess you're not completely useless." I narrowed my eyes at him and sighed, letting the comment slide. I can already tell I most likely made a mistake, being his proxy. Looking around the room again, I spotted an alarm clock on his nightstand and saw that it was already three in the morning and he was already getting ready to go to bed. I pulled out a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt before turning around and getting undressed before switching into my pjs. "Huh, I would've expected you to go to the bathroom to change or tell me to leave."

"I shared a room with two guys growing up and in college," I turned to face him before shoving my clothes into my bag. "I could care less if you saw me half naked. I just think of it like I'm wearing a bikini. Because I basically am, except this bikini isn't made for swimming."

"Fair enough," he replied, laying down on his side of the bed. "Also, stay on your side of the bed and try not to move too much. I may mistake you for an intruder and kill you."

"Alright..." I moved the bag under the bed before curling up under the blankets. This was going to be a rough night.

— — — — — —

"So..." I started, following Dark down the seemingly never ending hallways, "how do you feel about having me as a proxy?"

"Happy. I mean-" he started but I already knew where this was going so I just shut him up. "Fine I won't finish that. Anyways, do you want a shower so you can wash out the black hair spray?"

"Yes. And so I can take off the rest of this God forsaken makeup. It might've only taken me thirty minutes to put it all on but it'll take me an hour to try and take it off unless I take a shower," I sighed. The downside of makeup. It takes forever to take it all off. If only we could do what Mulan did and just fucking sleeve wipe that shit off. So many girls would be so happy...

Once we got to his room, he told me which door was his bathroom and which one was his closet before letting me go take a shower. He also made sure to make it very clear that he and I would need to sleep together for a few days. Why do I always love the perverted ones? Sighing, I turned on the shower and let it warm up before taking out a pair of pajamas and attempting to try and take the makeup off. Seeing as it was basically impossible, I decided to just take it off in the shower.

Stepping out of the shower, I quickly dried myself off and put my clothes on before attempting to dry my hair as much as I could. Once I got it the best I could, i walked out of the bathroom and saw that Dark was asleep sprawled our across the bed. He was snoring but not as bad as Heather, thank God. I shoved him to one side of the bed before stealing a pillow from his side and placing it on mine and curling up under the blankets.

At that moment, I tried my hardest to go to sleep, however I couldn't. BECAUSE IT WAS COLD AS SHIT IN HIS ROOM! WHAT THE FUCK! I ended up curling up beside him and hugging his arm to steal his body head and to get warm. Hopefully the house won't be freezing tomorrow, because I do not have my hoodie, I only have Jeff's thin as fuck jacket and Toby's semi-warm hoodie. Hmm... maybe I can steal one of EJ's or Brian's hoodie. Also going to have to ask Tim and Brain if they prefer their actual names or Masky and Hoody. Though I'm going to say now that they will most like want me and Heather to use Masky and Hoody.

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