Scarlett (Rick Grimes/OC)

By evilqueen098

366K 8K 2.4K

Scarlett Bradford, a twenty-three-year-old ex-nurse, roams what's left of the world alone. After a narrow bru... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Hi ya'll!

Chapter 9

15.3K 339 100
By evilqueen098

Chapter 9 

Midday hits and I start feelin’ tired. My eyes droop as I sit and eat lunch, barely nibblin’ on an apple ‘cause I just don’t have the energy ta’ take a full bite a’ the thing. Everybody else at the table is draggin’ ass too. Hershel, Maggie, and Glenn didn’t even show up fer lunch, and a very tired-lookin’ Rick informed us that they were sleepin’ when we asked about ‘em. Michonne and Daryl are blinkin’ to keep themselves awake, and Carl looks half dead. Judith is on the verge a’ makin’ a fuss and she’s rubbin’ at her eyes and yawnin’. 

“I’m gonna go take a nap and put Judith down,” Carl announces with a yawn. He stands, hoists the sleepy baby onto his hip, and then walks off towards the prison. 

“Kid’s got the right idea. I’m beat too,” Daryl declares. He gets up and walks off without another word, and Michonne leaves not too long after, sayin’ that she’s gonna go ta’ sleep too. I watch her walk off after Daryl and pretty much make up my mind that they’re at least foolin’ around. Somehow, I think there’s a little but more than just a physical attraction there too. They care fer each other in some way, I think.

Rick and I are the only ones left now. I feel nervous bein’ around him since Carol told me that Rick thinks I’m pretty. I feel all nervous like I’m a sixteen-year-old girl on her first date, and I don’t like it. I’m usually much better around men, even ones I have feelin’s for.

“I wanna talk to ya’,” Rick says quietly after we sit in silence fer a few minutes. I look at him nod.

“Here?” I make sure ta’ whisper. Rick shakes his head.

“My room would be better,” he says. My mind goes straight to the gutter like always, but I manage ta’ get it outta there so I don’t blush in front a’ Rick. I know what he means. The common area is too public and my cell won’t work either. 


The two of us get up and walk back into the prison, chattin’ about nothin’ in particular on the way. We travel down that familiar corridor past the rooms a’ couples and familes, and I find it much less threatenin’ in the daylight. Rick ducks into Carl and Judith’s room, smilin’ and tellin’ me that they’re both passed out in their beds. I have ta’ bite my tongue ta’ keep from sayin’ somethin’ about how I just wanna lay down and pass out like that. 

Rick shows me into his room, which has nothin’ more than a double bed, a nightstand, and a dresser in it. “I love what ya’ did with the space!” I declare, tryin’ ta’ imitate those peppy interior designers from the home channel. I earn laugh from Rick and a playful leer.

“I’m a man. I don’t need no decoratin’,” Rick tells me. I smile at him and laugh a little, and Rick’s smile changes into somethin’ more fond and less laughin’. My heart does this stupid flutter in my chest and my stomach flips. 

“What did ya’ wanna talk about?” I ask Rick as he shuts the door, leanin’ against it when it’s closed. He shrugs.

“Just wanted ta’ thank ya’ again fer lookin’ after my kids. I’m sorry I had ta’ wake ya’ up like that. I was just worried that Beth couldn’t defend herself and the kids if it came down ta’ that. I was really scared last night.” Rick crosses his arms and glances down at his shoes. I just stand awkwardly, not sure whether or not I should sit down on the bed. I wanna ‘cause it would feel better than standin’ here like a dunce, but then again, I don’t wanna send Rick the wrong message. 

“You’re welcome. It wasn’t a problem. You were a lot calmer than some a’ the parents I’ve dealt with before, so I wasn’t phased.” I smile at Rick and he returns the gesture.

“Sit down, please,” he says after a pause, gesturin’ to his bed. He then looks sheepish. “I’m sorry I ain’t gotta chair or somethin’ else.”

I perch on the edge a’ the bed and I’m immediately jealous a’ how nice the mattress is. Rick gets ta’ sleep on this every night, while in the meantime, I’m sleepin’ on a mattress that probably has a shiv and some cocaine in it. The thing is probably stuffed with packagin’ peanuts, or that’s what it feels like.

 We lapse into silence, but it’s comfortable. I pick at some dirt under my nails and Rick just leans against the door with his arms crossed. He looks kinda nervous with the way he’s shifitin’ his weight from foot ta’ foot. His eyes shift from me ta’ the window every once in a while, and after a good couple minutes, it becomes apparent that Rick is feelin’ jittery about somethin’. 

“Hey, Scarlett?” Rick asks me before I can ask him what’s troublin’ him.

“Yeah?” I tuck some hair behind my ear and look at him. Rick rakes a hand through his hair and kinda stutters.

“I, uh, just wanted ta’ know if ya’ wanted ta’ come on a walk with me tonight. I normally walk around after I get Judith down fer bed, kinda clears my mind and everything, ya’ know, and I was just thought that it might be fun ta’ have some company and that it also might not be safe ta’ go around by myself, so I thought a’ you.” Rick is ramblin’, but it’s just about the sweetest thing. His face is also now an impressive shade a’ pink underneath his stubble, and he’s wringin’ his hand like he’s a teenager askin’ a girl out fer the first time in his whole life. My heart swells I just wanna clap and cheer ‘cause now it’s just obvious that Rick has at least some feelin’s fer me.

“Sure, Rick. That would be nice.” I flash Rick a huge smile just ‘cause I can’t help it and his whole face lights up. 

“I’ll getcha’ from your cell when I get ready ta’ leave, then.” Then Rick smiles at me like a little kid who just opened his biggest present on Christmas Mornin’ and I suddenly don’t even care that he’s keepin’ me from my nap ‘cause I think Rick Grimes just invited me ta’ go on a date. 

Rick and I don’t talk much longer after he asks me on a walk with him. I leave, still smilin’, and go back ta’ my cell, expectin’ Michonne ta’ be there sleepin’ in her bed, but she isn’t. Fer three seconds, I have a small heart attack wonderin’ where she is and whether or not she’s safe ‘cause, ya’ know, there’s that whole attempted murder that happened last night, but then I remember Michonne’s hand on Daryl’s knee, and all the panic floods right outta me. I have a sneaky suspicion that if I went back by Daryl’s room and pulled his door open, I would see him and Michonne in some sorta’ state together. 

I glare at Michonne’e empty bed and grunt in discontent. I’m tired of this shit. Michonne is tellin’ me what’s goin’ on between her and Daryl. I’ve told Michonne most everything about my life and she ain’t told me shit. I’m sure she can tell me this one thing. It wouldn’t kill her ta’ open up. From talkin’ ta’ other people, nobody knows shit about Michonne. All they know is that she was alone fer a long time before she met the group. ‘Sides- I just gotta know where she is and shit, now especially that we got this nut runnin’ around the prison.

I let out a heavy sigh and kick off my boots in a huff. I’m just tired and cranky is all. Michonne is entitled to her privacy, especially when it comes to a relationship.


There’s somethin’ relaxin’ about hangin’ clothes on a line. It’s such a simple thing, really. Pick up a piece a’ clothin’ from the basket, pin with a clothespin, pin again, and repeat. I guess the sameness of it is what’s so calmin’. The task is plain and simple, never changin’ and never becomin’ anymore difficult as ya’ go along. ‘Sides: it’s a good time ta’ catch up on gossip if you’re doin’ it with a few other women. It’s also a good time ta’ interrogate Michonne, especially since we’re alone right now.

I pin up a man’s flannel shirt and then glance at Michonne workin’ from the other end a’ the line. She’s workin’ extra fast today fer some reason though, hand practically flyin’ over the clothes, the pins, and the line.

“Got a hot date you’re hurryin’ ta’ get to?” I say it as half a joke and busy myself with pinnin’ up a bra. I reach into the basket and pull out a pair a’ jeans next.

“No,” Michonne says, smilin’ a little. “I just gotta get ta’ watch. Dixon gets pissy if you’re late.” Michonne rolls her eyes and we both laugh a little. Really, the only reason I’m laughin’ is ‘casuse this just proves I’m right about those two. 

“You and Daryl have been awful close lately,” I mention, tryin’ ta’ be casual. I shoot Michonne a smirk and a glance sideways, and she cocks an eyebrow.

“Whaddaya’ mean?” she asks suspiciously. I shrug and just look at the tank top I’m hangin’.

“I just mean that ya’ll always seem ta’ sit real close together and stuff at meals. I even saw ya’ touch his knee under the table earlier, and I have a sneaky suspicion that ya’ were with him somewhere when ya’ said ya’ were gonna go take a nap.” Michonne turns to me, eyes kinda wide, and starts ta’ open her mouth. I cut her off. “I went ta’ our cell and ya’ weren’t there, so I know ya’ were somewhere else.”

Michonne’s hands falter and she stops hangin’ clothes. She turns ta’ me and purses her lips, perturbed. “Alright, so Daryl and I got somethin’ goin’ on. What’s the big deal about it?” 

I shrug and look at her. “There’s no big deal. I just…” I trail off and take a breath. “I just wanna know how serious ya’ll are. I mean, I’m you’re good friend, I think, and you know I wouldn’t go around tellin’ everybody all ya’ll’s business.” I turn back ta’ the line and start pinnin’ up one a’ Judith’s little baby booties. I kinda smile at the little yellow ducks stitched into the band a’ the little sock. 

Michonne sighs heavily and starts pinnin’ clothes up again. I don’t think she’ll be tellin’ me anything. I pushed too hard, once again. I always gotta go and open my big mouth. 

“Daryl and I’ve had a thing goin’ on since before ya’ came ta’ the prison. It started out with just talkin’, but not just meanin’less stuff. We talked about our lives before all this, who we lost, what we did… Things we regret.” Michonne pauses and then sighs tiredly, dustin’ her hands off after she finishes hangin’ her last shirt. “Anyway, one night, we kinda just sat real close, and well, we kissed. Since then, we’ve been sneakin’ around. It was easier when I didn’t have a roommate ta’ miss me.” Michonne is smilin’ when she says this though, so I know she ain’t hurt by all my questionin’, fer which I’m glad. The last thing anybody needs is Michonne bein’ pissed off at ‘em. 

I finish up my last few little things and then Michonne and I start walkin’ inside. We sit down on the chairs in the laundry room, and I’m glad I’m alone ‘cause I still have quite a few questions fer Michonne.

“So, uh, I might be over steppin’ my boundaries here, but-“ Michonne cuts me right off, shakin’ her head and laughin’.

“Yes, I’ve had sex with him,” Michonne says. I beam at her like the devil. I knew it. Michonne scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest. “Wipe that look off your face. That’s a recent thing. I’ve been sleepin’ with Daryl fer a long time, but not sleepin’ sleepin’ with him. Ya’ know, just in his bed, me and him.” Michonne is all smiley and blushin’ like a teenage girl when she says this. She must care fer Daryl Dixon somethin’ awful if he can reduce her ta’ actin’ like this. Hell, Michonne don’t even smile when we get good news about somethin’. I’m just waitin’ fer the Twilight Zone music ta’ start playin’ in the background. 

“Is he sweet to ya’?” I feel nosy, but I just gotta know if Daryl ain’t all stony expressions and gruff demeanor. If the man’s gonna be sweet ta’ anybody, it’s Michonne. 

“Yeah.” Michonne picks at her nails, tryin’ ta’ hide her grin by duckin’ her head. “When we’re alone, at least. He’s always messin’ with my hair or somethin’, and sometimes he’ll make a stupid face just ta’ make me laugh.” 

I get a pretty picture a’ Daryl and Michonne all laid up in bed together and snuggled up close in my head and I smile. I’m glad Michonne is happy with Daryl. I just hope Daryl is as serious about her as she seems ta’ be about him. I’d hate ta’ seem him have ta’ get the brunt a’ Michonne’s broken-hearted fury. I’m sure it’s pretty intense. 

“I noticed Rick’s been lookin’ atcha’ a certain way lately.” Michonne cocks an eyebrow and leers at me with a smirk on her mouth. My face gets hot and I cross my arms. Michonne is smart and I hate it.

“He kinda invited me out on a date fer tonight.” I fiddle with my hair and wait fer Michonne ta’ react. She stares at me, mouth kinda hangin’ open in shock.

“And when did this happen?” Michonne asks me indignantly. I shrug. 

“Earlier. We’re just goin’ fer a walk,” I explain. Michonne cocks an eyebrow and crosses her arms in satisfaction. “I don’t even know if he means it as a date,” I add quickly.

“Now you and I both know that Rick means askin’ ya’ on a walk as a date, especially when he asked ya’ specifically ta’ take care a Carl and Judith in the middle of a crisis.” Michonne gives me a serious look. “Rick likes ya’, Scarlett, and you like him. Just admit it.” 

I huff and glance away from Michonne’s face, all ruffled ‘cause I don’t got a strong argument against none a’ what she said. “Ain’t I too young fer him?” That’s seriously the best I can come up with. 

Michonne rolls her eyes and slumps back in her chair. “Sure, ya’ll got seventeen years a’ age between ya’ll, but Scarlett, it ain’t like you’re seventeen or somethin’. I had a friend that dated a man who was fifteen years older than her when she was eighteen. Now that was wrong. There’s nothin’ wrong with you and Rick though, so stop bein’ so damn stubborn and guarded and just loosen up!” Michonne huffs out a breath and shakes her head. “Good Lord, girl, you are workin’ on my last nerve.” 

Michonne is right, I realize. I am guarded and stubborn, and I gotta stop bein’ like that. I gotta let myself live a little ‘cause hell, there’s a serious chance a’ me dyin’ everyday, especially now that we got the threat a’ someone who seems hell-bent on homicide runnin’ around the prison on top a’ the whole walker situation. 

We leave the subject a’ Rick and I there. Michonne knows I know she’s right and she ain’t one a’ those people that needs to hear it be said ta’ be satisfied with herself.

“Ya’ know, since I know that you and Daryl are fer sure together, ya’ don’t gotta worry about fakin’ goin’ ta’ sleep in our cell or actin’ like ya’ have watch. Ya’ can just get your stuff fer bed and then go ta’ his room if ya’ wanna.” I smile at Michonne and she looks grateful. 

“That would be kinda nice. It’s hard ta’ tell if you’re asleep or not since ya’ don’t snore.” Michonne and I laugh a little at that and then leave the laundry room so Michonne can meet Daryl. He’s gonna be pissed ‘cause she’s now officially ridiculously late fer whatever they’re doin’ together.


Author's Note-

Double update whoo! (/^-^)/

Comment! Vote! Please!

- Love, Madison (evilqueen098) 

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