By Moises12w3

40.5K 876 599

Beacon has fallen, Ozpin is gone, and the rest of the world is perplexed on what happened to Beacon, Ruby, Ja... More

Character Bio:
Chapter One: In need of Comfort
Chapter Two: Afraid to look Back
Chapter Three: Feel Powerful
Chapter Four: Closing In
Chapter Five: Coming in Hot!
Chapter Six: A Strong Return.
Chapter Seven: The Truth
Chapter Eight: He, of Another World
Chapter Nine: The Roots of a family
Chapter Ten: Down memory lane
Chapter Eleven: Take me Home
Chapter Twelve: Decisions
Chapter Thirteen: Valkyrie

Prologue: The New World

3K 66 27
By Moises12w3

3rd POV:

Two and a half months had passed since Beacon fell and the world witnessed the horrors of it, Atlas had lost the people's trust, Grimm activity had risen, nobody could make contact with Vale due to the CCT being down, the world was entering a new dawn as new and old enemies were gathering.

Meanwhile in an unknown, dark, Grimm inhabited place.

Emerald and Mercury were looking out wide eyed at the dark hell-like scenery, seeing Grimm of all kinds coming out of black liquid like pools on the ground, as Cinder, who was sitting at a long table snapped for for them to stand next to her, which they did.

??: "Yes, yes, please keep your...posse in check." Some guy with a mustache said who sat in front of Cinder.

Mercury clenched his fist as he was about to try to do something but emerald kept him from doing anything.

Mustache guy: "You hear that? Silence I have half the mind to thank the little girl who bested you." He said in a mocking tone.

??: "If I were you, I'd hunt her down, Find her and well...she took your eye, didn't she?" Some creepy guy with a ponytail said as he started laughing muniacly.

Cinder only glared at him as she tried to say something but struggled to say anything at all, she turned to Emerald who spoke for her.

Mustache guy: "Pathetic, why do you even-" He wasn't able to finish what he was trying to say because a huge wooden door was unlocked and then opened wide as SHE walked in.

A lady who looked like a humamoid Grimm, everyone stood up from their seats as she walked up and then stopped in front of a throne.

Grimm lady: "Watts..Do you find such maligance necessary?" She asked the mustache guy as she rose her hand and motioned them to sit as they all did so.

Watts: "I Apologize, ma'am, I'm not particularly fond of failure." He said directing it to Cinder as the Grimm lady sat on the biggest chair at the table.

Grimm lady: "Then I see no reason for your cruelty against young Cinder; she's become our Fall Maiden, destroyed Beacon tower..and most importantly, she killed dear Ozpin, so I'm curious, to what "failures" are you referring to?" She asked.

Watts: "Well...the girl with the silver eyes." He said.

??: "Yes...we've dealt with her kind before, how is it a novice was able to best one of us?" A big guy asked sitting next to Watts.

Watts: "My thoughts exactly, even without her new powers it should have been effortless." He said.

Grimm lady: "It is BECAUSE of the Maiden's power...Make No mistake Cinder, you hold the key to our victory, but your newfound power brings with it a crippling weakness, which is why you'll remain by my side  as we continue your treatment." She said much to Cinder's dislike.

Grimm lady: "Doctor Watts, your to take Cinder's place and meet with our informant at Mistral." She ordered.

Watts: "Very good." He said.

Grimm lady: "Tyrian, I want you to continue your hunt for the Spring Maiden." She said to the ponytail guy.

Tyrian: "Hehehe Gladly." He said.

Grimm lady: "And Hazel...I'm sending you to the leader of the White Fang, Adam Taurus has arranged the meeting, the boy continues to prove loyal, ensure that Sienna Khan feels the same way." She said to the big guy.

Hazel: "As you wish." He said as Cinder motioned Emerald to say something for her as she whispered to her ear.

Grimm lady: "Speak, child."

Emerald: "She wants to know...what about the girl?" Emerald said speaking about Ruby.

Watts: "Tsk! What about her? Seems to me that's more Cinder's problem, than ours." He said as she slammed her fist on the table and glared at him as he smirked.

Grimm lady: "Thats enough." She said raising her hand.

Grimm lady: "Tyrian?" She called to him.

Tyrian: "Yes, my lady?" He asked smiling creepily.

Grimm lady: "Spring can wait, Find the girl who did this to Cinder." She ordered as he got excited and started clapping.

Grimm lady: "..And bring her to me." She ordered killing his mood a bit.

Watts: "I do have a question." He said.

Grimm lady: "Speak." She said.

Watts: "Whatever happened to that young man she faced back at Beacon, what was his name...Valkyrie?" He said as Emerald, Mercury, and Cinder all gave frowns.

Mercury raised his hand as the Grimm lady motioned him to speak.

Mercury: "That piece of shit is where he deserves to be... in the ground." He said.

Grimm lady: "Is that a fact?" She asked.

Emerald: "Of course, Cinder took care of him like she did Ozpin." Emerald said smirking.

Grimm lady: "Is this true?" The Grimm lady asked Cinder herself as she nodded.

Hazel: "Good...If he was able to fight Cinder with the Fall Maiden's power, then no doubt he would have been a greater threat later." He said.

Grimm lady: "Indeed...but his power wasn't like any other I've seen before." She said as everyone looked at her surprise.

Watts: "What do you mean ma'am? Surely his power wasn't that great." He said as she stood up from her chair and looked out a window.

Grimm lady: "I've lived for many many years, and I've seen fear in the eyes of everyone who's ever seen me in the flesh, and in my whole lifetime I've seen many act and talk bravely, but as soon as they saw me, they'd tremble in fear, but only two people have looked me in the eyes and shown no sign of fear." She said.

Grimm lady: "One being that damned Ozpin and the other...was an old man who dressed very peculiar and slaughtered many and I mean many of my Grimm." She said as everyone was now interested in knowing who the old man was.

Grimm lady: "When I, myself confronted him, he did nothing but talk to me, he told me that his time in Remnant was up and that he was going to die any second but before he passed on he told me something that made me feel...a certain way." She said.

Tyrian: "What did he say my lady?" He asked as she hesitated to answer.


The Grimm lady walked up a hill on grassy plains as she reached the top she saw a beautiful landscape.

At the edge of a cliff stood a single Cabin house all by it's lonesome, she walked towards it accompanied by an army of Grimm behind her, but as she got closer that Grimm stopped and stood in place whimpering and trembling in...fear, she decided to continue without her Grimm until a starangly dressed old man with an eye patch walked out of the Cabin holding a spear, much to the Grimm lady's surprise as she stopped in front of the Cabin.

Old man: "I take it your here to try and kill me." He said looking unamused.

Grimm lady: "Clearly you do not know who I am." She said smirking.

Old man: "Should I?" He said.

Grimm lady: "I am Salem, the Goddess of the Grimm!" She said loud and proudly as behind her Grimm started howling and growling, as a show of intimidation.

The old man still had an unamused face as he slightly lifted his Spear and tapped it on the ground of his Cabin and as soon as he did that a loud *Ding* was heard as it silenced the Grimm entirely.

Old man: "Why are you here?" He asked.

Salem: "Out of curiosity, you see I've sent many, many Grimm through here and none have made it out of this area, and Grimm even avoid this place as you can see for yourself." She said motioning her Grimm who were a bit of a distance from the Cabin.

Salem: "So naturally as the Goddess of my Grimm, I just had to see personally what it was that made this place so...avoidable for my Grimm." She said.

Old man: "I see, well you've wasted your time coming here, I'm going to die in a few minutes but before I go I wanted to have a proper talk with the would-be-Goddess." He said as he sat down and used his Spear as support.

Salem: "How bout I put you out of your misery instead." She said as she summoned two swords from out of nowhere.

Old man: "I see...so quick to violence, you remind of someone." He said as she looked at him confused.

Salem: "Do I?" She said as she was going to walk closer to him but she suddenly stopped.

Salem: "Are you not going to do anything?" She asked him.

Old man: "No, cuz even if you kill me, here and now, I assure you, many many years from now you'll share a similar fate as many slain by your Grimm." He said.

Salem: "How so?" She asked.

Old man: "I am an old lightning bolt, I've struck in many places and I've caused and left destruction in my wake, and though many could say I was and am a destroyer, I've chosen to be a destroyer who saves lives, but nothing last forever so, many, many years from now there will be some one who will take my place, someone who will fight the battles no one else can, someone... who will stand against you and all your monstrosities, weapon in hand and looking you straight in the eyes as they scream:
"I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! AND AS LONG AS THERE IS LIFE IN ME, I'LL NEVER ALLOW YOU TO CLAIM VICTORY!" the Old man said as suddenly his hand started glowing a gold color as it disintegrated in golden flakes.

Old man: "So it's time..." He said as he smiled and suddenly he disintegrated into golden flakes and the wind blew them away.


Watts: "I see..." He said as everyone was silent after hearing that.

Salem: "Let's not dwell on it, to much has already been done for us to be thinking badly, after all because of your efforts Beacon has fallen...and Haven will be next." She said smirking as everyone got up to leave, Tyrian suddenly got Cinder's attention.

Tyrian: "Eye for an eye." He said as he started laughing muniacly again only more worst which pissed Cinder off.

Meanwhile else where a young boy woke up from a dream in a panic, he looked around and noticed it was very early in the morning, he got up from his bed and walked out of a door which was in a barn, he walked to the front and opened the barns doors wide open as the sun came up.

Just who was this young farmer boy?

Meanwhile in a forest two close Friends were having an argument.

Nora: "I'm just saying there's more members of team JNPR than team RWBY, it just makes sense to go with that one!" She explained.

Ren: "But "Junior" isn't a color." Ren argued about choosing a new team name, rocking new looks and outfits.

Nora: "Ugh!! How can I be more clear!" She said as she comically  brought up the letters JNRR (Junior) up.

Nora: "One...Two..Three! That's more than one!" She explained.

Ren: "But we're helping Ruby with her objective, doesn't that make her the leader?" He asked also bring up the letters only his were arranged differently: RNJR (Ranger).

Jaune: "Guys...we need to focus." He said hiding behind a fallen tree, he looked the same no new outfit or look (yet!)

Jaune: "Also JNRR (Junior) is way cooler." He said with a smile.

Nora: "EXACTLY!" She said.

Ren: "Heh...if (Y/n) was here he'd say you just chose that name cuz your letter is first." He said as for a second they all stood in silence and then all of them started laughing together.

Nora: "My lil bro would definitely say something like that hehe." She said giggling.

Ren: "I really miss him..." Ren said as Nora and Janue stared at him.

Nora: "Me too, but we know how (Y/n) is, he's stronger than both of us, and since I'm his sister I know he's okay, he's always found a way back to us." She said putting her hand on Ren's shoulder.

Ren: "I know...its just..we all know he blames himself for what happened at Beacon...and even the strongest people can be broken, I just hope...I just hope he overcomes the pain and comes back to us..." He said sadly.

Jaune: "He will.." Jaune said walking up to Ren and putting his hand on Ren's other shoulder.

Jaune: "We all know how he is, he cares about all of us, and I know he will come back to us, he has to." Jaune said giving a weak smile, suddenly loud rumbling was heard as Jaune walked back to the fallen tree.

Jaune: "Its here." He said as suddenly Ruby, who was also wearing a new outfit.

Jumped out of a tree, off a cliff and shooting back at something while falling in midair, and then the "something" came out bursting through the forest.

As it fell off the cliff so was Ruby who fell down hitting a few branches down.

Ruby: "BAD LANDING STRATEGY!!" She said as she landed good on a branch and the Geist (that's what it is called) started destroying trees that Ruby was on.

Jaune: "Let's get that thing off her!" Jaune said as he ran to try to get it's attention, Ren jumped up onto a tree like a ninja.

Nora: "Don't forget meeee! Whoo! Hahaha!" She said as she pointed her grenade launcher downward to the floor and shot herself up to the tree next to Ren.

Ren: "We need to draw it's attention away from Ruby!" He said as Ruby passes by them with her semblance.

Ruby: "Could use some help!!" She shouted shooting the Geist, Ren jumped from tree to tree shooting it while Nora used her grenade launcher and shot explosive rounds at it, the Geist turned it's attention to Ren as it tries to punch him, Ren being fast dodged it and ran up it's arm as he jumped in the air and did a spin attack using the blade part of his StormFlower, which had no affect on the Geist due to its rock hard body.

Jaune: "We have to get in closer!" Juane shouted as Ren landed next to him.

Ren: "My blades don't hurt him!" He said as the Geist turned it's attention to them.

Nora: "Crap."

Ruby: "How about this!!" Ruby shouted as she loaded Lightning dust ammo and shot at its arm which also didn't have an effect to it, the Geist punched the ground creating a small shockwave sending them all flying back as they all landed on their feet except for Juane who landed on a big root hurting his baby makers.

Jaune: "you'll be Fine without a weapon! Your the strategist!!" He said sarcasticly.

Nora: "Thats it!! Time to do this the Valkyrie way!!" She said as she ran and threw her Magnhild in grenade launcher mode up in the air as it transformed into its hammer form, she grabbed it and jumped in the air as the Geist went to punch her but she smashed it's arm, however the rocks that shuddered reformed as it threw a boulder at Nora to which Ruby jumped in and sliced it, as the Geist punched the ground creating a smaller shockwaves that sent rocks flying towards Jaune who managed to dodge them all except one that got his face sending him crashing into a tree.

The Geist started attacking Nora more as it stopped and faced Jaune, the Geist's Grimm arm shot out of its body as it suddenly possessed a tree for an arm and started attacking Jaune.

Jaune: "Its arm is a tree! HIS ARM IS A TREE!!" He said freaking out and running away.

Ruby: "Big mistake!!" She said as she took out and loaded fire dust rounds into Crescent Rose and shot at its tree arm which caught on fire, however it was using it's burning tree arm to attack.

Jaune: "BIG MISTAKE!!" He shouted running away even faster however Jaune tripped and the Geist was going to attack but suddenly Ren threw one of his StormFlower like a boomerang hitting the Geist on its face as it fell to the ground.

Jaune: "Okay how do we do this?"
He thought out loud.

Ren: "His body is too thick to break through." He added.

Jaune: "It doesn't care about it's body." He said.

Nora: "Plus it keeps adding new limbs!" She shouted in.

Jaune: "But it's protecting it's face..." He thought.

Ruby: "We can't break it!" Ruby said.

Jaune: "Uh..If we knock out all it's limbs out at once then we can use the...! Guys I got it!" He said turning to them as the Geist got up.

Jaune: "We hit it...harder!" He said.

Ren: "Is that it?" He asked.

Jaune: "No seriously it's trying to protect its face so if we kill all the limbs then we have a shot to kill the whole thing!" He explained.

Ruby: "Alright...Alright lets go team! Let's do this!" She said.

Nora: "Yeah!"

Ren: "Right!"

Jaune: "Ren right!" He order as Ren jumped away.

Jaune: "Ruby left!" He ordered as she jumped away.

Jaune: "Nora you ready to try the new upgrade?" He asked as she smirked and nodded and ran off.

Jaune: "Right! And I will agh-!" He couldn't finished as he was being attacked by the Geist, Ruby and Ren started attacking it as best they could while Nora was charging up her hammer with pink electricity.

Nora: "Ready!!" She said as Ruby flew back behind her.

Jaune: "HIT IT WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!!" He shouted as Ruby used her Semblance and fused with Nora to do a ultimate team attack as they the Geist tried to block the hit Nora smashed it with her electrical fused hammer which destroyed the Geist's body, the Geist flew out of the boulder it possessed and tried to get away as Ruby aimed and scoped it in the head (BOOM!! HEADSHOT!!).

Jaune: "Another victory for team JNRR!" He said out loud but then thought about how it sounded.

Jaune: "Alright Yeah you know Ren I think your on to something, it's..it's just not sounding great anymore." He said liking team RNJR better now, they walked back to a village as the mayor was waiting for them.

Mayor: "We truly can't thank you enough." He said shaking Ruby's hand.

Ruby: "Just doing our job sir!" She said giving a salute.

Mayor: "That Geist has been plaguing our village for weeks, we were bargaining to wonder if we would have to relocate." He said.

Ruby: "Well we are on our way to Mistral...you could always come with us if you don't feel safe!" She suggested.

Mayor: "Heh..i take it you are not from These parts, Anima is a large continent, I'm afraid our people will never survive the long terk to Mistral, it may be safer in the kingdoms but we prefer our way of life, I just wish we could pay you more." He said sadly.

Ren: "Our previous arrangement is more than sufficient." He said as they bowed to the Mayor and left to pick up Jaune's new armor and upgraded sword and Shield.

Blacksmith: "There you go son! It's going to be heavier than your used to but, you'll thank me the next time you go up against a pair of claws." He said putting Jaune's new armor in the counter.

Jaune: "Wow...I..dont know what to say." He said.

Blacksmith: "You don't have to say anything just put it on! I'll go get the rest." He said leaving.

Nora: "So what are you waiting for?!" She said as she slapped him in the back pushing him toward his new armor.

Jaune: "I guess...i was going to grow out of it eventually." He said putting his old armor down next to the new one.

Ren: "A sign of progress." Ren said.

Jaune: "Yeah..progress, but you know  (Y/n) really liked my armor, he said the white scheme went with me, he said it made me look like a white knight." He said sounding proud as he turned around and Ruby gasped and then started snickering.

Jaune: "Wha...What is it?!" He asked.

Ruby: "What is that!?!" She said pointing to his hoodie which had a bunny' s head on it.

Jaune: "What my hoodie? I've always  had this!" He said confused.

Ruby: *Snickering* "IT'S GOT A CUTE LITTLE BUNNY ON IT!!" She said.

She started laughing at him.

Jaune: "Its Pumpkin Pete! You know from the cereal!!" He said as she just started laughing harder and louder.

Ruby: "What do you do?! Send in a box top for a prize!?" She asked.

Jaune: "Yeah! 50!!" He said as she just laughed even harder as her head got cartoonishly big and fell to the floor laughing.

Ren: "Well I guess we don't have to out grow everything." He said as Ruby started laughing again as the Blacksmith walked in and showed of the new and improved sword and shield of Jaune's.

Blacksmith: "Can't have a Huntsmen without his weapon!" He said as he set it down in front of the counter and showed it off the them.

Blacksmith: "Made all the modifications you asked for." He said.

Blacksmith: "That was some fine metal you brought me, accents nice with the white, where'd you get it from?" He asked as it showed at the tip of the shield Pyrrah's Crown on it.

Jaune: "From a friend." He said as the rest of the team went outside to wait for him and he came out looking upgraded.

Blacksmith: "he cleans up alright  doesn't it?" He asked as Jaune walked up next to his friends.

Ren: "He certainly does." Ren said.

Nora: "I still think a grenade launcher would've really brought the look together." She added.

Ruby: "Nothing's going to stop team RNJR now!" She said pumped.

Nora: "Team JNRR!" She said.

Ren: "Still not a color." He added

Jaune: "It doesn't matter what we're called as long as we're together." He said proudly.

Blacksmith: "You kids sure you won't stick around? You been real good to this town." He said.

Ruby: "Sorry we got another mission already." She said.

Nora: "Make it to Haven Academy!! No matter what!" Nora said excitedly.

Ren: "We heard the next town has a working airship." He said.

Blacksmith: "Wouldn't know for sure, Scroll signals were bad enough out here when the tower was still up, haven't heard from Shion village for a while." He said.

Ruby: "Only one way to find out!" She said as they walked off.

Jaune: "Alright! Food?"

Nora: "Check!"

Jaune: "Water?"

Nora: "Check!"

Jaune: "Ammo?"

Nora: "Lock and loaded, thank you  Schnee Dust Company!" She said.

Jaune: "Got the Map?" He asked.

Nora: "Uh...Ren's Got it!" She said.

Ren: "No I don't you have it." He said.

Nora: "Wait...what?" She asked.

Jaune: "Guys please tell me your joking..Guys? Guys! Guys..." He said.

Ruby: "Hehe nope." She said as she looked up to the sky and thought to herself.

Ruby(Thoughts): "I hope my team is okay...especially...you, (Y/n).

(Meanwhile in Atlas at the Schnee Residence) Weiss' POV:

I was sitting in my room, seeing Atlas airships passing by thinking, about everything that happened; Beacon's fall, Penny and Pyrrah's death, Yang losing her arm, and...(Y/n).

Resentment grew inside me when I witnessed my father slap (Y/n) in the face when came to pick me up, my father had found out about Me and (Y/n) basically being together and he just came up to him only to slap him not even thinking what (Y/n) had gone through, and the thing that got me by surprise is (Y/n) didn't say or do anything back to him, he just took the slap like it was nothing, and the look in his eyes...it Made me want to cry...He was broken completely, I want to see him and give him a hug, he looked like he needed all the love in the world to heal his heart, and I wanted to give it to him, but then my father took me away, I hope their all okay...I hope he's okay, I suddenly heard a knock.

Weiss: "Yes?" I said as someone came in, it was Klein. My favorite person at home.

Klein: "Pardon the interruption miss Schnee but your father wishes to speak with you." He said.

Weiss: "Thank you Klein." I said as I got up and left my room.

(Meanwhile 20 minutes after team RNJR left the town they helped.)

Two black hooded figures entered in the Blacksmith's shop.

Blacksmith: "May I help you?" He asked as one of the figures looked over and saw a certain chest armor on the counter.

??: "That armor who's is it?" The figure asked.

Blacksmith: "Oh This, well it belongs to a young Huntsmen with a team of three others, they helped stop a Geist that's been terrorizing our town, they were here 20 minutes ago actually, they were damn good kids, truly they'll be the best Huntsmen and Huntresses." He said smiling patting the armor proudly.

??: "I bet, by the way the group, there's a ginger haired girl who wears pink, a blacked haired fellow with a magenta streak, and a short girl with a red hood right?" The figured asked.

Blacksmith: "Who's asking?" He asked.

??: "And this armor belongs to a blonde haired guy with a shield and sword?" He asked.

Blacksmith: "Y-Yes... who are you? How do you know them?" He asked with a look of suspicion.

??: "I'd like to buy that armor piece and I'd also like it if you can modify it with this metal for me, please and thank you." The figure said as he took out three blackish orb and a Lien card and handed them to the Blacksmith who saw the figures right arm was covered with a bandages.

??: And to answer your question, Let's just say..." The figure said as he lifted his hood off.

(Y/n): "We're Family." (Y/n) said smiling.

Blacksmith: "Really? To who?" He asked.

(Y/n): "The ginger haired girl, she's my older sister." He said smiling as the other hooded figure grabbed (Y/n)'s shoulder.

??: "Let's not waste time, we need to catch up to them." The female hooded figure said in a serious tone.

Blacksmith: "Easy little lady, just making conversation, why so in a hurry?" He asked as he picked up Janue's old armor piece and started doing his magic.

(Y/n): "He's right, there's no need for us to rush." He said with a smile.

??: "Dont be stupid, you Remeber what they told you." She said crossing her arms.

Blacksmith: "Sheesh that in a hurry I see, but why?" He said doing his thing as the female figure took off her hood.

(Btw I don't know who this anime girl is but that how the person looks.)

Revealing a green haired Faunus girl, She put her hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

Faunus girl: "Let's just say: The New world is going to need (Y/n) Valkyrie." She said as (Y/n) nervously smiled and waved.

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