The Chamber Of Secrets//Draco...

By TheGirlWhoSpeaks

146K 4.9K 1.9K

(Y/N) (L/N), the heir to Meredith Dratheums Hogwarts house. Now, in her second year at Hogwarts, the heir to... More

1 - Dobby
2 - Escape
3 - Malfoy?
4 - We're Home
5 - Howler
6 - New Seeker
7 - Gilderoy
8 - Legend
9 - Bludger!
10 - Voices
11 - Duel!
12 - Parselmouth
13 - Heir of Slytherin
14 - Tom Marvolo Riddle
16 - Ginny?
17 - Basilisk
18 - Slytherin Blood
19 - Award
20 - Free Elf
Book Three!

15 - Cleaning

6.3K 211 21
By TheGirlWhoSpeaks

You look around your library, books thrown everywhere on the floor and your piano littered with papers. The whole room is a wreck, and you sigh.

"Who couldve done this?" Harry asks, looking at your room. Malfoy had left already, saying he was looking for you when he found your library like this.

"I dont know. But whoever did, they took it. Tom Riddles diary is gone." You say, running a hand over your empty desk. You glance at your brother, putting a hand on your forehead as you ponder over who could have done this.

*Time Skip*

You stand outaide Hagrids hut, dressed in loose black cargo pants tucked into dark blue rubber boots. A loose white blouse is tucked into your pants, held by a brown belt.

"Hold still!" You say, climbing up onto Rubys back. She is already nearly nine feet tall, being its spring of your second year. Her back spans nearly two feet in width, and she's around fifteen feet long. You rest your knees on her back, taking the yellow sponge in your hands and dipping it into the bucket that is hanging at your hip from a rope oved your shoulder. You scrub her back with the soapy water, maling Ruby's scales shine as brightly as they did when she was born.

"You know, there are easier ways to do this." Malfoy says, cleaning her head as she bends it down to him. He stands on the grass below, scrubbing her muzzle with his own sponge.

"Please name one, Malfoy." You sarcastically say, making sure you dont hurt your dragon as you clean her. Malfoy is only a few feet below you, being that Rubys neck is around three of the nine feet of her height. Draco stands a foot below your reach, looking up at you.

"A lake, maybe?" He says, to which you roll your eyes. He is the one who offered to help you clean her, he already takes care of her other needs like food and water. Still, he made sure that no one saw him when he helped you. Even more careful when it came to people knowing he likes animals. As you continue cleaning, you hear a voice from nearby.

"Miss (L/N)!" You turn your head, seeing Professor McGonagall approaching. You hop from Ruby's back, sliding down her wings until you reach the ground.

"Professor?" You ask, setting down your sponge and bucket. You take off your black gloves, setting them on the nearby ground.

"You must come with me immediately, there is something you have to see."

You look to Draco, who gives you a dismissive wave as he continues to clean your dragon, already on her neck. You follow McGonagall up the hill towards Hogwarts, both worried and curious as to what you have to look at.

*Time Skip*

"Oh my god." You say, walking into the hospital ward where Harry and Ron stand, Harry in his Gryffindor uniform as there was a game immediately canceled. On the bed sits Hermione, frozen in place with her hand out where she once held something.

"She was found near the Library, along with this. Does it mean anything to any of you?" McGonagall asks, holding up a small mirror with a silver frame. You shake your head, seeing Ron appears to be the most horrified of all of you. Still, you grab Hermiones outstretched hand, feeling how cold it is.

"I'm sorry, Mione. We'll fix this."

*Time Skip*

You walk down the corridors with Ron and Harry, having just finished cleaning Ruby with Draco. She is now back to her sparkling white shade, a mass of scales nearly the size of Hagrids hut. You can see her sleeping form as you walk past a window, being all students knew about her by now. You couldnt hide her forever, but as long as no one complained about her, you were happy. Suddenly, McGonagalls voice magically is projected through the school, coming from all angles.

"Could I have your attention please? Because of recent events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately. “All students will return to their house common rooms by six o’clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions.” I should tell you this: unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely the school will be closed." You glance between Ron and Harry, biting your lip.

"You've got to talk to Hagrid, guys." You say, continuing your walk with the two. "I can’t believe it’s him, but if he did set the monster loose last time, he’ll know how to get inside the Chamber of Secrets, and that’s a start." Ron looks at you, shaking his head side to side.

"But you heard McGonagall! We’re not allowed to leave the tower except for class." You look to Harry, smiling mischeviously.

"I think its time to take out your dads cloak."

*Time Skip*

You sit in the hospital wing, on the bed next to Hermione. You look over at her, sighing as you wait for the boys to get back. Theyve been gone all night, and youve never been more worried.

"Wish you were here, Hermione." You say, standing and taking her hand. As you stand there, her cold palm wrapped with yours, the boys rush into the room.

"Harry! Ron!"

You say as they run over, quickly explaining what happened. To summarize it, the Ministry had taken both Hagrid and Dumbledore away, Lucius Malfoy had been there to ensure it, and Hagrid had said to follow the spiders. Dumbledore had said that anyone who needed help at Hogwarts needed simply to ask.

After the Ministry took your headmaster and friend away, Ron and Harry followed spiders into the woods, leading them to Aragog, the spider growing to an enormous height in the past fifty years and his children had tried to kill the two boys. Before they escaped, Aragog -the talking spider- had said that the true monster of the Chamber of Secrets was an enemy to all spiders. You take in the information, and as you do the mirror on Hermiones desk catches your eye.

"Oh my god....thats why she's petrified!" You say, looking at the small reflective surface.

"What?" Ron asks, watching as you run out of the room. You dash all the way to your quarters, running into the library you had cleaned after the raid for Tom Riddles book.

"This!" You say, grabbing a large emerald novel from the bookshelf. You open it, flipping through the pages until you come to a page with a snake illustration on it. You read it to the boys, eyes flicking over the words.

"‘Of the many fearsome beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly than the basilisk. Capable of living for hundreds of years, instant death awaits any who meet this giant serpent’s eye. Spiders flee before it.’ Ron, Harry, this is it. The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk. That’s why we can hear it speak. It’s a snake!" You exclaim, setting the book down on a nearby chair. The boys eyes widen, and you from as you had finally figured it out.

"Thank god you love animals." Ron says, soon after narrowing his eyes. "But if its gaze kills people, why are they only petrified?"

"Because they didnt look straight into its eyes....." Harry says, coming to the same realization you have. "Mrs.Norris saw it in the water, Justin saw it through Nearly Headless Nick, who cant die a second time, Collin saw it in his camera, and Hermione saw it in the mirror!"

"But hows a Basilisk been getting around? A great dirty snake, someone would have seen it."

"Hermione’s answered that, too."

"Pipes? It’s using the plumbing!"

"Remember what Aragog said, about that girl fifty years ago? She died in a bathroom? What if she never left?"

"Myrtle." You say, looking at your brother. He nods, and you quickly run from your room towards the girls restroom. As you run, McGonagalls voice comes over the speakers once more, and your heart pounds in your chest.

"All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers to the second floor corridor, immediately."

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