We Are Not Your Ordinary Fami...

By bee-exe

15.2K 145 131

re-writing this bitch๐Ÿ˜Œโ€ผ More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Oct 23 Is Keefs Birthday
Chapter 8
I Actually Got Tagged!๐Ÿ‘Œ
A/N srry
not an update. srry
Chapter 10
hey lol๐Ÿ˜ณโœ‹๐Ÿพ

Chapter 9

307 4 9
By bee-exe

The song is based off of Lance's point of view. I changed Allura's secondary gender to alpha so this chapter can be more interesting. Slight NSFW.

The group of friends had been searching for Keith and Allura for about two hours.

"Lance, why don't we call Nico to shadow travel to Keith and Allura?" Magnus asked the stressed son of Poseidon.

"Nico is in a heat. Meaning that he can't do much if he's lust ridden. Plus, it's like he's high when he's in a heat. And Keith starts his heat in two days." Lance explained.

"Can't we at least call Will and see if we can use him to find him. Or call on a god for help?" Pidge asked. "Apollo will probably give us some guidance since he gives him monthly offerings."

"Do you really think he will do that?" Lance asked desperately.

"Probably. I don't know." Pidge said.

"What did the girl say in your dream?" Alex asked.

"She said something about Lotor dong something bad, and she needed to tell 'Llura and Keith. She sounded like a good guy." Lance said trying not to freak out. "Guys what's today?" Lance asked all of a sudden.

"Saturday, why?" Matt said.

"No what' the date? Keith's mom is flight is coming in a 9pm tonight. If he doesn't go to the airport to go pick her up, she'll think something is up." Lance said hyperventilating. His anxiety was going through the roof right now.

"Lance breath. Your going to have a panic attack if you keep doing that." Shiro said.

His breathing steadied. Keith's mom Krolia has been in the Army for all of Keith's life and right now she's somewhere in Asia posing as a spy for this enemy called the Galra.

"I'm calling Hazel." Lance said. he grabbed his phone from the couch, turned it on and dialed Hazels number.

"Hello?" he heard Hazel ask.

"Hey can you come over like now. It's very important. Keith and Allura is missing." Lance explained quickly.

"I'm on my way." she said.

In less than thirty seconds Hazel and Frank were standing in front of the kitchen counter.

"Okay, I'm going to need someone to explain every thing to me." Hazel trying not to get upset at anyone.

Lance explained everything from the dreams to Allura and Keith being missing.

"All right then. Shiro and Lance hold my hands." the brown haired omega said.

They grabbed her hand then everything went black.

~Keith P.O.V.~

Keith has been sitting inside of this cage for about two hours. He could feel his heat coming, and it was really close. Keith was laying on his back with out a shirt. He was panting like a dog out on a hot summer day.

"Allura?" Keith said hoarsely.

"Keith please don't speak. I can't handle it. Your in a heat and it's driving me crazy." Allura said.

"I can't believe this I'm stuck here when me and Lance could be preparing for my heat. When I see this bitch I'm gonn- Ah!" Keith moaned out loud. His heat was kicking in at this point.

"Keith try to be very quiet." Allura said.

All Keith could do was hum in response.

"Hello." a girl with blond hair and periwinkle eyes said. She was wearing a light pink sun dress with white shoes. In her hair she had a baby blue bow.

"Excuse me, why did you kidnap us?" Allura asked.

"Mmmhmmm....f-fuck! Please let me go, I don't know what I did. If I did any thing wrong to you then from the bottom of my heart I'm so, so, so sorry." Keith moaned.

"Are you in a heat?" the girl asked

"Yes, and he needs his alpha." Allura said while covering her nose, so she doesn't inhale any of Keith's smell.

"Allura, don't you remember me?" the girl asked.

"No, you do sound familiar though."

"It's me Romell, from high school back in London" the girl exclaimed.

"What?! Why in the hell did you kidnap us then you idiot?!" Allura yelled.

"H-hey, I-I'm happy for your reunion, b- ah- I still need my alpha." Keith said.

"Okay, well let me call them and let them know where you guys are." Romell chirpped. "Wait, I didn't tell you why I have took you away. Until then you won't be able to leave."

"You mother fucker. Piece of shit. I-I need Lance, or suppressants." Keith cried yelled at the crazy happy girl.

"Oh, I just love it when my prisoners- oops, I meant new friends yells at me." Romell said.

"Romell just tell us what you wanted." Allura pleaded.

"Lance said that someone needed to tell us about Lotor." Keith managed to say. "Oh fuck"

"Yes, I needed to tell you that Lotor has killed my brother. My brother was on his way home from his math club that had ended a five o'clock. My brother was beaten then shot seven times in the chest by Lotor. My brother had gotten killed because he told the counselor that Lotor was bulling his best friend. Lotor is coming for you guys next." Romell explained

"So you had kidnapped us so you could- ah!- tell us that Lotor is a bigger piece of shit! Oh gods!" Keith moaned.

Keith was going through immense pain at the moment. He thinks that his heat started because of him being so sensitive around alphas. I can' stand it any more, I need to release. Keith thought.

H-hey Romell can you take me to your bathroom, p-please?" Keith asked.

"Oh, you must want to release, don't you?" Romell sounded like she was taunting him.

"Please." Keith whispered. He was laying in the cage still without his shirt still. He purposely left his shirt on cause he was going to text Lance his location. (Sounds like a Midoriya move).

"Okay let's go." Romell agreed.

~Lance P.O.V.~

They have been shadow traveling for about two hours. Note even getting close. Lance thinks that he getting farther away from Keith.

Lance felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled the phone out of his pocket.

"IT'S FROM KEITH!" Lance yelled.

"What did he say?" Shiro asked.

"He sent his location. Wait....... HE SENT HIS LOCATION!" Lance yelled once again.

"Hazel take us back to the house. Shiro when we get there we take your car to the house. He sent something else too." Lance said.

"What?" Hazel asked.

"His heat started and he's with Allura."

"Lance are you sure?"

"Yeah, he said to hurry and be careful the person who kidnapped them is psycho."

The three of them shadow traveled to the house into the house Shiro and Lance went into Shiro's car and started driving to the address that

It took about thirty minutes to get to the house. The house look very much abandoned. 

"It looks like the house from the new IT." Shiro said.

"You watched IT without me? We will talk about this later." Lance said.

The two boys walked up to the house. Lance knocked on the door to only hear nothing.

"Ummm.. what are we supposed to do now?" Lance whispered

"We ring the doorbell." Shiro said.

"Okay then." Lance ringed the doorbell. 

About five minutes later a girl with blond hair had opened the door. "Hello?"

"Hey I heard that you had some guest here and we know them, so if you would give them back to us very nicely we will not have any problems." Lance said as gently as he could. Then he smelt something very sweet, and sour. "Keith." Lance whispered.

"What was that hon?" the girl asked.

"Keith, I-I smell him, he was right." Lance said as he ran into the house.

"Lance get back here you don't know what type of traps she has in there!" Shiro called 

"I don't care! I just need to get Keith." Lance said. He followed the sounds of Keith screaming out in pain.

"Gods of Olympus. Where is he?!" Keith yelled.

"I'm coming babe, just wait a couple of more seconds." Lance called out.

"Lonce?!" Allura called out.

Lance walked in to a big room filled with cages big and small. Keith was in a cage was in a cage on the far left of the room and Allura was on the far right of the room.

"You guys okay?" Lance asked.

"Y-Yeah." Keith managed.

"Okay, Keith wait a minute, I have to get Allura out of here." Lance called out to the smaller boy.

After Lance broke Allura out of the cage, he started to walk towards Keith's cage.

"L-Lance it hurts." Keith cried.

"Its okay babe, I'm working on it right now." Lance tried.

After Lance unlocked the cage door he went inside of the cage. he saw Keith laying on the floor curled up in a ball whimpering from the cramps he has. Lance went over to pick Keith up bridal style.

"Fuck Keith! Your wet as fuck!" Lance whispered.

"Fuckin' ass! I-i'm in a heat!" Keith whimpered.

About thirty minutes later Keith and Lance was upstairs in Keith's room getting Keith ready for his heat.

"Here take this." Lance said while giving Keith a glass of water and a pill.

"Wh-what is it?" Keith managed.

"Birth control, and water." Lance answered.

After Keith took the pill he told Lance that it was going to be in full effect in about thirty minutes.

"So your telling me that I have to give you a blowjob?" Lance asked hoping that there was another way out of this. Most alphas didn't give blow jobs. Lance was begging that he didn't have to give Keith a blowjob.

"O-or y-you could just finger me. At this point I really don't care. I need to release." Keith begged.

Lance went down towards Keith's thighs. Keith had taken off all of his clothing once he had reached his room. He had put Keith's legs upon his shoulders. He took on whiff of Keith's slick, and it was enough to put him in a rut (an alphas version of a heat, but way less painful). He started to lick the slick off of Keith thigh. With every lick it sent tremors through Keith. Lance then put his tongue to Keith's hole and started to hum against it.

"Oh gods yes! R-right there...mhmm..like that." Keith moaned.

"So what if I do this?" Lance asked.

"Do wha- Oh gods. Fuck!" Keith yelled at Lance's tongue inside of his hole. He felt Lance was about to pull out he pushed his head down, "Don't stop p-please, I'm close"

Lance kept doing what he was doing for about thirty minutes, in that amount of time Keith had came about three times.

"Okay, I already prepped you, and it's been thirty minutes. So, I'm gonna go inside okay?" Lance asked.

"O-okay, just hurry." Keith whispered.

Lance positioned himself in front of Keith's hole. Without skipping a beat he Lance put his dick inside of Keith.

"Fuck your so- ah!- big." Keith yelled.

"And your so tight! Still!" Lance argued.

Lance kept thrusting inside of Keith, it was about five minutes until he felt his knot come.

"L-Lance knot me."

~Shatt P.O.V.~

"Why are they so loud?" Matt cringed at the two boys doing what they were they doing.

"You act like we were never like that." Shiro said to his boyfriend. "You were louder than Keith."

"Wow, and to think you like my loud as fuck moans." Matt said sarcastically.

"Can you guys not talk about your sex life in front of me? Plus I don't want to know how loud my own brother is when he's having sex." Pidge said.

"Well you can only hope that you can have sex as good as me and Shiro's." Matt said.

"No. No I cannot." Pidge said. "Hey Hun' when are we going to the movies?"

"Um.... we can go now if you want." Hunk answered.

The couple left Matt and Shiro to do what ever they wanted.

"So we've been dating for awhile now...." Matt said.

"Yeah and we've had sex too." Shiro countered.

"I just wanted to know if we can take a umm..."

"A what?"

"Break." Matt whispered.

"Why? Is it because of Pidge?" Shiro was vaugly calm.

"Yes- no it's because I'm just not ready. I'm still in eleventh grade. Your going to go to collage in a couple of months." Matt stressed. "I just don't want to be that person in school that says they're dating someone, bet seem like they're lying. I like you Shiro, just not love."

Shiro felt like he was being crushed. He wasn't mad. He was simply hurt. "Matt. It's okay. If that's how you feel then so be it. We will take a break." Shiro said quietly.

"Your not saying anything. What's wrong?" Matt asked.

"Oh, nothing really." Shiro answered.

"Are you sure? I don't want to come off as a jerk." Matt prodded.

"I said I was fine. So, just drop it."

Matt had gotten up and grabbed his coat of the coat rack, he then turned to Shiro and said, "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow. Sorry." and with that Matt had left Shiro.

Shiro was sitting quietly downstairs watching the t.v. without any interest until he heard some foot steps going down the stairs.

"Shiro, why are you sitting down here without the lights on? You usually have something on." Allura asked the depressed man.

"Matt left." was all he said.

"Well don't worry he'll be coming back tomorrow." she assured him.

"He left me. He said he wanted a break, because I was going to collage in a couple of months. He also said that he didn't want to be that guy who said that they have a boyfriend but they couldn't prove that they had a boyfriend." Shiro explained.

"Well that is bull crap. Excuse my language." Allura almost yelled.

"Yeah. There's this guy Adam that I work with. We're literally in the same grade, and we're going to UCLA. Maybe I'll call him." 

"You just gotten out of a relationship wait a couple of weeks." Allura scolded.

"Fine, but I'm still going to hang out with him."

~Klance P.O.V.~

"Lance, I'm hungry." Keith rasped. He had lost most his voice due to his heat. The two boys were laying down in Keith's bed watching Netflix 

"What do you want to eat?" Lance asked the smaller boy.

"Take out." he simply said.


 "Chinese." Keith yawned.

"Alright." Lance had then gotten up to grab his phone off the night stand so he could call the Chinese place that was down the street from Keith's house. "What do you want Babe?"

"Egg rolls, rice and chicken." Keith mumered.

"Okay, and I want some chicken teriyaki, some noodles and some sugar donuts." Lance said. He then dialed the number. "Hello?.....Yes I would like some...."

While Lance  was on the phone with some person from the Chinese place, Keith had gotten up so he could take a shower. Smelling like sex was one of Keith's pet peeve's. He hated it, even though his heat was still in action, he had to get him self clean.

"Hey Keith," Shiro greeted.

"Hello," Keith said in a monotone voice.

"What's wrong with you, you seem depressed,"

"I smell like Lance and sex, and one of those is a bad thing. Another reason is because Adam just texted me that there wasn't any spots where me and Lance could perform at the café. Plus my back hurts." Keith complained.

"Wow, anyway can I get Adams number?" Shiro asked.

"What the fuck? No, don't you go to school with him or some thing?" Keith said.

"No, I just want to know if he wants to hang out some time." Shiro said with a slight blush.

"Aren't you dating Matt?" Keith asked clearly uninterested.

"Not any more. He broke up with me about twenty- thirty minutes ago."

"Dude, wait a couple of months. Don't get back into the dating game so quickly. Uggh, your such a dad. You and Jason. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go take a shower." Keith said as he waled away. "If you hear a knock at the door, it will probably be me and Lance's food. Do not eat it."

~30 min.~

"Why isn't the food here yet?" Keith groaned. "And go take a shower."

"One, I don't know, two no. I don't need a shower." Lance said.

"Please, you smell like me and sex. It's horrible." Keith whinned.

"Fine, if the food comes before I come out of the shower, don't eat my donuts." Lance said as he was getting up from Keith's bed.

"Okay." Keith said. he turned over to grab his remote to watch Netflix. It was about ten minutes later when he heard the doorbell. "Shiro can you grab the door?"

After about two minutes he didn't get an answer like he usually does. Keith then got up, with a very much visible limp.

"Shiro, why didn't you get the door, or answer me in that matter?" Keith mumbled to himself.

"Keith, where are you?" Lance called from up stairs.

"Getting our food." Keith called back. Keith walked to the door slowly. "W-who is it?"

"Your food has arrived." a voice called from the other side.

"What food did I order?" Keith said more confidently.

"Umm... Pizza?"  they sounded like they were guessing. 

Keith wen closer to find that Jason, Percy and Nico, or the big three you might say was saying. "Oh thank gods." Keith then opened the door to let them in.

"Why does it smell like pheromones in here." Percy said as he was walking inside the house.

"Because I'm in a heat, and Lance is helping me with it. And what compelled you guys to say 'Your food has arrived'?" Keith asked very irritated.

"I don't know." Jason answered "Well then what did you order?"


"Keith your Korean." Nico said.

"Just because you said that you are now on my shit-list." Keith huffed

"What, I just thought you might want some Korean food." Nico implied.

"Yo, Percy did you bring it?" Lance yelled from the top of the stairs as he was walking down.

"Heck yeah!" Percy said from the living room

"What did he bring exactly?" Keith asked Jason.

"A game cube. Percy went to seven pawn shops to find a game cube with games." Jason answered.

"Did you say a game cube?" Keith said bouncing with excitement. He ran into the living roo, which made him look like he was speed limping.

"Woah babe slow down." Lance said trailing behind the smaller boy.

"You don't understand, mom and I love the game cube. We love 007. That was the shit." Keith said facing the tv screen.

When Keith heard a small knock at the door, he was about to get up so he could answer it but his boyfriend told him to sit down.

"Yes, our food."Keith said bouncing with excitement.

"The sad part is that it's cold. That bitch." Lance said.

"Oh don't get so angry." Keith said.

"I'd rather my food hot than cold." Lance said while he was in the kithchen heating up his food.

Keith all of a sudden felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He rushed upstairs to his room. "Why the fuck do we needs these things?!" Keith yelled into his pillow.

Keith heard a knock on his door.

"Babe, you okay?" Lance asked on the other side of the door.

"No. I need you. Like right now. P- please." Keith said.


After the boys did what they needed to do. Keith lied in bed sleeping peacefully.

I've never actually seen him sleeping. He actually looks happy.

"Keith, I'm going to go downstair. If you need me call for me okay?" Lance whispered.

"Okay." Keith said half awake.

Late ik. I get distracted easily. I have ADHD so u have to bear with me. If i dont post a chapter it's either i'm busy or i got severely distracted. Srry. I'm also working on the KatsuDeku right after this.

And thank u keith-the-emo for being so supportive. Love u😘😘

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