The Blending of The Blackbour...

By wraithprincess

181K 7.8K 341

*** Disclaimer I don't own the Cl Stone Academy * * *Pure Fan fiction **Spin Off of Healing in the Arms of Th... More



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By wraithprincess

Morgan's POV
" She's asleep again " Sammy said
I  looked down at Harper " Yeah she's been out for about 15 minutes now she's not in a deep sleep yet "
" What you thinking I see the wheels turning in your head " Sammy Asked me
" Nothing I want to discuss with all these ears so later "
"Alright " Sammy replies

I give a Look over to my Twin who nods back at me
All this time she has kept this to herself not letting anyone in on what happened to her 
She moves a little whimpering in her sleep
" It's okay Harper I'm here " I tell her as I pull her closer to me

" Morgan take Harper up and put her in the guest room she most likely will sleep for Awhile Daddy Sean put a sleeping pill in her food since she hasn't slept well " Daddy Owen said
" Okay I will but I'm not leaving her alone in case she wakes up " I tell him
Mason comes over to hold the chair still as I stand up with Harper in my arms
She whimpered again but louder
" Shhh Harper it's okay baby I got you " I tell her , she curls her fingers around my shirt then nuzzles her nose into my neck

I take her upstairs but take her to my room and place her in my bed scooting her to the middle pull covers up over her then I climb on top of the covers wrap my arm around her.
I hear her breathing even out into a deep sleep a few minutes later .

" You brought her in here "
" Yeah she needs to be in a familiar room "
" What are we going to do Morgan I'm not letting that asshole get near her " Mason said
" Neither am I "
" I think between the three of us we can keep it from happening the only thing Is Sammy you need to tell her how you feel , You already know how Mason and I feel about her and I know we need to tell her too it's been a long time coming " I say

" Yeah I know do you think it will work between the four of us " Sammy Asked
" Yes we have great roll models in how the relationship is to work don't get me wrong I know it will be a struggle at times but as long as it's only us three with her then I don't see an issue other than maybe convincing her to let us in , When she said she didn't think anyone would love her after they see the scars from that bastard I nearly broke my heart I don't give a damn about those scars I just want her" Mason said

" Me too Mason I want to find the bastard and kill him for what he did to our girl " I said

" Hmmm Our Girl " Masons said
" I love it " Sammy said

" So What's our plan " Mason Asked
" Well I think we should keep our own tabs on her one of us will be around her when she is out and on Friday at the Gala one of us is to be with her at all times no leaving her by herself " Morgan said

We continued to talk about what we were going to do to keep our girl safe .
Harper woke up during our conversation
" Morgan"
" Yes Bambino "
" I need to pee and change clothes I can't sleep in this " she says
" Okay Jellybean I'll help you go pee while Morgan gets you something to wear " Mason tells her
" Okay " she says
Mason helps her up off the bed she stumbles into him so he scoops her up in his arms then carries her to the bathroom.
A few minutes later he comes back with her in his arms she is half asleep he places her on the bed
" What the hell did Uncle Sean give me " she asked
" A sleeping pill " Mason answers her
" What the fuck doesn't he know that he Invades my dreams fuck " she yells
" It's okay Harper we aren't going to let anything happen to you between Mason , Myself and Sammy you won't be alone "

" Mmm a twin and Sammy Sandwich " she says with a smile that graces her sleepy face
We couldn't help but chuckle at her

" Here I have a shirt for you to wear " I tell her
She looks up and smiles sleepily and takes the shirt
" Help me stand and no staring at me " she tells us
I help her stand she grabs the hem of her shirt raises her arms and shirt tossing it to the floor then reaches around unhooks the bra in like a second sliding the straps down her arms and then tosses it to the floor next to her shirt
" Help me put the shirt on " she says
So I do and take my time I cover her head then her eyes so I can look at her without her knowing
The scars are across both breast and then small and long scars across her belly then one across her waist now that one is angry looking it dips down you can't see part of it because of her panties hot pink panties
Once I get the shirt down she leans into me placing her head into my chest

" I know they are ugly and no one will want me " she says

I lift her head and face to meet mine I lean down and kiss her lips softly it was to be a brief one but she bite my lower lip and when I opened my mouth she slipped her tongue in
I returned the favor slipping mine in her mouth tasting her sucking on her tongue causing her to moan in my mouth my arms tightened around her pulling her body to mind molding it to me .
The kiss ended and she looked at me and smiled then said " This one hell of a real feeling dream "

I let out a little laugh at the statement she said then I scooped her up and put her in the bed .
When she got comfortable she pulled the shirt up to her nose and breathed in the smell of the shirt
" mmmm Morgan you always smell so good " she whispered as she fell asleep with a smile on her face

" She just kissed you " Mason said with a smile on his face
" Yes she did and it was awesome and god I feel it in my heart  " I tell him
" I know I kissed her yesterday " Sammy just admitted .
" You did "
" Yes and let me tell you it hit me right in the heart just like Daddy said when he kisses Mama " Sammy tells us
" Too Bad she's asleep I want a kiss" Mason said with a little laugh

" I'm gonna go change and then come back and crash in here with y'all for the night " Sammy tells us
" That's Fine we can push the beds together and make more room for all of us in one bed " I tell them
End of POV

Morgan , Mason and Sammy got the beds moved together and were laying in the beds with Harper in the middle sound asleep snuggled into Morgan she had her Head on his stomach with a leg draped over his .
" How's is she doing " Daddy Sean asked from the doorway
" Well She is currently sound asleep and I mean out , And she knows you gave her something but I have a feeling she might not remember it she thought she was dreaming earlier " Morgan Told his Daddy
" Ha I bet she did its a high dose from what Axel and Corey said they think she hasn't slept very well she had been having nightmares since she saw Todd , She has been through a lot. " Sean said

" Yes she has my baby girl is very special to me no matter how old she gets she will be so if the three of you are going to pursue her in the way I think you are then I will tell you know I will beat the living hell out of you if you hurt her in anyway physically, emotionally or what ever and I know a Professional Russian that will help " Brandon said with a smile
" Now you have the families permission to be with her but if she wants to be with you three " Brandon' added

" Yes Sir we understand and you have our word that we will not hurt her intentionally we may do things that she might not agree with , We have decided that we will take her to the Gala " Morgan said

" okay that's fine , I do have a few questions, You three won't stop her from following her dream to become a chef will you

" No Sir "
"No Sir
" No Sir the only thing we will have to do is work out more that girl can cook " Mason said
There was a couple of chuckles

" Okay the next question is being that Morgan and Mason are 5 years older and You Sammy are 3 years older than Harper is only 20 is that going to make a difference in anything " Brandon asked

" No it won't make any difference to us we know there is an age difference it's like Mama and Daddy Owen and Daddy Sean they are 3 yrs older than Mama and Aren't Axel , yourself and Uncle Corey 4 years older than Aunt Casey "
" Yes we are " Brandon said
The fathers left and went back downstairs
Leaving them in the room with Harper

Morgan , Mason and Sammy all agreed on watching a movie since it was only 8:30 pm and they weren't tired. They were half way through the movie Fast and Furious when Harper began to scream in her sleep

"Harper it's okay baby girl your so safe right now , I'm here , Sammy and Mason Papa Brandon and My Daddy Sean " Morgan tights his hold on Harper kissing her forehead
" Morgan " she whispered
" Yes Bambino it's me " I tell her

A few moments later she is back asleep now she is talking in her sleep about making a cake

The movie is resumed and when it ended Daddy Owen was at the door looking in at us four again

"So hows is she doing "
" Little Nightmare but as long as one of us holding her or is touching her she stays asleep we found out when I moved to go to the bathroom she freaked out until Sammy curled up with her she fell back asleep , Dad what do you all know about that Guy Todd " Morgan Asked

" That he is a rich, about 25 5'8 About 175 in weight , he likes to get involved with younger women Harper was actually the oldest he's been seen around with , he has a reputation of being forceful with his girlfriends one accused him of Rape but never went to trial" Owen says
" Why didn't it " Mason Asked
" Because she disappeared after he was released from jail after posting bond " Owen tells them
" What the hell you mean they think he killed her , is that why Harper never pressed charges " Sammy Asked
" Most Likely that and the fact she didn't want to bring shame to her family even though all of us told her it wouldn't at all " Owen tells them

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