Never Accept Hitchhikers

By _Danjellogue_

11 1 0

I was so lucky to survive. Unbelievably lucky... More

Never Accept Hitchhikers

11 1 0
By _Danjellogue_

So this event happened to me only last month but my dreams have been haunted ever since the experience and I am more than paranoid to say the least.
Just like every other account, i was completely stoned and had to drive my even more hammered mate back home from a house party. I have always questioned why our friend insists on living literally miles away from his neighbours as the road seems to go on forever when you're drunk as hell and can't keep you're eyes open.
After dropping my mate off after a long, long night, I decided to head home myself. If I didn't step on it, I would have either dozed off or passed out. One of the two.
The one thing I enjoy about the road is that it is completely silent and deserted at this time of night, which is a relief since I dread to think how bad my reactions are when I'm simply pissed drunk. Except not that night. Apparently I was not alone on the road that night.
Right outside my friend's house, I spotted somebody up ahead of my in the headlights of my borderline, barely-passed-its-MOT car. Because of my mental state, I waved ridiculously, assuming it was him but the man replied by sticking his thumb into the road. Luckily, I managed to skid to a halt just in time or else he would have been roadkill. Urgh, a hitchhiker...
I observed the man daftly through my glazed-over eyes; he wore a black business suit, a red bow-tie and a bowler hat that blended in with the pitch-black darkness. His face seemed emotionless and his eyes did not blink, but of course I thought nothing of it. I just wanted to get home.

"Hey. Need a ride. Urgent..." he mumbled in a deep, monotone voice.
For whatever reason, my intoxication led me to open the door and motion him into the back seat. He hurled his briefcase onto the seat before him whilst I sat there gazing at him stupidly. Oh, how I hate alcohol and how I hate myself. As I said, all I wanted was to get home but i was drunk as hell.
"So uh, where exactly are you heading to?" I asked uncomfortably, desperately trying to make conversation.
After a minute with no response, I daringly turned around to face the man I let into my car but returned to the road almost instantly. This man was staring directly at me without even blinking once. You can only imagine how uncomfortable this made me feel. The road had never felt so never ending before with this weirdo in the backseat.
After what felt like hours down the road, he suddenly grabbed my shoulder with enough force to make me scream like a girl. Obviously angered, he squeezed even harder until I stopped the car instantaneously.
The man slowly pointed at a nearby lamp post. "Stop...Right here...Wait..."
he whispered ominously, sending a chill down my spine. I heard a zip fly open but I couldn't pluck the courage to turn my head by an inch, partly because I was frozen in sheer confusion. I was so pissed, I didn't even realize what I had done by letting this shady man into my car.
"S-so why h-here?" I managed to stutter.
"Ask questions, and you'll be sorry..."
Shaking like a leaf, I had no choice but to fumble for the button to unlock his door.
At this point, intoxication turned into pure adrenaline. My heart pounded out of my chest. I felt like I was due to pass out any moment.
The man opened the door and stepped into the darkness. advanced towards a nearby bush while I sat there, dumbfounded, dazed and petrified. He beckoned me to follow him into the bushes but I knew there would be consequences if I didn't obey. I opened the door and shut it hastily with a slam, scaring away one or two crows perched on a tree.
The man continued to beckon me with a long finger while backing further and further into the bushes. His eyes were fixated on mine. His shadow was eerily elongated by the headlights. "Just a little further, this is confidential..."
Although it took me a while, I suddenly saw it. A woman, wearing a dress ripped to shreds, hanging upside down from a tree. I stood there, not knowing what to do. My mind went blank and I was unable to process what was going on until the next moment. Suddenly. I miraculously snapped out of my drunken state and my sense finally returned to me. Slowly, I began to back away. Something glinted in the pocket as he stepped into the headlights. The man pulled out a knife and dangerously crept towards me, his face even more emotionless than before.
"You're next..."
Within seconds, I jumped into my car and clumsily started the engine, the man still strolling in an extremely calm manner towards me. I took off like a rocket, but when I looked back, the man tipped his bowler hat, raised his knife, and returned to the tree.

Perhaps the most disturbing part was that this man had no emotion whatsoever. The blank expression on his face continues to haunt me to this day. I handed over the briefcase to the police which contained other knives which were double the length of the one in his hand. The police found no trace of this man or any evidence of the murder which doesn't help trying to rid the incident from my memory.
That is that last time I am picking up a hitchhiker for a long, long time...

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