By The Rules

By 400_SoKold

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Imagine being the daughters of a deceased drug lord, wanting to live a normal life, knowing that could never... More



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By 400_SoKold


At nine thirty in the morning, I arrive out Chelsea at Jay's apartment. Today, Adela and I are going to spend the day together. She's been lounging around the apartment all week and I figured she needed to get out the house. I know I needed to get away from the warehouse because I've been there all week. I've been trying to find Malachi and we haven't had any luck. He's not even in town and he hasn't been on social media for weeks. This man fell off the face of the earth. I haven't told Adela that he might be the one responsible, because I know her temper. I witness Adela coming out the apartment building and closing the door. She walks down the steps and I unbuckle my seat belt, and reach for my purse in the back. My phone is ringing and I knew it couldn't be no one but Moss. Receiving my phone, I witness the caller being exactly who I thought it was. I answer and before I could say anything, he began talking.

"Yo, you need to get down here ASAP." He says.

"What's going on?" I question as Adela gets in the car.

"We got hit. Everything is gone from the stash, money, safes and one of the guards were shot." Moss sighs. I sigh as well and roll my eyes over towards Adela who looks concerned. She didn't need to know what was going on and I don't want to ruin our day with work. I didn't want to be bothered with it either.

"Well, I'm actually in the middle of something. Just check the video footage. I'll be there later." I mumble, scratching over my eyebrow.

"What?" Moss questions confused.

"You heard what I said. I'll be there later." I hang up the phone and toss it back in my purse. It's always something and for the past six months I've been stressed since. I'm surprised that I haven't grown any grey hairs yet. After shifting gears, I pull off into traffic and drive to our destination.

"Everything good?" Adela asks. I roll my eyes and nod as I comb my fingers through my hair.

"Just a lot of shit going on with the warehouse. We got robbed last night and one of the guards was shot." I mumble.

"Don't you think you should go and check that out?" Adela questions concerned.

"I've been buried in that warehouse for six months now with work up to my neck. I've been putting the new product together and trying to find Mal-, the niggas that jumped you." I try to correct myself, knowing it was too late when I hear Adela exhale deeply. I've been stressed for so long that any thing will slip.

"I know it wasn't Malachi. His parents are wealthy and he's in college, but he's not going to pay ten grand to get me jumped. Especially not over something petty like a damn break up. We broke up many times before that." She explains. I nod while taking a left at the next corner.

"You still love him don't you?"

"Yea but I wouldn't go back to his ass. Malachi wasn't ready for commitment nor a relationship. You know when I went to meet his parents, he didn't even tell them about me. They thought he was with someone else."

"Damn. Niggas just don't give a shit anymore." I chuckle as she does the same.

"Real shit. What are we getting into?" Stopping at the light, I shrug my shoulders and tap my fingers on the steering wheel.

"I figured we get Mom from rehab and go get something to eat. I'm pretty sure she's tired of the rehab food." Adela smiles while nodding.

"Yea. Mom would love that. She's always asking about you. Of course then we weren't talking." Nodding, I take off once the light changes.

"Are we good now?" I question, arching a brow. I see her nod in the corner of my eye.

"Yea. I meant what I said when I apologized Kris. After learning we're both not happy where we are, and you telling me how daddy's death affected you made me understand. I want you to know that daddy would be proud of you. You're doing the best you can and it shows." She says. I think differently, but I don't want to have a debate about it. I also don't want to have a conversation about it either.

"How's your side?" I question.

"Better. I stopped taking those pills because they made me drowsy. I was in pain, but I wasn't in that much damn pain.

"Yea. I figured it would only take a few of those to stop the pain. He didn't even need to fill a prescription that high because you weren't badly hurt." I explain.

"Thank God. Them niggas was weak as hell for what they did." Adela mumbles while shaking her head. I know she feels some type of way for that happening to her, so I decide to change the subject. She needs her mind off of what happened. We arrive to NYC at the rehab center. Adela gets out to sign our mother out for a few hours. I wish I could keep her out of rehab for good, but we can't. She still needs all the help she can get. She's only been there for two months that I know of. After a while, Adela and my mother exit the building. I smile seeing how good my mother looks. Her skin is clear, her face is full and she looks...well rested. I felt bad that I couldn't be there for her like I wanted too. Adela opens the passenger side door and my mother laughs, gasping when she sees me. She stumbles back surprised as Adela helps her in the car.

"Hey Mom." I greet as she slowly gets in and sits down. She hugs me and I hug her back. It's on of those warm and tight embraces that I missed so much. There's nothing like a mother's love.

"Hey sweetie. Look at you and how pretty you've gotten." My mom says as she pulls back and cups my face in her hands. I chuckle as she does the same and Adela closes the door while getting in the car. I wipe my mother's tears, strongly holding back my own.

"I was always pretty Mom." I gloat, playfully rolling my eyes. We all laugh as she wipes her tears while dabbing her face with a tissue she found in her purse.

"I don't know what the hell to say out my mouth. I'm just excited to see you. I've missed you." She the tears welling again. I hug her again as she rubs my back.

"I missed you too Mom. You don't know the half of it." I mumble as we sigh in relief. My mother is the only one that can keep me sane and I needed some sanity. It's a lot that's been going on. I'm stressed and I need some motherly advise. I'm stuck on what to do at this point.

"Ok y'all reunited now. Can we go because a bitch is hungry." Adela says, causing our mother and I to laugh.

"Ard you grown but you ain't that grown." I tease, causing my mother to snicker and shake her head.

"I'm twenty-five and full grown. You wildin'." Adela assures through laughter. My mother shakes her head as I put the car in drive and take off.

"Didn't you miss us?" I question in excited sarcasm. My mother nods while buckling up. As I drive, my mother and I decide to catch up. Adela is in the backseat quiet staring out the window. I'm guessing she has a lot on her mind. My mom informed me that she's been sober for two months. She's been working out, eating healthy and going to therapy. I know out of all of us, my father's death hit her the hardest. She was drinking excessively until she went into a coma. That's when Adela decided to get her help. She wasn't living with me at the time so I couldn't get involved. Well I could, but at the time Adela nor my mother wanted nothing to do with me. We arrive to this restaurant called The Society Café, where our father use to take us every Sunday. My mother smiles as I do the same, parking in the garage. I pay for a two hour ticket and park where it's more empty. After parking, we all get out and I lock the car. We enter the restaurant and head to the host's podium with a small smile.

"Hi, reservations for DuKane." I inform. She looks on the computer and nods, grabbing three menus.

"Follow me." She says, walking off to the seating area. We maneuver through the tables and stop at the table that sits four people. It was the table that my father made reservations for every Sunday. Right after the early service in church, we would come here and have breakfast. It was the only time that we actually acted like a normal family. At least in my eyes. My father might have done some heartless things, but he always feared the man above. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he still did what he wanted. The three of us sit in our seats where we always sat and grasp our menus.

"Thank you." I tell the hostess as she walks off. While reading the menus, my mother decides to start a conversation.

"Do y'all know what you want?" She questions.

"I might get the same thing I always get." I mumble while in deep thought.

"Same. I don't really see anything else I want. I do want a mimosa though." Adela sighs. I raise my brows while nodding my head over towards our mother. She laughs which causes me to look over her way.

"What's funny Mom?"

"You. Trying to hint about my sobriety. She can have a drink if she wants, it doesn't bother me."

"You sure?" I question for confirmation.

"Yes, she's fine." My mother says.

"Okay, well if you say it's ok than its fine. I just want to make sure." My mother nods while flipping the page of the menu. It's a peaceful silence as we continue to read. After a few moments, our waiter approaches our table.

"Good morning, my name is Jerome and I'll be your server. Can I start you off with your drinks?" He questions.

"I think we're ready to order." I look around the table my mother and sister nod their heads.

"I'll have a mimosa for my drink. For my meal, I'll have the buttermilk waffles with side of bacon and breakfast potatoes. Can you ask the cook to fry them hard please?" Adela questions while closing her menu. Jerome nods while writing down the order. He then looks at me.

"May I have the brioche french toast with a side of applewood bacon and the breakfast potatoes. For my drink, I'll have a orange juice." I order, closing my menu.

"And I'll have the greenmarket omelet. For my drink I'll have The Village Green." My mother orders. Jerome nods and takes our menus, informing he'll be back with our drinks. We all thank him as he walks off.

"I can't wait to tear into that food." I smile, causing my mother to laugh. Adela stands to her feet and nods in agreement.

"Same. I'll be right back, I'm going to the bathroom." Adela leaves my mother and I at the table to ourselves. I was in deep thought as Jerome returned with our drinks. I thank him and take the straw opening it. I take a few long sips while staring into space.

"Something is on your mind. You look worn out and stressed." My mother diagnoses in concern. Letting out a long breath, I sit back while shaking my head.

"It's just been a lot going on." I briefly explain. She nods while leaning on the table, holding her biceps.

"With your father's warehouse." She knew exactly what I was going through and what was causing it. I'm pretty sure my father had his days when he was tired. I know my mother was right there with him, giving him the best advise she could. I needed her advice on what to do. I'm stuck.

"I want to give up Mom, but I don't want to disappoint Dad." My mother nods while exhaling deeply.

"Your father had his days as well when he wanted to give up. In fact he promised me that once we were stable, he would stop." She mumbles, playing with her nails. I look at her confused.

"He said that?"


"Then why in his will he asked me to finish what he started? I don't even know what that's suppose to mean. I need answers Mom." I stress, shaking my head.

"I know you do. Cass hasn't been any help?" Scoffing, I roll my eyes.

"Barely. He's like Dad use to be but worse. I asked him to show me the will for proof of him wanting me to take over and he showed it to. It's right there in black in white." My mother rolls her eyes while shaking her head.

"Mm. Your father talked to me about changing it but I guess he never got around to doing that. Another one of his broken promises I guess." She exhales grabbing her shake to drink. Tucking my hair behind my ear, I stare into space and narrow my eyebrows together.

"What should I do? I don't want to give up, because I'll feel weak." I express. My mother sits the glass down while shaking her head.

"You are never weak for making a smart decision Kris. In due time, the reasons of why this is happening will be brought to you. You just have to be patient Kris. That's something your father Kyree always told me." I nod while taking another sip of juice.

"I guess you're right. I just wish Dad left more than the will. It would be more clearer you know." My mother nods in agreement while rubbing my back with a small smile. That right there just told me that everything will be ok. No matter what I'm going through, I knew that my mother could enlighten me with her advise. A mother's love and advise can always help get you out of a funk. My mom is a wise woman and I knew she could give me the strength I need. I'll always have doubts but she made me believe that anything is possible. Getting up from my seat, I go and sit in what use to be my father's seat. My mother laughs while wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I lay my head on her shoulder while sighing in relief. Today while I'm with her and my sister, I'm leaving work where it needs to be. At work. All I want to focus on is time with my family. My father always made sure to have time for us. Everything wasn't about the drugs and money for him. Now that I have my family back together, I'm going to do the same. We need one another right now. Adela has a seat and not too long after, our food was brought out. I sit up and grab my juice to ask for a refill. As my plate is sat in front of me, my mother takes our hands and we bow our head to bless the food. When done, we begin to eat in a peaceful silence. It feels good to be together again.

"Is that everything?" Adela questions while taking the last bag.

"Yea. I don't see anything else." Adela nods while closing the door.

"Ard, I'll be back." She says as I roll the window down.

"Okay, I love you Mom!" I call out to her. She smiles and waves.

"I love you too." She says. I roll the window back up and sit back in my seat. After going to my father's grave sight and doing a little shopping, it was time to bring my mother back in to the rehab center. She told us that she enjoyed herself and that she wouldn't mind doing it again next weekend. I wouldn't mind either, but I would rather us go on vacation. Not just splurge around New York every weekend. As I wait on Adela to return, I grab my ringing phone out of my purse. I narrow my brows to the unknown number and answer it.

"Hello?" I question.

"Is this Kris, no last name?" The familiar voice jokingly questions. I laugh and playfully roll my eyes.

"Mhm. This must be Dijon White." I smirk while arching a brow.

"Damn, straight to the point huh? No role play or nothing." He chuckles. I do the same while shrugging a shoulder.

"Well it is role playing if I'm calling you by your full name." I say, looking to see if Adela left yet.

"Mm. Well what are you doing Friday?" He questions.

"Polishing my nine millimeter." Dijon bursts into laughter as I smile and bite my lip.

"Well if you're not doing anything after that, why don't you spend the day with me and then we go out to a club after." He schedules.

"Are you asking me out on a date Mr. White?" Tilting my head a bit, I sit back hearing him breath over the line.

"I'm not asking Ms. DuKane." Damn. Does this man know that I like a man  who's in control?

"Mhm. I thought you went back to Memphis last week?" After talking to Dijon last week, I did some digging. Cypher found some things for me and everything checks out.

"Yea, I did but after meeting you I feel like coming back. Is that okay with you?" He questions.

"That's fine with me."

"So it's a date then?"

"I'll think about." I tell him. Dijon hums and I could tell he was smiling while doing so.

"Well I'll be in town. You just let me know what you want to do. Also, don't be afraid to call." He says, lowering his voice. We both laugh as I playfully roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Good bye Mr. White." I sing softly. Adela gets in the car as I put my seat belt back on.

"Talk to you later Ms. DuKane." He says.

"Talk to you later." I mumble and laugh while hanging up. Him saying that, reminds me of my father. My Dad never liked to say bye, he would always say talk to you later. To him, bye was a strong word and he had a different meaning for it. I understand that now.

"Who was that?" Adela questions as I pull off.

"No one." I smile. Adela scoffs a laugh.

"Lies. You was talking to somebody, blushing and shit. Who is he?" She smirks.

"Someone I'm getting to know, but I don't want to talk bout that. Mom is really looking healthy." Adela nods while taking a sip of her soda.

"She is. I tell her that every time I see her. She's really loving it there." My sister says.

"I can tell. She's getting the help that she needs. Something that we couldn't give to her. When she's fully sober though, I want to go on vacation." I inform.

"We need a vacation. With all the shit we've been through." Adela mumbles, shaking the ice around in her cup. I nod in agreement while exhaling slowly.

"You ain't never lied. Am I taking you to back to Jay's?" Taking a right at the light, I stop at the light on the side rode.

"Yea. I mean it's six o'clock, but it ain't nothing to turn it in early." She shrugs.

"I understand that. Has Buddha been there lately?" I question. Adela sighs while shaking her head.

"We had a small argument and he hasn't said anything to me since. He doesn't even come in the house anymore." She sighs. I pout and take off when the light turns green.

"You miss your pooh?" I tease. Adela smacks her lips as shoves me as I laugh.

"He's not my pooh." She mutters.

"Bitch you like him. Stop frontin'. You need to talk to him. He be looking pitiful walking through the warehouse." I chuckle.

"Forreal?" She questions.

"Uh, yea. I don't know what y'all had going on, but he's been down lately." I inform.

"Well it can't be all about me. You know his grandmother has dementia." Adela says. I narrow my brows while shaking my head.

"No. I didn't know that."

"Yea. I'll talk to him though. We need to talk anyway." She says, grabbing her things out the backseat.

"Y'all will figure it out." I know how she feels when it comes to men. I haven't talked to Kaseem in over a week and he's been calling and texting me since. I need to move on from him it's not healthy for us to keep playing these games. I wish he would get the fucking hint. After about ten more minutes, we arrive to our destination. I unlock the doors and I help her with her bags. We travel to the door of the apartment building. Adela thanks me as I nod. We hug and say that we love one another, pulling back. Adela tells me to call her when I get home. I get in my car and buckle up, cranking the ignition. Pulling off, I witness the guards follow in their vehicles and sigh. It was time to get to Brooklyn and check on the damage that was done. As if I really care anyway.

later that night

I watch as the cleaning crew cleans up the mess that was left behind. I thought while I was gone, Moss would handle everything but he didn't. All he did was get rid of the dead body and that was that. He hasn't been back since. When I got here, the place was still a mess. Papers, loose money, trash and other debris all over the floor. I feel like at times I never have help and it's one of the reasons why I want to just give up.

"Boss." Someone says from behind me.

"Wassup?" I question, turning to see it's Tony, my tech geek with a tablet  his hand.

"Check this out. I was able to get footage at the bar down the street from ACES. This is from four days before Adela was jumped. There's Cole and his homies, but that doesn't look like Malachi." He says, tapping around the screen. When done he hands it to me and I watch the video, narrowing my brows to the familiar face. I've seen him somewhere, where I don't know. My memory is a little fuzzy right now, but I know who can help with this.

"Ard, send the video to Cypher. Did you find out who robbed us?" I question, handing him back the tablet.

"Nah. Looks like a bunch of niggas who had nothing else better to do. They hit up a couple of other warehouses for anything they could find." Tony informs, showing me the other videos. I didn't recognize the faces but they weren't off the hook.

"Ard. Send that to Cypher as well and let him know to meet me when he finds anything." I mumble, focusing back on the cleaning crew.

"Ard. I got you. You need anything else before I route?" I shake my head while crossing my arms and holding my biceps.

"Nah you good. I'm about to get out of here myself. Once I'm done cleaning up the office of course." I look at my watch and notice the time of one in the morning. I'm emotionally drained at this point and just didn't want to be bothered. After this, I'm about to say fuck this place but something is telling me to stay. It's way too much going on right now that I don't know what the hell to think. It makes me wonder if my father went through the same shit? Then again he was way stronger than I am. At least in my eyes he was. Entering the office, I sigh at the scene before me. My desk is broken in half, pictures are broken, paper is everywhere, they stole the tv, and the money out the safe. Traveling over to where the safe is, I can see that it wasn't broken into. They actually took the time to get it open with the proper tools. They weren't any regular thieves it seems. Stepping over broken glass and picture frames, I pick up the family portrait and smile. We're all making funny faces as the picture was snapped. Moments like that we could never get back, but memories will never fade. I sit the picture down and look around the room to see where to start. I could go down memory lane later. Right now, I need to clean up and figure out what to do next. It's a lot of money I lost. Some is mine and some belongs to others. I'll get everyone their money though. I always do.


Kris spends the day with her family and forgets about the cares at the warehouse. What are your thoughts? 

Kris gets some advise and support from her mother. Kris finds out that Malachi didn't put a hit out on Adela.  How do you feel about Kris and Teresa's conversation? Could it be someone from her father's past who paid for the hit?

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