Paralyzed In Happiness

By AnaisSilveas

41 1 0

In which a Girl fears for her mother, falls in Love, hides from her Father, and Wins in The End More

Part The First
Part The Second
Part The Third
Part The Fourth
Part The Fifth
Part The Sixth
Part The Seventh
Part The Eighth
Part The Tenth
Part The Twelfth
Part The Thirteenth

Part The Eleventh

3 0 0
By AnaisSilveas

In which a canvas is gotten and an employer is reassured.

Part The Eleventh

As she sat the phone down on its pedestal, the silence in the house was deafening. After several moments of standing there, Zoie shook her head and shouted downstairs, saying "Hey Kyra, I'm gonna take a shower, and then I need a ride."

"Alright Zoie." Kyra replied

Once she was freshly showered, and appropriately clothed, Zoie and Kyra took to the XC90 and drove into town.

No snow stuck to the ground in Carron, the red clay held the heat too well, but the air was certainly cold, signifying the middle of Winter. Zoie had Kyra drive to the one place she knew would have what she needed.

Ivy Silver had just placed her keys in her pocket when the two women pulled into the gravel parking lot, and Zoie jumped out of the running car.

"Mrs. Silver, please tell me you're not closed." Zoie said, rushing to the British woman

"I'm sorry, Love. It's Christmas Eve, I had to close early." Ivy replied, smiling sadly at the albino artist.

"Please, please Mrs. Silver, I just need one thing, I'll give you whatever you want for it."

"What d'ya need, Zoie?"

"A canvas, Six and a half feet by four. I need it more than anything."

"I think I have one... I'll need help from both of you since... Since Sera left..."

"Sure, no problem, please, Mrs. Silver."

"On one condition."


"Tell me where Sera is."

Zoie's eyes fell to her shoes and she wrapped her arms around herself. "I wish I could, but she couldn't tell me." The artist said, trying to keep from shaking

"Is she alright though?" Ivy asked


"Then we have an accord."

The three women just barely managed to get the canvas into the XC90 and close the hatch, but they made it. Panting and sweaty, Zoie turned towards Ivy Silver and asked, "what do I owe you?"

"Nothing." Ivy replied


"You gave me what I wanted, and I gave you what you wanted, we're even."

"Thank you."

Ivy nodded and walked to her own car, satisfied with her actions.

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