The Music Producer and the Te...

By luv4em26

8.5K 234 26

Marissa, who just got out of a 3 year relationship bumps into a rather handsome music producer who is a speak... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Bleed bitch, bleed!
Chapter 2: I've been a career (day) asshole
Chapter 4: When I'm with you I get the shakes
Chapter 5: You want an intimate date, I wanna intimidate
Chapter 6: Why did we have to breakup? All I asked for was a glass of punch.
Chapter 7: I just drank a fifth of vodka, dare me to drive?
Chapter 8: Now you get to watch him leave out the window...
Chapter 9: I don't think you realize what you mean to me, not the slightest clue
Chapter 10: Maybe you need me
Chapter 11: I'm the light at the end of the tunnel

Chapter 3: It's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us

752 23 1
By luv4em26

The drive home was lost in thought. I thought about the events that had just occurred and if he went home thinking of everything like i did. But i quickly reminded myself that he probably had hit on a few other teachers while waiting for me, if i was even the one he was waiting for.

My recently ended relationship had left me sort of bitter towards the male species. He was my third serious relationship in my life, but it was also the longest. When we met his charm is what drew me in. The only reason i even gave him my number was because he used a completely ridiculous but also hilarious pick up line on me. He usually always kept me laughing. I realized though, especially in the last six months that he had become comfortable and the hopes of marriage were decreasing with each passing day.

I'm not sure how long i had been sitting in out parking lot. My face was wet with tears though. I checked in my visor mirror and i had indeed been crying. When did that happen? Just then my phone rang. I glanced over at it and it was Melissa. I wiped my face and cleared my throat before answering her. "Hello?" I answered. "What the hell are you doing?" Melissa replied, "You've been home for ten minutes." She waited for my response but i didn't want to speak due to the lump forming in my throat. "'Rissa?" she asked, concern in her voice. I couldn't hold back anymore and began hysterically crying. "Okay, okay, I'm coming." she said and she hung up. Not even a minute later she was opening the door to my car and taking me by the hand inside. She hugged me and i continued crying. She didn't even know about Marshall yet, which wasn't the reason i was crying.

I finally looked at her. "I'm such a fucking idiot." i said. "Nah, it's not that bad." Melissa replied. "What did you do to make you think that?" I shot her a look. "Nothing!" i said. "I guess i just kind of miss Mic--" She cut me off, "NO!" she yelled, "No you don't. He was horrible to you. He took advantage of you and your caring nature." She finished."You miss who he used to be, who you thought he was. And maybe his company. But you Marissa Weddington, do NOT miss him." I looked at her. I was pretty sure she was right. I know deep down inside i deserved better. "Thanks," i said, feeling a little better. "I think i needed that." "That's what best friends are for." Melissa replied. "Now, whats got you in this funk anyways?"

I told her everything. I did my best to describe the moment Marshall and I had at the assembly. I attempted to explain how obvious it was that he saw me and everyone in the room noticed. It really did feel like we were the only two there. Then i told her about the parking lot and how he approached me. I reluctantly told her how i gave him my number , even though i was newly single. "Alright!" she shouted. "Wait, you got his number too right?" Honestly, that thought didn't even cross my mind in that moment. "No..." i said, already expecting her reaction. Instead she looked at me kind of confused. "He's leaving for work probably anytime now." i said "He's probably got a woman or two waiting for him in that town already. I don't really wanna be one of many." Now, Melissa was one to joke, she liked to keep things light most of the time, but she also knew when to be serious. She knew this was one of those moments because she knew me better than anyone else and knew my guard was up. "'Rissa," she began "I know you're scared." I couldn't make eye contact because i felt like crying again and didn't want her to see. "There's nothing wrong with being scared either considering the clusterfuck of a relationship you're just getting out of. But this isn't a marriage proposal, just talk to the man, maybe go on a date. Everything doesn't have to be serious, it can be light and fun. Besides, you know you like him and you're seriously fighting the urge to admit it." She waited for my answer. I was scared. Men change. They're never as loyal or compassionate as i am. I always fall quickly and it's usually never returned. Going through all this again for nothing or just to end up in heartache again seemed pointless. "Of course i want to." I finally answered. "If i didn't i wouldn't be such a mess right now." She nodded. "I get it." She replied. "Life is about taking chances though." I just rolled my eyes. "Okay Melissa." I said. "I think I'm going to take a bubble bath." I grabbed a bottle of wine and headed for the bathtub.

The warm water and the citrus sented bubbles is really what I needed after a day like this. As I relaxed in the water I began to feel muscles I didn't even know were tensed relax. I checked my phone for the time: 7:30, but I also noticed a new notification. Part of me really didn't want to be bothered with whatever was waiting for me in my current relaxed state, but another part of me was curious. So I unlocked my phone and and saw it was a new message from a new number. I knew who it was without even checking the message. Who else had I given my number to today? I saw the time on the notification and relazied he must have messaged me as soon as he returned home. That was kind of cute right? I opened the message

H: I enjoyed meeting u today. I hope I c u again soon

I read this a few times. He obviously doesn't text much, he still uses "U" for "you" and "C" for "see". I haven't done that since high school. I rolled my eyes at this. I began to feel the overwhelming urge to reply, but wasn't sure what to say. Just then, I got another message from him.

H: Hey. R U there? I just got on my flight.

M: Yes, I'm here.

H: Hey. How was the rest of ur afternoon?

Do I tell him? I just met him afterall. Was it really a good idea to reveal all the baggage I was currently carrying around? He is still just a stranger.

M: It's been alright. Sorry I missed your first message.

H: That's ok. You're here now.

I tried not to smile at this, but I couldn't fight it. I was enjoying this. I refreshed my wine.

H: So only an alright afternoon?

I relaized I hadn't answered his previous message. A few minutes had passed by. He had asked me, some could say he was even pressing me. So I took the opportunity to spill it.

M: Yea, going through some stuff.

H: I'm sorry. Do u want 2 talk about it?

M: Only if you really want to know.

Just then the phone rang. He was calling me. I had so many butterflies that I almost forgot how to answer the phone. "Hello?" I answered. "So what's going on Marissa?" he answered with that sexy voice of his. I had to catch my breath because in the hours since I had last saw him I forgot what his voice sounded like. "Well," I started, "I just got out of a relationship." He thought about it for a second and then replied "I'm sorry to hear that." "Oh, that's okay." I said. "I broke up with him." I could tell he was carefully considering each response to me before he gave it. I knew he was either trying really hard or he was really afraid of offending me. He took another brief pause, then he asked me "Do you mind if I ask what happened?" So I began to tell him about my newest failed relationship. I told him about our breakup and the ensuing fight that followed. I also revealed to him that I felt no real remorse about it until today. It was so strange to me how he made me feel like I could just tell him anything, and he was a very good listener. "I get it." he finally answered. "I can relate, i've been there. You picked the right time to leave." I was kind of shocked. He had woman issues? "Well, if I had to tell about mine, it's your turn to tell about yours." I said, I was surprised too beacause I was kind of flirting now.

He told me a quite a story. I thought mine was shitty? I had nothing on him. Him and his ex, Kim, had quite a toxic relationship. There were many years of on and off, including a couple marriages and divorces. He didn't go into too much detail, but enough to make me feel better about what had happened with mine. At least I felt not like such a total failure, nor did I feel alone anymore. Finally he said "One day I was just done. I was tired of all the fighting and the drama. She yelled and begged and pleaded with me to stay, but I just left. I didn't look back either. Sometimes she tries to see if i'll come back, but I just ignore her." He stopped finally, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry I asked you to relive that" I said without thinking "It sounds like it's still very painful for you." "Yeah, it is," he replied. "But its a part of who I am." I thought about that for a second then to my surprise I asked him "So, we're still going on that date right?" The tone in his voice instantly got happier. "Of course." he replied. I pulled the phone away from my ear and relized the time, it was much later than I thought. "Wow, I didn't realize how late it is." I said. "I need to get ready for bed." "Well, thanks for the intresting conversation, Marissa." he said. Every time he said my name I felt chills run down my spine. "My pleasure, Marshall." I replied with a chuckle. "I hope I will talk to you again soon." "You most definitley will." he assured me. "Goodnight." I replied with the same and I hung up. I got myself out of the tub and went straight to bed. I felt much better than I did earlier.

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