A Love Worth Fighting For: A...

By ClementineMyDarling

34.4K 897 857

TWDG The Final Season Fanfic, following the events of Episode 1 "Done Running". Love, deceit, pain (physical... More

Chapter 1: The Morning After
Chapter 2: Just...Talking Quietly
Chapter 3: Lefty
Chapter 4: Surprise Kiss
Chapter 5: Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 6: I Love You
Chapter 8: Newcomer, Troublemaker
Chapter 9: Well, Shall We?
Chapter 11: Vanished
Chapter 12: Gunshot Wounds
Chapter 13: When I Meet Death
Chapter 14: Where We First Met

Chapter 7: Mysterious Figures

2.2K 68 97
By ClementineMyDarling

Louis leaned in and kissed Clem; his soft, inviting lips pressed gently against hers. He began to pull away, but she wasn't finished. She reached up and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him in again. They continued to kiss for another minute. Before he pulled away completely, he leaned in and whispered in Clem's ear.

"I love you, too."

Clem smiled the biggest smile. Louis had the dumbest grin on his face. She was as red as a sunburnt tomato, and he looked like he'd just hit the jackpot.

"Well, Clem. Need anything before I float away on my little cloud of love," he asked, still beaming.

"No, Dr. Louis. Just rest. You wouldn't believe the throbbing... but I expect you to check on me and prescribe me some 'medicine'," she said, winking with her left eye.

"Oh, yes. Dr. Louis Jaiden Smith Jefferson always takes care of his patients," he said, winking back.

"Jefferson, huh? Don't really hear people say their last names too often nowadays. And wasn't Jaiden Smith an actor, and Will Smith's son?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Ms. Comedian-tine," he chuckled. "So what's your full name? Clementine Princess Beautiful Lovely?"

"No, Jaiden Smith. It's actually Clementine Isabelle Jackson," she said matter-of-factly.

"Such a lovely name. Would say my guess was FAR more descriptive of you, though," he responded, raising his eyebrows. "Okay Clem. I'll be back to check on you later."

Louis exited the room. Clem rolled over and smiled. She laid there for a few minutes before she heard the door open again.

"Clem? Are you awake?"

Clem rolled back over and saw Violet standing by her bed. Her arm was still covered in bandages from the previous operation.

"Yeah. What's up? Something wr-.."

As Clem was finishing her sentence, Vi leaned in and quickly kissed her. Clem was taken aback.

"Geez, Vi. You really like surprises, don't you?"

"Only for people I LIKE," Vi said with a smile.

Clem looked seriously at her. She had to put a stop to this. "Look. Vi. Louis and I...pretty soon we're gonna be a thing. Yes, the last time you kissed me, I wasn't sure what to think. But I've had some time to think since then, and... sorry but I'm just not interested in you like that."

Vi looked hurt at first, then scowled. "Fine. I fucking get it," she said as she stormed out of the room.

Clem sighed. She laid her head back down and tried to rest. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep. When she woke up the next morning, she realized A.J. was in her bed, sleeping next to her.

"Hey, Goofball. Wake up."

A.J. rolled over instantly. "Oh, I was already awake. I just wanted to make sure you were safe. How is your eye...?" he asked, a sad look on his face. "It looks REALLY bad."

"Well, thanks for the confidence booster," Clem said with a giggle. "It's still really sore, but nowhere near as bad as it was yesterday."

"Will you ever see out of it? I heard Ruby say she didn't think you would."

Clem sat up and put her hand on his side. "No, A.J. I probably won't be able to see out of it once it heals. And it'll probably make a nasty scar. The...thing that hit me was brutal."

He sat up and leaned against her. She put her arm around him.

"It'll make a good story, though. I'm just glad you're still alive," he said. "Oh, Louis left this for you last night."

A.J. stepped off the bed and grabbed a piece of paper from the bedside table. He handed it to Clem. It was a note from Louis.

"Clem. Wanted to tell you last night, but you were already asleep. I can't stop thinking, longing to tell you again that I love you. So, I love you. See you when you wake up. -Dr. Louis."

She smiled and folded the letter. "Okay, time to head outside and see what everyone's up to," she said to A.J.

The pair walked out of the school and into the courtyard. Clem noticed Louis was up in the watch tower. He saw her coming and scrambled down the ladder. He approached her and hugged her, then gave her a little kiss. Clem looked to her right and noticed Violet, out of the infirmary, gazing at her with a look of disgust.

"So, what's the plan for today, Lou?" Clem asked.

"Welllll, I was going to see how you felt, and see if you were up for starting you first piano lesson. My shift is over for watch, and-." He was cut off as Ruby came over.

"Are we really going to just act like Aasim isn't gone? Like he didn't DIE yesterday? What the hell?" Ruby yelled.

"Okay, Rubes. He's GONE. That's part of the course. We already said we were going to hold a funeral for him tomorrow morning," Louis said.

"I know. I just feel like no one else cares."

"We care, Ruby. We just can't let it rule our lives."

"You're right. I'm gonna go take a walk around the halls. I'll see ya'll later," Ruby said as she sauntered off.

Louis looked back at Clem. "Okay. Now, about that pia-."


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