Letters to Isabella

By bbbambiii

23.1K 1K 689

Fall looms over the Lynch's small family town and with the change in the weather brings a drastic change in t... More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
forty one.
forty two.
forty three.
forty four.
forty five.
forty six.
forty seven.
forty eight.
forty nine.
fifty one.


493 15 12
By bbbambiii

Laura's POV

"Bella! Bailey! Laur! Come on we've got to go!" A stressed Ross called out from downstairs.

We had a Halloween party at Rydel's place to attend and as usual we were running late. I'd spent half of the day trying to hand make costumes for both Isabella and Bailey and after what felt like a million different attempts I'd finally managed to make them both a costume that they weren't throwing down the staircase in anger.

Ross and I had decided to dress up in a couple's costume as Morticia Addams and Gomez Addams whilst Bailey and Isabella had settled on going as Wednesday and Pugsley.

Whilst the kids were getting ready I'd decided to take the spare ten minutes that I had left in my stride to head to the bathroom and take a pregnancy test.

I'd been feeling nauseous for the last few days and my stomach had been cramping more than ever. I hadn't missed my period yet so I suppose I could play it down to that but something was telling me to at least try.

I sat on the toilet seat in our cream coloured bathroom with an unused pregnancy test in my hand. My pants were around my ankles and my hands were trembling.

It was now or never.

"Laur come on!" Ross called again.

"Just a second!" I snapped back. I began to stressfully open up the clear blue pregnancy test. It was one of many that I had hidden in the bathroom. I took the cap off and desperately began to try and think of waterfalls, rivers — anything that would make me want to pee. "Come on!" I hissed.

"Laura!" Ross called out again, he sounded even more impatient this time.

I rolled my eyes. "I said just a second!"

Finally, after what felt like a million years of trying to use the toilet, I was successfully able to. I stuck the cap back onto the pregnancy test and anxiously placed it down on the counter beside the bathtub.

I knew deep down that I desperately wanted the test to come out as a positive. Ironically for the first time in my life, with the slight exception of Bailey of course, I was excited and eager to have a positive on my pregnancy test.

I was finally at a suitable age and a positive time in my life where having a baby was seen as 'socially acceptable' instead of something that should be frowned upon.

Frantically, I began to wash my hands, cautiously eyeing myself up and down in the small mirror in front of me. The lighting was harsh in our bathroom, it made my skin look freakishly pale and my eyes dark and swollen — or maybe I seriously did look like that, who knows.

Those brief few moments that I spent anticipating the result of my pregnancy test passed faster than I imagined it too.

The test bleeped, as if on cue from beside me and with a deep breath I knew that it was time for me to check it.

I reached over and scooped the pregnancy test up into my hands. I opened my eyes slowly and felt my heart sink into my stomach. Negative. It was negative. Tears began to prickle in my exhausted eyes and slowly they fell down my cheeks. "Oh." was all I managed to whimper as I threw the negative pregnancy test into the trashcan.

To say that I was disappointed would be a complete understatement. I was devastated. The one time I was actually ready and prepared to become a mom I wasn't able to become one.

Despite feeling the shittiest that I'd ever felt I took a deep breath, wiped away the small droplets of mascara that had fallen to my bronzed cheekbones and brushed down my long black dress.

I had a party to get to — we all did.

Slowly, I opened the bathroom door and stepped out into the darkness of our upstairs hallway. Ross was stood by the front door with his car keys and candy filled bags in his hand. He smiled at me as I greeted him but he was quick to rush out of the house.

"Is everything okay?" He asked me. He locked the front door behind us and wrapped his arm gently around my waist, guiding me towards our four seater car where both Isabella and Bailey were both waiting for us.

I nodded in response, trying my hardest to smile. I didn't want to tell him about the negative pregnancy test, at least not tonight. I wasn't sure how Ross would react but if he was anything like I was when it came to family then I knew that he'd be hurt.

Ross got into the driver's seat and I helped both of the kids to get into the backseat. I helped Bailey with his seatbelt which made Isabella giggle and then I headed to the passenger seat with my arms wrapped tightly around myself. The wind was howling and the sky was close to becoming pitch black. The sooner we got to Rydel's party the better.

"Why aren't Uncle Rocky and Auntie Trisha going?" Isabella asked curiously from the backseat. She had a fake black wig on that had been braided on either side and her usual perky brown eyes had been smothered with a heavy layer of black makeup.

"They are." Ross explained, turning left at a narrow street corner. He adjusted his rear view mirror, getting a better look at Isabella and Bailey. "They went out for drinks first and then they said they'd meet us there."

Bailey grinned. "They've gone to get drunk basically."

"Bailey!" I exclaimed, but I couldn't hide the smirk on my lips. "They're sharing a glass of adult grape juice before the festivities tonight."

Isabella and Bailey rolled their eyes and laughed. "You two always say adult grape juice!" They both joked.

Ross chuckled. "Your mother is right! Why call it wine when you can call it adult grape juice?"

"Dad, when can I have adult grape juice?" Isabella asked with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

Ross raised his eyebrows and chuckled sarcastically to himself. "Maybe when you're five hundred years old?"

The kids laughed and so did Ross. Although I felt sad, for that split second I felt happy. My heart felt warm. I had such a beautiful family and I was very blessed to have them. Did I really need another child to feel whole? Or was I just being melodramatic?

The rest of the car journey was fairly silent until finally we pulled up on Rydel's driveway. The faint sound of the song Monster Mash echoed down the street and the four of us shared exchanged glances before erupting into laughter.

"Come on then Addams!" Ross declared, helping Isabella and Bailey out of the car. "Let's go!"

The kids ran ahead of us and Ross linked his arm up with mine, guiding me towards the front door. "You've been kind of quiet. Are you sure you're okay?"

I smiled. "I'm fine baby."

He stopped me and turned me to face him. "Promise me?"

He held his little finger out and I rolled my eyes but reluctantly linked my own up with his. "I promise."

Ross seemed apprehensive but nodded his head. "Come on then." He wrapped his arm around my waist once more and we both walked towards the front door which was now wide open.

We were instantly greeted by Rydel who was dressed from head to toe as Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice. "Oh my god Gomez and Morticia!"

Ross and I chuckled uneasily. "I'm guessing Ratliff is Beetlejuice?" Ross asked with a smirk.

Rydel's eyes widened. "Oh god no. He's got a matching costume with the chicken."

"He's what -"

I was quickly cut off when Ratliff appeared behind Rydel dressed in a bright red top which simply said, Thing One. "Oh no." I murmured suddenly realising that Bob the chicken was obviously going to be labelled as Thing two.

"Hey guys!" Ratliff greeted with a smile. He gestured to our outfits. "Cool costumes! What are you supposed to be?"

Ross frowned. "Dude, we're the Addams?"

Ratliff frowned back. "No I don't think so. You don't look anything like the Addams."

Rydel rolled her eyes and handed Ross and I a glass of fruit punch each. "He's talking about our neighbours. The husband is called Adam. He's drunk, confused and weird. Just come on through."

Ross and I entered the house and Rydel closed the door behind us. The ceilings were covered with fake cobwebs and blood, loud Halloween songs were playing in the background and an ambient sound of chatter filled the entire house as we sat down on one of the couches. Rydel sat down opposite us and Ratliff joined her, still eyeing the both of us up and down curiously.

"So... where's Rocky at?" Rydel asked, slapping Ratliff's hand away from the candy. "Those are for the kids! You've eaten everything so far!"

Ratliff rolled his eyes and smirked at both Ross and I. "Um the last I heard he and Trisha were going for a drink." Ross explained, watching Ratliff from the corner of his eye as he snuck a piece of candy into his mouth.

"You're kidding me?" Rydel asked, turning her head towards mine. "They better not be grabbing any food before they come here. I've been cooking in that kitchen since five o'clock this morning!"

"Babe calm down." Ratliff murmured, still shoving pieces of candy into his mouth whilst Rydel wasn't looking. "They're probably making out in a diner somewhere." He added with an exaggerated chuckle.

I bit my lip and took a slow sip from my fruit punch. You're allowed to drink it, Laura. You aren't pregnant. I mentally reminded myself. My head continued to spin. You aren't pregnant.

"Will you excuse me for one second?" I politely asked the three of them.

Rydel and Ratliff were bickering with each other to even hear what I said let alone realise that I was leaving the conversation. Ross quickly stood up and followed me, his fruit punch still in hand. "Laura! Baby are you okay?"

I turned around slowly and sighed. "I just need five minutes, I'll be fine."

I tried to go upstairs but Ross grabbed my hand once again. "Babe what's going on?"

The Halloween music was blaring and close friends and family passed us smiling and laughing with one another. "I took a pregnancy test before we left the house."

Ross' eyes lit up and instantly he threw his hands to my stomach. "Oh my god! Are you preg-"

I shook my head slowly. I could feel my eyes filling up with tears. "No." I murmured. "No Ross, I'm not."

"Oh." He whispered. He pulled me close to his chest and pressed his lips to my forehead. "We'll keep trying, okay? It's not the end of the world."

"I know." I whispered back, feeling extremely sad. "I just really wanted..." I took a deep breath. "I really wanted another little baby."

Ross nuzzled his head into my chest. "And you will beautiful."

"I hope so." I replied. I stared up at him and he slowly wiped my tears away, pressing his lips to mine. "I'm sorry."

He ran his hand down my cheek and shook his head slowly. "Don't be sorry baby. I love you so much."

"I love you so much too."

I stayed curled up in his embrace for a few moments until the sound of the kids yelling upstairs made us turn our heads to the staircase which they came bounding down.

"Uncle Rocky!" Maddison exclaimed, running over to Rydel. "He's kissing Bella and Bailey's auntie mommy!"

Rydel gasped and everyone ran to the window to get a peek. The two of them stopped and took each other's hands. Rocky led Trisha up to the house and protectively held his arm around her waist. They rang the doorbell and instantly Rydel answered to them. "Why are you dressed as a prince?" She asked, eyeing them both up and down.

"Because..." Rocky began, glancing at Trisha with pure love in his eyes. "I just found my princess."

            ♡ ♡ ♡


hey you guys!!

happy Halloween! (kind of, although I'm sure it is for some of you hehe)

i hope you have an awesome Halloween this year!

do you guys really think Laura isn't pregnant? or did she just take the test too early?

are you happy with Risha?! I KNOW I AM!

all my love,

b x

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