The girl next door

By sillymaster

61 0 0

I never believed in love at first sight. Until now... My parents never approved of me dating girls. But then... More

Heads up!

(14) Epilogue

4 0 0
By sillymaster

"Over here!"

Two police officers run through the graveyard and stop by the two dead bodies. "Are these them?" one of them asks.

"Yep. Paige Marley and Arabella Mehn." the other says, bending down. He puts on a glove and picks up the gun from Paige's hand. "Do you think they were murdered, Landon?" the first one asks.

"Probably." he replies.

The first officer walks over to Paige and picks up a piece of paper. "What is it, Nathan?" Landon asks. "A note." Nathan says. He hands it to Landon and he reads it.

Arabella and I can be together now.



"One of them was murdered." Landon says, handing the note back to Nathan. "The other was suicide."

"Should we inform the parents?"

Landon nods. "You get the Marleys, I got the Mehns."


Sebastian sits down by the gravestones.

Paige Marley


Arabella Mehn


He wipes away a tear that fell. "You were always a good girl, Paige." he says, standing up. "What changed you?"

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