Kaylor Stories

By kelceswift13

68.6K 1.3K 397

Kaylor requests of any kind! Some I just write myself though :). More

New cat.
Love Story.
Ex (Part 2).
Set Up.
Track 11.
Simple (Dress).
Computer Antics (Part 1)
Choice (Part 1).
Choice (Part 2).

Computer Antics (Part 2)

1.8K 86 54
By kelceswift13

Explicit Content

Taylor's pov:

Karlie was apparently quick to get my number from Cara because I received a text from her only minutes later. It didn't say much but hey. Still holds meaning to me though.

The smile I have on my face is quickly wiped away once I'm met with my parents in my bedroom. I slowly set down my backpack.

Dad towers over me with his arms crossed over his chest "Computer"

I unzip my backpack "I have a paper due-"

"You will use your mom's computer" he takes my device from my hand harshly "You'll get this back once I restrict your internet privileges. I'm putting a child lock on it which I shouldn't even have to do in the first place!" He grows angry

I feel so small due to his loud voice and tall structure

"Me and your mom are very disappointed in you for exposing yourself to such graphic and derogatory content. I can't believe you'd do this to yourself and keep it a secret from us. Do you know what porn is Taylor?" He asks "It's addictive and it can change your point of view on several aspects the main one being sex which is the largest concern of me and your mother. Porn labels sex as fun when it's a valuable action that should only be done with your husband. Do you understand me Taylor?" He asks me in a serious tone to which I ignore

"I know what I want in life dad my mind isn't fucked up because of porn. Porn doesn't degrade my mind okay? You should be happy my sexual pleasures are satisfied through that instead of the real life thing!" My body is hot as my mom looks surprised at my sudden outburst. I feel so sweaty right now. I never yell at either of my parents

Dad looks as if he's about to grab me when mom steps in

"Taylor honey give me your phone please" mom gives me more of a look of worry than demand

I sigh but have no choice but to obey

Dad leaves in an angered but silent state

"I'm sorry mom" I state "But I don't understand why it's such a big deal"

She raises a brow at me "Honey you heard what your father said. It's addictive. It really does change your mindset I hope you see that"

I roll my eyes "Whatever. I'm old enough to make my own choices. If I want to ruin my life just let me" I collapse on my bed

"But that's not what I'm here for baby. I'm here to help. If I know you're ruining your life then I want to help you" she sits next to my relaxed body

"What if I don't want your help?" I stare at the ceiling

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice in that matter. I'm your mom honey I'll be here for as long as I can making sure you're making the right choices"

"But I am!" I sit up "I'm making good grades, I'm not doing drugs, I'm not getting into any kind of trouble, and I'm not having sex!" I finish "That's all that teenagers do these days! Have sex and do drugs!"

She slowly gets up "I don't want to discuss this with you any longer"

"But I want to!" I sass

"Taylor Alison please!" She scolds "I need a break just like your father" she leaves with the slam of my door behind her

I groan in annoyance while falling back once again "God dammit!" I slam my fists into my mattress. I then cover my face with my hands "If only I could see Karlie right now."


"Hey Tay" Cara meets me in biology class in a complete state of happiness. If only she knew "Did you sleep last night?" She notes my tired eyes and ragged hair

I only stare at her

"You had the best sex of your life with Karlie" she smirks

I glare at her "Funny"

"What's wrong then?" She asks while flipping through her textbook and bringing out a piece of paper

"Wait was there homework?" I ask with wide eyes

"Fuck who drugged you?" She eyes me seriously

"Dammit!" I curse maybe a little too loudly

"Taylor language please!" Mr. Hartman scolds

"Sorry" I say

"Tay seriously, I'm here for you what's wrong?" Cara leans in from her spot next to me

"My parents that's what's wrong. They don't understand and are so controlling. They're putting a fucking child lock on my computer-"

"I can help with that" Karlie takes a spot on the other side of me with a coffee in her hand "A child lock is nothing. I can literally show you how to take it off and put it back on" She sips from her drink

I stare at her in awe. A lifesaver she is.

"Coffee?" She offers "Rough night I'm guessing"

I slowly take her cup from her hand. When I put this against my lips it's basically like I'm kissing her right? I can say I kissed her...right?

"Tay..you're staring at it like it's going to stab you" Cara intervenes

I begin to blush which I cover up with a long sip with my head tilted back

"As much as I want that back..you definitely need it more than I do" Karlie chuckles to herself


"Class is starting, so please shut up and pay attention!" Mr. Hartman announces with a hint of playfulness in his voice.


I slowly make my way through the lunch line since me nor my parents cared to make a lunch today

"Hey" Karlie appears next to me out of surprise and I feel my heart skip a beat "I texted you last night but you never responded"

"Oh my parents took my phone. They sort of found out about my computer antics-"

"Oh ya Cara mentioned that to me once" she says "Plus I also assumed since you mentioned child lock in bio"

"Pretty much" I sigh

"Why do your parents care so much?" She asks curiously

I grab a blue tray to begin picking up food from the bar. I hand her one as well

"Thanks" she smiles softly

"Mhm. And my parents have always been a little religious. They've also always been very protective of me. I'm their little girl as they've called me plenty of times. I think me being a teenager and doing teenage things scares them..and stresses them out" I admit while approaching the dessert table that displays all types of cake

"Oh. I get that. You're stressed too then huh"

I nod "Very"

"Well..good thing you're coming over tomorrow then" she reaches over my tray for the vegan dessert. Her boob brushes my arm "We'll have fun" she winks before leaving me be to my now wild mind. My thoughts aren't ever going to stop now.


"I think she was teasing me a little" I mention to Cara on our way home. When she decides to avoid the bus we get to make up for the lost time of conversations

"This isn't bad Taylor I can tell on your face that you're worried. I want you to understand that Karlie Kloss isn't a slut okay? But she is known to fuck girls. She's not known to fuck a lot though. She's had what, two serious girlfriends?" She takes one of my chips that I got from the vending machine back at school

"But why me?" I ask "How do I know she's not just trying to take advantage of my vulnerability" I explain my thoughts to which my best friend takes into consideration

"I get that. But Tay look at you. You're seriously so beautiful. No doubt people desire to see more of you. Karlie is a woman you trust okay? I can assure that" she states seriously

"How are you so sure?" I ask a bit skeptically as we pass through town. I'm trying my best to avoid home by at least taking the long way back

"Me and Karlie used to be best friends in middle school. It was before you came in ninth grade. She no joke was a puberty monster. She grew up so much faster than any other girl in our grade. She could play the older girls. Of course she didn't sleep around but she did catch one. Martha Hunt. Marta Hunt was a senior and Karlie was literally an eighth grader. No one knew of this except me. Karlie Kloss is one to keep believe me. It's never her fault when a relationship falls apart. Martha was a bitch" she explains "I only told you this because I really want you to understand how lucky you are. Karlie is a literal angel. So are you. You guys will be great. So just know she's not taking advantage of you she's just loving you. She's no player" she then takes the entirety of my chips and wolfs them down

"That's a lot to take in Cara" I mention as my brain runs 1000 miles an hour

"Shouldn't be" She pours crumbs into her mouth "Trust Karlie that's it. You're not giving your virginity up okay? You're gifting it"

I snort "You really think she wants to have sex with me?" I ask

"Are you really asking me that. Have you been listening? Duh she wants to have sex with you. Who doesn't?" We stop at a crosswalk

I shrug "Just affirming"

"Do you want to have sex with her?" She asks

"I mean..I like her a lot..I think she's really beautiful-"

"See? But would you regret it? I don't think you would. You've been crushing on her for three years" she grabs my hand while we cross the street and make it to the other

"Why do you do that?" I reference to her hand holding

"Oh sorry I do it with my nephew all the time. It's a habit now" she laughs "I didn't even realize"

I laugh a long "Cute"


Soon enough, much to my dismay, I arrive home

"I'll see you tomorrow babe. No regrets bitch" she says while going on her way to get to her own home

I chuckle. Once I enter the house I'm met with several lacrosse boys, one of them being my brother

"Hey sis, what's up?" Austin follows me towards the stairs "Mom told me about the whole porn thing"

"Austin please" I roll my eyes "Your friends are here you have better things to do than pester me"

"I like pestering you though. Literally though porn is chill. I watch it too" he takes another bite of his pizza

"Austin I don't want to know that" I head upstairs

"You think I wanted to know you do?!"

I laugh "Touché!" I shout back before hiding myself in my bedroom and thinking to myself.


School went by as slowly as it ever could today. I was looking forward to Karlie's all day and I didn't think it'd slow down time as much as it did. I spent most of my classes staring at the clock or doodling carelessly. Does she know that she has such a large effect on me? If she doesn't know now I bet she will in an hour. We talked today in Calculus reaching the conclusion that I'd come over at five so I could have dinner with her and her family which makes me more nervous than my usual nervous. God so much nerves. Will I even be able to eat? I have to. If I don't they could think I'm anorexic. Karlie would think that, and I don't want that.

Geez Tay just take a breath. I stare at myself in the mirror. Now what to wear. Casual. Karlie literally told me to wear whatever. I don't have to dress up. That's nice. At least I'll be sweating in comfort.


I ring the doorbell that I can hear echo throughout the rather large house. It's obviously a very nice place. I never really thought about Karlie and her family's money status but it's obviously not low

The large brown door swings open to reveal the tall blonde I came here for. She didn't change from her school outfit, but it doesn't bother me

"Hey" she smiles at me

"Hi" I say shyly

"While my family is distracted, it's best to head to my room. You don't want my sisters questioning you all at once" she grabs my hand and pulls me up the spiral stairs. Even her stairs are nicer than my entire house

Her bedroom door has a usual teenage sign of 'keep out' which I actually adore. She's quick to pull me in and shut the door

"I'm surprised no one saw us. The doorbell was loud" she chuckles "Anyways, this is my room" she presents

I smile as I check out the large space. Her dark blue walls go well with her personality, even her maroon bed spread

"I love it" I comment. My eyes land on a Beatles poster in the corner and I gasp "Paul McCartney is my favorite"

She stands next to me "Same here" she faces me

I smile before turning to face her "Who else do you listen to?" I ask

"Oh a lot. I take it you like music?" She asks

I nod "Oh ya. Music is a large part of my life. My guitar is my everything"

"I like that. Who are your favorite artists?" She asks curiously while trailing behind me as I scan over her room that's full of entertainment

"I can't even begin to choose honestly" I bite my lip

She nods "Cute"

"Cute?" I tilt my head at her

She nods "Ya..you're cute"

I narrow my eyes at her "Just cute?"

She shrugs "I mean I could use several other adjectives, but they probably wouldn't fit the moment" she speaks with a smug smirk on her face

"What kind of moment-"

I'm cut off by the sound of Karlie's door being opened and a girl screeching

"Kariann please" Karlie begs "How many times do I have to tell you to knock?" She says at her younger sister who seems to lose her enthusiasm

"Sorry" she apologizes

"This is Taylor, Taylor this is Kariann. She's 11" Karlie introduces

"Hi" the 11 year old gains back her excitement once our eyes meet

"Hi Kariann" I smile

"I came up here to tell you that mama wants to meet Taylor"

Karlie nods "Okay we'll be down in a minute"

Kariann nods before bouncing out

"She's so energetic" I comment

"Tell me about it. What were you gonna ask?" She asks

"Oh..never mind" I say shyly

"See? You're cute" she leans in "I like that about you"

I feel nervous under her gaze "T-thank you"

"Karlie!" Her mom's voice is heard from downstairs

"Coming!" Karlie shouts back

She grabs my hand and leads me down the steps to the kitchen. I know I'll be fine with Karlie next to me.


Okay so maybe I wasn't fine. Karlie's hand was on my thigh the entire time. I could barely contain myself out of excitement. It just felt so comforting I don't know. I feel comforted when Karlie is near


"Hm?" I turn my attention towards the girl as I spin in her desk chair

"Let me show you how to remove and replace the child lock"

I crawl onto her bed and lay on my stomach next to her "What if it doesn't work?" I ask worriedly

"It will I promise. We have the same type of computer"

I watch her click around until I fully understand the concept of removing and replacing. I caught on rather fast which surprised us both

"Maybe you should do computer science like me" she gives me a cheesy smile making me laugh

"No thanks. Math is hell" I lay my head down

She looks down at me "You know what isn't hell?" She imitates my position

"What?" I ask

"Being with you"

I chuckle "Wow....smooth"

"It's true. Believe it or leave it"

"Mmm..believe it" I affirm

She smiles but then it falters "Can I ask you something?" She asks as we lay facing each other

"Mhm" I respond with a hopeful tone

"Do you think it's slutty to sleep with someone on the first date?" She asks

"Hm..well..only if that person doesn't like the one they're sleeping with. If they know they can trust them..then I think it's a good choice. Nothing wrong with expressing love up front..especially if you've been waiting on it for a while" I bite my lip

"I like that answer"

I smile

"I told my parents you were sleeping over by the way. They won't bug us. And my sisters have had their fair share of their older sister for sure" she smirks

"Does that mean we're basically alone?" I ask

"Indeed it does"

My heart is racing in my chest "..Karlie?"

"Yes Taylor?"

"My dad told me that porn can basically alter the way I think of sex. He says I'll see it more as fun than something valuable"

She furrows her eyebrows "I still value sex. I think it depends on the person"

I sit up "That's how I feel too. I mean..not to be I don't know weird, but I also think that porn teaches you things" I bite my lip

She slowly sits up as well "Like what?"

"I don't know..just the anatomy of the female body. I mean obviously some stuff they do in videos is unrealistic but if you find the right ones..they actually show real sex"

"Like what sex is like for a woman" she adds

I nod "And it makes me feel more confident just because I feel like I have some experience. At least I'm not absolutely clueless"

She leans in "I get that. I've learned some things as well" she smirks at me

I raise a brow in question

"Positions, sensitive spots.."

Is it bad I'm starting to feel a little turned on?

"Do you mind showing me?" I ask shyly almost..too softly to where I'm afraid she didn't hear. But when I feel her lips on my jawline..I know she heard me

I feel her lips decorate the skin of my neck making my body tingle. The skin there really is sensitive

My eyes fall closed until she forces me to open them "Can I kiss you Taylor?" She asks

"You don't have to ask" I lean in to meet her halfway. Once our lips touch I never want them to separate. I've wanted her lips since the beginning and now I finally have them. I feel so much excitement and love bubble up in my stomach. I've never felt this and I don't want it to ever go away

She's quick to shut her computer and push it off "If anything ever makes you feel uncomfortable tell me" she states

I nod

She begins to kiss me again until I feel that I've fallen into a drunken state. Porn isn't addictive, Karlie is.


She hovers over me quietly as we inspect each other's bodies, our clothes discarded long ago

"I knew your body was as beautiful as your face" she comments

I roll my eyes

"What?" She chuckles "Just being honest babe"

My heart skips a beat. 'Babe.' I wonder if she meant to say that

She slides down my body until her head is between my thighs. I feel the warmth of her breath against my core

Her fingers interlace with mine before she begins the movements of her tongue. No doubt she's done this before. But I shouldn't really be thinking that right now

A gasp leaves my mouth once she swipes her tongue across my clit

Once my hips begin to move she hooks her arms around my thighs forcing me to stay put

I let out a whine that makes her look up at me with a smirk she always has showing on her face

Her body moves up mine "Are you a virgin Taylor?" She asks while hovering over me

"I mean..sort of?"

"You've masturbated I know that" she comments

I blush "Ya. But that's it. I've never been with a guy or girl before"

"So I'm your first?" She brushes hair off both our faces

I nod "I want it that way though"

"Are you sure? I don't want you to regret-"

"Karlie Kloss I can assure you that I'd never regret this"

A smile turns up on her face "Then allow me to introduce my skills"

I laugh "Please do"

"But please do remember to be courteous of others in this house" she reminds

"Yes I am aware" I respond

She moves back down my body to continue what she started. I never knew that oral could feel this good. I always assumed it would be a little boring, but not with Karlie

"Fuck you're really wet. It's honestly agonizing for me" she chuckles

I pull her up to me where she sits comfortably between my legs

Her lips don't hesitate to connect with mine. Soon I feel her hand glide down my body and meet my center. I let her continue until she has her fingers fully inside me to where it's really hard to keep quiet. I bite my lip hard as her fingers work quickly

My eyes are squeezed shut "Fuck Karlie" I breathe

"You like it?" She asks

"Yes" I gasp while gripping her sheets in my hand "It's so hard to stay quiet Karlie" I breathe heavily

"Then just kiss me" she says before I feel her lips on mine again

They're so soft

When her thumb comes in contact with my clit I really don't think I can handle this silence any longer "Karlie" I whimper letting her lips go

"Shh I know baby" she moves her fingers harder and harder

I can't take this. It just feels too good

"I know you're close baby" she encourages in my ear making me shiver in pleasure

"God Karlie fuck. I'm about to cum"

"Yes baby" Her fingers never slow down and never let up as I reach my high. If anything, it only makes her go harder

"Karlie!" I moan almost in agony as my sensitivity is through the roof

But she doesn't let up. She doesn't stop.

Then I feel it. Fuck. "Right there" I moan as my lower half clenches

"Holy shit Taylor" Karlie comments

My breathing is loud as my chest moves rapidly

I slowly regain consciousness "Did I just-"

"Squirt? Yes, you did" she smirks while showing me the stream of liquid that hit the sheets

"Holy shit" I comment "I thought that was made up"

"Nope. I don't think I've ever been more turned on in my life. That was amazing" she says

"You're telling me" I'm still catching my breath as my eyes fall closed and then open in a repeated pattern

"I noticed something when I was fixing your computer" Karlie begins

I try my best to keep my eyes opened and focused on the girl above me

"You're into scissoring?"

"I mean..I've never.."

"Me neither. But if you're up for it.."

"Of course I am. I want both of us to be satisfied tonight not just me" I state truthfully. I don't want any of this to be one-sided

At that, she aligns her body with mine. Her hands hold mine just like before

"You're really wet too" I comment as I feel her center against mine "Holy shit"

"You cumming is a sight Taylor you should know that. Not to mention the sounds you make are even better" she holds herself up as her hips move fluently against mine

"Ah fuck" she moans

I watch as the beautiful girl above me is in a world of pleasure. This is her most vulnerable state and I get the honor of experiencing it

"You feel really good Taylor holy shit" she comments

I almost moan at her words "So do you" I grind against her. I feel so helpless right now. She has complete control over me. Anything she commands I'll do.

"A little faster" she says

I obey. I want to do nothing but satisfy this girl. I squeeze her hands hard "Are you close?" I ask. I already feel my edge approaching

"You have no idea" her body shakes as she cums. She looks beautiful to be honest. I can't imagine being with anyone else in this moment.

The sight of her makes me come undone seconds later

Our hips still collide to the point where I can hear it. I can hear our bodies moving together and it doesn't bug me one bit. The sounds of us making love will never irritate me.

"Taylor" my name leaves her mouth in a breathey moan

I touch her face in the darkness to feel her skin before pulling her down for one more kiss which she obliges to "Thank you" I say "For understanding and taking care of me"

"I'd be a terrible girlfriend if I didn't" She smirks

A large smile overtakes my face as I've never felt this happy in my life.

Is it bad to say that porn brought me here?


Dirty. So dirty. And long. Anyways, thanks for keeping up with my stories my dedicated and loyal readers! Hope you enjoyed these two parts. Peace.
- Rachel :)

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