War God | Kenshin Uesugi x Re...

By dioslut

4.5K 145 18

"I don't have time for women." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

1.1K 46 0
By dioslut

Waking up, you realized this wasn't your room that you were in, yesterday wasn't a dream after all.

Sitting up, you scanned the room and found the man that saved you yesterday sitting beside the futon. He was obviously asleep, sitting up as if it didn't bother him one bit. Examining him further, he was so pale and his hair looked so soft and silky. He was very beautiful. He looked so elegant and peaceful while he slept. Reaching over with your small hand, you went to reach over to touch his cheek when suddenly both of his eyes opened. Seeing a hand by his face, his immediate reaction was to grab your wrist and pin you down so that way he couldn't be touched or possibly harmed.

Pinning you down against the futon, the blonde was between your legs, his elegant eyes staring down at you threateningly. His eyes . . . Were stunning. They were two different colors, one green and the other blue.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?", his voice echoed through the room, obvious anger in it.

"I-I'm sorry! I just— You—" Lost at words, all you could do was stare up at the handsome male on top of you. His eyes still displaying anger within them, this man was truly frightening. Taking a deep breath you calmed yourself and finally spoke.

"My name is (F/N)." Your eyes gently staring into his beautiful orbs, finding your own eyes glued to his. The male slowly started to release you as he sat up, sighing deeply. "My name is Kenshin. Kenshin Uesugi. The God of War." Your heart stopped as he spoke his name, your facial expression giving away completely what you were thinking. 'Kenshin?! There has to be a mistake!'

Slowly you scooted yourself away from him, your body beginning to tremble in fear. "K-Kenshin . . . I've heard of you . . ." Glancing down at your body you realized you were dressed in a fresh kimono, one of his to be exact. Your face went completely red and you covered your chest immediately. "Y-YOU'RE A PERVERT!", You screamed at him, throwing a pillow at him to distract him so you could flee.

Seeing right through your plan, Kenshin blocked the pillow and lounged at you, grabbing your waist and pulling you back down, landing on his lap. "Be quiet you stupid woman, I saved your life and this is how you repay me?! If I wanted to ravish your body and stare upon your nude body I could've done it by now!"

Blinking in surprise of his words, you looked at him and saw a slight dust of pink across his features. "Kenshin . . I'm sorry . . Thank you." Leaning towards his face you placed a delicate kiss upon his soft cheek, his eyes widened in response. Tightening his grip on you, he quickly looked away and placed his hand on his cheek where you kissed him.

"I did see your body, but I did nothing to you but dress you . . . If you don't believe me then examine your body, you'd see scratches or bruises on your body.", His voice was low as if he wasn't comfortable talking about the subject of your body.

"That's okay, I trust you. I appreciate that you took care of me while I had blacked out. I also appreciate your honesty, If there is anything I can do for you to repay you, please tell me.", You smiled at him and patted his hair, gently ruffling his hair.

Kenshin cleared his throat and spoke in his calm voice, "Drink with me." His eyes staring like daggers into yours. That was his request. A very simple and odd one.

"E-Excuse me?", You lifted your eyebrows at the request, rather confused by it.

"Don't make me repeat myself twice, I hate doing that.", He pushed you off his lap and pointed towards a desk across the room. "Under that desk there is a couple bottles of sake and there are cups in the cabinet. Grab them."

You nodded obediently and walked over to the desk, holding the kimono securely to your chest, it was much too big for you and was just slipping off. Your face became flustered but you ignored it and grabbed the sake bottles and cups, walking back over to Kenshin. "Here you go . ."

Gently Kenshin grabbed the bottles and cups, allowing you to fix your kimono. "It appears that kimono is far too big on you, I will send someone to town to buy you one that fits. Your other kimono I had to throw away for obvious reasons."

"Thank you. I appreciate it." Taking a seat beside him, he gave you a cup full of sake and poured himself one as well. You raised the cup to your lips, taking a swig of it and swallowed the heat as if it didn't bother you.

"I've been looking for someone who can drink as much as I can, it's almost impossible for me to get drunk and I need someone who can do the same. That is how you can repay me.", His request was rather simple and you thought you could pass the test. A smirk formed on your lips and you smoke cockily, "I bet I could out drink you!"

A loud laugh emitted from Kenshin's throat as soon as you finished your sentence. Speaking afterwards in his deep tone, "We'll see about that, (F/N)."

Time skip: A few hours later

5 sake bottles laid beside the futon, completely empty. You and Kenshin laid side by side on it, staring at each other with bright pink faces. Your eyes were half lidded as you stared at the gorgeous man. Suddenly you broke out into a fit of laughter for no reason, giggling and examining the males eyes.

"What . . . Is so funny?", He was so confused, touching his face, curious if there was something on his face. His eyes searching your face for some sort of hint as to what was so funny.

"You're really hot . . . Kenshin.", You blurted out, slightly slurring your words. It was painfully obvious you were drunk, you couldn't live up to your word, to out drink the notorious Kenshin. He had out drank you and it was no surprise to him.

His eyes widened at your words, his eyes darting the opposite direction. "Shut up woman, you don't mean the things you're saying. You're just drunk." Starting to sit up, Kenshin started to rub his head, he was starting to develop a headache due to all of the sake. When he did his kimono slightly opened up, exposing his chest.

Your eyes drifted up and down his body, amazed at how truly built he was, and how hot he was. Everything about him was perfect. Or were you just thinking this because your drunk? Looking away embarrassed, you place your hand to your head, "Sorry, it just kind of slipped out . . I shouldn't have drank that much, I should be taking my leave soon, I'm sure my . . . Uh . . . Family is worried." Carefully choosing your words, trying not to tell the enemy that you worked for Nobunaga Oda, Kenshin's sworn enemy.

Blue and green orbs looked over at you, taking in your beautiful appearance. "It would be best if you stayed here (F/N), traveling alone at night and drunk is not safe . . . You know what happened yesterday when you were by yourself." Sighing softly, you glanced at Kenshin, "You're right. If you will have me, I'll stay another night, Handso—." Covering your mouth, you begun to giggle all over again.

Kenshin sighed loudly and shook his head, "You will stay in my bed again, I will stand guard at your bedside."

"There is no need for that. You can sleep on your futon and I will sleep on the floor, after all this is your room and futon. Please." You smiled at him, reassuring that you will be just fine.

"Or you could keep me warm and sleep in it with me . . .", His eyes found yours once more, staring into them for a second before looking at the ground "Maybe I did get a little drunk.", He admitted painfully, his teeth biting roughly down on his lip.

Giggling once more, you placed your hand on your mouth before speaking, "I trust you, I will sleep in your bed. But nothing more, don't let me do anything to you please, I've never been this drunk before." Your cheeks became redder if that was even possible, your eyes also looking  at the ground.

"Fine.", He sighed and moved over on the futon so you had some room on it. "In the morning I will return you to your home."

"Thank you Kenshin."

Authors note:

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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