Call it Magic ✸ Chilling Adve...

By -kaylaholland

43.8K 1.4K 544

CALL IT MAGIC "you say witch like it's a bad thing." Chilling Adventures of Sabrina| 2018 Amazing cov... More



8.7K 244 112
By -kaylaholland

         JADE BRIGHTLY STOOD under the neon red lights of the Whyte Wyrm, blending into the dark autumn night, like a shadow. She plastered a fake smile over her face, batting her eyes up at the middle aged male, who wore a leather serpent jacket with pride. There was one thing she could always count on, a man wanting something he wasn't supposed to have. The girls young age didn't put him off, in fact, it added to his attraction, which made Jade's stomach sick with disgust. Men were pigs.

"Now princess, I think you've stumbled across the wrong part of town." The male cooed in a deep raspy voice, looking her up and down, animalistic. Jade refrained from scowling, as she stepped closer to the man, biting her lip, through a phony smile. Jade only cared for one thing and one thing only, money. She needed it, her stomach growled, reminding her why she was even out here at this time of night.

"I think I can handle my own, but thanks for the concern." She said in a low, steady voice, as she traced a finger over the green snake, sewed into his jacket. Though Jade was not a Serpent, she'd be lying if she said she hadn't considered joining, she'd have some sort of a family, it certainly couldn't be worse than her foster family. Nothing was worse than them, she was almost certain.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He offered, gesturing to the entrance of the Serpent bar. If Jade was lucky, she wouldn't even have to step foot in the place, all she'd have to do is get the cash and run.

"You think booze will make me submissive, do you?" She says, trailing her arm lower, and lower, down his arm, but the man didn't notice, he was too busy gawking at the girls breasts, it made it so much easier to steal from them, when they were douches.

"I don't need booze to get into your pants, princess." He says smirking down at the girl, she steps even closer to him, standing on her tippy toes, to reach her lips to his ear, with one hand unnoticeable in his pocket. The man took it as an invitation, placing his hand up her shirt, causing a shout of protest from the girl, as she stumbled back, swiftly removing the wallet from his pocket, the man finally notices.

"You whore!" He calls angrily, reaching for Jade, grabbing her by her jacket. She squirmed, and kicked trying to untangle herself from the man, but had no luck. Jade manages to pull one of her hands free, throwing a fist at the man's face, he stumbles back slightly, punching her right back, with large fists, Jade falls to the cold damp ground with a thud. Her cheek stinging from the blow.

"I'll show you, what I do to thieves." The man growls, crouching down on the ground, over top of the girl.

Jade looks for any form of help, but the Serpents that stood outside smoking and conversing with one another, turned their heads as if they saw nothing. She was completely and utterly alone.

"Please, don't-" the girl struggles as she kicked and squirmed as the male, attempted to unzip her pants. Her heart thumped a mile a minute, as she struggled to get from under his heavy frame.

"Get off, get off, get off." Jade said through tears now, she never expected her night to go quite like this, all she wanted was some cash to get a bite to eat. She knew that it was partially her fault, she stole and now she was paying the price.

The male began to pull her pants down now and suddenly Jade felt so exposed, so weak and vulnerable. "Stay still." He growled, pinning her hips down into the cold damp ground. She squeezed her eyes shut holding her breath, she knew there was nothing she could do.

Suddenly Jade felt the weight shift off of her and then the sound of shattering glass and a car alarm blaring.

The girl slowly peeled her eyes back open, looking up to the starry night sky, then sitting up on the ground, her pants still slightly down.

The girl quickly rose, pulling her pants up, picking up the stolen wallet, pocketing it, as she stared at the male who lay on top of a damaged car, almost as if he'd been thrown onto it, the group of Serpents that were already standing outside, rushed to see if they're friend was okay, some of the Serpents exiting the bar to crowd outside, to see what the ruckus was about.

Jade stood momentarily in shock, had she just done that? There was no way, no way in hell that she had the capability of doing that, she kept telling herself that, to calm her racing heart, but the tingling throughout her body made her think otherwise, Jade felt a power surge through her that she never felt before, maybe she was going nuts. She had to be, there was no other logical explanation.

"It was her, he-he was on top of her and then he just- he fucking flew, man!" The slightly drunk guy slurred, pointing at Jade, angrily. The Serpents all turned their attention to the curly haired girl, as she offered a wave.

"I...I can see how this may look!" Jade called, shifting from leg to leg nervously, she was in the snakes den now and one faulty move and she could possibly die tonight. "But I have no idea how that happened, you can only imagine my confusion!" She stated, laughing nervously.

None of them laughed back, they just wore angry looks of hatred. "She killed Moonshine!" a lady called from the angry crowd.

Killed? No way! Sure Jade was a liar and a thief, but not a killer.

"Get out of here demon!" A male voice called from the crowd.

"Get!" He yelled again, in a stern voice, as Jade's eyes scanned the crowd, she noticed that they were more scared than angry. They were terrified of her, she was terrified of herself too.

The man shouted something again, but Jade couldn't hear him, everything was a muffled blur, the girl began to run swiftly away, before the Serpents found their courage and skinned her alive, tears flecking her eyes as she ran, streetlights began to shatter in her path, but still the girl ran and ran and ran, as fast and as far as her legs would take her.

Jade didn't stop running until she reached Pop's diner, it was the only place she could think of that was still open at this hour. And she did not want to go home.

The girl quickly and quietly, shuffled over to a secluded booth in the corner, plopping down, staring at her shaking hands, that lay clasped on the diner table. She didn't even know who she was anymore, she felt as if someone had taken over her body and was controlling her every move.

"Miss....miss?" She heard a young female voice ask, Jade quickly looked up, locking eyes with a raven haired girl, who clasped a notepad in her hand, looking at Jade with great concern.

Jade's eyes scanned the girls name tag, on the girls shirt, reading the name Veronica, written in cursive letters."What can I get for you?" Veronica asked, as she stared at the purpling bruise on Jade's face. Jade noticing, avoided eye contact mumbling her order. Veronica quickly scribbles it down, without peeping her eyes off the girl.

"Are you okay?" Veronica asks, concern flickering in her voice, Jade finally looks up, offering a forced smile.

"I'm spectacular." A lie, but the last thing she needed tonight was some prissy northsider, sticking her nose in business it didn't belong. The raven hair girl nodded sashaying away, leaving Jade and her restless thoughts by their lonesome.

Jade did a quick scan of the diner, which was next to vacant, it was just her, two waitresses, the cook and a couple sharing a strawberry smoothie, as they both read through a large text book.

Jade then peered out the window, looking for any angry Serpent's trying to hunt her down, with torches and pitch forks, but was relieved to find no one and nothing.

Something in Jade's head said that she had imagined the whole thing, that the events of tonight were all in her head and that she just needed food, food and sleep and this would all blow over. Even when she saw the police car and ambulance zooming in the opposite direction, she told herself it was just a coincidence, that it had nothing to do with the Whyte Wyrm incident.

Jade nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the milkshake glass place on the table, not noticing the waitresses arrival. "Didn't mean to startle you!" She said apologetically, searching Jade's face again, the raven haired girl probably thought Jade was some kind of lunatic, shaky, jumpy, half torn clothes, bruised face, she probably looked like the walking dead.

"It's okay." Jade reassured the girl as she placed down, her plate of burgers and fries.

Jade took the straw, placing it in her chocolates milkshake, not noticing that the waitress was still standing there, she looked up furrowing a brow, mildly annoyed, and I thought I was the weird one.

"Can I help you?" She asked, sass filling her voice, shoveling fries into her mouth.

"Your's bleeding." Veronica said reaching for a napkin, handing it Jade. Jade placed a finger to her nose and sure enough it was covered with scarlet blood dropped, she quickly took the napkin from the girl, stuffing it over her nose, tilting her head back.

"Shit," she mumbled, as she looked down at her shirt stained with blood.

"Is there someone you would like me to call, are you okay?" The girl questioned, placing a hand on Jade's shoulder.

"I'm fine, it's just a little blood." Jade said with a shrug, before Veronica could respond, a gust of wind filled the diner and the lights began to flicker on and off.

Veronica let out a shriek, when she noticed Jade's eyes, which were now rolled back into her head, Jade then began mumbling a foreign language under her breath, as things around the room began to levitate in the air, orbiting around the girl like a halo.

The people in the diner watched in horror as Jade slowly rose from the booth, still in her possession. Veronica backed away from Jade, nearly falling, in attempt to avoid the girl.

The couple hid under the table, cowering in fear, as the curly haired girls chants got louder and  angrier.

"Why are you doing this?" Veronica called over the loud gusts of wind that filled the diner. "Please stop!" She called, as she hid behind the counter of the diner.

Jade then began to shake uncontrollably, almost seizure like, falling to the ground, along with everything that had been orbiting around her, finally her shaking spasm ended, and she sat up slowly.

"I-I I'm sorry, I don't know what happened to me." Jade said with a weak voice, as her eyes scanned the diner, at the people that cowered in fear at her, she was just as scared as them, if not more.

"If you mean us no harm, then go." The raven haired girl said from her place behind the counter as she stared, trembling lightly.

Jade rose to her shaky feet, wiping her still bleeding nose. "I'm sorry." She said again, before exiting the diner.

Jade had not a clue what was going on with her, but she knew she was a ticking time bomb and at any second she would explode.

How do you ya like my CAOS story so far? It's no where near perfect, but I think it should grow into a good fan fic, as I have many ideas.

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