Hold Me Closer

By SensGirl

130K 2K 96

Jenny Foster is good at minding her own business when it comes to being in class at university, the only exce... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 32

Part 31

2.6K 36 0
By SensGirl

A few weeks later once I have been to the doctor to ensure that the baby is healthy I decide to make the official announcement on my Instagram,

My phone starts blowing up with notifications from friends and family that just saw the post, I bite my lip as I scroll through everything. I groan when I see that I have to get to class in half an hour, I slip out of bed and slip into some sweat pants and a hoodie knowing that I don't care what people think. As I go to the kitchen with my backpack slung over my shoulder I swipe a bagel from the cupboards before going to go catch the bus that will take me to campus. Once I arrive at my lecture hall I slip in quietly and find a seat towards the back, a few minutes later Kass sits next to me, "love your post on Insta about the baby" she tells me while taking her laptop out, "thanks, I figured it's time since we went to the doctor already" I reply with a smile. 

Two hours later we leave the lecture hall smiling, "so happy to be out of there, not looking forward to doing the readings" I say, "amen to that sister" Kassidy exclaims. My phone vibrates and I see that i've been tagged in a picture on Instagram, I open the app and check it out,

"Oh my god I love him so much" I say once i've read the comment on Matt's post, Kass looks at me curiously, I hand her my phone so that she can see my boyfriend's post. "You guys are ultimate couple goals" she tells me once she has given me my phone back, "I don't know about that, this little bun was not in the plan this early" I explain while placing my hand on my belly, "true but the both of you are handling it really well, especially since you guys are doing it long distance" she replies, "it may look that way but it's been so hard on us Kass, he tries to talk to me as much as possible but his schedule is so demanding and I have school most days" I explain sadly, "maybe you should consider moving to Seattle to be with him" Kass suggests, "I have been thinking about that option, I mean it would be good for when the baby comes" I say, "have you told Matt yet?" she asks, "not yet, I was going to tell him tonight when we have our FaceTime call" I reply with a smile, "i'm so happy for you guys" she exclaims, "yeah I'm happy too" I tell her.


I get comfy on my bed as I wait for Matt's call, when his name appears on my phone I smile and answer it, "hey gorgeous" he greets, "hi handsome" I reply, "how are you doing?" he asks, "i'm perfect" I exclaim, "I always love hearing that" he tells me. I bite my lip for second, "I actually have something to tell you" I say excitedly, "what is it?" he asks, "I talked to my parents and the university and I decided that I want to move to Seattle" I explain with a full blown grin on my face, the smile on his face matches mine, "are you serious?" he asks, "yes, i'm completely serious" I tell him, "I wish I could kiss you right now, I can't even explain how happy you just made me" he exclaims, "I can't wait to wake up next to you every morning" I say. We spend the next few hours talking about the details for the move, we determine that we will be finding a place to live together so that we can be together when he isn't on the road with the team. 

Once I have hung up the call I plug my phone in to charge before going out to the kitchen where I see that Kassidy is doing some school work with her books spread out on the counter. "What are you working on?" I ask making her look up, "just a paper I need to write for my history class" she replies before turning back to her laptop, "sweet, want me to make some food?" I ask moving to the cupboards, "that would actually be great, thanks Jen" she replies with a grateful smile, "no worries bestie, I know you would do that same for me" I exclaim before getting started on the cooking. "Have you told Matt about the move?" she asks a few minutes later, I look back at her, "I did tell him, he was so happy and excited about having me there with him" I reply with a smile, "that's great Jen" she exclaims happily, "yeah it is" I say before turning back to the food on the stove. 

A/N I know this is short but I think its a cute chapter that should not be dragged on.

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