Sapphire's first Holloween: A...

By Aqua-the-skelecat

864 70 514

Title and I'm not spoiling it sorry. More

The holloween costumes
Oc form
Relationship and ocs in this book
Chapter 1- the invite.
Chapter 2- The party/ capture.
Chapter 3- The surprise of a lifetime.
Chapter 4- Finding Cream and Baha. And the Infinpphire starts.
Chapter 5- Finding Venus and Sonic
Chapter 6- Playing a little game.
Chapter 7- The game of death
Chapter 9- A new combination form!
Finding more people.

Chapter 8- The fight that almost cost a life.

76 5 88
By Aqua-the-skelecat

(Narrator: Previously on Sapphire's first holloween.)
Sapphire: Stay away from him, Executor!!
Sonic.exe: Aww! If it ain't Sapphire the fallen hedgecat.
Sapphire: Ok, weird nickname but whatever. Now are we going to settle this like adults or are you going to you my friends as something?
Sonic.exe: Well, they were only for bait for a certain hedgecat!!! Here's my game: you have to do everything you fear! You do it without dying then you win and your friends are free to go. If you lose the game,..... let's just say it's the end for them all!!
(Sapphire looks at him then smirks.)
Sapphire: All I fear is my past and hurting the people I love/ like!!! So none of those can kill me!
Sonic.exe: Dang! I was so close too! Fine then!
(Tails Doll appeared with the 7 Chaos Emeralds. Then they both go into their super form.)

Sapphire: If that's how it's going to be it then so be it!!!
Shadow: You can't take them both on.
Infinite: It's suicide!
Sapphire: Trust me Infinity! I'll be fine.
Infinite: Fine but please be careful!
Sapphire: I will!
Infinite: I love you!
Sapphire: Love you to my Infinity!
(Sapphire transform. Her sapphire blue fur/ quills turns to silver, as well as her eyes, her the black stripes turns to aquamarine, the gem on her head glows silver, and her wings came out. They were now a beautiful silver with jewels in it and it was it looked like it was dipped in a beautiful aquamarine paint.)
Sapphire: Bring it on!!

Sonic.exe: Ha! You're going to lose!
Tails doll: You going down!
Sapphire: Guys get out of here!
Infinite: I'm not leaving you!!!!
Sh: Me neither!!
Everyone else who was there: Yeah!!!!!
Sapphire: (touched) That's sweet of you guys. But....... I don't want them hurting you! (Puts a crystal wall between her, the others, Sonic.exe, and Tails Doll.) Come at me you demonic freaks!!
(Sonic.exe punched Sapphire. As Tails Doll kick her from behind. Sonic.exe then shoots a chaos energy ball at her. She didn't see it and it hits her hard. She throws an attack at them but it doesn't really affect them. She tries to hit Sonic.exe but he teleports above the punch, grabs her wrist, spins in the air then throws her back down to the ground.)
Infinite: Sapphire!!!!!
Sapphire: (tears up) That's why I told you to leave. I don't want you seeing this.
Sonic.exe: Time to finish it!
(Him and Tails Doll combines their attacks together. And fire it. Sapphire was at the edge of her death bed. Then Sapphire closes her eyes. As the wall she put up goes down Infinite runs to her.)
Infinite: SAPPHIRE!!!! No, please no.
Shadow: (goes up and feels her pules then cries) She's......... gone.
Infinite: (crys as he kisses her lips.)
Sonic.exe: (laughs evilly)

Knuckles: (feels some energy) What the..... Those Chaos Emeralds.
(Then the master emerald appears and Sapphire plus Infinite was on top of it. The Chaos Emeralds turn into Super Emeralds. Then Sapphire and Infinite begins to glow as they was engulfed by light. Infinite transform.)

Sapphire: You think you can defeat me! I'll show you the ture power of Chaos!!!
Infinite: There's only one was left to go, you ready?
Sapphire: (nods)
Infinpphire: Chaos Control!!!!!!!
(Sapphire and Infinite combined into one person. When the light dies down they all see see a black and white male half hedgehog, half cat, and half jackal with sapphire blue tips, phantom ruby, inside of the ears, and scar. The left eye was sapphire blue the other was red with a yellow iris. He had two tails one was Infinite's tail and the other was Sapphire's. And Sapphire's wings were on his back except it was pure sapphire with black stripes. Everyone was silent and was extremely shocked. Until Sonic.exe spoke.)
Sonic.exe: Who are you? Are you Infinite or Sapphire?
??: (Looks at Sonic.exe and Tails Doll. His voice sounded like both Infinite and Sapphire combined.) You may call me... Infinpphire. In the brief moments that remain to you.
(Everyone gasps and Rouge, Baha, and Shadow faint from freaking out.)
: Finished!
Sh: Well, that was-
Son: EPIC!!!
: Knew you would like it eventually!!
In: Dang!!
: Oh, and feel free to draw Infinpphire if you like. And I will change the beginning!! With MY very own theme song soon. Foreverblushing is helping me with the lyrics. And the theme for now was picked out by Darkness_exe.
Infinpphire: Have a fantastic day or night! Bye! (They kiss and everyone faints.)

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