Finding You

By KahnaKahn

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"And for your information I too had liked you perhaps a little too much." She looked away biting her lips in... More

The end of the beggining
Two Alphas.
Saturday Lunch
Teacher Amy
Mate Bond
The Pack
Ruby Red
History 101
Pack Meeting
Family Love
For You I will
Not Mine
Book Completed!!!
Always Yours
His Heart
I'm Sorry
The Tale
The Pack House
Seven Alpha's
Vampire vs Werewolves
Family Reunion
Promise Fulfilled
Finding You
A Thousand Years


82 1 0
By KahnaKahn


As much as it hurts, as much as my heart shatters, I keep reminding myself that she is his mate and I can't get in the way of that.

I lost.  I pondered heading for the front door.

"Teacher Amy."  I was stopped before I got the chance to even touch the door knob.  

Turning around I was met with Braydon's third in command Greg, "And where are you going?"


"Alpha Braydon mind link me just now and ask me to lead you to your room."

Braydon did he now.  He couldn't even tell me so himself.  At that moment I wanted to get angry, I wanted to cry and punch something and just like that he is just going to toss me aside.

Sighing I have myself only to blame though.  So I have no right to get angry.

"Well I have a home but if he is worried about me not coming to class don't worry I will be here on time bright an early."  I smiled.

He seemed to be however deep in thought probably mind linking the Alpha.  "It's Alpha's orders."

"I'm sorry but correction he is your Alpha not mine.  So I can choose to defy him if I wish and if you wish to tell him go ahead.  He has no control over me than I do over him, do you understand Mister..."

"Cobb, Greg Cobb."  He finishes.

"Mister Greg Cobb.  Now please if you'll excuse me."  I turned around only to face him again, "Please when your Alpha is fully rested tell him I'll see him tomorrow at school.  Have a good night Mr. Cobb."

"But it's late and you know they are things that go bump in the night."

Is that suppose to scare me, hardly.  I don't believe in childish fairy tales that parents tell their kids so they can go to bed early.

"I can manage."  I opened the door and began my long journey home.

The woods looked extremely dark at night.  


Walking up with a cold sweat, fear escaped my dry throat.  Another horrible dream.  It felt too real.  It's like I feel their screams their pain, their agony.

"Babe."  Rachel placed a hand around me, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's nothing."  Regardless if it's anything I had to do more research what my dreams could mean.

Rising from my bed Rachel pouted, "Babe please come back to bed."

"I have something urgent to do.  You get some rest."  I gently kissed her cheeks trying to soothe her down.

Heading down stairs I was met with a very scared third in command, "Greg what is it?"

"It's teacher Amy."  He stuttered not meeting my eyes.

Somethings happened and just remembering what I had done to her got me feeling all sorts of guilt.  I shouldn't have dismiss her like that.  Why I chose to be with Rachel at that time was my own doing.

I just couldn't bare to see my mate broken.  It hurt me and Seff wanted nothing more than to hold her in our arms despite the fact that she had betrayed me.  Stupid mate bond.  I cursed once again.

"What about her?"

"She left?"

"Oh, is that al...she what!"  My voice thundered at the end realizing she left.  My eyes looked out the window it was still night, had she gotten home safely.  "How long ago?"  I was now clenching my jaws trying to refrain from punching him.  After all I had told him to give her a room on the fourth floor.

"Two hours ago."

Holy fuck, two hours ago.  "And why the hell didn't you tell me? Damn it!"  Had I known I would have stop her, force her to take up a room here then lock her in.

I may have chosen Rachel tonight but I still care deeply for her, I will always care for her.

"Actually I did but you were blocked off."

I had forgotten I had blocked off all mind link.  I wanted peace for a moment with Rachel.  This is my own fault.  Even when I had told everyone not to block their mind link.  What kind of Alpha am I.  What if there was an emergency and to top it off I was sleeping.

"Mind link the patrols and ask if they had seen teacher Amy."  Nodding his head I watch him grow silent.  Good while he's doing that, I'll just call her cell phone.  

At times like this I wish I could just mind link her.  It would be much easier.

After so many rings she didn't even bother to answer.  Worry began to seep deep in my heart.

What if something terrible happened to her?  What if those things got to her.  I would never live with myself.

"Greg, go."

He shook his head sadly, "Fuck."  I was stomping like a little kid.  "Send some of the patrols to her house and let me know if she is there safely."  With a quick nodded I headed towards my father's room.

Though I'd rather go myself to check on Amy, I couldn't.  I didn't want Rachel to find me missing.  I didn't want her to have another break down.

Knocking on my father's door I heard his scruffy voice, "My son, come in."

Entering, it's been a while since I have been into his room.  Nothing has changed.  My mother's picture still hangs over his bed and a family of us on his dresser.  Usually as I have said before when your mate dies you either go rogue, go insane, or lose your wolf completely.  As you can see my father kept his sanity in tack but his wolf is gone.  And this is what got him depress in the first place aside from loosing my mother.  Thankfully he came back to us, his mind still in tack.

There are others who were once wolves are now humans who choose to live with humans in their homes being that they could no longer shift and some who have gone rogue or on a killing spree.  I knew of one who went that route and that was Taylor's father, Hunter's mate.

How she manage to stay sane because of her father was all thanks to Hunter.  He never gave up on her and wish I could do the same for my mate.

"Son somethings wrong.  What is it?"  He patted his bed asking me to sit beside him.

"I need to talk to grandfather."  My grandfather still lives here, and he is known as one of our elders.  Elders are just old people who are wise beyond their years.  Who like many others lost their wolves and still decide to live in the pack house.

"Sure but may I ask why?"

I debated whether to explain my dreams but he could help.

So I started from the very first time I had found the ring in a book then the dreams happened.

"Have you heard of her.  She haunts my mind till this day."

"I wish I could say I have but sadly I have to say no.  Let's contact your grandfather."

Grandfather lived away from the pack house.  He thought being around wolves however would make him envious of what he had once.

Picking up the phone he dialed his number seeing he could no longer mind link well neither of them could.  It was the wolves that kept in contact with each other.

"Ah dad..."

"Hello son, it's been a while how are you?"

"Good but let's get down to business."

"It's always business with you."  I heard grandfather chuckle. His voice brought solace to my child hood memories.

"Can we meet for lunch?"

"Sure but what is this about?"

"Amerie."  With one word I could hear my grandfather gasps in silent.  So he does know her and probably heard of her.

"Lunch it is then."

After hanging up the phone I thanked my father who only bid me a good night.

Heading back up stairs I was once again met by Greg, "Well is she home?"  I quickly asked.

"Yes Alpha, and she was already sleeping."

Good.  "Make sure you personally escort her here tomorrow morning for class."

Following my orders he skipped away.  While my beta Tucker was still out getting pack to join our cause after all it's their fight too.

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