An Apocalyptic Short Story- C...

By PutNameHere225

68 2 0

When stumbling upon a faction's territory you are taken in and meet the man of your dreams, however after a r... More


68 2 0
By PutNameHere225

(A/N- A little helping hand for you guys here. Get ready for a wild ride.
(Y/N)- Your name.
(L/N)- Your last name.
(H/C)- Hair colour.
(H/L)- Hair length.
(F/C)- Favourite colour.
(C/F/N)- Your crush's name.
(C/L/N)- Your crush's last name.
(C/H/C)- Your crush's hair colour.
(C/H/L)- Your crush's hair length.

Alright that's the stupid A/N over, remember there isn't a happy ending unless you want me to make a story on it, then I might consider a different ending.)

It's dark. The usual, waking up is always a feat for everyone but... Waking up in a deadly ghost town is much worse. I can hear the groans of brain dead creatures, the ones who were affected by the plague 2 years ago. I'm one of the few survivors left who didn't turn crazy. Others have either went alone like me or joined a group. My name is (Y/N) (L/N), one of the survivors.

I get up from the old wooden floor ready to pack and head out. I have an old backpack that I found a couple months back (haha that rhymed). It's filled with old clothes and food, accompanied with a couple knives of course. My weapon that sits on my belt loop is an old baseball bat, I also have a large knife and a small semi-auto pistol with no ammo. Standing up I can see through the small slits of the boarded up window, the sun is about to rise and I can see blubbering monsters walking around brainlessly. Those creatures kill every living thing they find, literally, just yesterday I saw a few of them ripping apart a dead raccoon. I start to walk out the door quietly, it's freezing cold.

Everyday I head towards the west, to the city. Apparently there's a safe haven spot that has no zombies at all, that's where I've been heading towards but different groups and gangs have made it harder to walk in a staight path. They all claimed territory for their own group status. I'm in claimed land right now, I know because of the famous symbol on the walls. Not too detailed it just says EC but I've seen it before so they must have a decent sized group. I need to get out of this land quick, I entered unknowingly into the already looted area last night. I was tired after running from a large group of zombies when I barricaded a random door in a house, only to collapse from exhaustion about 5 seconds afterwards. I realise that there really aren't many zombies around, I've seen about two but they didn't notice me, that's when I hear a gunshot.

"Shit." I whispered, moving behind a nearby pillar that belonged to an old supermarket.
"Come on guys, the faster we finish patrolling the area the faster we can get back to base." I heard. The female voice laced with exhaustion.

"No shit." I hear again. A male voice this time. There are a lot of footsteps, at least 4 people were doing 'patrols' in a group like they said. I couldn't trust them just yet.

"Hey Dezi, bet your roll at dinner that I can scare Lawrence."


Dezi, at least I know one of their names. And Lawrence too, who are these people? I walk back a little planning to run only to be faced with the end of a gun.

"Hey Lucy, I found someone." The guy had some kind of messy bowl cut hair, it was blonde and his piercing blue eyes stared at me whist the gun stayed perfectly still. Then I saw a girl, she had long brown hair that looked like it hasn't been cut for a long time.

"What's your name?" She said, this must be the one called Lucy... "Hey... Wake up what's your name?" She repeated annoyed.

"(Y-Y/N)" I replied, stuttering like an idiot.

"Are you apart of any groups like FG or Hyla?" She asked again, her unrelenting gaze fixing me to the spot.

"No?" I didn't even know what they were.

"Alright, come on survivor we will get you assessed back at base. Put the gun down Lawrence." Then she turned around walking back to two other people, one was a girl with glasses, the other I couldn't see very well as he wore a black hoodie.

"Welcome to the faction EC, don't turn your back on us and we won't turn our back on you." 'Lawrence' said putting the gun in what looked like a homemade holster. He went to the small group as well.

"You coming survivor?" Lucy asked, walking on to continue her patrol. Then the girl in glasses walked over to stand next to me.

"Hello. I'm Dezi, I was told to make sure you didn't run off." She sayed happily.

"(Y/N)." I replied curtly, I can't get too attached, they might kill me at their said 'base' so I can't trust them yet.

"Well (Y/N). We are just going to take you to our camp and make sure you're ok and have enough supplied to get going again... I mean you can stay if you want but not many do." She added. I still can't trust them so I just nod and follow.

"Who are they?" I asked, motioning towards the 3 at the front.

"The one in the hood is called Lou, he's a general goofball. The blonde one with the pistol is Lawrence, he's a bit unpredictable, sometimes he's funny and others he's in a bad mood. The girl up there is Lucy, she's Lawrence's sister and she is one of the moderators of the faction. She seems mean right now but usually she's happy and talkative, she doesn't like new people much." Dezi replied, pointing to each person. Then I saw the hooded guy sneak up to Lawrence, he nudged him quickly and shouted the clichéd boo in his ear. He didn't flinch at all.

"You owe me a roll!" Dezi shouted towards him laughing. I looked over to Lawrence who was laughing as well, Lucy was joining in too.

"Shit I wanted that roll..." Lou said, huffing.

"That's what you get for going against Lawrence." Dezi replied, finally managing to control her laughter.

After about an hour of random persiflage towards each other we arrived at a large run down hospital.

"We're here guys lets go." Lucy said whilst entering the white structure. When I walked in I could see many different people from young to elderly, it was very surprising but it had a nice atmosphere to it all. I followed the rest into a large hall like a cafeteria or something. There were tables all around but one stood out, many people sat crowded around one table. Lucy walked over to them, I tried to follow but Lawrence held me back.

"That's the staff table, they basically keep the peace and rule EC. You can only go there if asked." He informed. I nodded and went to sit with him at another table, Dezi and Lou were there as well including a few others. There was a girl across from me with brown eyes and hair, to her right was Dezi and next to Dezi was Lou. I was in the middle of Lawrence and a passed out guy next to me.

"Someone wake him up..." The brown eyed girl said, glaring at the sleeping person. He had a good up so I couldn't see his face.

"Leave Alex alone, he's tired." Lawrence replied, opening his bag to look inside. Everyone else got out food from their bag and started to eat, I saw Lou hand a squished looking roll to Dezi who took it triumphantly. I looked through my bag to find nothing but a bottle of flat Pepsi and an old packet of crackers.

"Hey (Y/N)! Catch!" I looked up to see a roll, I caught it quickly and realised it was Dezi.

"You looked hungry, don't worry it's not poisoned." I smiled greatful to her kind gesture. I was about to take a bite when I heard laughing. Everyone turned around to see the 'staff' table, the one laughing was a (C/H/C) guy. Everyone else was snickering and smiling but he was being a bit loud.

"Now I want to know what was so funny..." Lou said looking over.

"Probably one of Owen's jokes..." The brown eyed girl said. She saw my confusion and explained. "Owen is the curly haired blonde next to the one who laughed. I'm Cadie by the way." She said holding out her hand. I reached out to shake it only to receive an even weirder handshake. There was a lot of fistbumps and slapping that I forgot it all by the end.

"(Y/N)..." I replied again.

"Where ya from (Y/N)?" She asked.

"(Home)" I replied.

"Sweet I heard it was nice down there."

"Yeah it's great... Or it was." We chatted a little more after that until I felt a tap on the shoulder. It was Lucy, and she was smiling.

"Hey (Nickname), can you come with me to the staff table? We want to discuss somethings." She said, in a much better mood than before.

"Ok sure." I replied getting up, the rest of the guys seemed shocked that I was getting called over. She sat down and gestured towards the chair next to her. The minute I sat down the people around the table went straight to business.

"Hey, I heard your name was (Y/N)?" The curly haired blonde asked.

"Yes." I replied curtly.

"Cool, I'm Owen. The guy next to me is (C/F/N)." (C/F/N) nodded towards me. "That thing is Lucy." Owen said pointing to her with a smile on his face.

"Wow thanks." She replied, kicking him under the table.

"Ouch, anyways, the one with glasses over there is Jay, he's the founder of our group. And then this is the confusing part. Meet Rob and Rob. Yes two Robs. This is the staff team and we are currently looking for new members. Those who are cunning and don't run at the sight of danger." Owen said in an inspirational way... Kinda.

"We had scouts around who spotted you, they say that you have these skills." The younger Rob stated.

"We would like you to join the staff team, you can be taught under (C/F/N) in his group when on patrol." Jay smiled.

"Tomorrow Lucy and (C/F/N)'s groups will be working side by side as they are going to a larger area near Hyla territory." The older (less scarier) Rob informed.

"Rest up newbie we have a big day tomorrow." Lucy finished before heading off.

"Where's she going?" I asked, puzzled.

"To her office, all staff members have an office connected to their squad. Her office has a door leading to the shared room of Lawrence and Lou, she decided that Dezi would feel more comfortable with a girl." (C/F/N) answered. He talked to me, like directly to me holy shit. Oh my fucking god he actually looked at me and spoke. His eyes are beautiful. That voice man... I blush and he cocks an eyebrow at me. "You ok?"


"Anyways. You will be in my squad for the time being, let's go." He says walking to where Lucy last adventured off to. We arrived at an old looking door, when going in I saw 3 people, one was the passed out guy before, turns out he actually has brown hair, another with brown eyes and brown hair like Cadie and the last with the same brown eyes and brown hair. They all turned to look at me, then to (C/F/N), then to me, then to (C/F/N), then t- you get the point.

"Who's that?" The passed out guy asked.

"This is (Y/N), (Y/N) meet Alex."

"Hello." I said waving.

"Hey hey what about us? How come Alex gets introduced to the pretty lady?" One of the Cadie guys asked.

"(Y/N) meet Steward." I waved again, my arm will be all worn out by tomorrow. "And he is Kevin." Kevin waved sweetly, daw he's shy.

"Where's she going to sleep?" Alex asked.

"...Well... Never got that far yet." (C/F/N) confessed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I would think that she wouldn't want to share a room with any of us..." You are so wrong... "... So she can sleep in my room for the now, I will sleep in here with you.

"WOOOOOOO BUNK BUDDIES!" Stew shouted. I went into the room on the right to find a small bed. I layed down on it and slept peacefully for once...

-Next day, ready for the patrol-

"Alright everyone, do the usual, get ammo and knives and shit and let's go." Lucy said, tiredly. I was given ammo for my pistol and someone named Brandon sharpened my knives for me, he was nice. We head out again, on the barrier between EC and Hyla, I can see people walking around on the other side, watching us like Hawks.

"That's not normal... Stay close to me." (C/F/N) said pulling me closer. I blush but this time he doesn't notice. When I look at his profile his (C/H/C) locks are flowing with the slight breeze he looks down to me with his (C/E/C) eyes and quickly looks away blushing. That's when I heard a scream.

"Fucking hell!" I looked over to see Lou on his knees holding his chest.

"Lou what happened?!" Dezi shouted shocked, running to his side.

"He was shot in the lungs..." Lucy said kneeling next to him. "Shit..." Then the gunshots sounded from the enemy side.

"Get down!!" Alex shouted. We all ducked for cover, Lou was slowly dying and the whole mission was in shambles. Lawrence and Kevin start shooting at the enemies. I turned around and saw Alex slowly sneaking away.

"Alex where are you going?!" I shout catching the attention of him, Stew and (C/F/N). Lawrence not covered and thus he was next, a bullet grazed his temple and he fell back.

"Brother!" Lucy screamed, tears pricking at her eyes. She gets down next to him to see if he is alright. Turned out he hit his head really hard on impact, his cries were washed away by the sounds of the guns. After about an hour or so the group of Hyla retreat Lou died and so did Lawrence.

"Fuck..." Lucy said, this being harder on her than anyone else because they were in her squad and that Lawrence was one of her only 2 brothers left. "Let's go back..." She says walking away. Dezi following behind her. Me, Stew, Kevin and (C/F/N) all stayed for a while...

"Wait... Where's Alex?" Kevin asked. We all looked around to find no trace of him.

"I'm here..." We heard, I turned around and saw a gun pointed towards me a few feet away.

"Alex what are you doing?!" Stew shouted.

"Don't you see!? It was her all along!!! She set up a trap for us to be killed!!" He screamed, madness pooling into his eyes. He didn't waste another breath and pulled the trigger.

"No!" That's all I heard before I braced myself ready for the pain, but I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes to see (C/F/N) on his knees infront of me facing Alex, glaring at him as if he stole one of (C/F/N)'s cookies out his secret cookie jar.

"(C/F/N)?!" I shouted before kneeling next to him. He smiled over to me, I could hear his laboured breath as he fought to stay alive a little bit longer.

"No need to cry now..." He said wiping away tears that I never knew were there.

"B-but why?" I stuttered, the pain unbearable.

"Cause... Let's just say I did it on a whim." He said. "Goodbye (Y/N)." He kissed my cheek before lying down, pain evident on his face. I held his hand and he squeezed it one last time before becoming completely limp.

"(C/F/N)...?" I whispered, he died... For me... A stranger no less! There's no way I can repay him now...

"Come on (Y/N), we have to go to HQ." Stew said quietly, turns out Lucy and the rest of her group... I mean Dezi came back with shovels to bury the dead bodies but in the end Alex was shot in the head by Lucy before he got too out of control. We went back to headquarters and told Jay what happened. Going back into (C/F/N)'s room to sleep was painful to say the least.

Then again that's just the everyday apocalypse.

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