The Blending of The Blackbour...

By wraithprincess

181K 7.8K 341

*** Disclaimer I don't own the Cl Stone Academy * * *Pure Fan fiction **Spin Off of Healing in the Arms of Th... More



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By wraithprincess

As I am talking to Uncle Kota I cant help but feel eyes on me the whole time but when I glance around I don't see anyone staring at me but I do catch Kota giving someone the look but I don't see who it's directed too.

" Where's My Harper Baby  we have a Hot Dates tonight "
I let out a laugh Melody she is a nut
" Not too Hot or do we need to Send Grey and Jacks with you both " Papa Brandon said with a grin
" No Papa " I yell because I know he's serious and will send them
" Oh Brandon leave your Daughter alone she will be fine it's not like she can't kick any boys ass with all the training Raven has given her " Mama Said
" Da my Little Harper knows how to kick ass " Papa Raven says

" Melody see what you started " I say to her as I hug her tight

She lets out a laugh at the commotion she caused

The two of us head to the table for food and fill our plates then find a secluded place to talk which is kinda Hard with all these people .
But we do find a place away from everyone we drag chairs to sit in

Once settled we talk about tonight's party which is at Dustin's house now let me describe him He's 5"10 jet black hair that's kept short but enough to run your fingers through , Rich Brown Eyes , He has muscles and works out He's good looking but nothing like Sammy
Dustin is also know to use girls for his pleasure and then dump them from what Sammy said a few weeks ago when I over hear him tell Grey that I should be kept away from Dustin

We discussed The Who's gonna be the Sober one to which I say I'll be the DD but I get one Drink when we first get there and no mixed one .

The rest of the Afternoon we played games with the all the younger kids and some of the Adults played too .
We did a round of Karaoke okay several rounds and laughed so much .

" Harper , your phone is Making a lot of noise"Melody said as she hands me my phone

I look at the text message and groan loudly
" What's Wrong" Melody Asked
" Oh just jerkface is texting me again " I say trying to be quiet about it since I didn't want my family to know
" God you would think since Grey went after him he would stay away " Melody said
" Ha you would think but obviously not " I replied as I walked away

" Uncle Owen " I said as I came up to him and Uncle Sean
" Yes Ms Harper"
" Can I talk to you Just you No offense Uncle Sean"
" None Taken Harper I shall leave you two I'll go find My Pookie "
Sean left us

" Uncle Owen I don't know if Mama or my Papas or Daddies told you about a guy that I dated for awhile " have
" You mean the one that hit you "
" Yes the one and only Yes "
" Yeah they did why " he asked
" Well he just texted me "
" Hand me your phone " he said
I do so with out hesitation , he walked away over to Uncle Kota and whispered in his ear then my phone and Uncle Kota disappear
Owen comes back over to me
" Kota is going to download an app so that if he texts you again it will send a copy of the text to his phone and mine for now but Don't respond to him at all Okay "
" Yes Uncle Owen I won't "
" If he shows up at the Party tonight just text one of us and we will come get you " Owen says
" I don't think he would but I will Uncle Owen thank you " I say as I hug him
He kissed my head and told me to go have fun .
The one of the things my parents taught us kids is that if we don't feel comfortable talking to them we can always talk to the Blackbourne family about anything and the same goes for them and at times it's easier for me to talk to Uncle Owen or Uncle Kota than my parents

After my talk with Uncle Owen I went to find Melody she had gone in the house when I came in Mikey said she went up to Morgan's room
I go on up to Morgan's room I can hear him talking
Standing in the Door frame for a moment before Mason noticed before Morgan
" What's Up Jellybean " Mason says with a smirk
" Why do you call me Jellybean " I asked
" Don't know it's just a nickname " Mason responded
" So y'all headed over to Dustin's for the party" Morgan Asked
" Yep " Both Melody and I replied
" So do you either of you have the hots for him" Mason asked
" Nope" Melody answered
" What about you Harper" Mason Asked
" I think he's cute " I say honestly
"What " Mason responded
" I thought you have thing for Sammy " Morgan Said
" Look we both know that he isn't interested in me so " I say
There was a slamming of a door that made all of us jump
" What the hell was that " Melody asked
" Don't know " Mason said as he looked out the door down the hallways

We sat around and talked more up until we left for the party .We went down to leave and I made sure I gave hugs and kisses to my parents .
When I was about to leave I got another text from Jerkface ... Oh wait you don't know his name it's Todd Sullivan he's a real jerk not just because he hit me but he because he is a controlling freak in the worst way too let's put it this way Papa Raven had to pull his I'm Professional Russian routine on him and that's enough to scare anyone
I saw Uncle Owen and Uncle Kota look at their phones too I just rolled my eyes at The Text  which said

Hey Sexy Harper you know I didn't mean to hurt you Babe let's meet up and hang out

I walked over to Uncle Owen before I went to leave
" Don't respond to him Harper , We will asses the situation and come up with an idea so don't worry about him " Owen said with a small smile
" thank you Uncle Owen and I know you will " I say

Melody & I left and headed to the party when we arrived it was already crowded which is no surprise for a Dustin Party
I parked down the street and we walked the block to his house .
People were outside on the front lawn the Front door was wide open with people spilling out of it onto the Porch .
Melody led the way through the sea of people
Finally reaching the backyard which wasn't as crowded as the rest of the place

Melody grabbed a beer for her and I , even though I typically don't drink beer but I do on occasion. I prefer fruity drinks or wine or fireball shots yum
I crack open the beer and take a big sip and about spit it out when I see Todd come in
" Fuck the Fuck " I said
" What " Melody Asked
" Asshole is here and he hasn't spotted me yet " I say as I duck behind Melody not that she can hide me she is a damn toothpick not really it's just she is skinny tall and plain gorgeous basically a model .
I felt an arm come around my shoulder so I turned and looked up
" Don't worry Doll he's not going to bother you"
" Dustin "
" Yes Ma'am at your service " he says with a smile
Todd saw me and our eyes locked for a second before he turns his head back to the girl that is hanging on his arm .

I spent much of the night with Dustin having a great time talking and hanging out
When I glanced at my phone I see that it's already 1 am and I need to be home by 2:30 am so I don't get into trouble.
I go in search of Melody I knew she went inside with Marcus but haven't see her come out but we had been texting each other to make sure each other is okay

Dustin leads the way in , we have to step over people that are passed out on the ground to make it inside.
I look around to see if Melody is downstairs , of course she isn't.
" Dustin How many rooms are upstairs " I asked as I am climbing the stairs
" Only 6 bedrooms two offices and library " he responds
" Great, How about we split them you take the right side I take the left side "
" Alright "

On the third door I open it to see a couple having sex . Oh my eyes
I get to the What I am going to assume is an office I open it and no Melody so I texted her
She replies I'm downstairs in the media room
Well then I think to myself
I turn to go out the room and there stood Todd

" Can't Run from me now " he says as he steps. Closer
" Look Todd I told you it's over between us so just leave me alone or " he cut me off with his hand across my mouth
I went to push him away he grabbed my arm and twisted around behind my back pushing me to lean over the desk
" Man What I would love to do to you right now " he says as his face is next to mine I feel his beer breath on my neck it sends a cold chill down my spine and not the good kind

" Let her go Todd "

" Why should I " Todd answered

" Because if you don't I'll beat your ass"

Todd shoved me into the desk more before letting me go and walking away
I turned around to see Dustin standing there
He walked over to me hugged me tight
" Im Sorry Harper i didn't get here fast enough to protect you " he said
" It's okay Dustin I'm fine "
He pulled back and looked directly at me
" No your not , your shaking like a leaf , Come on let's go find Melody and I will take both of you home "
" I'm fine Dustin really I can drive Melody and Myself home " I tell him trying to convince both of us

He took my hand and we went downstairs to find Melody
As per her text she was in the Media room with Marcus
" Hey Harper"
" Hey Marcus"
" What the hell happened to your arm " Melody Yelled As she got up off the couch
I looked down to see finger prints from the hold Todd had on my arm
" Did he do this " Melody Asked as she pointed at Dustin
" No and it's nothing "
" Bullshit Harper tell me now or I'll call Grey and Jacks "
" Fuck fine When I went to look for you Todd followed me into a room and grabbed me but Dustin stopped him from hurting me so let's not say anything to my two brothers " I say with pleading eyes
" Fine I won't "
" Melody you going to Harper' s house or home tonight " Dustin Asked
" Home why "
" Marcus could you take her home then come to Harper's to pick me up I'm going to drive her home in her Jeep " Dustin Asked
" Sure I can " Marcus said

Five minutes later we left the house and Dustin drove me home he took the long way since it was going to take Marcus a little while to get Melody home

At 2 am Dustin and I were Parked in my driveway waiting for Marcus to arrive . We sat and talked while we waited.
The front Porch light came on shortly after we arrived I saw Daddy Axel in the window looking out then I got a text from him

Daddy Axel
Harper why are you sitting in the Jeep and why is there a guy there too

Long story will tell you directly but not over text and Dustin drove me home , Marcus is coming to get him so we are waiting

Daddy Axel
I want a full report then

I rolled my eyes they have been semi retired from the Academy for 5 yrs and they all still act like that

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