My Stupid Diary.

By darkstripe20

39 0 0

Hi. The cover to this story is an actual picture of me just saying. Anyway I'm in sixth grade, a girl, and el... More



6 0 0
By darkstripe20

Eh. My day was cool. It was unity day today, so I had to wear this ugly orange shirt instead of my casual band shirt. Even though my mom tells me to wear a polo, I don't. My teachers don't care. Anyway the first thing that happened today was figuring out my cat had puked on our new carpet in the living room. It was gross. I wake up at 5:30 every morning. I took a while showering this morning, so I had to really quickly eat my breakfast. Which upset my stomach for about 10 minutes. It was my band director's birthday today. I sent him a shoutout for the morning broadcast, but they didn't read it. Anyway the first thing that happened at school was my boyfriend running up to me. He said he was sorry for getting me mad at him yesterday. His name is Karl. I hate that name. Anyway I forgave him. He said that he liked Celeste more than me. I hate Celeste. She ruined my life three years in a row. I wish death upon her. I want her to go on a tour in a cave and get crushed to death by a boulder. I want someone to come shoot up our school and kill her. I wouldn't get sad. I would just smile. Well. For unity day we had to draw something on a paper plate and then shove it into the ground to spell "unity". I drew an orange heart and hung out with my friends Joseph and Mya. Oh god Mya. I hate her but we are still friends. I'm sure Joseph likes me. That's cool. But I have a boyfriend so too bad buddy. Joseph is really funny. Like whatever he does makes me laugh. I should be dating him. Karl's kinda mean. Anyway math was boring, skills for adolescents was boring, French was extremely boring. I hate French. As you can tell , there's a lot of things I hate. I think I have anger issues. In reading, we have this project. I got put in a group of John and Ruth. I don't like either of them. I wish my group was karl and Joseph. Oh yeah lunch. It was fun I guess. I'm not on the same team as my old friends Sydney and Saniya, but I still sit with them. Saniya bullied me for two years straight. I'm still anxious around her. But she's really funny so it's fine. Sydney is my best friend. I love her in a friendly way. I'm not lesbian. Mya called me a slut. She said I like four guys and I'm dating two of them. That really upset me. Karson and mason are like a brother to me, Joseph is my best friend. And Karl is my boyfriend. She doesn't know what she's talking about. In band, I didn't have my flute. I left it at my house. I had to "air flute". It was dumb. But then a nice lady gave me my flute that my mom dropped off. Then I got to play for the last five minutes. Sydney got the whole band to clap for me when my flute was given to me. I felt special. That's why Sydney is my friend. My table got yelled at in social studies. We were apparently talking too much. I didn't think so. This pimple infestation on my nose didn't boost my mood at all. Anyway I got home, had food, and sat down to do my homework. Then I grabbed my phone and wrote this piece of garbage. I really should write less in this diary thing. Yeah I'll do that. Since I've described all my friends, I'll write less. Okay bye. Eh.

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