The Music Producer and the Te...

By luv4em26

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Marissa, who just got out of a 3 year relationship bumps into a rather handsome music producer who is a speak... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Bleed bitch, bleed!
Chapter 2: I've been a career (day) asshole
Chapter 3: It's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us
Chapter 4: When I'm with you I get the shakes
Chapter 5: You want an intimate date, I wanna intimidate
Chapter 6: Why did we have to breakup? All I asked for was a glass of punch.
Chapter 8: Now you get to watch him leave out the window...
Chapter 9: I don't think you realize what you mean to me, not the slightest clue
Chapter 10: Maybe you need me
Chapter 11: I'm the light at the end of the tunnel

Chapter 7: I just drank a fifth of vodka, dare me to drive?

389 11 2
By luv4em26

AN: This chapter contains violence. Its also sort of emotional, so you've been warned. I've also been editing as I post, so there should be fewer spelling and grammar mistakes going forward. Thanks for reading :)

"Michael, what do you want?" I asked him again. He looked me right in my eyes, "You." he slurred. He stumbled again, putting his other hand on the door frame to stable himself. "You know that's not an option." I replied. I was scared, so I was trying to be stern, so he would take me seriously. Me and Michael had drunk together once. But he didn't get anywhere as drunk as he is right now. Melissa must have been able to tell I was afraid because at that moment she said "Why don't you just go home? Can't you tell you're not wanted here?". It wasn't often Melissa got angry, but she was angry right now and it was clear she wasn't trying to hide it.

I had never seen Michael's face change so quickly. It went from sad and pitiful, to straight up angry in two seconds flat. He looked right at Melissa and they glared at each other for a few moments. I never knew Michael to be an angry or violent person, so when he pulled out a large knife, needless to say I was shocked. He pulled it without breaking his lock on Melissa. Then he yelled "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" looking at both of us. Melissa wasn't afraid, but I was petrified. She kept an aluminum baseball bat by the door just for something like this. She went to reach for it, but since Michael couldn't see what she was reaching for he swung at her, knocking her onto the floor. She jumped up quick, and charged at him, but instead of returning the blow, she slammed the door in his face. She secured the chain lock and took a deep breath. I began crying and she shook me by my shoulders yelling "no, no, no, we don't have time for you to lose it right now." I knew she was right, so I attempted to take some slow breaths and try to regain my composure.

She headed towards her room to grab her phone when the front door burst open. The only thing I could think, the thing keeping me from losing my cool, was there was no way he would hurt me or Melissa. He knew how important she was to me, there was no way he would ever do something so stupid. So, without any other reasoning running through my head I jumped in front of him. "Michael, please!" I pleaded him, "Stop! You know this isn't who you are!" I scanned his face with my eyes, looking for any sign that the Bruce Banner inside the Hulk that was standing in front of me heard what I was saying. But in a split second, he reared back and punched me in the face. His fist landed on my right cheekbone, where my nose met my cheek. The impact was so much, and so unexpected, that it knocked me backwards onto the couch behind me. All I could do was scream as bright red blood poured from my face onto Marshall's clean white tank top I was still wearing. All I could feel was pain radiating from my nose outward. All I could taste was blood.

Melissa charged towards him again. But before she had a chance to land a single punch, he re-pulled his knife and forcefully stabbed it into her abdomen. At that moment, adrenaline rushed through my body. I ran to her side just in time to catch her as she landed in a heap onto the living room floor. Her shirt began to change color as blood began seeping from her now open wound. Michael immediately sobered up as the realization of what he had just done hit him like a ton of bricks. "I- I-..." he began to say, "YOU STABBED HER!" I yelled over him. "Why would you do that?! Do you honestly think something like this is going to win me back?!" I felt the urge to cry, as tears formed in my eyes and blurred my vision. "You better stay right fucking there." I said to him, "I'm calling the police and your ass is going to jail." He began to cry. I finally looked down to check on Melissa. I'll never know what she was trying to say, but I hushed her. At least she was alert, for the moment. "Stay with me Melissa." I began, "I promise you're going to be ok." I left her side for a few seconds long enough to grab my phone to call 911. I sat down next to her, holding her head in my lap until first responders arrived. I heard sirens before I hung up with the dispatcher.

The cops, of course, arrested Michael. The EMT who loaded Melissa into the ambulance wanted to check my face, I wouldn't let him. "I can't believe he just hit me." I said to the worker. I, of course, had to give a statement to the arresting officer. It sent chills down my spine having to relive everything that had just happened. After I finished with the cop he said to me "Mam', you really need to get to the hospital to get checked out." I nodded. My nose had finally quit pouring blood, but everything hurt, a lot. I waited for everyone to leave and I sat outside on the front porch in disbelief. I was so shocked, I couldn't even form tears. Was this my life?

It was right about this moment my phone rang. I looked down and saw it was Marshall. I had completely forgotten he was wanting to see me today. I answered it, but I didn't say anything because I knew if I did I would burst into tears. "Hello?" he asked after a few seconds. "Marissa? Are you there?". When he said that I began to cry. I tried to hold back, but I was physically unable to. Crying made me need to sniffle, but that hurt so much I would just cough. I was a mess. I was also tasting blood again. "Woah, are you okay? Marissa, calm down." I could tell he was getting worried now. "What's going on? Talk to me, please?" he pleaded. He took a pause for me to respond, but I was still having trouble forming words. Plus, breathing was beginning to become harder. "Okay, I don't know what's going on, but I'm on my way. Are you at home?" he finally said. Somehow, I got out the word 'yes', but don't ask me how. "Stay where you are. I'll be there as fast as I can." he said. I could hear his car door open and close in the background. "I can stay on the phone if it helps until I get there.". He was so sweet. I took as deep of a breath as I could and said "no." but I immediately started to cry again. "Okay, I'm coming, hang on." he said, and he hung up.

I sat in my same spot on the porch. I did not want to go inside, because I knew it was going to be too painful. I spotted the chain to the door lock on the ground by the porch from where Michael busted our door down. He busted our door down. I still couldn't believe this was happening. I tried a few times to quit crying, but the tears just wouldn't stop.

I dried up the crying quickly once I saw Marshall's car coming around the corner. I was unsure how he handled tragedy, but I was about to find out. When he got out of his car, he had a solemn look on his face. I immediately looked down at the ground because I wasn't ready for him to see what I looked like. "What's going on?" he asked me, taking a seat next to me on the step. I kept looking at the ground, but I knew I would have to look at him eventually. I sniffled again, it sent pain rushing through my face. I could feel him intensely staring at me, burning a hole in my face with those wonderful blue eyes. My clothes were covered in blood still. "Marissa?" he asked me again, sounding a little impatient. "What is going on here? Are you ok?" I sighed, "It's been a bad day." I finally responded. "I can tell." he said, "How did you get blood on you?". He put his hand on my thigh. I knew he was trying to calm me down, or at least trying to get me to talk. I sighed and finally looked up at him. "Oh, damn. What happened? Is this your blood?" he asked me. I began to tell him the events of the afternoon. He took a deep breath, I think it was all he could do to keep calm. I was glad he was managing his emotions because I didn't think I could do it for both of us. It was taking all I had in me to keep from crying. "Well," he finally said when I was done talking, "we need to get you to the hospital, so they can check you out." I looked at him, trying my best to keep a straight face, but I was beginning to feel like I was going to cry again. He took my hand and said "It's gonna be okay.". He had a way of making his voice sound so soothing that I almost believed him. He opened his arms and said, "Come here.". I crawled into his strong arms, sitting on his lap and enveloping myself in him. I started to cry again. He did everything I'm sure he could think of to make me feel better. I felt his hands rubbing up and down my back and heard him whisper "it's okay." repeatedly. When I was able to regain control of my waterworks he tapped me on the shoulder. I pulled away from him and he looked me into my eyes and said, "Let's go and get you checked out okay?". I felt worry physically run through me, and before I could say anything in protest he said "I'll go with you and I promise I'll stay with you the whole time. No matter how long it takes.". I attempted to smile, and he helped me to his car.


We were at the hospital for what felt like ever. With every nurse, every doctor or specialist that came into my room I felt more and more drained. It was early evening by this time, and I had had enough of this day. Marshall stayed true to his word and stayed by my side through everything they allowed him to. When I had x-rays taken he had to wait outside. He even walked with me and my medical escort to each test I had to take. My diagnosis was a fractured nose and a cracked cheekbone. I immediately began to worry about my appearance for school, but doctors assured me it would be nothing more than some bruising that hopefully some good makeup would cover. After I was finished it was Marshall's idea to go up and check on Melissa. "I have some errands I want to run before I take you home, so you can go up and visit her and I'll come get you when visiting hours are over." he said. I was sort of scared. I had no idea what I was going to be walking into. Would she be asleep or awake? How much pain would she be in if she was awake? What if she was in a coma or something worse. He read the look on my face almost as well as she would. "I'm sure it isn't as bad as you're thinking of." he said. "If something happens to her..." I trailed off, about to cry for the millionth time today. "Hey," he said, "don't think like that. I'm sure she will be fine." I took a deep breath and made my tears go away. "If you want, I can go up with you." he offered. "Please?" I asked him, "I really don't want to do this alone." We stopped by the info desk and found out where her room was. Then hand in hand we walked up to her room.

Melissa was asleep when I walked in. She looked about as normal as she did before the ambulance took her away. She did have a drain on her right side. As I was examining her a nurse walked in. "Are you Marissa?" the nurse asked me. I nodded. "She has been asking about you ever since she got here." Marshall cleared his throat and I realized I had been squeezing his hand with all my might. I let it go and looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry. "I said softly. He gently kissed my forehead, made sure I was okay, and stepped out of the room. The nurse had been messing on the computer in the room and getting ready to hang some medicine for Melissa's IV. "So, how bad is she?" I finally asked her. "Well, I think the worst of her problems are over." she said. "She had to be taken to emergency surgery to fix some internal damage and to help stop the bleeding. She did lose a good bit of blood, but no amount that can't be replaced. She has been receiving transfusions, and has another one here." she said, holding up a bag of blood. "Unless something drastically changes," the nurse continued, "she should make a complete recovery.". I felt another lump forming in my throat, but I managed to swallow it because I decided I was officially done crying today. "Thanks for answering all my questions." I replied. I took a seat in the chair that was in the room. Melissa stirred. She turned her head towards me, grimacing in pain and opened her eyes. I tried to smile, but with all the pain I was still feeling in my face I'm sure it looked stupid. "You look worse than me." she whispered slowly. I hushed her, and she closed her eyes again, going right back to sleep. "It's been a rough day for her." the nurse said, trying to reassure me. "She saw you, so I'm sure she will get some good rest now." Then I heard the door to her room open. Marshall stuck his head in and said "You almost ready to go? The doctors and nurses passing by are giving me some looks because visiting hours are over." I looked to the nurse who checked her watch. "Wow, they sure are." she said to me. I definitely wasn't ready to go. I found myself not wanting to leave her. "Don't worry," the nurse said, trying to reassure me, "I'll see to it that she is well taken care of. I can see she means a lot to you." I smiled at her and nodded. Marshall came around the corner and took my hand as I stood up to leave. "C'mon," he said to me, "We have a couple of places to go before we go home.". I let him go, walked over to the nurse and shook her hand thanking her. She gave me some more reassurance and Marshall and I left the room.

He kept a steady hold on my hand all the way to his car. Once I got inside of it, I laid my head back on the head rest, staring up at the dull grey celling. "It's kind of late." he began, "You're going to need a few things from your place before we head back to mine." I shot him a look. "I don't wanna go home for anything." I said to him, mater-of-factly. "I wouldn't leave you there or even make you go in alone, but there are things there you're definitely going to need." I knew he was right, but this was not what I wanted to hear right now. I was mentally and emotionally exhausted, I just wanted him to agree with whatever I said and not give me too much protest. "I said I don't want to go home." I repeated, the tone in my voice changing. He looked at me, unsure of what to say next due to the attitude I just gave him. "What should I do for you then Marissa?" he asked me, genuinely unsure. "Just do whatever." I said, rolling my eyes. He looked at me for another minute, I had never shown him this side of me. "Alright." he said. He put the car in gear and pulled out of the parking garage.

I guess I fell asleep on the way because when I woke up I felt his hand on my leg. We had pulled up in front of my apartment, the last place I wanted to be. I felt myself start to get angry. "If you tell me what you want me to grab and where it is, I'll run inside and grab everything for you." he said softly. "No, forget it. I'll do it myself." I said. I got out of the car and started walking to my front door. I think he was just getting ready to say something when I got out, but I have no idea what it was.

I walked inside and realized instantly I had made a mistake. I forgot that I hadn't cleaned up and there was still blood on the floor. As soon as my eyes laid upon it I began to get intense flashbacks. Michael drunk at the door. Melissa yelling at him. Her slamming the door in his face. Him bursting through it. Him punching me in the face. The pain radiating throughout my whole head. Melissa charging him. Her getting stabbed. Falling to the floor.... I fell in a heap in front of the door. I couldn't do this. Why did I think I could? I'm so stubborn. I guess I screamed, because about the time I hit the floor, Marshall appeared behind me. "C'mon, it's ok." he said, helping me up. "Where's your stuff so we can get you out of here?". I stood up and snatched myself away from him. "I'm fine!" I protested. "I was getting there." "Really?" he asked me, raising an eyebrow, "you didn't seem fine just then." he pointed to the floor where I had fallen. His voice was beginning to feel cold. I was beginning to offend him I think. "Well, I am!" I yelled at him. He just looked at me like he couldn't believe what was happening. I couldn't believe it either. The weakness I felt for him when we first met a few days ago never indicated to me I would be yelling at him now. I was beginning to feel exposed, and vulnerable. Marshall had already seen more of me than Michael ever had. I didn't like feeling this way at all.

I think Marshall was trying to figure out what to do or say. I was feeling defensive and guarded. I was NOT happy he was seeing me in such a vulnerable state and can admit when I'm like this I'm impossible to deal with. His face said he was getting angry, but I know he was considering what I had been through today and was trying to be considerate of my feelings. "Alright, if you say you're fine, you're fine." he began, "just go get your stuff and I'll take you home with me okay?" I probably just should have turned around and did what he said but I wasn't feeling exactly compliant in this moment. I wasn't thinking rational thoughts anymore. "Look, you don't need to do this." I said coldly. "I know," he snapped back at me, "but I want to. What are you going to do otherwise? Stay here?" This just pissed me off. I know he was dishing me the attitude I was serving him, but it didn't help the situation at all. "You know what asshole?" I said, my voice raising, "maybe I will!" At this point, I could feel the anger rising in my body like fire. "Marissa, c'mon, stop. You don't mean that, and I know it." he said, he was walking towards me, but I wanted nothing to do with him. I backed away and yelled "You hardly know me! We just fucked one time, I don't need you!". He looked me up and down. I kept forgetting about these fucking clothes of his. Standing right in the same spot I was in I stripped them off, right in front of him. I balled them up and threw them at him as hard as I could. Sadly, they barely made it to his feet. I turned to go to my room because I could feel more tears forming in my eyes and I desperately wanted to be mad at him. I got into my room and I slammed the door as hard as I could. I was totally expecting him to come after me, but instead I heard the front door close.

This did nothing for my mood, I felt worse now than I had all day. I sat on my floor and cried for about fifteen minutes. My best friend was in the hospital, my boyfriend up to three days ago was in jail, and I had managed to push away the only person I still had in my life willing to look out for me. I stopped crying when I realized no one was going to comfort me but myself. I got up, because I sure as hell wasn't staying here. I gathered up clothes, some to put on and some more to take with me. I went into the kitchen and made my best effort to clean the blood up off the floor. I grabbed all the stuff I needed to stay somewhere else, and the bottle of wine I planned to drink to help lull myself off to sleep tonight. I walked out of the house and pulled the door closed behind me with the intention of finding a hotel to stay in for the night.

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