The Blending of The Blackbour...

By wraithprincess

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*** Disclaimer I don't own the Cl Stone Academy * * *Pure Fan fiction **Spin Off of Healing in the Arms of Th... More



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By wraithprincess

Bang Bang Crash Bang Bang

Oh my god why does my family have to be so damn loud in the mornings was the thought that rolled through my head as I was woken up by my youngest siblings Dawson and Delaney it had to be them they are the noisemakers of the family . I flip the covers back and climb out of bed slowly . Making my way to the bathroom I went in I looked up at the clock it said 9:45 am
Well I might as well get up and shower and go to the shop .

After 30 minutes I was dressed in a pair of crop jeans and a Pale Pink I love Cupcakes shirt that had a cupcake on it , Uncle Luke bought this shirt for me and Sang , he calls Sang Cupcake and I make cupcakes.
Slipped on my Tennis Shoes today and went down to find some food .

As I came into the Kitchen, Grey , Jacks , Mason , Morgan and Sammy all stood
" Morning Guys " I say
I grab a bowl place it on the island then go to the pantry to get cereal
" Hey can one of you come help me get a box of cereal down I can't reach it " I yell from the pantry .
I hear footsteps come in behind me close enough that I know it's Sammy his arm  Reaches up grab the box bring it down to me . I take the box  from him and turn around thinking he had stepped back Nope I smash into him dropping the box of cereal
I look up at him as he looks down we stare at each other for a moment then he leaves

I pick up the cereal and come out pour it In the bowl , someone already got the milk out and a spoon so I poured that in and ate my cereal.

"So How was your Date Last Night " Jacks Asked
" Good we went to the movies and Melody picks a horror movie I spent most of the night with my face covered " I say

They all chuckle at me
"where you headed now " Grey asked
" To the Shop Daddy Marc has some pastries he wants made up and I also need to make my spaghetti sauce and I think he wanted my version of chicken salad made up " I tel them
All the while eating .

" Sounds like your going to busy today " Jacks says
" Yes for the most part but since I'm going in early I should be done early so I might see what Dustin's doing If not I will be headed over to See Uncle Gabriel about a Dress for the Gala  " I tell them
I watch Sammy's reaction to what I say his hands were gripping the countertop to the point his knuckles were white and I could feel the anger rolling off him .

Sammy's POV in a Flashback
Last night I kissed Harper my god I have never felt a kiss like that but It can't work between us . I watched her leave for her Date with Dustin my enemy .
For some reason I follow her to Melody's then to the movies I sit several rows back to watch her . My blood starts to boil when I see him kiss her . Reign it in Sammy you don't love her the way she needs to be loved . They leave I follow them back to Melody's
When she leaves Dustin follows her out they kiss . Damn it it should be me that she kisses not him I think to myself as I Bang on the steering wheel.
I follow her home then go home myself. I head down to the basement gym to work out my frustration on the punching bag .

A hand is laid on my shoulder stopping me from hitting the bag I turn to see Dad
" You can't keep this up Samuel , you need to figure out how you feel about her either you love her or you don't and if you don't then let it go" Owen says to his son .
" Dad it's not that easy , I did something I should not have done " I say
" What "
" I kissed her "
" And "
" I felt it all the way to my heart like you said when you kiss mama " I tell him honestly
" Then Tell her"
" I can't I think she is falling for Dustin "
" Then I suggested you work for it show her you love her or as I said before if you can't then walk away "

End of POV

" Well I guess I better get ..."
" Harper Jane "
"Yes Mama"
" Don't forget that you need to pick a dress for the Academy Gala " Mama Yells
" I know I know Uncle Gabriel brought some dresses I have to go over there this evening since He won't be there until after 6 he's working at his shop  until 4 and I'm at the cafe until i finish then I will be eating Dinner over there tonight"
" Alright then well be careful and love ya "
" Love you too Mama and Papa Brandon "
" How did she know I was with you " Brandon said
I giggled at him I can always tell which papa or daddy is with her just by the tone of her voice

I left the house and went to the shop/ Cafe what ever you want to call it well officially it's Called " Weiland Cafe" .
Pulling in I noticed Daddy Axels truck along with Papa Marc's truck .
Hmmm I wonder what he's going here I thought he had to work oh wait it is close to lunch time .

I went in and there was a line waiting to order so instead of going straight back to the kitchen I went to help out Leeann , she took the orders I got them for her instead of her doing it all .
Ten minutes later we had the line down to two people that just walked in so I headed back into the kitchen.
As I passed the office I heard Papa Marc and Daddy Axel talking

"You know he kissed her "  Daddy Axel said
" He did " Papa Marc replied
" Yep "
" Do you think it's going to get serious between them "  Papa Marc Asked
" I don't know but I will not have a repeat of Todd she has been through too much " Daddy Axel said
" I don't think she will let that happen again besides between the families she has learned how to take down an opponent with easy according to Nathan and North and don't forget she can shoot almost as good as Raven " Papa Marc said back to him .
" How do you think Sammy is handling it " Daddy Axel asked Papa Marc
" I don't know but she has a right to be happy and if Dustin or any other guy makes her happy then so be it but I don't understand why Sammy is pushing her away it's not like we don't all notice the look he gives her " Papa Marc replies

I step away from the door and go on my way I need to clear my head and one of the ways I do is by cooking or baking so I'm at the right place .
Grabbing five whole chickens I rub them down with salt, pepper and garlic with some butter then put them in the ovens to roast . Wash my hands then start prepping the celery, onion yes onion I dice them up so that you can't see them but it gives it flavor. I then I cut up more onion for the spaghetti sauce and marinara sauce  , some carrots to give some sweetness to the sauce but I dice them up small like the onions for the chicken salad then to the garlic .

I go to the pantry wall get the cans of tomatoes whole and diced ones .
Search for the damn can opener again
Finally I get the cans open and dumped into the pot that I had sautéed the onions, garlic and carrots in adding more spices and let simmer . Then I do the same for the marinara sauce .

By this time I have decided to make some chocolate cupcakes with A chocolate cream cheese frosting and some chocolate chip cookies for now .

By the time I finish with the cookies , the cupcakes were cooling along with the Chickens the sauce had been tasted by Papa Marc and given the two thumbs up .
I get to pulling the chicken apart until all five are picked cleaned and the bones are ready to be used for stock .

" You have been working hard today Harper have you eaten lunch yet " Papa Marc Asked
" No but I nibbled  on a cookie earlier " I say
" Then stop and let's get you fed " He says as he takes the spoon out of my hand

I took a break and Papa fixed me a ham and cheese with Tomato soup you don't realize how hungry you are until food is placed in front of you and you hear your belly growl causing both of you to laugh
" See I knew you were hungry " Papa Says
" I guess so " I say with a giggle

After my break I went back to work on the chicken salad , I added mayo , salt and pepper cranberries to half and the other half I added grapes along with the celery and onion mixture and made up enough for adleast 100 croissants and 100 on bread or what ever Papa wanted to put it on then I had enough to sell outright by the pound which is always a hit .

I then turned my attention to the sauce and for some reason I decided to do meatballs but I needed help so I texted my partner in crime when making meatballs

A half hour later I hear
" Harper Jane your Meatball Making Partner is here"
" Oh Goody I need you Uncle Luke "
I gave him a hug and he went straight to work on getting the ingredients together
" So do I get to taste on of those " Luke asked as his pointing at the cupcakes
" Why yes you do so go ahead"
He took one and took a bite  I swear I saw his eyes roll back in his head

" God Girl you are so good at this between the food you brought yesterday and these you are doing right by following your dream to become a Chef " Luke said
" Thank you Uncle Luke , with taking some of the classes at the community college I don't have to do the four years at the Culinary School only have to two years so "
" Yes I'm so proud of you and besides once you get done between North , Your Daddy and Me we can help you run and open a Restaurant' do you know what you want to specialize in " Luke Asked
" I think I want to do something between what the Diner does and the Cafe does but then again I do love my sweets so " I replied
" Ha yes you do and so do I " Luke says with a laugh

We made up the meatballs 110 of them we took all of them baked them up then sectioned off the sauce  both Uncle Luke and I had the same idea about doing Meatball subs so we packaged up some of sauces  to take to his house along with bread . Once done we cleaned up our mess then I go and find Papa Marc

" Papa Marc everything is ready for tomorrow all that is left is to make the actual sandwiches up , there is cookies , cupcakes, Marinara Sauce , Spaghetti Sauce and oh My Meatball Making Partner in Crime helped make Meatballs to which we left some I would cut them in half if you are planing on using them in either of the sauces . " I tel him
" Wow You Have been busy " he says as he hugs me .
" Yep i have "
" Come on Harper we need to get home " Luke said
" Alright I'm coming love you Papa Marc see you later"
" Love you too Harper "

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