Flame the Hedgehog Super - Vo...

By TheRealSuperParadox

12 2 2

Weeks after Infinite perform the snap, three heroes were turned to dust and in defeated. Now, our main heroes... More

"A New Mission! Meeting Someone New"

12 2 2
By TheRealSuperParadox

It's been weeks that Infinite snap the finger and dies, our heroes were in the royal council room right now. They are preparing to have a meeting to fix this issue right now, Crash, Nion, Dark, Future Flame, Lucina, and Flame the Hedgehog is going be involved in this along with the Magical High Commission, Star, Moon, River, and Marco.

This became a serious problem now because Infinite disables all dimension from being entered in thanks to the snap, they need to solve this or else it'll become a mess to the entire Multiverse. The red hedgehog looks down a bit of defeat, Star sees him in a defeat sign.

Nion: "So what now...? We lost three of our friends."

Crash: "We need to think of a plan to get back those Infinity Stones back and undo everything."

Marco: "Undo everything?"

P.Dark: "He meant by bringing back the people who turned into dust."

Marco: "Ah, gotcha."

Hekapoo: "Okay everyone! We need to solve this!"

Future Flame: "What seems the problem?"

Moon: "According to reports from this kingdom, roughly 20 to 40 Mewman was turned to dust during the snap."

Everyone was shocked to hear that.

Crash: "This isn't good... what about other reports in another kingdom?"

Moon: "I haven't check or get mailed from the other kingdom."

Lucina: "You have any idea to get those stones back?"

Star: "The only person that makes up plans is Flame!"

As Star pointed at Flame, who is still looking down. They all looked at the red heroic hedgehog.

Crash: "Man up Flame, this is serious. God of Infinity might be on his way to get all the stones, which might cause more damage to more than one Multiverse!"

Star: "Please Flame... we need you, I need you."

Flame, who is still looking down feel lost for words. His friends were gone from the snap. It's been weeks, but it was actually 3 weeks since the event even happened. He remembers the time he had fun with the victory, he needs to man up and start becoming like a leader, something that Star would be proud.

Flame: "You're right. You all need me. It's time for me to act more of my age instead of a child, it's worth noting that we do this, as a team. We know there are six infinity stones across the entire Multiverses, so what we do is separate in teams in a different universe."

Star: *smile* "Now that's the Flame I know and love."

Flame: "Crash and Professor Dark will go get the Time Stone. Nion, Future Flame, and Lucina will go get the Reality Stone, I, will get the Soul Stone."

Crash: "Hmph, sounds like a good plan. Good thinking."

Nion: "But what universe will we each go to get the stones?"

Flame starts thinking of that, he never gets the chance to know where the stones could be.

P.Dark: "I have located and made a chart where the stones could be."

Dark pulls out a big chart that shows pretty much every stone in a different universe, they can see what stones are in.

P.Dark: "As you can see, the stones go in a specific location that is simple to know. For the Power Stone, it's on Earth under the deep ocean. The Space Stone is on Mars, the Reality Stone is on the RWBY universe, the Soul Stone is on the Big Last Temple, the Time Stone is on Earth as well, and the Mind Stone is on a very deep unknown world known as Kai World."

Nion and Crash eyes widen when they hear the Reality Stone is on the RWBY world. Nion was very worried and scared to tell Yang that Rush was dead, and even a bit nervous to see Weiss again, to which that he saw her for weeks.

Flame: "Alright... okay, that's goo-oh shit. With Rush gone, who knows what will Yang do."

Crash: "This is all my fault."

Crash looks down a bit, he hates to hear what Yang has to say when Rush is dead.

Nion: "I'll try reason for her if she gets upset."

Flame: "That's good. Anyway, the Magical High Commission and Moon will get the Space Stone, Star, River, and Marco will get the Power Stone. As in for the Mind Stone. We'll keep that as for last alright?"

All: "Right!"

So they all get prepared and gear up to go to each dimension. Moon gives the dimensional scissor to Nion so they can go to the RWBY universe and Flame so he can go to the Big Last Temple. The Magical High Commission and Moon head their way to Mar to get the Space Stone, Star uses the dimensional scissor to go back on Earth, along with Marco.

Professor Dark and Crash had an idea of how they will get the Time Stone from the universe where the event of Sword Art Online happen.

Crash: "Okay Dark, that is a stupid idea!"

P.Dark: "It's the only way Crash. Otherwise, if you ever had a better idea than I do, then make it good."

Crash: "I don't have an idea.. I don't know. But seriously, what will you do while I am in the game?!"

P.Dark: "I will hack the system in whatever game we had to go in."

Crash: "Seriously.. Hacking."

After a moment of Crash thinking about that, he actually thinks it's a great idea.

Crash: "Actually, that's not a bad idea."

P.Dark: "The problem is, with Infinite snap his finger.. All the portals were disabled from entering in."

Crash: "Shit.. that's something."

The both are having a hard time to think of a plan, ever since Infinite perform a snap. There's no hope for going into portals and getting the Time Stone, after moments and moments, Crash had an idea of how they will get to that dimension.

Crash: "I have an idea how to get to that universe. Remember Scarlett?"

P.Dark: "Yeah. What about her?"

Crash: "Apparently, my friend, Scarlett, has this object that it allow us to hop in any dimension in just a second."

P.Dark: "That's excellent to know that, but how are we going to make it there?"

Crash became angry again, he has no idea how to get there now that he mentions.

Crash: "Damn it!"

Professor Dark facepalm, Crash is so furious that he kicked the grass, angry. After minutes of doing that, Crash stopped and notice an open portal was 10 meters away from them.

Crash: "Yes!! Finally!! A PORTAL!"

P.Dark: "Gee, never seen you this excited before."

Crash ignore Dark statement, he notices a tall figure that looks like a human, he has a Bald/Skin Fade type of haircut, with violet colored eye, bright-blue armor, underneath the armor is a black suit that is really durable. His name is Tiger. Professor Dark and Crash hasn't recognized or know what he is.

Crash: "Hm, who is that?"

P.Dark: "Look like human, Crash, sense his energy."

Crash nodded, a thin aura surround around Crash's body as he about to sense Tiger's energy. Just as he sense Tiger's energy, he was surprise and shocked that Tiger energy is beyond Human limits.

Crash: "Oh my god.. This person's energy, it's.. It's not human. His energy is similar to Scarlett energy!"

P.Dark: "Interesting. Is it possible that person could be related to Scarlett?"

Crash: "You mean sibling?"

P.Dark: "Yeah."

With Tiger, he was searching for his older sister: Scarlett. He was back from his job during something else important, once he came back from his job, he was very worried where Scarlett is, so he used a object to travel through different dimension to find her. He came across this dimension that he would think that Scarlett would visit here.

Tiger: "Scarlett! Scarlett! Scarlett! Where are you god damnit!?"

Crash and Dark both looked at each other, they think of a idea to get to that dimension. So they walk towards him without him noticing it, Tiger looked in different direction and saw the two figure, he pulls out his two Full Tang Hook Blade Sword and get to his fighting stance.

Tiger: "Hey! Who are you!?"

Crash: "Calm down, we're not a enemy. What you see, is not necessary."

Tiger: "Tell me where's my sister is!?"

Crash: "You mean Scarlett?"

Tiger: "Yea-wait, how do you know her?"

Crash: "I am friends with her, first of all.."

P.Dark: "I estimated that based on you energy source, I guess that Scarlett is your older sister, based on your energy is similar to Scarlett."

Tiger is now shocked to hear what the professor/agent had said, he's also shocked that they know what his energy source is like.

Crash: "Quick question, why aren't you freak out that I am talking?"

Tiger: "Nah.. I seen and heard talking doritos before. So that ain't original."

Crash: "Talking doritos? Now that's a lie."

P.Dark: "That's basically what a pathological liar is."

Tiger: "Physiological line?"

P.Dark: "That sounds like nothing what I say."

Tiger: "Well that's what I heard from my own ears."

Crash rolled his eyes, disbelief that Tiger is that stupid from not understanding what Dark said.

Tiger: "So where's my sister?"

Crash: "Oh yeah.. That. You see.. She was fighting along our side, then-"

P.Dark: "She was turned into dust after Infinite perform the snap and dies."

Tiger was deeply shocked that his sister was turned into dust, he tightened his fist in anger, putting his weapon away.

Crash: "I am sorry that it happens.. We are too late."

P.Dark: "Getting off topic, got two question. One, what's your name? And two, do you have an object that can hop in any dimension?"

Tiger: "One, my name is Tiger. Two, yes, I have an object that can go in any dimension, That's why you see a portal right now."

Crash: "That explains it. Ahem, sorry, my name is Crash. This is Professor Dark."

P.Dark: "Pleasure to meet you, Tiger."

Tiger: "So uh, how do we get back my sister?"

P.Dark: "By getting all six infinity stones, we can reverse anyone that turned into dust. Crash and I are heading our way to the dimension where the Time stone is."

Crash: "Wait, do you want to join in our quest?"

Tiger: "Yes. I am in, for my sister."

Crash: "Okay... that makes it 3 of us. Let's head our way to whatever world we're going."

Meanwhile, with the red heroic hedgehog himself, he was sent to a world where the Soul Stone is. Looking around the environment area he is in, it is a forest that is very tall, the leafs were dark green. Flame is not aware of this place as he doesn't know what the place is.

Flame walks his way to find out where the Soul Stone is, and to find out where he is exactly.

Flame: "Well this can't go wrong.."

The red hedgehog heads to the land of Quill, looking around in different direction. It was weird for him to see the environment area, an area where it's not familiar to him. Suddenly, he was knocked unconscious for a strange reason, his vision became black-out.

Meanwhile, inside the Quilitary place, they were keeping a large creature that is no other than the Hydra. You see, the High Priest wasn't aware of the creature exists. They believe if they study on the monster more, it's likely that they can know what it's capable of doing. A few soldiers were guarding at the giant frozen monster, you see, they found the Hydra in the ocean of Quill.

The beast has four head that has the face of a mythical dragon based on stories in books, large wings that are measured to be five hundred sixty-five meters. The skin was dark brown with snakeskin-like, four long tail that is extremely pointed to the tip of its tail.

It's been hours of the soldier guarding the dragon, not knowing if the beast will awaken once again to ruin the present. Suddenly, a crack on the frozen dragon was shown in some parts. They all looked at it very shocked to see the dragon is breaking free.

Soldier #1: "It's awakening! Open your weapon in combat!"

Soldier #3: "Should we call the High Priest about this?"

Soldier #1: "Do it fast."

Soldier #3: "Right."

The #3 Soldier went to get the High Priest for her to see the dragon awakening. With all the soldier pull out their strongest weapon for prepare, the frozen body starting to crack more.

Soldier #1: "When its move, we attack!"

Within seconds, the frozen body broke out free. All of the ice pieces from the body went to a different direction as it crashes to it, likely 3% of the ice pieces even landed on 3 soldiers, crushing them till death. The Hydra was awakened, the four head rises up as its eyes open up and let out a mighty roar.

Soldier #1: "FIRE!!"

They all shoot at Hydra, but he blocks it with his wing. Every 60 to 100 shoot from bullets to a rocket launcher, it does no effect at all. He keeps blocking it till they ran out of bullets and stuff like that, the soldier runs out of bullets and the rockets. They were all scared now, the Hydra shoots his Null Beam at them. Killing them off with the most ease, well, some of them were able to escape.

The Hydra shoots a powerful lightning beam at the roof to create a roof so it can escape. It files up till he gets to the roof, landed on the top roof. It let out a mighty, scary, roar to give a message that it has returned and will create destruction once again.


[Music- Boku no Hero Academia Season 3 - Opening]

Flame was standing in front of an entrance, getting ready for something.

You ready?

You excited?

He made a smirk face as he rush through the temple.

Let's go!

We see Crash is with Dark, looking at Tiger getting ready.

You need to reap everything, you sow.

Tiger remembers the time he was with Scarlett.

Influence of black history, increasing limitless.

Throwing everything away,

Nion was heavily breath, heavily damaged.

I was almost murdered by a unknown fate.

Closing my eyes to the time I lived,

He gets up slowly and turn SSJ.

But, because I'm alive today means...

God of Infinity looked at his gauntlet, looking at the other side, along with Salem.

What's going on?

There are things you left unfinished.

I'm still left in the days where corrections can't be made.

A black big figure grabs a skull and looked at the viewers.

What's going on?

Tiger looked at the minior, seeing his angry side.

You can acknowledge, you're different from everyone else.

The crucible of potention is opening.

Flame slams on the ground very hard, seeing monsters and a large Hydra attacked Altas, which causes him to be mad.

Dreaming, reverse your intentions.

Squared sky, unable to fill the gaps with things you love from heart

Escape from the endless night.

Nion turns to his Mastered Super Saiyan Omega and charged at the mighty Hydra for a punch, the others and Weiss was very worried about him.

We averted our eyes of the dropped resolution of the future.

Let's escape the days of bragging, there was nothing we wanted to be.

With Crash powering up to his new form against someone.

I keep my ideals for their lives.


Love too, dreams too. They are so dangerous easy to ignite,

Sinon and Tiger were fighting alongside against couple of enemies.

A gong is ringing for their respective destiny.

Flame and Crash are ready to fight for Atlas.

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