My Journey Of A 1D Star Lau...

By ionlytakeDUBBSMATE

23.5K 500 111

The days when One Direction first formed, stepping out of the X Factor, signing with SYCO, and starting their... More

Characters And Their Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Smut Chapter)O_O
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Not An Update
Chapter 8
Not An Update (But still read it😉)
Chapter 9 (Band Fluff😂)
New Book!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Another New Book BOYYY

Chapter 6

1K 21 13
By ionlytakeDUBBSMATE


Y/N's POV:

Currently I'm in my hotel, smoking a blunt, and putting my feelings into this song I'm currently making. Everyone else went out to some club but I decided I wanted to stay in and just chill from this busy life of touring and shit. Writing is basically my escape route or my therapy session. Lauren is still with Bread, but The Vamps were kicked off the tour because they decided, while we were on a stage, to come up and punch me square on the temple of my head. 

I fucking hate The Tramps and if I catch him or any of them anywhere near me again I'm fucking his ass up. Anyways I don't think I want this song to go towards the band, I really just wanna keep it to myself. After about 15 more minutes I've finally finished the song and I decided to sing it out loud to myself since no one is in here. I grab my laptop and go to my studio app on it, I put some beats, melody's, and background voices in their and now I decided to go for it. ( The Song is Above ^)


She got, She got, She got

Her own reasons for talking to me

And She don't, She don't, She don't 

Give a fuck about what I need

Of course, this song is about Lauren. She's been the only damn thing on my mind right now and it's starting to piss me off, but also sadden me, because I know she wont be mine.

And I cant tell you why, because my brain cant equate it

I really cant tell anyone why, or even myself for that matter. She just stands out and I cant take it.

Tell me your lies, because I just cant face it

Its you, Its you, Its you

Its you, Its you, its you

I wont, I wont, I wont

Cover my scars I'll let them bleed

I wont hide the truth, that all I want is you.

So my silence, so my silence wont

Be mistaken for peace

I have been pretty quite over this past month, only talking when needed or standing up for people when Asstin or Bread and his pack TRY and get into our heads.

Am I wrong, for wanting us to make it

Am I? Am I really?

Tell me your lies, because I just cant face it

Its you, its you, its you

Its you, its you, its you

Could it be that its a lesson, that I never had to learn

I looked at like a blessing but now its just a curse

I don't know why, I don't know why

Its you, Its you

Its you, its you, its you

That song truly just speaks all my emotions, its exactly how I feel and I now noticed I didn't hold back at all, I definitely went for it this song when it came to opening up. Once I'm able to stop my recording, I smoke the rest of the blunt and take all my stuff back to my backpack. Once I do that everyone comes bursting in my room startling me only slightly " That song was beautiful Y/N" Jade says to me softly, and that's when I notice her and Harry are the only ones sober currently. 

" Thanks love, designated driver I'm guessing?" I ask her so she can confirm my thoughts. She nods and smiles up at me which I return immediately since I absolutely love these girls and everyone else in this room. " Hey yo bruh.*Hiccup* What you been up to" Niall asks me coming close wrapping is arm around my shoulder looking at me. " Nothing bro but I think its time to call it a night" I say and lift him over my shoulder. Niall has always been a lightweight, never could last long when it came to alcohol and being sober while drinking it.

Since me and him are sharing the room I put him in his bed which is on the far right. As soon as his body comes in contact with the soft fabric he cuddles up to it going under the covers, and falling asleep immediately. I shake my head knowing he just went to bed with his clothes on without a protest. I turn around and immediately I'm engulfed in a big hug with their arms wrapped tightly around my neck and I look down to see Perrie looking up at me.

" Hey Y/N whatcha been doing since we've left" Perrie asks slurring her words a bit. I can tell she didn't drink a lot but she definitely had a few. " Nothing bubba but we should get you to bed" I say and pick her up, walking towards Jade. " Hey chipmunk can you take Perrie to her room and get her to bed?" I ask her since I know they're sharing a room (JERRIE sorry, not sorry) " Yeah no problem Y/NN see you tomorrow at the show" She tells me, I set Perrie down and give a quick hug to Jade, in which she quickly complied wrapping her arms around my neck. " See ya tomorrow at the show love" I say and give her a genuine smile. I hug Perrie once more before seeing both girls walk towards the door.

Once they reach the door I run up behind them so I can shut and lock the door because I'm pretty damn tired currently, " Goodnight Jerrie" I say once their outside " Goodnight Y/NN" They say at the same time before giving a small wave, going to the other side of the hall and opening the door with their keycard. I shut the door and lock it, walking back to the bedroom, noticing that 5 Seconds and the rest of the boys went back to their rooms. I do my nightly routine and head into bed turning off Niall's lamplight than going towards my bed, getting under the covers and cuddling up to them turning my lamplight off, only one thing on my mind before I fall into a deep slumber, " I have a feeling tomorrow is gonna be interesting" and just like that I'm out like a light.(😉)


I woke up to my alarm and first thing on my mind being, 'why wasn't it the boys that woke me up', until I hear the water running from the bathroom and I'm guessing Niall tried but over all failed. I get up slightly and slowly so I don't get dizzy and rub my face a bit to try and wake my self up more. I finally decide to actually get out of bed and stretch once I'm up on my feet. I need to burn a bit of time since Niall is still in the shower so I fix up my bed heading to my suitcase to pick out an outfit.

I decided on a normal white T-Shirt, Calvin Klein Sports bra and Gucci boxers, with a Leather Jacket, black Skinny Jeans and white Nikes. Once I've figured out my outfit Niall walks out with the white towel wrapped around his waist. "Glad to see you awake love, how'd you sleep" Niall asks me walking to get his outfit that was laid across his bed. " Fine, I slept fine Ni. You?" I ask him " Great even though I was a bit uncomfortable, because I slept with my clothes on" He says making me laugh, throwing my head back at his disgusted tone of voice. " Its not funny asshole" He says starting to laugh with me. "Ight imma hit the shower so you can change" I say getting up from the edge of my bed grabbing my clothes and a white towel, on the way to the bathroom. 

I walk in setting my stuff down, putting the towel on the silver handle bar. I set the water to just the right temperature and strip from my sports bra, Sweatpants, and boxers. Stepping into the shower letting the noise of the water running, and the feeling of the warm water hitting my skin, that's currently relaxing me, take over me.  Once I'm done washing my hair and body twice, I step out, after turning the water off. I start drying my body off, than grab the lotion rubbing it all over my body.

I grab the deodorant putting it on before starting to change. I grab my Calvin Klein sports bra, and my Gucci Boxers slipping both on. Then change into the shirt, leather jacket and skinny jeans, walking out with my white socks in hand. I slip the socks on my feet than grab my White Nikes and slip them on as well. I grab my cologne from my backpack, spraying some on me, than putting it back in.

"Looking good Y/NN" Niall says from the other side of the room, looking up from his phone to look at me. " Thanks man you too" I say giving him a small smile. Before he got to respond someone knocked on the door making me look behind me, I nod up at Niall signaling him that its probably the boys saying we have to go.

The thing is, who was really there shocked me, when I opened it I was met with a pissed off Austin and behind him was a worried Fifth Harmony. " The fuck do you wa-" I was cut off with a punch in the face making me stumble just a tiny bit backwards since it wasn't that powerful. "Why the hell did you try to hit on Camila" He spits angrily in my face and I look at him confusion written all over my face. " Excuse me" I ask giving him a 'The fuck you talking about' face, " You know what I'm talking about L/N don't play dumb with me" He says angrily standing In his place with his arms crossed. 

" I didn't do shit, I haven't talked to the girls OR YOU since the third show, when The Vamps were kicked off the tour, and that was 1 month ago" I say taking a step closer " STOP LYING Y/N, THE GIRLS TOLD ME ALL ABOUT IT" Austin yells in my face, and by now Niall is right by my side and pushes Asstin away from me making him stumble back into the girls, but Dinah caught him and held him up as Niall and I just stand there arms crossed with a confident but serious face on, honestly looking bad ass as fuck. Sorry ruined the moment. " Look Dorito boy I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to or what you're even talking about but what I do know-" I say as I take a step closer to him "-Is that you're fucking with the wrong person and the girls lied to you" I say and Lauren decided to speak up " We're not lying Austin he is" She says with a suspicious smirk on her face looking me up and down, eye fucking me basically.

" Look green eyes I don't know what the fuck you're on about but I don't appreciate it baby girl. Stop fucking lying ight Lamp" I told her and she blushed when I called her baby girl, and I smirk in return because I still have an effect on her since the hook-up. Than I turn back to Dorito boy "Leave me the fuck alone, got it, I don't wanna see you do some dumb shit like that again. Keep your fucking cool ight bitch" I spit in his face, and he gives a nod but roll his eyes, so I punch him right in the face but not too hard to leave any damages like bruises and cuts. " That was a warning shot, now get the hell out of here and get ready to leave towards the bus, and get your act together while your at it" I say and Niall and I back up into our room and I slam the door in their face, getting fed up with their shit.


" VAS' HAPPENING DUBLIN" I yell out to the crowd as we walk out from backstage onto the stage, the crowd getting incredibly loud with screams, cheers, and some cries and I give a low chuckle in return earning more loud cheers and cries. " Wassup hometown yall doing good Ireland" Niall says to the crowd and we all give a quick group fist bump and tell Niall to enjoy his home crowd. Than the start of Midnight Memories started playing in the background in which we lined up.


(123) Straight off the plane to a new hotel

Just touched down, you could never tell

(ow) Big house party with a crowded kitchen

People talk shh but we don't listen

Louis (Liam)

Tell me that I'm wrong but I do what I please

Way too many people in the Addison Lee

Now I'm in the age when I know what I need, oh woah ( Ha Ha Ha Ha)


Midnight memories, oh oh oh

Baby you and me, stumbling In the street

Singing, singing, singing, singing

Midnight memories, oh oh oh

Anywhere we go, never say no

Just do it, do it, do it, do it


five foot something, with the skinny jeans

By now we're on the catwalk talking with fans when its not our turn, giving high fives, just interacting with them in general rather we're singing or not.

Don't look back, baby follow me


I don't know where I'm going but I'm finding my way

Same old shh but a different day

Louis (Liam)

Tell me that I'm wrong but I do what I please

Way too many people in the Addison Lee

Now I'm in the age, when I know what I need, oh woah ( Ha Ha Ha Ha)


Midnight memories, oh oh oh

By now we're all back at the main stage interacting with the fans that are in the front row. After all they did pay a shit load of money to sit there so might as well show them our support as well.

Baby you and me, stumbling in the street

Singing, singing, singing, singing

Midnight memories, oh oh oh

Anywhere we go, never say no

Just do it, do it, do it


You and me and all our friends

I don't care how much we spend

Baby, this is what the is night for


I know nothings making sense

For tonight lets just pretend

I don't wanna stop to give me more-ore, ow

Once he hits the last note we all do a backflip and clap as best we could, stomping to the beat as we sing the next line.

All ( Y/N)

Midnight memories, oh oh oh

Baby you and me (Baby you and me)

Stumbling in the street (Stumbling in the street)

Singing, singing, singing, singing

Midnight memories, oh oh oh

Anywhere we go (Anywhere we go

Never say no (Never say no)

Just do it, do it, do it, do it ( Just do it, do it, yeah)

I hold the note for a while, my vein already popping out prominently. Once the sound goes off the crowd cheers loudly and we all flash a proud and happy smile. I really love being here with the band and I hope that never changes, at least not for awhile, I truly love these boys and being here with them just makes me a happier person overall.

* Skip the rest of the show because its long as fuck and I bet you all probably skipped the lyrics anyways.*

Once we're off the stage we're immediately engulfed in one huge ass hug, but immediately gotten out of it, probably because we're sweaty as shit. " Damn yall sweaty as fuck" Calum says and we all laugh out and than start heading towards the dressing room, that is until I hear my name being called out, I turn around to see Fifth Harmony coming up to me. great. " You guys did great out there tonight" Camila and Normani say at the same time and I decided to be nice to them at least since they didn't really do anything, Lauren did, and their just being loyal to Lauren and I respect things like that. " Thanks girls I appreciate it" I say looking at all the girls but Lauren. They nod " Would you guys like to hang out soon? Catch up maybe?" Dinah asks and I think for a moment before deciding. " Is Assti-Austin gonna be there?" I question, " Nope just us" Normani answers back and I nod " I'll ask the boys" I say and give them all a comfortable and kind smile, including Lauren even though what she's doing isn't cool, and walk into my dressing room thinking 'What the hell did I just put myself into'


A/N: You guys miss me? No? Damn okay then lemme get to the point. I wanna say sorry for not updating yesterday I had some shit to handle with sports and school. I also wanna ask you all a important question. I have an idea for another story, and no, I will continue to update this one because I like this story, but I will also update this other one I'm thinking of. SO its a G!P story and basically you're the only woman to be in the NFL playing as any position AND team YOU guys want. You're very talented at the sport you play and one of the most famous and loved people in the world, buuttt you have secrets. All I need from you guys is, well only if you want it and will read it if I make it, I wanna know who you wanna look like, no restrictions, pick anybody you want as long as they are male. Also who are you dating/ romantic interest, it can be anyone from Fifth Harmony, including Camila.  Also of course what number you wanna be, what NFL ( National Football League) team you wanna be on, and what position you wanna play ( Wide Receiver, Quarterback, Running Back, Safety, Corner, etc. ANYWHORE besides that I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote, comment about the idea, and follow me for updates. Until next time-- Love, Aaliyah

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