
By nelakho

196K 15.3K 3.7K

A pacifist with a war god trapped in her bones must decide between stirring her demons or watching her allies... More

1 - The Prince
3 - The Queen's Mother
4 - The Children
5 - The Drinking Yard
6 - An Enemy's Name
7 - The Old Ones
8 - The Children of Violence
9 - The Faces of Gems
10 - The General
11 - The Princeling
12 - A Reprieve of Sorts
13 - The Dreams That Wait For Us
14 - Lifa
15 - Midnight Sunrise
16 - Home Is A Three-Legged Pot
17 - And Many Are The Hands That Feed Us
18 - The Son
19 - Silt
20 - Ndlovu
21 - The Pride of Elephants
22 - The Folly of Lions
23 - The Lands That Divide Us
24 - The Rivers That Stitch Us Together
25 - A Council of Crones
26 - The Seeds of Peace
27 - The Shoots of Life
28 - The Fruits of War
29 - Pulp
30 - The Glass Lids
31. Of Blind Eyes Closed
32 - The Thorns of the Spirit
33 - A Den of Lions
34 - Blood
35 - Tears
36 - And The Oil of Souls
37 - The Soul of Soils
38 - Peace Only To The Flesh
39 - The Crown of Third Hill
40 - The Glass Shell
41. The Dark Earth
42. The Coming Sun
43. The Colliding Stars
44. Monster
45. Mother
46. A Good Autumn Day
47. A Bridge Built
48. A Bridge Crossed
49. And On The Other Side
50. A Bridge Burned
51. The Eastern Storm
52. And It's Thunder
53. And Its Weight
54. And All Its Blinding Light
55. Warmaker
56. Dumani
57. Son of Kani
58. Daughter of Nomvula
59. Bound of Third Hill
60. Mathematician of the Gold Ring
61. Asanda
62. Epilogue
Director's Commentary

2 - The Price

16.8K 1K 296
By nelakho

"You can have my answer now," Nomvula said. "No."

Jabu scoffed. "You'd rather die than marry me?"

"If only to have a say in the matter." Nomvula stood and smoothed the creases on her apron. "You're more than welcome to join Ndlovu against me."

"You're thinking emotionally."

"I'm thinking about your long swim across the river. Would you like one of my ships to escort you?"

"Pride kills, Queen Nomvula."

"Indeed it does." She slipped both hands into her apron's pouch. "It killed the last man to make me feel threatened."

Jabu reclined in his chair. "Are you going to spill blood before we even get a proper welcome?"

"I'm not threatened by guests."

"You should—"

"Stand up, Jabulani. Let me teach you the game."

He reclined even further. "You don't intimidate me."

"No, I just stand over you."

The sunrise threw her shadow across his face, giving the illusion that she towered over him. Pride, anger, and inexperience pushed him to his feet, until he stood a whole head taller than her. Fine, at least it stopped him from lounging in her chair.

"See, that's how you use your height." She grabbed his upper arms, looked him over and nodded. He smelled like his politics up close, so she chose to face the Wayfarer instead. "Does your father know what you're doing here?"

"The King of the Inner Plains is ill."

Something snagged his voice, a bad note in a rising melody. Hesitation? No, that took awareness.

"My oldest son was his guest over the High Summer Festival. He said your father was in perfect health."

"Oh, he is," Jabu said, "but he will be ill, should I see fit."

Old Ones. Disgust crawled along her ribs, and sat in her throat like an itch. "Finally, a good threat."

Nomvula walked to the edge of the patio and looked over her land. Well, the land she was wedded to, not the one she called home.

Here, the hills were green, the snakes were lazy, and people were fat and fruitful.

The Sunlands was a leaner place, all desert and canyons, harsh soil and its red wounds. Even after twenty years in the Hundred Hills Valley, she was a weed among botanicals — responsible for their growth.

"I see now that your offer is generous, Prince."

Hesitation again, then, "More than generous."

"I would save many lives by giving over mine."

"It would be a richer life still."

"And I would marry a young, powerful, wily noble."

"You would."

Nomvula licked her teeth. "I still decline."

A scowl this time. "Why are you being so stubborn?"

"Because I am neither young, powerful, or wily." She rolled her shoulders until she heard a deep pop. "All I have are teeth to grit."

Jabu leaned over her shoulder, and did his best to look down at her. "Teeth break."

Everything breaks.

"Prince..." Nomvula sighed. "Go speak with Ndlovu if you want to. Tell him about your troubles finding a wife, I can help you propose to him." She started walking back to the study. "Or I can host you here for three days, as guest law dictates. That might give you time to write an apology long enough. Might."

"You're making a mistake, Queen Nomvula."

"Says the boy giving me ultimatums with only two armies."

As the floor changed from sandstone to the study's wood panels, Nomvula kept her stride easy — but not light. Jabu could sulk and seethe until he yawned; she knew the pattern from raising two sons. His uncles could be reasoned with, but not right now...

The prisoner inside her was restless, and it could sense the walls wearing thin. When most people walked away from conflict, their shadows didn't look back and sneer.

"Anathi," Nomvula said, stepping into a passageway that only looked empty, "get my mother and call the children. And tell the kitchens to keep Jabu's delegation full of salt, meat and our best beer. No, our strongest."

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