The Thug & His Gay Designer

By ThaCommunity20

14.1K 449 27

They Are Back Tyler & Deandre But Now They Are Living In New York The Big Apple Nothing Gonna Happen They Are... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 4

1.3K 58 4
By ThaCommunity20

Tyler POV

I got up when I heard my alarm go off did my hygiene put on one of my favorite outfits I made them walked into the kitchen to see Dre making some breakfast he had french toast & eggs made I smiled kissed his lips grabbed my plate & sat down at the table starting eating he poured me a glass of orange juice setting it by my plate I took a swig of it then continued to eat

"So you ready for today?" Dre asked While Taking a bite out of his french toast

I nod my head feeling nervous "Yes but I'm nervous asf babe" I said letting out a deep shaky breathe

He reached across the table grabbing my hand holding it inside his rubbing his thumb across my knuckles "Babe you got this I know you can I've never seen anybody clothing designs like yours their so different & unique only someone so talent & intelligent can come up with such great designs & sketches draw them on paper then create them in person & for them to come out looking exact or better then they are on the paper is wonderful I have faith in you love you got this now I'm gonna go ahead & leave for work have a good day love you babe" He said getting up putting his dishes in the sink walking over to me kissing me then leaving

"Love you too baby you have a good day at work as well" I said finished my breakfast put the dishes in the sink washed them all up & left for work I walked towards the elevated hopped on & took it down to the lobby I got off waving at the security guard walking out the building to my car I got in started it up driving to the company

When I got there I parked got out & walked into the entrance I walked up to the front desk the lady looked up at me "Tyler Weeks right" she said with a smile showing her pearly whites

I nod my head "Yes ma'am" she pulled open a drawer reaching her hand in it then coming out with a name tag in her hand with my name on it

I grabbed "Thank you Ms Sherry"

"You're welcome hun you can go on up sweetie you remember how to get to her office" she asked I nod my head & proceed to the elevator

I got on & took it to the 34th floor got off when it stopped & walked to her office I knocked before I entered when I heard her voice welcoming me In I opened the door walking in closing it behind me

"Tyler goodmorning love how are you?" I smiled waving

"Morning I'm good" I said walking to her desk taking a seat in one of the chairs

She crossed her hands on top of her desk leaning forward smiling brightly "So here's the task for a few weeks ok so Fall is coming up & I always throw events everytime the seasons change so what I would love for you to do cause I already know that your gonna do it better then I imagined how would you like to design me 12 Fall outfits for me"

I nod my head smiling "Yes I would love to do that"

She smiled clapping her hands together "Great now when I saw your designs I noticed a few designs that I want you to use Bout 3 or 4 of them it would just leave you 8 designs to do may I see your design book so I can show you" I nod pulling it out my bag handing it to her

She opened it & pointed to 4 designs "Can you use them when I saw these I knew you would be the best person for this task"

"Yes ma'am I can" I said

"Good I personally took my time out to make sure that your office is next to mine so if you need anything feel free to buzz me or come in my office anytime ok" I nod & she hands me my book back I grabbed setting it in my lap

"Ok so instead of you going out that door there's a door right there you can go through & it goes straight to your office" she said pointing at a door beside a big tall wooden stand with different books all shapes & sizes on the shelves that's behind her desk over on the wall in the corner

"Ok thanks Ms Grace again for this opportunity you won't be disappointed" I said gathering my things making my way towards the door

"You're welcome love & I know you won't disappoint me cause I see a lot of potential in you one day we're gonna have our meeting so I can run it all down to you but for now go have fun play your music do anything you do for you to concentrate & by the way call me Grace or G.G for short" she said smiling

I nod smiling back waved then walked through the door into my office I closed the door behind me it was big just like hers I had my own tv, couch, small fridge, coffee maker, bathroom, sink, desk, laptop, etc look at me blabbing on about everything I walked to my desk & sat down placing my things on top I looked around still in awe & noticed a big full body mirror by the couch I walked over looking at myself smiling

I pulled out my phone recording myself in the mirror doing a little dance & a little twerk then recorded my office after I was done I sent it to Dre Connor & Jarvis then went back to my desk sat down went to my music & started playing it then notice a nice ass radio with a aux cord I plugged it up hooked my phone to it & let my music play just to the volume to where I can only hear it

I pulled out my pouch with my color pencils markers pens regular pencils erasers & sharpener I opened my design book & got started on my designs 50 minutes later in on my 2nd design I got 3 texts back to back

Connor text saying "Yessss babes I loves do the damn ting sugar your office cute do great on your designs & have a good day at work see you later hun💜😘"

Jarvis text saying "Good job Lil TyTy kick ass on them designs lil cuz have a good day at work see you when you get off be safe💪🏾❤️"

Dre text saying "Congratulations baby I'm proud of you show them what Tyler Weems is about gonna let daddy get them cakes later😏😏 have fun be safe & do great love you babe see you later😘❤️"

I smiled & text them all back thinking them then went back to finishing my work 3 hours later I got a buzz from Grace saying I can go on break I looked at my progress seeing the 5 designs I have done already I went to the small fridge & to my surprise it was full of snacks drinks & food thank god cause I didn't bring nothing to eat & didn't feel like to go buy anything I grabbed a cuban & soda then looked in the cabinets searching for cups not only did I find cups but I found bowls silver wear & more snacks I grabbed a bag of chips warmed my cuban in the microwave I took it out when it off walked to my desk said a prayer & began eating I heard a knock at the door

"Come in" I said looking up to see who it was in walked a dude he waved walking to my desk

"Hey whats up I'm Devin you must be Tyler" he said then held out his hand

I nod shaking his hand " Hey nice to meet you Devin"

"May I sit" he asked pointing at a chair I nod & he sits

"So hows your first day going" he asked

"Going good so far I love Grace" I said smiling taking a bite out of my sandwich

He nods agreeing with me "Yeah she's a wonderful boss she's been good to me & my husband the 6 years we've been working here for now"

"Oh you're married that's so sweet how long have you been married" I asked looking at my engagement ring smiling thinking of my wedding that's gonna happen soon

"8 years we've been friends since middle school started dating in high school then he proposed to me after graduation got married a year later on the same day he proposed & been happily married ever since" he said smiling

"That's so sweet can't wait until mine" I said showing him my ring

"Oh congratulations how long you been engaged"

"Almost a year now he proposed after graduation as well I Just love him so much I started off as the new kid at the school then became his tutor & from there it was the best thing I've ever done besides all the bullshit we went through I'm glad I met him" i said reminiscing

"Awwwww so sweet & cute maybe me & my husband can come over one day also don't worry about it The fridge goes empty every Friday they change the food & drinks around they throw away the stuff you don't want & fill it up with what you want don't worry you'll see every Thursday we get a new list of what we want in our fridge then place it on Ms Sherry desk at the end of the day.... well break is almost over & im gonna go ahead & finish these designs for the children wear in elementary have fun & welcome Tyler nice meeting you" he said holding his hand out

"Nice meeting you as well Devin & thanks for the info" I said shaking his hand he nod & with that he was out the office

I finished up my food threw the trash away then went back to my designs 3 hours later I got a buzz from Grace saying whenever I'm done I could go home & she would see me in the morning

I finished up my last design then packed up my things walked out my office to the elevator & took it down to the lobby I got off waved at Ms Sherry walking out the building to my car got in started it up & drove home

When I got there I parked got out & made my way inside the apartment complex I waved at the security guard walking to the elevator I got on took it to my floor I got off going to my apartment I put the key in unlocking it going inside to see Dre laying on the couch in just gym shorts sleep with one hand inside his gym shorts & other arm under his head

I smirked placed my bag down quietly on the counter then walked quietly over to him & straddled his lap carefully not take wake him leaned down then kissed his lips waking him up he fluttered his eyes open looking up at me to see my smile he smirked leaned up & kissed me back with some tongue in it then a knock at the door interrupted us we pulled apart

"Come in" we both said the door opened in walked Connor & Jarvis

"Hey you guys" Connor said waving

"Wassup yall" Jarvis said closing the door behind him

I climbed off Dre & he sat up "Hey" I said waving

"Soooo how was your first day hun" Connor asked going to sit at one of the tall chairs at the counter o walked towards him & took a seat next to him

"It went by great & smoothly I'm already on my first task of designing fall outfits my boss Grace had picked 4 outfits I already had in my drawn down in my book so I had to make 8 more" I said

They congratulated me I turned to look at Dre who was on the couch playing the game with Jarvis "Baby we hungry" I said talking about me & Connor they looked at us after pausing the game seeing both of us rubbing our stomachs giving them the same look

"What y'all want to eat" they both said rolling they eyes we laughed cause they hate when we do that

We shrugged "Surprise us" we both said

Jarvis jumped up "Ight bruh we gonna take y'all to the restaurant we told y'all about & I better not get no talk back either" he said pointing at us while Dre got up went to go change into something more comfortable & presentable then came back out with his keys wallet & phone before we left I made us all stand in front of the full body mirror me & Connor in front of them we they hands wrapped around each our waist & I took some pics

"Alright y'all ready to go" Dre said stretching out his arms I nod & we left to go eat


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