In Love With The Bully

By Polite_Boi

105K 2.1K 1.1K

Luke is a huge nerd and very gay, he starts a new school and instantly gets picked on by a group of jock, the... More

i'm back??


5.9K 129 8
By Polite_Boi

Kyles POV

"Look at the time it's nearly 3 I have to go pick up Luke, wanna come?" I ask getting up.

"Sure," He gets up and we walk out of the house.

We walk to the school in silence.

"School ends in a minute so I'm going to go meet Luke outside of him class you wanna stay out here?" I ask Roy who nods.

I stroll to Lukes class, without being noticed by teachers, and get to the door just as the last bell goes, everyone rushes out of the classroom with Luke being the last to leave as everyone shoves past him.

"Hey sweet," I hug him.

"I missed you," He hugs me back but when he pulls away I see his eyes all red and puffy as if he's been crying.

We walk outside the school to meet back up with Roy but I see a group of boys surrounding someone on the floor, Roy. One boy stands out, Daniel.

"Dan, fuck off," I growl shoving him away from my friend knocking him to the ground.

The other boys see me and run but he chooses to stay. He gets up off the ground and punches me square in the jaw.

"Fuck you," I kick him in his crotch making him fall to the ground, once he is down I give him a few more kicks.

"Roy, are you alright?" I ask pulling him up, he shakes his head no.

"Come on let's go," I say dragging him by the hand back to my house taking Luke with me, of course.

"What was that about?" Luke looks up at me.

"Daniel, again, this time he was just trying to get me naked so he could get pictures of me," Roy answers.

"What why?" He asks again.

"He loves to fuck me, my body must be really appealing to him," Roy sighs.

Luke bites his lip looking down not knowing what else to say. I rub my friends back in comfort and wrap my other arm around my boyfriend walking back to my house. We walk into my house and all head up to my room. We hang out for about 30 minutes, Roy explains everything to Luke and I assume Luke has gained Roy's trust. We're joking around when I hear the door slam shut.

"Fuck it's my dad and mum," I start to panic.

"Shit, you told them I was gay didn't you?" I ask Roy.

"No, I knew what they would do, I just wanted to scare you and make me look good," Roy states.

"Okay that's good, but um Luke get in my closet I don't want my parents to know about you," I tell Luke.

He nods and walks into my closet.

"Kyle, get your ass down here right now!" My dad shouts.

I look at Roy who gives me a calming look. I take a shaky breath as I walk out of my room to the lounge room where my parents are.

"You fucking faggot, you are a disgrace!" My dad screams punching me in the face.

"You are not my son anymore," My mum shouts at me.

I fall to the ground. "Dad, mum, please, let me explain," I choke out.

"No son of mine is a fag," My dad kicks me.

"You can't fucking explain anything, you like other men and that's not right, God never wanted man and man to lay together," My mum shouts on about Jesus and God while my dad attacks me.

They stop and my dad shouts at me, "Get the fuck out of my house."

I nodded getting up and running to my room.

"They kicked me out," I say as I fall to the ground.

"Ky, Ky, it's okay, my mum is letting you stay at mine remember," Luke whispers to me.

I nod and get up packing my stuff into bags. "You guys need to climb out of the window to leave, meet me outside,"

I tell my friends who agree and climb out. I finish packing my things and run out of the house not looking back at my 'mum and dad'.

"Come on let's go," Luke says pulling me to his house.

"Guys, I would love to come but I have plans tonight I need to get ready for, bye," Roy waves as he walks away.

Lukes POV

I feel really bad for Kyle, I'm glad my mum accepts me for who I am. I wish more people were like that.

"Hi, mum," I call walking inside.

"Hey, Luke, how was school?" She walking into the room.

"Good, but Ky's parents kicked him out," I say.

"They also hit me," Kyle looks down.

"Oh, honey, come here we'll ice your wounds," My mum hugs him leading him into the kitchen.

She pulls out some ice packs from the freezer and hands them to me as I help hold them on Kyle's shirtless body.

"Thank you," He mumbles.

"It's okay baby," I lightly hug him so I don't hurt him.

After a few minutes of icing his bruises my mum gets up, "You two can go up to your room, I'll be making dinner,"

She kisses my forehead and I get up and walk to my room with Kyle following behind. We sit down on my bed.

"You are really lucky your mum cares for you and accepts you," Kyle is the first one to speak.

"She cares about you too," I reply.

"I'm tired can we have a nap before dinner?" Ky yawns.

"Sure thing sweet," I take my shirt off and help Kyle take his off.

I get under the covers with him and we snuggle while we drift off to sleep.

"Luke, Kyle, dinner is ready," My mum calls.

We both woke with a groan, "Coming," I call back.

I put my shirt on and hand Ky's his to put on, we walk down to the dining room and sit down next to each other facing my mum.

She scoops us both servings of spaghetti and meatballs. We both thank her and dig into our food.

After dinner, we head to the lounge room to play some games. I run my hand along the cases of my games and stop when I reach 'Overcooked' I pull it out, "Let's play this one," I say running to the couch.

"Okay," Ky agrees.

I turn the tv and Xbox on and put the game in.

"So the key to this game is communication," I explain to him, he nods and grabs a controller.

"Um that's a PlayStation controller, you silly," I pat his head.

"Well I'm sorry," he over exaggerates.

He places the controller down and picks up the Xbox controller out of my hand. After playing for about an hour we are screaming and shouting at each other,

"No you idiot, go there and chop that," He yells.

"You have to do that, we are running out of time," I yell back.

"Boys, that's enough, you're giving me a headache, go up to your room and get some sleep," My mum walks in holding her head.

"Ok," I mumble and walk up to my room after turning the tv and console off.

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