The Blending of The Blackbour...

By wraithprincess

177K 7.7K 342

*** Disclaimer I don't own the Cl Stone Academy * * *Pure Fan fiction **Spin Off of Healing in the Arms of Th... More



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By wraithprincess

I felt myself start to drift back to sleep between them why the hell am I so tired oh wait between the damn nightmares and working at the cafe and going out .
"You falling back asleep Jellybean"
" mmmmm"
" I take that as yes " Sammy said with a chuckle
" Come on Jellybean we need to get up , you need to eat and try on dresses then we can have a sleepover like we did as kids " Mason said
" Only if Uncle Luke makes Chocolate Chip Pancakes in the morning " I say

" I'm sure he can I don't think he is going in to the Diner until lunch time tomorrow " Mason answered back
" Alright if I have to get up " I say as I stay put snuggling more into Masons warmth
He just laughs

" Harper Jane "
" Uh oh what did I do this time " I whispered when I heard Gabriel yelling for me
He found us three in the bed
" What the hell are the three of you doing in Masons bed "

"Oh you know sleeping " I say with a snicker
" Always A Smartass just like your Daddy "
" Hey I have five So you have to be more specific " I say with a laugh
" Well if I do then it would have to be split between Marc and Brandon " Gabe said
" And don't you dare say that to them " he added
" Ha I won't and your so right " I say
" Hey I call it like I see it he said with a laugh
" No Doubt "

" Alright you three come on Mason or Sammy one of you go down and get her something to eat and meet us in my design room " Gabriel said

Sammy got out of the bed first , then me, then Mason I was back to being sandwiched between them but Sammy had his hands on my hips to keep me from falling forward to much I looked up at him he was looking at Mason and they seem to be doing That damn silent communication thing all the boys have learned don't get me wrong us girls can do it too but not nearly as well as the boys can .
"Well let me go get this dress trying thing on " I say as slip out of their hold .

Getting down the hallway I had to stop at the door to Gabriel's design room to gather my thoughts which were all over the place Damn Todd Sullivan

Knocking on the door Gabriel said to enter

I saw five dresses hanging up on the rack the one that drew me to it was a floor length gown
It was a halter top exposed midsection, sheer fabric slit up the hip and Lacey shorts under it
" Uncle Gabriel can I try this one on " I say as I pull it off the rack
" Sure go on in the dressroom"

I go in and strip down to bra and underwear then take off my bra because with the top of the dress I would need a strapless one , I slip the top on then the Lacey shorts and the skirt
I stand there looking in the mirror I love it .
Coming out of the dressing room I go and stand on Podium

I hear sucking in of breaths I glance up and look into the Mirror I see Sammy , Mason , Morgan , Uncle Gabriel, Uncle Kota and Mama Sang
" Does it look bad " I asked
" Hell No girl it looks like I made it just for you the only thing I will have to do is shorten the length on the skirt because you are so freaking short and maybe take in the top but other than that you look gorgeous " Gabriel said in one breath
" Ha I know I'm short but you know the best things come in small packages like Dynamite and me " I say with a laugh
They all laugh
Gabriel messy with the dress as I'm standing there
" How about a pair of Silver heels to go with it " Gabriel suggested
" Yeah as long as they aren't to high"
"oh and instead of a necklace wear a bracelet " Gabriel said as he grabs a solid silver one
I looked into the mirror to study the dress
My phone went off with a text again, Kota handed it to me I looked at the message

Hey got some gossip for you , heard through Marcus , He said  that Todd has paid Dustin a visit about you , that they got into and Todd told Dustin that no one is going to stand in his way not even him or your family
Harper I don't like this at all

I know I don't either

" Uncle Kota can you take my phone and read the message from Melody it's a question I didn't understand "
Kota came over and read the message

"I see I'll answer send it to my phone and then get back with you " he said

" Okay thank you Uncle Kota " I say trying to keep my emotions under control but I started to shake a little , Kota took my hand

" Okay What's going on here , Kota , Harper is shaking like a damn leaf " Gabriel said with concern

I looked into the Mirror to see my reflection and I saw myself shaking
" It's nothing more than being hungry Uncle Gabriel I didn't eat yet " I say
" Then get that dress off now and get some food " Gabriel said with a little anger in his voice
I walked to the dressing room and closed the door undressed hanging the dress back up and started to put my bra back on I see the scars

" No one will want you after I'm done with you"

I hear his voice in my head as I stare at the mirror and scars

" Harper Jane Harper Jane "
Bang Bang Bang
" Open the door Jellybean "

I sink down onto my knees memories are flooding in and I can't stop them the darkness takes over

" Shhh Harper it's okay baby girl "the warmth of the body that was holding me I knew so well
" Papa Raven " I say
" Yes Baby "
" What happen "
" What do you remember "
" Trying on the Dress, getting a text from Melody then going into the Dressing room "
" Well it seems the message triggered a flashback you gave Morgan, Mason and Sammy a heart attack, Mason got the door open finding you on the floor , Kota and Gabriel got the boys out of the room so Sang could redress you and get you out " Raven said

" Where am I at and how did you get here" I asked as I snuggled into him
"You are in the spare bedroom at the Blackbourne house and I got here because Kota redlined us the whole family is downstairs waiting for you to wake up so we can all talk about it if you want too , because at some point everyone is going to need to know " Papa Raven said
" I know Papa it's just I thought that i had put this in my past and now it's being brought back into front and center again " I say

I laid there a little while longer until I really needed to eat and I guess talk about what happened .
Papa and I went downstairs and into the Kitchen I see Mama and Mama Sang I give both a big hug

" Eat Harper " Mama said as she pushed a plate of food in front of me

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