Tomtord Oneshots (Completed)

By sunflowerpeach

72.8K 891 4.5K

Tomtord 'one shots' Parts: 11 Total word count: ~303,168 More

the maid is the best character
Resident Genius
Happy Birthday, Jeho.
the 420 document
why is mike such a hated name
novel part 1
novel part 2
lol never gone to college so its not accurate
I forgot about this story to be honest
our last fanfiction

Hips Go Skrrt

11.5K 190 1.1K
By sunflowerpeach

~9,000 words

"Get in the car, losers, we're going shopping." Edd grinned as he swung the car keys around his finger. Tord rolled his eyes, pulling the hood of his red sweatshirt up. Tom glanced up at the three, standing up from his seat at the kitchen counter. Matt tore his glance away from his mirror, his blue eyes hooked onto Edd as a smile tugged at his lips, looking at the leader of their small group.

"Okay!" he chirped with delight.

"Wait— why are we going shopping?" Tom asked, tilting his head gently.

"Bad fanfiction ideas." Tord cleared his voice, finishing his omelette.

Edd lifted an eyebrow, but did not respond to Tord's stupidity and obsession with out of worldly concepts (he was delusional anyway); rather, opted to motion them towards the garage door.

After Tord put his empty dish in the sink, he pulled on the strings of his hoodie, walking out the door as he sighed. "Shopping is so boring, though!" Tord groaned, narrowing his eyes at Edd.

"For once in my life, I agree with the Norski," Tom responded casually, shoving his hands into his pocket.

Matt raised his eyebrow, oblivious as to why the two rivals hated shopping so much. "Why? I get to shop for more mirrors!" He smiled, pulling out a mirror from the pocket of his overcoat.

"Matt's right!" Edd said with shrug. "If you guys would maybe try to have fun with mundane activities, you wouldn't be depressed little shits."

"Oi!" Tord snapped his head in Edd's direction, huffing as he grit his teeth. "Jehovah's the only one here who's a 'depressed little shit'."

Tom rolled his eyes (not that anybody could tell). "I'm pretty sure you cry while jacking off." He didn't even bother to give Tord a glance as he followed Edd toward the door.

"That's not what you think of when I'm fucking yo—" Matt cut Tord off by yelling 'BUTTERFLY!' as one flew across, the Norse huffing as he followed Edd.

"I'm pretty sure that's something you dreamt of. Don't bring your fantasies into reality."

"Oooooh," Edd mumbled under his breath before glancing over to Matt and Tord. "Are you guys coming or not?"

Tord ran up to Tom, flicked the back of the head, then continued to walk in front of him, tailing behind Edd. "How long are we going to be, anyway?"

Tom huffed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Will you two stop fighting for five god damn minutes?" Edd asked, throwing his head back at Tom before opening the car door and climbing inside.

Tord climbed into the back with Tom, knowing if he sat shotgun, Matt would whine at him constantly. Tom huffed indignantly, glancing at Tord. "This is going to be a long ride, isn't it?" He sighed.

"On this dick." Tord closed the door. He smirked at Tom.

Tom sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just... one normal day. That's all I ask for, Tord. Just one day!"

He could hear Edd giggling from the front seat.

"Pray to Jehovah, not me, kjaere." Tord put his arms behind his head leaning back in his seat as he closed his eyes.

Tom waved his hand dismissively, letting out a soft sigh of disappointment. "Whenever I'm around you, I wish for this world to end." He let his head fall back onto the seat.

"Yeah?" Tord hummed, his grin widening. "Is that so?" He opened one eye, looking at Tom with his russet eyes, his thick eyelashes making him look eased.

"I can't help but feel like you're mocking me," Tom said, giving Tord a small, apprehensive glance. "Frankly, I would prefer for you to end first, but we can't always get what we want, right? Just ask your fantasies."

"I can make my fantasies come true." Tord chuckled, looking at Tom now.

"I'm not getting fucked by a tentacle for you, Tord."

"That's what you say now, but just you wait, kjaere."

"Alright, enough of that!" Edd said in an overly cheery voice, turning the keys as he accelerated. "I'll turn the radio on."

Oh baby, when you talk like that,

Tom shot his head up at the beginning lyrics.

You make a woman go mad,

Tord's eyes locked onto the radio.

So be wise and keep on

Tom could swear to Jehovah that his heart rate increased from pure excitement.

Reading the signs of my body

Then, both Tord and Tom began to scream-sing the lyrics.

"I'M ON TONIGHT—" As soon as their voices broke out, they snapped their heads toward each other. Then, it all became a competition for who could sing louder.

By 'sing', they meant yell.


"Oh, god, please, shut up—"


Edd slammed his head on the steering wheel, the car's honk erupting for a solid minute before Edd forcefully turned the volume down, snapping his head back at the two as they kept going, despite the lack of music.

As they continued to scream the lyrics, Edd glanced around to make sure there weren't any cars he could possibly hit.

Then, he jerked the steering wheel, swerving the car until it slid off the road.

"If you two do not shut up, I swear to god I will crash this car into a tree and kill us all!" he shouted as he performed the dangerous action.

Tord's voice silenced once they swerved off of the road, his eyes widening as he tumbled to the right of the car, his lips pressing onto something. He squeezed his eyes shut as he put his arms out, the car was echoing with silence.

"U-uhm, Tord?" Tom asked very, very quietly.

Tord picked his lips off of wherever he placed them, opening his eyes as he realised what position he was in.

His body was angled above Tom's, his hands placed on the windows, trapping Tom's head. His left leg was placed on top of Tom's, and their faces were uncomfortably close. Tom's hands were placed on Tord's chest, pushing him slightly.

Tord's cheeks burned as he just took a moment to look at Tom; his softer features much more visible up close. His pink lips and fair skin tone, cheeks slowly becoming more red the longer Tord stared at him.

"Did I...?"

"You kissed my neck."



They continued staring at each other for a solid thirty seconds.

"Hey, could you guys, like, get the fuck up?"

Edd broke the silence and Tord quickly scrambled off of Tom, the Brit honestly looking like his friends got murdered in front of him, but it was by his new-found love because he was blushing.

Edd sighed, looking at his watch as he pointed to it, showing both flustered boys in the back.

"A solid thirty seconds. You guys could have got me caught by the cops. I don't want to pay those damn fines and you know it, put on your damn seatbelts." Edd then faced back to the steering wheel, getting back on the road as he accelerated, the car ride silent and tense.

For Tom and Tord, at least.

Both of their faces were red; Tom's hand had latched onto the small patch of skin Tord had kissed, never removing it. He kept his gaze trained on the back of Edd's seat. Well, that's what Tord thought. Thanks to Tom's black eyes, he couldn't tell that he was totally, one hundred percent staring at the Norwegian.

What the fuck happened and why did it make Tom so flustered?

They made jokes about dirty shit all the time ('they' being Tord), but not once had they ever even gotten close enough to kiss. Oh, Jehovah, Tord kissed his neck.

His face was on fire and he had to bite his lip so he didn't start holding his burning cheeks.

Leaning on the car door, Tord balled one of his hands into a fist, nails digging into his palms as crescents formed. His cheeks were a peach-like pink, blossoming even more the longer he thought about it. But alas, he couldn't get Tom off of his mind. The replay of the soft sensation of his lips on Tom's fair-skinned neck, how bland and how nice it'd be to mark him—no!

God, the fact that his heart was racing and his cheeks were flushed made him feel foolish. What the hell was wrong with him?

He bit his bottom lip as he tore his glance away from the passing scenery, gently tilting his head in Tom's direction until he was shamelessly staring at Tom.

The way Tom held his neck with his fleshed-red cheeks made him look softer, the brunette's hair a tangled field of browns glazed with licks of gold, ends just slightly darker than the rest of his hair. His adorable button nose and perfectly pink cherry lips bloomed the red on the Norse's cheeks. The way the Brit's sweatshirt just loosely hugged his body made him seem smaller, and more cute, if Tord had to be honest. He let out a mental sigh as he trailed his eyes up and down, taking a long and observational look at the adorable Brit.

Now, the Norse would be lying if he said that he hadn't liked Tom, because that was a blatant lie. The Norse adored him.

He adored him so much to the point that making Tom angry was the only way he'd see the other blush, the pretty red that blossomed over the Brit's cheeks complimented his fair skin and brunette hair, and most of all, his navy hoodie.

But now? All he could think about was if Tom enjoyed the kiss accidentally planted on his neck as much as Tord did.                                                  

If Tom could hear that question, he would have said no. Then again, he had always been a good liar. Because the answer was yes. Of course he enjoyed the feeling of Tord's rough lips on his skin. He enjoyed being trapped by Tord's body and pinned down. He wanted those lips on his own, his hands digging into Tord's red sweatshirt and his hair. He wanted to see the communist's forehead soaked in sweat and oh Jehovah, what the fuck was he thinking?

Of course the Norwegian didn't like him. Not with the constant teasing. Not even if Tom wanted to kiss him. They were rivals and that's all they would ever be. The fact that Tord accidentally kissed him changed absolutely nothing and it was idiotic to think otherwise.

The car was filled with heavy tension.

Tord fumbled with one of his hoodie strings as he dragged his gaze from Tom to Edd, who was seen happily driving, then to Matt, who was observing himself.

"Edd," Matt pondered for a bit, taking his eyes away from the mirror and to Edd for just a glance, eyes latching back onto his mirror as he gawked at how nice his ginger locks looked today. "How long 'till we're there?" Matt asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice as he kept admiring his pale freckles peppered onto his face.

"Maybe five more minutes, probably less," Edd replied, brushing his brown hair off of his face. Tom internally groaned at that; he really didn't want to stay in this stuffy car a minute longer. "Tord, when we get there, would you mind branching out and grabbing ice cream? You can bring Tom. Matt and I have to go grab junk food and it'll be much quicker this way." Edd flicked his hand back dismissively.

Tord cleared his throat as he snapped out of his daze, sitting up as he blinked twice, processing the sentence for a bit.

"Uh—yeah, 'course. Sure." Tord stuttered, clenching his teeth as he burnt up from embarrassment. "What flavours should I get you and Matt?"

Edd let out in irritated sigh. "The flavOr, with an O, that I want you to get is good ol' chocolate because it's the best flavor ever. The only kind of people that don't like it are people who have never had fun dip."

Tord rolled his eyes as he looked out the car window again, keeping note to the fact he was only going to get Edd a one scoop and not two or three. "Sure, whatever you say."

Whilst Tord looked calm, he was very much dreading the fact that he'd have to go with Tom. It would be...awkward, and tense, to say the least.

Tom was thinking the exact same thing. He twitched from nervousness, glancing at Tord. He did not want to have to deal with this,

So, he asked, "Do I have to go with Tord? Surely Matt could."

Edd tossed his head back toward Tom for a split-second. "After that intimate moment, I figured you two would love being alone together."

Tom's face began to burn even harder, not bothering to look at Edd's smug grin.

"Haha, Edd, very funny." The corner of Tord's lip twitched as he grunted, narrowing his eyes at the Brit.

Once Edd pulled up at the Home Depot™, Tord sighed, opened the door and shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. "So, you and Matt go get the junk food and Tom and I get the ice cream?" Tord repeated, looking annoyed as he glared at Edd.

"That's the plan," Edd responded cheerfully, seemingly ignoring the Norwegian. Tom sighed as he opened the car door and slipped outside. He slammed the door behind him, the others following suit.

"Let's get this over with, then," Tom said with a sigh, hand still latched onto his neck. Edd glanced at Tord with a choppy grin before rushing ahead.

Now, Edd knew something about Tord.

The Norse was very competitive.

So when he saw Edd dash, his gears clicked as he huffed. He snapped his attention to Tom. "Look, you aren't going to like this anymore than I am, but we've got to find that ice cream place or whatever as soon as possible."

Tord was hoping that Tom wouldn't be a stubborn little bitch, and actually try to agree with the Norse for once.

Rather than give a snarky response like he usually would, he let out a flustered, "Yeah, whatever." He tossed his head to the side to avoid Tord's gaze. Without looking back, he began to walk.

Tord pulled out his phone as quickly as possible, catching up to Tom easily with his (daddy) long legs.

Man, being tall was such a privilege. 

Tord searched up 'ice cream shops near me' into his phone and waited till he got a response, the map popping up on google as he looked up. "Okay, we've got a bit to walk, so just—" He whipped his head around to Tom, his cheeks tesselating with pink as his eyes wandered to his neck. "—just follow me. Don't trail behind too much, Jeho." Tord tore his gaze away, quickening his pace as he followed the directions.

Tom slightly narrowed his eyes. "Was that an insult?" he murmured, far too quiet to be heard. He let out a soft sigh and began to follow Tord, eyes trained on the back of the Norwegian's head.  He hated that his head had to tilt upward to look Tord in the eyes. Guess that's just how life goes for a man of average height when his roommates were fucking giants.

"Okay, Jeho, it's been a while since boy scouts, but do you still remember how to jump fences?" Tord asked out of the blue as he took a sharp left turn, shoving his phone in his pocket for the moment as he looked at the fence in front of them.

It was a chain fence, no barbed wires, but it was quite tall.

"Is this one of your ridiculous shortcuts?" he asked, finally removing his hand from his neck. He grabbed onto the fence. "Of course I remember. Do you take me for a fool? It'll be just like the old days," he huffed jokingly before placing his foot on the fence. Then, he was up the fence and down on the other side.

Tord raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Sorry for doubting you, I wasn't entirely sure if the alcohol wiped it away." Tord spoke with a faint hint of interest in his voice, scaling the fence easily as he walked forward and past the car park opposite to the Home Depot™. Tord pulled out his phone again, eyes focused on the little side roads that would make it easier to get to.

"Right, just a little more to go."

Tom sighed just a bit. "Can we at least slow down? Your long legs are unfair and I'm starting to get tired," he hissed.

"Well, blame genetics for that, but there's no way in hell I'm slowing down," Tord huffed, shoving his phone back into the pocket of his jeans as he looked behind, looking at Tom. "How are you already tired anyway?" Tord sighed as he subconsciously slowed down his steps for Tom. Why? He didn't know either.

Tom chewed at the inside of his cheek in irritation. "I'm not excessively active like you are." He glanced to the side. "Where are we, anyway?" he asked, his hostile attitude dripping away into curiosity.

"St. Abber's street. The ice cream shop should be up this road," Tord replied, his hands in his hoodie pockets as he began to speed up to his normal pace again.

Then, with a ding, his phone lightened and he pulled it out, a notification highlighted on the screen.

Shit no. 2 >:(
Sent you a message.

Tord unlocked his phone, seeing a picture of the basket filled with junk food.

They had to speed up or Tord would lose.

"Come on, Witness, we've got to speed up."

"Huh?" Tom said as the Norwegian switched his pace into a speed-walk. Internally, he let out an irritated groan as he sped up to match Tord's pace, already feeling an ache burn his legs. "W-why are we speeding up again?" he asked, his breaths beginning to become shallow.

"Edd." Tord fastened his pace into a casual jog, which were massive strides compared to Tom's little steps. The Norwegian sighed irritably, shoving his phone in his pocket as he slowed down, stopped and picked Tom up before continuing to run. "No time to waste, Jehovah."

Tom's face immediately began to flush. "W-what?" he gasped, eyes white with surprise. "Why did you...?" He didn't bother to finish his sentence, pressing his palm against one of his burning cheeks.

"God, aren't you cute?" Tord mumbled, too quiet to quite grasp but loud enough to hear if you were paying attention. "Okay, if we want to beat Edd, we have to take a short cut back that doesn't involve climbing. Ice cream would be just a nuisance to hold and climb with. So, we may have to re-coordinate a little." Tord's eyes were furrowed together as sweat started dripping down his neck, his cheeks pink. "You got an ice cream flavour in mind?" Man, why was the sun so hot? 

Tom was thinking the exact same thing if you replaced 'sun' with 'Tord' because Tord was very hot and he quietly thanked Jehovah for the hot day that disguised his red cheeks. "U-uhm, twist," he blurted out after a moment, shuffling around in Tord's hold. "Also, what do you mean by 're-coordinate'? You aren't going to get us killed over a little competition, are you?" he asked nervously, refusing to meet Tord's eyes.

"What? No." Tord let out a quick pant mixed chuckle, the ice cream shop's sign in sight. He sped up. "I'm just going to try to find another route back to the car. Maybe there's a gate or something. I'm sure I brought a knife." Tord swallowed, his eyes now hooked onto Tom's. He smiled a little, before focusing on what was in front of him.

"Why the hell did you bring a knife?" he hissed, beginning to clutch Tord's sweatshirt in fear of being dropped. "And did you have to carry me? It's embarrassing!" He gave in and glanced at Tord for just a split-second, eyes latching onto the smile, his cheeks puffing out in annoyance and embarrassment.

"Don't be so loud." Tord rolled his eyes internally, biting on his bottom lip as he thought about something. "I could drop you," Tord spared Tom a small glance before slowing down as he neared the ice cream shop. "Whenever I'd like to. You're just lucky I'm not that much of an asshole."

Tom let out an adorable little squeak before threatening, "If you drop me, I'll burn all of your hentai!" His grip on Tord's sweatshirt tightened, glancing at the ground. "A-are we there yet?" he asked before Tord could respond to his threat, looking up at Tord's face.

"Nearly," Tord panted, slowing to a jog as he smiled. He looked down at Tom again. "If you were to burn all of my hentai, let's just say you'd be its replacement."

Their eyes locked, Tom's face flushing an even darker red (how was that possible? He keeps blushing harder and harder). "Y-you wish, you stupid communist," he hissed, wiggling in Tord's grasp. "And if we're almost there, can't you let me go?"

"Fine," Tord said calmly as he fake-dropped Tom, jerking him up in the air for just a second before catching him once more, laughing as he slowed again. He then carefully stopped and placed Tom down. Although you'd expect Tord to smell like disgusting sweat, he smelt somewhat of smoky vanilla. The blush on his cheeks now spread all over his face due to the heat, a toothy grin on his lips as he looked at Tom, proud of himself.

His honey-ginger locks were plastered to the sides of his face and on his forehead as he panted, licks of gold reflecting off of his hair. His skin was the perfect sun-kissed tan, highlights really making him look like a model of some sort.

Tom's eyes flickered over the sweat and for a moment, he imaged that sweat dripping down onto him while Tord pinned him down, the panting caused by something much different but equally tiring. The thought of skin on skin(more importantly, Tord on Tom) was making him warm, Tord's lips attacking his neck and holy shit, why was he thinking about that? He tore his stare away from Tord's shining hotness as a little voice reminded him that he was staring and Tord couldn't realize Tom's feelings. That would be a disaster.

"U-uhm... I'm getting twist, Edd's getting chocolate, Matt probably wants strawberry like always, and you..." Tom paused, looking up at Tord with three fingers held up. "What do you want?" he asked, tilting his head slightly.

"I'll just get a drink. I'm not a sweet tooth." Tord ran a hand through his hair as he walked forward, wrapped his hand around the handle and held it open for Tom as he mocked him. "Ladies first, Jeho."

Tord honestly had never tried to stop and get along with Tom, and honestly, making Tom flustered this way was much easier. Not only this, but Tom looked adorable.

Tom sniffed indignantly. "I'm not one of your anime girls." Despite his snarky comment, he stepped inside, welcoming the cool rush of air. "Hot damn, it's nice and cool in here," he mumbled to himself, his eyes sweeping across room. He pressed his palm against his hot forehead, wiping sweat away. His eyes darted towards Tord (thank god nobody could tell. His black eyes could come in handy). The Norwegian looked great and smug as always, even if he wasn't trying to.

Tord strolled in casually, like he hadn't just ran a long distance carrying Tom.

He just got an aqua bottle, went over and nodded his head for Tom to come and get the ice cream.

The woman behind the counter smiled gleefully, chirping a "Good afternoon! How may I help this lovely couple?" Tord legitimately choked on his water, coughing as he laughed, his cheeks reddening.

Tom's eyes widened before turning white. "W-we're not a couple!" he blurted, hand pressing against his neck.

The woman's face went white. "Oh, my goodness, I am so sorry!" she said after a moment of awkward silence. "My mistake, uhm, what can I get for you today?" she asked, as though she was trying to forget what she said.

"Can we— can we just get, uh, a medium strawberry cone, a medium twist cone, and a medium chocolate cone?" He blinked. "A-and a water bottle, too."

"So sorry to intrude but could you make the chocolate cone a small? Again, my apologies." Tord wiped his mouth as he smiled sweetly at the girl who nodded.

"Of course! And what's your name?"


Tord went back to drinking his water, holding it out for Tom. "You want some?" The Norwegian offered, giving Tom a lazy smile as he pulled his phone out.

Tom blinked gently. "Sure," he replied, grabbing the bottle and pressing it against his lips. When he was done, he handed the water bottle back to Tord. "Also, you're a little shit. I hope you know I'm blaming you for getting him a small and not a medium," he said casually, shoving his hands into his sweatshirt pocket as he gently tilted his head. "He's gonna be pissed at ya."

"Go on and favour Edward all you want." Tord took another drink from the water, looking at routes for getting back to the car quickly. After he took another small sip, he looked at Tom slyly and smiled. "Either you lie for me and say there wasn't anymore chocolate left or I'll make you shut up."

Tom laughed. "Sure, whatever. I'm not scared of you."

Before Tord could reply, the woman's voice rang through the ice cream shop. "Tom's order is ready!" she said cheerfully. He took a glance at her then back at Tord.

"You're gonna have to help me carry it all," he said as he walked toward the counter. His salty attitude dropped when he spoke to the woman. "Thank you." He handed the chocolate cone to Tord, then grabbed the other two for himself after he paid for the treats.

"Have a good day!" she said, flashing them a smile.

"You too."

After they left and started heading back, Tord quickly leaned in and took a bite of Tom's ice cream, chuckling as he started to run, knowing that the Brit would get mad. The Norwegian smiled to himself. Teasing Tom was just so much fun to him, the way he'd either snap-back with a snarky remark or just get incredibly flustered was adorable, for some reason, to Tord.

"Tord, you little shit!" Tom called, eyes narrowing as he sped up his pace. He was fine with running this time— if they didn't, his hands would be covered in ice cream. Tord slowed his pace just a bit so Tom's tiny legs could catch up to him, and the Brit did so within a few seconds.

Then, he proceeded to trip like an idiot, letting out a squeak that was far too cute for his own good.

Tord quickly heard Tom's adorable squeak, looking at him as his eyes widened, throwing off his water bottle and then dropping Edd's ice cream as he hooked his arms around Tom's waist, catching him from the fall he was taking. The Norwegian then laughed, getting Tom back up to his feet as he shook his head. "That's what you get for getting ahead of yourself, Thomas, min kjaere." Tord sighed, picking up his water bottle as he looked at Edd's now ruined cone. He stepped on the cone, mumbling a 'bitch' under his breath as he looked at Tom. "You alright, Jeho?"

Looking like he had a Vietnam flashback, he quietly said, "The ice cream." He paused as he continued to stare at the newly created mess. "I'm a fucking idiot. Edd is going to murder me," he said bluntly. "This is probably my final day on Earth."

Yes, he was being over dramatic, but that doesn't mean Edd wasn't going to be absolutely pissed.

He let out a desperate sigh, pressing his eyes closed. "I am going to scream, honest to god."

"Hey, don't be like that." Tord offered Tom a soft smile, crossing his arms over his chest as he continued walking. "I'll take the blame. I started to speed up." Tord said with a smile as he walked backwards, facing Tom. "Well, I guess we're grounded from going shopping." Tord shrugged, not making it seem like a huge deal.

Because dear god Edd would smite them.

Tom laughed gently. "I'm pretty sure that's an understatement, but whatever you say," he said quietly. Then, he blinked and glanced down at his hands. "Mother fuck— I'm covered in ice cream!" he hissed, eyes narrowing. "We need to get to Matt before I become that man from the Little Baby's Ice Cream commercial." He licked the bottom of his ice cream cone, eyebrows furring at the overwhelming smell of vanilla and the taste of vanilla and chocolate on his tongue. Immediately, he pulled away from the ice cream cone in fear that Tord was watching him.

Tord's cheeks flared as he watched him, coughing uncomfortably as he turned around, licking the ice cream off from of his fingers. "Alright, so Edd's going to get pissed at us— but—"Tord turned his head to the side, looking at Tom with a smile in his eyes before looking forwards again. "We had fun." He spoke casually, taking his phone out as he looked at the directions in which to go in.

Tom let out a quiet giggle. "I didn't think it was possible to have fun with the likes of you," he said cheerfully, lips upturned into a smile. His happy attitude was definitely a sudden change, but what the hell? Tord was right. He had a lot of fun, minus the embarrassing moments and dirty thoughts. He glanced over at the Norwegian. "You got a route to the car yet?" he asked curiously.

The Norse hummed, still watching the road on the map as he smiled. "You're just confused as to why you like me so much." Tord chuckled to himself as he strolled his way and turned left, going back in the direction of the car. "Anyway, I guess we should just come out clean to Edd, huh?" Tord asked, putting his phone back in his pocket as his hands followed. He tried to think of what to say to Edd, why they don't have the ice cream and what reactions he'll get, then what actions Edd'll do.

"I can't see an excuse that'll get us out of this mess, so that's probably the best idea." Tom shrugged, cringing slightly at the thought of Edd releasing his wrath on the two of them. "At least he didn't ask for cola and we drop that instead of ice cream," he joked, eyes flickering back up to Tord's face as he walked a few inches behind the Norwegian.

"Cola's a drink. I think it'd survive a small fall." Tord smiled as he turned around, a dorky grin on his face as he lifted his thumb up to Tom's chin, wiping off the rest of the ice cream as he licked it, turning back around. "But yeah, I guess you're right, jeho." The Norwegian shrugged, sighing as he saw the car come into view. "Oh boy. Get ready for ranting Edd."

Tom couldn't help but let out a stuttering mess of words as his face became beet red, then said quietly, "What the fuck, Tord?" He was burning up from embarrassment, eyes wide. "I don't— I— okay."

Tord laughed as he listened to Tom stutter, smiling as he cracked his knuckles, then his neck. He sighed softly as he looked back at Tom, laughing more as he looked at Tom's blushed face, running a hand through his hair. "Why're you so flustered?" Tord hummed, speaking smoothly, his deep and husky Norwegian accent hung to his words.

Tom opened his mouth to respond as he stared at Tord, his eyes tracing over the Norwegian's sharp jawline and rough lips as his gut twisted from the voice. "I..." He pressed a hand against his burning cheek, eyes narrowing. "I'm not flustered. You're imagining things." Embarrassed, Tom looked away and bit his lip (isn't that what people do when they're hot and bothered? Was he that obvious? Whatever).

"Whatever you say, min kjærelighet." Tord licked his lips as he saw Edd come into view, running with plastic bags full of junk food. Matt came too, however, he held a mirror in one hand as me smirked at himself.

"Where's mine?" Edd asked, an eyebrow arched as he glared at Tord.

The Norwegian pointed back, not taking his eyes off of the green-hoodied male.

"I dropped it."

"I'm sorry—you what?"

"I dropped it."

Tord could feel the anger bubbling inside Edd, heat radiating from him. Before Edd could do anything, Tord splashed the boy's face with water, laughing as he spoke. "You look a little heated—oh shit!" Tord began dashing away from Edd as the boy grit his teeth, dropping the plastic bags as he chased the Norwegian, cursing all the way.

Matt blinked twice at the two running men before he put down his plastic, smiling at Tom as he his obliviously asked:

"Did you get my ice cream?"

"Yeah," he said, sounding distant as he watched Tord get chased by Edd. He blinked softly, handing the ice cream cone to Matt. "I guess we can sit back and enjoy the view." He put his ice cream to his mouth.

"What view?" Matt asked curiously, tilting his head.

"Tord," he said bluntly.

Then his face heat up.

"Tord being beat by- beat by Edd, I mean," he stuttered nervously, the lie slipping off his tongue.

"Oh. Okay!" Matt said, clueless as always.

Tord screamed as he laughed, Edd swinging a hard hit into the Norse's shoulder as he winded up for another one, Tord flinching as he held his shoulder, wheezing through the pain.

"No no no Edd NO—" The Norwegian laughed harder as Edd pulled on Tord's ear, laughing through or in pain. Edd huffed, dragging Tord back to the car as he lectured him all the way.

All for one dropped ice cream.

Tord's face was red from laughing so much, still holding his shoulder as he rubbed it. Edd crosses his hands after he let go of Tord's ear, a pout on his face as he narrowed his eyes.

"What do you say?"

"I apologise."

Edd shook his head, disappointed as he unlocked the car, picking up the bags full of junk food. "Next time," Edd put the bags full of goodies in the boot. "I'm getting a whip."

"Holy shit," Tord gasped for breath after his laughing fit, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Edd does not fuck around." Tord panted as he hopped into the back seat of the car.

"Kinky," Tom mumbled under his breath, climbing into his side. Edd and Matt followed suit after they finished putting the groceries away.

Tom's eyes darted towards Tord, noting the sweat dripping down his forehead as the Norwegian's hair stuck to his skin. Needless to say, he looked... nice. Yeah, nice. Not... hot or anything.

"Tom?" Matt's voice broke him out of his thoughts.


"Why is your face red?"

Tom almost began to cough, but quickly covered it up. "It's just a hot day outside, that's all."

"But the car's AC is on."

Tord smirked smugly, cracking his knuckles as he looked at Tom. "Yeah," The Norwegian raised his eyebrows, pushing the hair plastered to his sweaty forehead up. "Why are you blushing? Thinking about someone special or something?" The Norwegian fumbled to take his sweatshirt off, his grey shirt underneath drenched in sweat as he tied the hoodie loosely around his waist.

"Uh..." Tom's eyes traced over Tord's arms, titling his head. "Nope. No. Not whatsoever," he mumbled, silently noting Tord's lean figure and symmetrical face. "I don't understand why'd you think that." Oh, god, he was rambling, but he couldn't take his eyes off Tord. He bit his lip gently as his heart raced, letting out a soft breath. Tord's dim yet golden hair clung to his face despite the cool air of the car, not to mention his shirt stuck to his body from sweat, outlining his muscles, and Jesus fuck, he needed to stop staring.

"You're lying." Tord crossed his arms over his chest, smugly grinning at Tom as he did so. "You're rambling too much to be telling the truth," Tord repeated, again, this time looking at Tom directly. He grinned, chest still rising and falling as his pants recover to normal breathing, a darkened grey colour where sweat seeped into the soft cotton shirt he wore. Of course the Norwegian knew he was lying. He had been in much too many fights with the small Brit to know all too well that he was lying. "Who's the special someone?" the Norse mocked.

He flinched; of course Tord had figured out the truth wasn't being told. He was just upset that he was being that obvious. His palm tingled with pain as he pressed his nails into them. "No one," he muttered, looking away from Tord.

"Does Tom have a girlfriend?" Matt cooed excitedly, earning a snicker from Edd.

"What are we, five?" Tom stopped pushing his nails into his it, subconsciously touching his neck. "I do not have a girlfriend."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Tord cooed in the same tone as Matt did, leaning a little closer to Tom as he smugly grinned. "If not, then who are you thinking about?" The Norwegian had always been quite nosy, often being quiet and saying nothing as he listened and soaked up information from people for his later malicious matters. Tom was the person Tord liked learning about the most. Why? Because Tom was quiet, never really spilling anything about his personal life.

"No, I don't," he growled, pressing his lips together angrily. "And I'm not thinking about anybody." His eyes were narrow was he glared at Tord.

"Is it a love triangle?" Edd teased from the front of the car. "Perhaps a one-sided love?"

Tom's face contorted, eyebrows lowering and a frown covering his face. "Guess again, Edd."

"Maybe it's his lover doing something to him. Maybe he secretly has a lover." Tord raised an eyebrow at Tom, still trying to push against Tom's little lie. "Or maybe he is in love with someone. It's probably one-sided love." Tord agreed with Edd, watching Tom's expression carefully.

"Spill the beans, Tom!" Matt cheered with anticipation. He looked at Tom, eyes glistening.

"I want to hear about this, too," Edd added, though he kept his eyes on the road.

Tom furrowed his eyebrows even further, fists clenching. "Enough," he growled, throwing his head back to Tord.

"Oh come on, Thomas." Tord whined, clasping his hands together as he tilted his head, begging Tom with a joking pout on his face. He then quickly chuckled, leaning back onto the car door. "Alright then, let's not push the Jehohah's witness too much." Tord rolled his eyes as he looked out the car window, tapping his fingers on it in a rhythmic melody.

Tom let his shoulders and expression relax, a sigh escaping his lips. "Thank you," he mumbled as he leaned back, twiddling a sweatshirt string between his fingers. Then, he blinked softly at the feeling of something wet dripping on his hands.

He had forgotten about his now-melting ice cream. Releasing his hoodie string, he wiped his hand off and began to focus on eating the ice cream.

Tord looked over; hearing someone aggressively wipe their clothes wasn't something you heard often. But, as he did so, he saw Tom's melting ice cream, and chewed on the inside of his cheek as he pondered about it. The Norwegian liked the idea of being able to cuddle the small Brit, press kisses down his neck and advance to the curve of his shoulder, being able to hug Tom like a teddy as he whispered sweet little things into Tom's ear in the early whisked reds and oranges of the sunrise. He wasn't even denying how much he'd crave for that, and how undeniably in love he was with Tom.

Instead of staring at Tom like an idiot, he decided to rip his gaze away and back to the scenery flying past him. He could watch Tom anonymously in the reflection of the mirror anyway.

Tom let out an angry hum as his ice cream continued to drip on his hoodie sleeve.

"You okay back there?" Edd asked.

Tom furrowed his eyebrows, face scrunching up adorably. "I'm gonna have to throw my sweatshirt in the washing machine as soon as we get home. It's dripping all over me." Rolling his sleeve up with the only free hand he had, Tom glanced around at the car. From what he could see of Edd, the brunet was focused on the road. Matt was tracing his fingers across his freckles while staring at a mirror. Tord...

Well, if you weren't paying attention earlier, he was staring out the window.

Tom let his gaze rest on the Norwegian, head tilted. Tord's hair looked incredibly soft all of the sudden, and Tom wanted nothing more than to run his fingers through it. His eyes trailed downward and he began to wonder what it would be like if they cuddled. Face steadily growing more red, his eyes latched into Tord's rough lips.

His face softened just a bit as he imagined what it would be like to kiss Tord.

Tord had a neutral expression as he watched Tom, peeking up a little when he saw Tom start to stare at him, watching as his cheeks faintly ringed red, smiling as he looked at Tom, catching Tom in his act.

Tom's eyes widened, his facing burning red as he turned his head away. He lowered his voice so only Tord could hear him say, "Sorry, I was— I was staring off into space," he lied quickly, though his embarrassment didn't help with making the lie realistic.

"Your cheeks tell a different story." Tord lowered his voice as well, eyebrows up as he had a smug grin on his face. "What are you—here, you know what, just so we don't get caught..." Tord pulled out his phone, unlocking it and going into 'messages' to text Tom.

'Just so we don't get caught talking I'll just text you. Now; what are you thinking about?' He typed in, pressing a send as he waited for Tom to take his phone out too to reply.

When Tom realized his phone buzzed, he narrowed his eyes before fishing said object out. He pulled up the text, eyebrows furrowing.

Biting his lip, he typed: 'Literally nothing, you commie'

To punctuate his point, he glared at the Norwegian.

'Lying, again.' Tord typed back, looking up at Tom as he grinned, flashing Tom his sharp canines. He then winked at Tom, his grin fading into a smile as his eyes grew sleazy and smug. 'Why are you so tight about it anyway?' Tord typed, pondering of how to get it out of him when back home.

'i'm not tight about anything, i have nothing to tell, and i'm not lying, either' Tom bit his lip, biting the last of his ice cream cone. 'why do you wanna know anyway?'

Because I want you. The sentence flashed inside Tord's mind, his cheeks flushing a pale pink.

'Because I don't believe you.' Tord typed back, furrowing his brows as he huffed. 'I want to meet this person you love.' So I can show you how much more I can give you. Tord looked at Tom, lifting a brow as he watched Tom's cheeks.      

Tom furrowed his eyebrows, cheeks growing just a tad darker, because did he love Tord? He returned back to the text, ready to reply. For a moment, he debated on saying 'you can't meet yourself', but quickly discarded the text. Before he could genuinely answer, Edd interrupted him.

"We're home, losers. Get off your phones," he ordered, unbuckling. Tom shoved his phone in his pocket and did the same.

Tord huffed, rolling his eyes as he put his phone in his pocket. He then followed suit, and went to the back to carry the junk food.

Once inside the house, he put the junk food down on the coffee table in the living room in front of the television.

Tord was left on quite the cliffhanger, so, he went and tapped on Tom's shoulder, crossing his arms.

"So?" Tord asked, his russet eyes pools of honey as golden sunshine gleamed across his face.

Tom glanced back and up to stare straight into his eyes. "'So' what?" he asked, turning around to face him. He could hear Edd sigh and leave the room, Matt following suit. Seems like they had enough for the bickering duo for the day.

"You know what." Tord narrowed his eyes. "I want to meet them," he repeated, chewing the inside of his right cheek.

The living room was quiet. It was just Tom and Tord, Edd and Matt gone back to their rooms, doing their own thing. Birds outside were chirping softly as Tord awaited an answer from Tom.

Tom crossed his arms, leaning forward. "You have nobody to meet, Tord. Give up." Eyes narrowed, he glared at the Norwegian with as much intensity as he could muster.

The silence of the room made him uncomfortable, but Tord could never, ever know.

Tord narrowed his eyes again, becoming more suspicious. He sighed, then asked: "Okay, since I know you're in love with someone, I'll ask you this: Do I know them?"

Tom huffed angrily. "Maybe you do, maybe you don't— but that's not the point. I don't love anybody!" he growled. "Why are you so sure about this—" He made sure to use his fingers to make quotation marks. "—'fact'?"

"Because you're so blush-y lately!" Tord growled, exaggerating his point using his hands. "And I know that it isn't from the heat of the day. I know that you are in love with someone—" Tord took a step forward to Tom. "—and I'd be interested to meet them."

Tom's eyes widened, though his eyebrows were still furrowed in frustration as he took a step forward as well. "I'm not 'blush-y' whatsoever. You're just a dick that likes making me embarrassed for some incomprehensible reason. There is no one for you to meet!" Tom uncrossed his arms, opting to put his hands on his hips.

"I beg to differ." Tord huffed. "And I like to make you embarrassed because your cheeks go such a nice red—" Tord stuttered afterwards, his cheeks pinking as he coughed. "—that makes you look idiotic." Tord pursed his lips, pushing Tom's shoulders back into the wall. "I'm not going to let you go until you give me the answer I'm looking for. Who is this person?" Tord ignored what he said before.

Tom placed his hands on Tord's chest as though he was trying to push the overpowering presence away, though there wasn't much pressure. He forced his face far too close to Tord's. "If you really want me to tell you anything, then you're gonna have to make me," he growled, cheeks growing more red as his blood rushed through his body from a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"Yeah?" Tord fumed up. "You really just love winding me up, don't you?" Tord hissed, his hands wrapping around Tom's neck, before he hesitated, taking them away and just pushing against Tom's arms. The Norwegian sighed, calming himself down as he asked again, more gentler. "Can you please tell me who this person is?" He softened his grip on Tom, himself calming down. He didn't move the distance between their faces, keeping them close together.

Tom wasn't having any of this gushy act. "I'm not going to tell you shit, Tord," he hissed, gripping Tord's sweatshirt. "Beg all you want, it's not happening."

Tord was livid now—he couldn't help it— He pushed Tom against the wall further, just going with his instinct as he pressed his lips against Tom's, rough against soft and squeezed his eyes shut.

He pulled away quickly after realising what he did, his cheeks red as he let go of Tom, rubbing his temples. "Stop being so damn difficult." Tord stomped outside, most probably going to go smoke.

Tom's eyes were white with surprise, one of his hands falling to his side and the other at his lips. He traced his mouth, completely still as he tried to comprehend what the hell just happened.

Tord had...

Tord kissed him.

Without knowing exactly what to say, Tom raced after Tord, shouting, "Hold up!"

Tord spun around, looking at Tom with vibrant red cheeks as he was already taking a cigar from his pocket, lighter in the other hand. "What?" He spoke quietly, his stomach all gushy.

Tom took a few steps forward and grabbed Tord by his hoodie, forcing the Norwegian down so their lips were almost touching. "You fucking commie," he spat before pressing his lips against Tord's, making sure there was no time to react.

Tord's eyes widened as he kissed Tom back, dropping the cigar and lighter as he brought his hands up so they were holding the other's hips, bringing him close as his cheeks reddened. The Norwegian kissed him softly, their lips in moving a rhythmic pattern as he held the small Brit close.

Tom broke the kiss off a few moments later, turning his head away from the Norwegian's stare. Face burning a dark red, he let his grip fall from Tord's sweatshirt, wiping his mouth. "There. You got your answer. Satisfied?" Still not facing Tord, he watched out of the corner of his eye how Tord's chest visibly rose and fell.

He hated to admit it, but his heart was racing faster than he had ever thought possible.

Tord sighed, a small smile on his face as he pressed a kiss onto Tom's temple, his stomach squeezing and his heart speeding up from excitement. "Very. Thank you." He didn't pull away from Tom, instead, ran a hand through the boy's hair.

He smiled at Tom. "The feelings are mutual." He spoke softly as he hugged the boy close. "Cuddle with me?" Tord asked quietly.

Tom blinked, finally turning his head to face Tord. He opened his mouth to respond, though his eyebrows furrowed as he closed it again. Instead, he responded by nodding softly.

Tord smiled, bending his knees as he wrapped his arms around Tom's torso, pressing a kiss on Tom's lips: in the same place he did the first time. Then, he pressed them up to the corner of Tom's jawline as he lifted the boy up, carrying him into the Norwegian's room.

He placed Tom down on the bed, taking his own sweaty shirt off as he went into the bathroom, washing his face before coming out again. He took out some dark grey sweatpants from his closet, changing in the bathroom into them and tossing his jeans to the side as he crawled into his soft bed with Tom.

You'd think the communists' room would smell like dried cum and sweat. But it didn't. It smelt ashy with a hint of vanilla, the same scent Tord smelt like.

An ashy vanilla. So he must have vanilla soap or candles, or some sort of perfume. The ash-like smell was definitely from smoking.

The Norwegian went straight to spooning Tom, not saying anything. His breaths were calm, hand snaking up the Brit's shirt and side, thumb rubbing circles onto his soft skin. "I'm sorry." The Norwegian spoke so softly, so genuinely.

The Norwegian then tugged on Tom's shirt, pressing a soft kiss on Tom's ear before saying: "Take this off," Tord breathed in the scent of Tom, before adding "please."

Tom furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. For a moment, it seemed like he was debating on what to do. Then, he let out a soft sigh. "Alright," he mumbled, sitting up. He grabbed the hem of his sweatshirt and shirt, arms crossed, and pulled them over his head. He tossed them on the edge of the bed before returning to his original position, taking in a deep breath of Tord's scent of smoky vanilla. "Is that good?" he asked quietly.

"Perfect." Tord closed his eyes as he pressed his lips against Tom's neck, wrapping Tom in his chiselled arms as he trailed soft kisses down the curve of Tom's shoulder before trailing them down his back. Once he got to Tom's left shoulder blade, he cuddled the Brit close, smiling as he mumbled "You're cute." He pressed his chest against Tom's back as he hugged him.  

Tord kissed every space he could on Tom's back, painting him in silent and invisible acrylics of love. "Turn around. Let me see you." Tord smiled softly, rubbing gentle circles on Tom's back as he waited for the small Brit to do so. Tord was being unusually soft with Tom; and it was lovely, and strange, because even his past lovers were surprised with how gentle he was.

Tom did as he was told, face red. "Why are you being so sweet?" he asked, moving in closer so his forearms were pressed against Tord's chest.

It wasn't that he minded Tord being so kind to him; in fact, it was a nice change. He was on the verge of shivering from Tord's gentle touches. Breathing in sharply before letting out a content sigh, he began to use his short nails to run small circles across Tord's chest, eyelids drooping slightly.

"There's those lovely cheeks." The Norwegian smiled, his heart melting.

Tord didn't answer the question for a while, pressing his lips against Tom's eyebrow, then the corner of his lips, before smiling. "Because I love you." Tord whispered oh-so-quietly to Tom, nuzzling his face into the crook of Tom's neck as he cuddled the Brit like a teddy bear.

Tom blinked, his movements stopping. He let out a soft sigh before pushing closer to Tord, their chests flushed together. "I love you, too," he murmured quietly, wrapping his arms around Tord's neck, his heart beating quickly.

Tord brought his head up, smiling as he pressed his lips on Tom's.

The end~

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